Education Quotes

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Students who acquire large debts putting themselves through school are unlikely to think about ch...
Students who acquire large debts putting themselves through school are unlikely to think about changing society. When you trap people in a system of debt, they can't afford the time to think. #Thought #Change
Governments want efficient technicians, not human beings, because human beings become dangerous t...
Governments want efficient technicians, not human beings, because human beings become dangerous to governments - and to organized religions as well. That is why governments and religious organizations seek to control education. #Government #OrganizedReligion
None of your thoughts are really yours, Thought is something that you generate from implanted inf...
None of your thoughts are really yours, Thought is something that you generate from implanted information, The way you think right now depends on the kind of family you were born in, parents you had, education, society, social background, religious b #Nurturing #Society
Education, above all, is to know the joy of wondering about life, not having ready-made answers f...
Education, above all, is to know the joy of wondering about life, not having ready-made answers for everything, ready-made answers are religion #Joy #Life
The essence of education is to enhance your perception in such a way that you are able to perceiv...
The essence of education is to enhance your perception in such a way that you are able to perceive a blade of grass being as important as the coconut tree, it is different, not less important #Perception #Education
The essence of education is to enhance your perception in such a way that you are able to perceiv...
The essence of education is to enhance your perception in such a way that you are able to perceive a blade of grass being as important as the coconut tree, it is different, not less important #Perception #Education
if you're not in competition with me, you would explore the possibilities of what you could do an...
if you're not in competition with me, you would explore the possibilities of what you could do and maybe we don't know, you could fly. I can walk fast, maybe you could fly, but you will miss out the possibility of flying because you're in competition #Competition #Possibility
only when a human being is in a very extended periods of joyfulness, blissfulness, he will stretc...
only when a human being is in a very extended periods of joyfulness, blissfulness, he will stretch himself to the limits and do what he could do to the fullest. When he's in competition, when he's in fear of failure, he will only do little better tha #Competition #Truth
Education is not just an accumulation of information but essentially about enhancing one's abilit...
Education is not just an accumulation of information but essentially about enhancing one's ability to perceive #EnhancingPerception #LifeEnhancement
Learning is not about earning but a way of flowering
Learning is not about earning but a way of flowering #Learning #Growth
Education and spiritual process should not be in the hands of prejudiced minds. Prejudice means n...
Education and spiritual process should not be in the hands of prejudiced minds. Prejudice means not seeing life the way it is #Education #Life
Your property, your education, your beliefs, everything will drop when you drop this body. The on...
Your property, your education, your beliefs, everything will drop when you drop this body. The only thing that goes beyond this body is your awareness #Death #Belief
Modern education is purely informative - there is no inspiration. Without inspiration, no human b...
Modern education is purely informative - there is no inspiration. Without inspiration, no human being raises beyond the limitations in which he lives. It's only when he's inspired that a human being wants to go beyond the limitations in which he exis #GoBeyondLimits #Limitation
The quality of your life is not determined by the clothes you wear, the educational qualification...
The quality of your life is not determined by the clothes you wear, the educational qualifications you carry, the family background you come from or the bank balances you hold. Rather, the quality of your life depends upon how peaceful and joyous you #Life #Wisdom
Education is not about loading a child with information. It is not oriented towards anything. It ...
Education is not about loading a child with information. It is not oriented towards anything. It is just to develop the body and mind to the highest possible capability and allowing the system to rise to its highest possible peak. #Transformation #Mind