TU Dortmund
Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum
Patterns, which are based on in-depth practical experience, can be instructing for the design of groupware applications as sociotechnical systems. On the basis of a summary of the concept of patterns -as it was elaborated by the architect... more
The notion of roles is common to sociology, organizational management and computer science. Although these disciplines partially converge in the field of computersupported cooperative work, their different perspectives on roles remain... more
- by Isa Jahnke
For the successful development of sociotechnical systems it is essential that various stakeholders are able to integrate their different knowledge and perspectives. The communication-oriented method "sociotechnical Walkthrough (STWT)"... more
- by Isa Jahnke
Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI Global of the trademark or registered trademark.
Within a series of practical projects to introduce knowledge management systems in small or medium-sized enterprises (SME), we realized the need to reconsider current guidelines such as the European Guide to good Practice in Knowledge... more
- by Isa Jahnke
Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag zeigt in einem integrativen Ansatz, welche technischen Entwicklungen zur sozialen Kultivierung einer internet-unterstützten Community sinnvoll und notwendig sind. Anhand einer Fallstudie (Inpud-Community) wird... more
This contribution describes results of an empirical study based on interviews with experts in "course guidance" at three European Universities. The sharing of knowledge about course guidance at the Universities is only fragmental and not... more
- by Isa Jahnke
This contribution describes the Online-Community INPUD. The authors´ point of view is to explain the online community as an approach to cultivate knowledge transfer. The case study gives insights into the relations of informal structures,... more
The contribution describes a community at an university with regard to the concepts of regional and online communities as well as the three dimensions of interactions such as transactional, cooperative and collaborative interactions. The... more
How do the Internet and new interactive web-based tools, for example wikis and discussion boards, affect people and their behavior in organizations? This chapter will show the emergence of social structures in Internet-based systems over... more
- by Isa Jahnke
The Web 2.0 is often characterized by an informal participation, which means a free cooperation of as many as possible without any restraints from organizations, processes, or technical platforms. In contrast to public communities, an... more
- by Isa Jahnke