The urban environment, as a producer and a product of social relations, serves as a platform where the logics of capitalism, the market, labor exploitation, colonialism, and atriarchy, prevailing in the encompassing society, become...
moreThe urban environment, as a producer and a product of social relations, serves as a platform where the logics of capitalism, the market, labor exploitation, colonialism, and atriarchy, prevailing in the encompassing society, become tangible. These hegemonicogics find expression within the urban context, manking the city a stage for various forms of social, political, economic, and cultural conflicts, leading to the marginalization of specific groups and the denial of their complete urban rights. Against this backdrop, the present dissertation delves into the urban territoriality of the LGBTIQ+ community, one of the groups that experience social marginalization materialized through territories, with the primary objective to discern the physical and socio-historical characteristics intricately involved in the configuration of Territories of Fear, Territories of Death, Territories of Coexistence, and Territories of Resistance, constituted by/for gender and sexuality dissidentes within the urban landscape. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research proposes a cartographic analysis of these four categories of territories, exploring the influencing factors shaping the formation and distribution of these distinct spaces, which serve as domains for living, self-expression, and the oppression experienced by the LGBTIQ+ Community in the city of Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.