Has ever learned 是什麼意思
“Has learned” = ha aprendido
“Has ever [-ado/ido]“ = ha [-ed] en algún momento de su vida
“Has ever learned” = ha aprendido ____ en algún momento de su vida
Solo se usa como pregunta, pregunta implicada, o negación. Por ejemplo:
Pregunta: Has Lily ever learned how to swim? (¿Ha aprendido Lili a nadar en algún momento de su vida?)
Pregunta implicada: I wonder if Lily has ever learned how to swim. (Me pregunto si Lili ha aprendido a nadar en algún momento de su vida.)
Negación: I don’t think Lily has ever learned how to swim. (No creo que Lili haya aprendido a nadar en ningún momento se su vida.)
“Has ever [-ado/ido]“ = ha [-ed] en algún momento de su vida
“Has ever learned” = ha aprendido ____ en algún momento de su vida
Solo se usa como pregunta, pregunta implicada, o negación. Por ejemplo:
Pregunta: Has Lily ever learned how to swim? (¿Ha aprendido Lili a nadar en algún momento de su vida?)
Pregunta implicada: I wonder if Lily has ever learned how to swim. (Me pregunto si Lili ha aprendido a nadar en algún momento de su vida.)
Negación: I don’t think Lily has ever learned how to swim. (No creo que Lili haya aprendido a nadar en ningún momento se su vida.)
1. Has gone to
2. Has been to
3. Has been in是什麼意思
2. Has been to
3. Has been in是什麼意思
Has gone to - Он пошёл туда (и он ещё там).
Has been to - Он ходил туда (и вернулся).
Has been in - Имеет значение действия внутрь, и чаще всего испоьзуется, чтобы выразить течение.
My friend has gone to Spain and is having a good time.
My friend has gone to Spain for five days.
My friend has already been to Spain and wants to go again next year.
My friend has already been to Spain twice.
My friend has been in the shop since I arrived.
My friend has been in the shop for half an hour.
Has been to - Он ходил туда (и вернулся).
Has been in - Имеет значение действия внутрь, и чаще всего испоьзуется, чтобы выразить течение.
My friend has gone to Spain and is having a good time.
My friend has gone to Spain for five days.
My friend has already been to Spain and wants to go again next year.
My friend has already been to Spain twice.
My friend has been in the shop since I arrived.
My friend has been in the shop for half an hour.
Has been struck是什麼意思
"struck" is the past participle of the verb "to strike", and so "He has been struck" means he has been hit. It can be used literally - "He has been struck by a car whilst crossing the road" - or figuratively - "He has been struck by the number of trees in the city centre" meaning he has noticed this fact and been surprised or amazed by it.
Has you already started boarding?是什麼意思
Its incorrect.
HAVE you already started boarding?
HAS the boarding already started.
to board means to get inside a train, ship, airplane, bus, etc.
HAVE you already started boarding?
HAS the boarding already started.
to board means to get inside a train, ship, airplane, bus, etc.
"Has" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 Has been 的例句給我。
It has been four months since I last studied Korean.
請提供關於 Has he, now? 的例句給我。
Yes, those are perfect.
請提供關於 Has been. 的例句給我。
“The weather has been warming up recently.”
“She has been staying at home often.”
“The microwave has been beeping for hours now.”
“It has always been my dream to go to this college.”
Make sense?
“She has been staying at home often.”
“The microwave has been beeping for hours now.”
“It has always been my dream to go to this college.”
Make sense?
請提供關於 Has and have 的例句給我。
She has been learning Japanese since 2008.
You have a beautiful hair.
He has a nice car.
I have a red shirt.
You have a beautiful hair.
He has a nice car.
I have a red shirt.
Has had 和 Had had 的差別在哪裡?
Has/have had (present perfecf tense) -
We use it when we want to talk about an action in past that has a consequence or connection to the present. All actions started in the past but something about them still applies in the present time or might change the present or the future.
Ex. She has had too many kebabs that she can't eat no more.
I have had enough of him. I want a break up.
Had had (past perfect tense) - we use it when we want to talk about the past and want to refer about a past time. It's like past times 2.
Also it talks about a past action done before a past action.
Ex. I had had dinner before my mother arrived last night.
When I got home yesterday, I had had the doors unlocked.
We use it when we want to talk about an action in past that has a consequence or connection to the present. All actions started in the past but something about them still applies in the present time or might change the present or the future.
Ex. She has had too many kebabs that she can't eat no more.
I have had enough of him. I want a break up.
Had had (past perfect tense) - we use it when we want to talk about the past and want to refer about a past time. It's like past times 2.
Also it talks about a past action done before a past action.
Ex. I had had dinner before my mother arrived last night.
When I got home yesterday, I had had the doors unlocked.
Has 和 Have 的差別在哪裡?
have se utiliza con I, you, we y they
has se usa con it, she y he
has se usa con it, she y he
Has 和 Have 的差別在哪裡?
I have
you have
they have
we have
We use have with plural subjects.
It has
He has
She has.
we use has with third person singular
you have
they have
we have
We use have with plural subjects.
It has
He has
She has.
we use has with third person singular
Has 和 have 的差別在哪裡?
Has= singular (she, he, it"
Have= plural ( I, we, you, they"
Have= plural ( I, we, you, they"
Has 和 Have 的差別在哪裡?
I - have
you - have
he - has
she - has
it - has
we - have
they - have
you - have
he - has
she - has
it - has
we - have
they - have
"Has" 的翻譯
Has he replied?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Has it already gotten cold over there?用 英語 (英國) 要怎麼說?
“Is it already cold over there?”
Has my English developed a little?
合ってますか?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Has my English developed a little?
合ってますか?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
ただmy English となんかくだけた言い方に、堅苦しいdevelopを使うのが自然なのかどうか。。。
my English skill とか
my skill of English speaking とか
ここで、natural or notで聞いてみてはどうでしょうか?
ただmy English となんかくだけた言い方に、堅苦しいdevelopを使うのが自然なのかどうか。。。
my English skill とか
my skill of English speaking とか
ここで、natural or notで聞いてみてはどうでしょうか?
Has proved to be... or Has proven to be...
proved or proven?
proved or proven?
i would use proved
both are ok to be honest not a huge difference either way
both are ok to be honest not a huge difference either way
1) Has your cold gotten better now?
2) How's your cold?
3) How's the cold doing?
4) How's your cold doing? 聼起來自然嗎?
2) How's your cold?
3) How's the cold doing?
4) How's your cold doing? 聼起來自然嗎?
They all sound fine :)
Has this expired yet?
The date on there is a few weeks ago, but to be honest dried pasta does not really expire anyway, it should be fine well past the date, they are just required to put something on there.
Has she came back? 聼起來自然嗎?
'Has she come back?'
Hasn't he come yet? 聼起來自然嗎?
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- Bihari