difficult colleagues 是什麼意思
difficult colleagues = troublesome, hard to manage, unprofessional co-workers.
Her colleagues badmouth her, but she doesn't care. Or so it seems.
Or so it seems.
why "so" is placed in front of "it seems"???是什麼意思
Or so it seems.
why "so" is placed in front of "it seems"???是什麼意思
So it seems. It seems so. These are equivalent.
"It seems so" is very direct, simply matter-of-fact.
"So it seems" is less matter-of-fact.
Saying it this way can signal that there is some additional feeling (uncertainty, suspense, worry, confusion, disapproval, disappointment, or resignation, etc.) .
Or, it's just another way to say "it seems so" that is less boring!
"It seems so" is very direct, simply matter-of-fact.
"So it seems" is less matter-of-fact.
Saying it this way can signal that there is some additional feeling (uncertainty, suspense, worry, confusion, disapproval, disappointment, or resignation, etc.) .
Or, it's just another way to say "it seems so" that is less boring!
I was luckier than one of my colleagues, who became so stressed out because of ovenvork that he had a NERVOUS BREAKDOWN是什麼意思
A nervous breakdown is a serious mental health problem.
He was above denying his colleagues' share in the credit.是什麼意思
Deny in here means to not give. So the sentence here means that he wanted to share the credit with his colleagues for the work they did.
your colleague will "cut you a lot of slack" with respect to ~~~是什麼意思
Hmm to cut someone some slack is like giving someone a easier time rather than a hard time. So if your colleague is cutting you some slack they're making you work/job easier for you.
Does that make sense?
Does that make sense?
"Colleague" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 Colleague.
Example,We are colleagues. 的例句給我。
Example,We are colleagues. 的例句給我。
I don't know anything about this, but I'm sure my colleague here can help you.
We're having a small drinks party for one of our colleagues who's leaving next week.
Her work is highly esteemed by all her colleagues.
Please read this memo carefully and hand it on to your colleagues.
His colleagues became suspicious when he did not appear at work, since he was always punctual.
We're having a small drinks party for one of our colleagues who's leaving next week.
Her work is highly esteemed by all her colleagues.
Please read this memo carefully and hand it on to your colleagues.
His colleagues became suspicious when he did not appear at work, since he was always punctual.
請提供關於 colleague 的例句給我。
Thank you for ypur answer.
請提供關於 colleague / co-worker 的例句給我。
The professor in in the conference room with his colleagues.
I'm going to have dinner with my co-workers.
I'm going to have dinner with my co-workers.
請提供關於 I see many colleagues always use" Should you have any question, feel free to contact to me" in our emails. Is there any other ways to express it clearly? 的例句給我。
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to turn to someone else. (Kurt Cobain).
colleague 和 cowoker 的差別在哪裡?
They mean the day thing. colleague is a more formal way of saying it. It is also used for more prestigious jobs, such as a professor or another professional. Coworker is less formal. For example if you worked at a restaurant you would say coworker. But if you worked as a doctor or lawyer you would say Colleague.
When my colleagues are taking their vacation, they sometimes ask me to cover for them. 和 When my colleagues take their vacation, they sometimes ask me to cover for them. 的差別在哪裡?
The first one sounds a bit like the co-workers ask you to cover for them when they've already begun their vacations.
The second one clearly means that your colleagues ask you to cover for them before they leave for vacation.
But, I must admit that I thought both sentences had the second meaning the first time I read them.
The second one clearly means that your colleagues ask you to cover for them before they leave for vacation.
But, I must admit that I thought both sentences had the second meaning the first time I read them.
me and some of my colleagues 和 some of my colleagues and I 的差別在哪裡?
@manger You're welcome. I can add that some would say that there is a "rule" that one should say "my colleagues and me" as an object instead of "me and my colleagues," i.e., should always put other people first. But it's not really a rule of grammar, more just a question of politeness or manners or style, and lots of native speakers will say "me and my friends" instead of "my friends and me" for an object. Indeed, the Corpus of Contemporary American English lists only twelve instances of "my colleagues and me" in academic and news contexts, but it lists 21 instances of "me and my colleagues," and hundreds of "me and my [n]" objects where [n] is a noun designating a person (e.g., friend, brother, neighbor). I didn't check for the nominative (subject) counterparts, as that's clear.
colleagues 和 classmates 的差別在哪裡?
Colleagues are your coworkers. Meaning people who work with you. Classmates are people who are in the same class as you.
colleague 和 coworker 和 associate 的差別在哪裡?
Colleague is someone who is part of something in common with you, like a fellow student or club member.
Coworker is also a colleague, but more specifically someone who works in the same place as you.
Associate is a business partner. I usually hear about those when speaking of law firms, but it can apply to any kind of business endeavour.
Coworker is also a colleague, but more specifically someone who works in the same place as you.
Associate is a business partner. I usually hear about those when speaking of law firms, but it can apply to any kind of business endeavour.
"Colleague" 的翻譯
when I suddenly meet my old colleague on the street and we have not see for a fews years, which I should say ? "what are the odds !","what a conincidence !"用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
I would say OMGG long time no see , how are you doing these days ?
When my colleague is doing business with clients can I say “she is receiving guest”? Does it sound natural?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
She is with clients.
仕事仲間(一緒に創作したりチームを組んで何かを作るなど)は"colleagues"かwork associate"どちらが適切でしょうか。用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
I would like to welcome all my friends and colleagues.
colleague用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
my colleague asks me : you finish your working day ? And I wanna say : even my working day doesn’t start. Is my anwser right?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
My work day hasn't started.
I was asked by a colleague to check something in the system that she doesn't have access to. But I found out that I don't have access to it either. How can I put it other than saying I don't have access.
“I don’t have means to access”
“It’s inaccessible for me as well”
“I don’t have the authority to view”
“It’s inaccessible for me as well”
“I don’t have the authority to view”
"she won't talk to her colleagues to intimidate them, it works (to, for) some."
which preposition is correct?
which preposition is correct?
It works for some. This means "for some people this behavior works"
I was asked by my colleague,”Do you agree to have lunch with me?”I answered “I agree with you. “ 聼起來自然嗎?
× I was asked by my colleague,”Do you agree to have lunch with me?
✓ My colleague asked "Do you want to have lunch with me?"
× ”I answered “I agree with you.
✓ I answered “Sure/I want to/Sure, let's go/Let's have lunch together."
✓ My colleague asked "Do you want to have lunch with me?"
× ”I answered “I agree with you.
✓ I answered “Sure/I want to/Sure, let's go/Let's have lunch together."
I stood up my colleague who was being harassed.
And I also received harassment. So we appealed to my boss but he didn't do anything. 聼起來自然嗎?
And I also received harassment. So we appealed to my boss but he didn't do anything. 聼起來自然嗎?
× I stood up my colleague who was being harassed.
✓ I stood up for my colleague who was being harassed.
× So we appealed to my boss but he didn't do anything.
✓ We appealed to my boss but he didn't do anything.
✓ I stood up for my colleague who was being harassed.
× So we appealed to my boss but he didn't do anything.
✓ We appealed to my boss but he didn't do anything.
Finally my colleague infected Covid-19.
He had PCR test this morning, and the result was positive. He already tried antigen test in advance. The result also indicated positive.
Fortunately his symptom is not serious, just sore throat only. Virus is approaching accordingly.
He had PCR test this morning, and the result was positive. He already tried antigen test in advance. The result also indicated positive.
Fortunately his symptom is not serious, just sore throat only. Virus is approaching accordingly.
× Finally my colleague infected Covid-19.
✓ Finally my colleague got infected with Covid-19.
× He had PCR test this morning, and the result was positive.
✓ He took a PCR test this morning, and the result was positive.
× He already tried antigen test in advance.
✓ He had already tried/done an antigen test in advance.
× Fortunately his symptom is not serious, just sore throat only.
✓ Fortunately his symptoms are not serious, just a sore throat (only).
What do you want to express in the last sentence? It's a bit difficult to understand. But the rest is easy to understand!
✓ Finally my colleague got infected with Covid-19.
× He had PCR test this morning, and the result was positive.
✓ He took a PCR test this morning, and the result was positive.
× He already tried antigen test in advance.
✓ He had already tried/done an antigen test in advance.
× Fortunately his symptom is not serious, just sore throat only.
✓ Fortunately his symptoms are not serious, just a sore throat (only).
What do you want to express in the last sentence? It's a bit difficult to understand. But the rest is easy to understand!
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