the devil take it是什麼意思
It's a slightly rude condemnation of something. It means you don't want it, you don't like it, you wouldn't care if Satan came up from hell and stole it
Speak of the devil是什麼意思
It's a shorter version of the saying "Speak of the devil, and he appears." It's something you can say when a person arrives during the same time you were talking about them.
devil's advocate是什麼意思
A person who is arguing to just argue about something that is not popular or against what you said. It also could be talking about religious leaders or an American movie about a lawyer.
you old devil是什麼意思
오랜 친구가 장난처럼 행동 아니면 놀랍고 영리한 행동을 등 하면 "You old devil"이라고 할 수 있어요. 다정한 뜻이에요.
speak of the devil 是什麼意思
it is mostly used when you are talking about someone, and then they appear. However, most people only use it when they don't like that person, and they show up.
"Devil" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 Speak of the devil 的例句給我。
Clair to Steve: "Jim is a great guy! You should meet him." Jim is not there.
A moment later, Jim arrives.
Clair: "Speak of the devil, here he is."
A moment later, Jim arrives.
Clair: "Speak of the devil, here he is."
請提供關於 speak of the devil
“My neighbor is really stupid”
*neighbor walks in*
“Ahh speak of the devil”
*neighbor walks in*
“Ahh speak of the devil”
請提供關於 devil's advocate 的例句給我。
The devil's advocate comes from medieval church courts, and was an official who would put the case for the devil. 🙀😬😈
(In Latin it is advocatus diaboli. An advocate is like a lawyer here.)
Of course, a church official would not really speak for the devil, but it was to test the "good" case.
So, today a devil's advocate tests an argument by pointing out the opposite point of view, or the downside of something.
"If I can just play devil's advocate for a moment, what is the point of education?"
(In Latin it is advocatus diaboli. An advocate is like a lawyer here.)
Of course, a church official would not really speak for the devil, but it was to test the "good" case.
So, today a devil's advocate tests an argument by pointing out the opposite point of view, or the downside of something.
"If I can just play devil's advocate for a moment, what is the point of education?"
請提供關於 The devil into the details 的例句給我。
used for saying that something may seem simple, but in fact the details are complicated and likely to cause problems
“The Irish economy is performing strongly, but the devil is in the detail.”
“The Irish economy is performing strongly, but the devil is in the detail.”
請提供關於 speak of the devil 的例句給我。
It is an idiom. The full version is: "speak of the devil and he doth appear" (speak of the devil and he shall appear).
We use it when we are talking about someone and they suddenly appear.
(Situation: maybe an office or classroom)
Person 1: "John and I had a pleasant conversation this morning. Have you spoken to him today?"
Person 2: "No. I last saw him yesterday. He's very friendly though."
(At this point John enters the room)
Person 1 and/or 2: Speak of the devil! We were just talking about you!
John: Only good things I hope!
We use it when we are talking about someone and they suddenly appear.
(Situation: maybe an office or classroom)
Person 1: "John and I had a pleasant conversation this morning. Have you spoken to him today?"
Person 2: "No. I last saw him yesterday. He's very friendly though."
(At this point John enters the room)
Person 1 and/or 2: Speak of the devil! We were just talking about you!
John: Only good things I hope!
I knew she is devil. 和 knew she would devil. 的差別在哪裡?
devil 和 demon 的差別在哪裡?
I think this is a more difficult question to answer.
In some religions there are demons ( plural)
In some religions there is ONE devil and many different versions of the devil.
In Christian tradition the Devil was originally an Angel
that fell from grace and became the Devil Lucifer.
The original Greek word for demon - daimon did NOT have negative connotations
But other religious ideas do think of demons and the devil as having negative connotations
and are associated with Evil.
In some religions there are demons ( plural)
In some religions there is ONE devil and many different versions of the devil.
In Christian tradition the Devil was originally an Angel
that fell from grace and became the Devil Lucifer.
The original Greek word for demon - daimon did NOT have negative connotations
But other religious ideas do think of demons and the devil as having negative connotations
and are associated with Evil.
#1 devil 和 #2 demon 的差別在哪裡?
"Devil" is usually used to refer to "the devil" who is the ruler of Hell. "Demons" are creatures from Hell
devil 和 demon 的差別在哪裡?
devil 和 demon 的差別在哪裡?
Devil is another word for Satan.
Demon is an evil spirit but can be also used to describe satan
Demon is an evil spirit but can be also used to describe satan
"Devil" 的翻譯
devil用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
thank you
speak of the devil.用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
what does devil advocate mean用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Devil's advocate, just means one who agress on both sides of an argument. Example: "I understand the both of you can't agree, but I will play devil's advocate."
devil用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
devil what men's in hindi用 英語 (英國) 要怎麼說?
devil means bhoot
what's a "devil proof"?!!
devil = someone very evil or wicked; someone who has tricked you
devil's proof = a situation where you cannot prove something is true even though it is impossible for it to be false
devil's proof = a situation where you cannot prove something is true even though it is impossible for it to be false
"Speak of the devil"
I'm wondering if another word could come instead of "the devil" but It should mean the same above
I'm wondering if another word could come instead of "the devil" but It should mean the same above
No, “speak of the devil” is a set phrase.
The devil is in the details.Is this phrase often used on a regular basis? 聼起來自然嗎?
When I pictured the devil to myself I could easily imagine him on the street below, disguised or undisguised, or at the country fair or in a bar, but never at home with us.
This is a sentence from a novel. In this, why does the writer use 'the street below' instead of 'the street'?
This is a sentence from a novel. In this, why does the writer use 'the street below' instead of 'the street'?
When she had these thoughts, she may have been in an apartment or an upper floor where she could see the street below her. Does that make sense?
"Speak of the devil" , is it used many times in a casual talk?
It's not very common nowadays. I think it's a generational idiom and is seldom used.
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