The other drivers were nettled about the ease with which our car ascended the tortuous road. 是什麼意思
(nettled about = annoyed because of) (nettled about the ease= annoyed because of how easy an action is completed)
Recently, drivers have reported numerous problems with company vehicles, most of which are outdated.是什麼意思
company vehicles - the vehicles that the company owns, and lets people, probably their employees drive.
outdated - old, obsolete
Recently, the people that drive the vehicles owned by the company have reported many problems with the vehicles, most of which are old-fashioned when compared to modern vehicles.
*I keep editing that last part, I don't know the best way to word that.
outdated - old, obsolete
Recently, the people that drive the vehicles owned by the company have reported many problems with the vehicles, most of which are old-fashioned when compared to modern vehicles.
*I keep editing that last part, I don't know the best way to word that.
the driver did donuts是什麼意思
If we need to tip the driver or your guide or restaurant...
(What does tip mean here???)是什麼意思
(What does tip mean here???)是什麼意思
money to give as reward of a service
the younger drivers speeding down the road是什麼意思
speeding= driving too fast
"Driver" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 The driver of the grader claimed that he could aligning unsurfaced earthen roads. 的例句給我。
請提供關於 driver's license 的例句給我。
The police officer asked for my driver’s license after pulling me over.
I needed to renew my driver’s license.
I passed the driver’s test, meaning I had received my driver’s license.
Often times driver’s license is referred to simply as a license.
It allows you to drive legally.
I needed to renew my driver’s license.
I passed the driver’s test, meaning I had received my driver’s license.
Often times driver’s license is referred to simply as a license.
It allows you to drive legally.
請提供關於 I want to join with them.But it's not do that because I don't take the drivers licence…shit:( 的例句給我。
I don't really understand your question, but I will try to help you the best I can!
Example 1:
I want to join them, but I haven't took my drivers license test.
Example 2:
I want to join them, but I don't have my drivers license yet.
Example 1:
I want to join them, but I haven't took my drivers license test.
Example 2:
I want to join them, but I don't have my drivers license yet.
The driver is alleged to have been driving at 110 miles an hour. 和 The driver is alleged to had been driving at 110 miles an hour. 的差別在哪裡?
The driver is alleged to had been driving at 110 miles an hour is incorrect.
The driver is alleged to HAVE been driving at 110 miles an hour. (O)
The driver is alleged to HAD been driving at 110 miles an hour. (X)
The driver is alleged to HAVE been driving at 110 miles an hour. (O)
The driver is alleged to HAD been driving at 110 miles an hour. (X)
I got a driver's license. 和 I got my driver's license. 的差別在哪裡?
In general everyday speech they mean the same thing.
Otherwise, I got my driver’s license would suggest you already had it and went somewhere to physically get it.
Otherwise, I got my driver’s license would suggest you already had it and went somewhere to physically get it.
The driver narrowly averted a crash. 和 The driver hardly averted a crash. 的差別在哪裡?
: In both situations the driver put a big effort in averting the accident, but in both situations the fate, the destiny did the rest to prevent the accident from happening. In the sentence with 'narrowly' the pitch is on a stroke of benevolent good luck that said 'you are safe, Joe, all's well that ends well' with a smiling face. In the sentence with 'hardly' the pitch is on an upset good luck that said 'look, Joe, you are safe now, but you know, this time you abused my kindness' with an upset face. Recapping, in these two sentences 'narrowly' and 'hardly' convey a different idea about what was the 'mood' of the fate that helped the driver avert the accident. So, to answer your last question, both the sentences are correct, but they convey a slightly different pitch.
Technically speaking, narrowly talks about a very tiny difference, while hardly talks about an almost not existing difference (implying the difference is very tiny). So, in a way, while narrowly is kind of neutral about the difference, in that it reports the difference is tiny, instead hardly says the difference is almost nonexistent, in that the importance is not the difference but that the quantities should be thought of as essentially the same to all practical purposes.
Technically speaking, narrowly talks about a very tiny difference, while hardly talks about an almost not existing difference (implying the difference is very tiny). So, in a way, while narrowly is kind of neutral about the difference, in that it reports the difference is tiny, instead hardly says the difference is almost nonexistent, in that the importance is not the difference but that the quantities should be thought of as essentially the same to all practical purposes.
The driver can be downloaded at this website. 和 The driver can be downloaded from this website. 的差別在哪裡?
As I see it. I don't think there really is a real important difference between the two. I would say that the correct form of this phrase would be : The driver can be downloaded at this website. The other form is also correct but it implies that the specific driver you are speaking about can ONLY be downloaded FROM that website.
driver's licence 和 driver's permit 的差別在哪裡?
Permit is usually for people under 18, they can't drive on their own, there has to be a license barer in the car. The permit doesn't allow driving at night, in snow, in rain, etc. While a license allows you to do all that (over age of 18)
"Driver" 的翻譯
When I ask driver the correct fee.用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
When I ask driver the correct fee.用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
"It's $1.25, right?" or "$1.25, right?"
If some driver keep starting their engine, not to move the vehicle but merely to make some noise, which verb should be used to match the noun engine? blow the engine? Or Ruiz the engine?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Neither. We say “rev the engine”.
Ex. The driver was revving his engine.
Ex. The driver was revving his engine.
(Talking to a driver)
Please don't me off here. A little farther please.用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Please don't me off here. A little farther please.用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Further can also be used.
It means that it’s necessary for you to go farther on the road or farther on the driveway.
It means that it’s necessary for you to go farther on the road or farther on the driveway.
I’m a driver, a policeman stops me on road side to look up my vehicle, if he asks me questions about my car license, registration ...... may I reply him « My car is in law sir » or « my car is in rule sir » or other sentence 😁
Thanks 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Thanks 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
no, but you can say "everything is by the book"
driver用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Could you please correct my English?
I went to change my Japanese drivers license to Canadian drivers license. I don't plan to drive here, but a drivers license is useful as an ID card. I got a translation of my Japanese drivers license that I asked to Japanese consulate the other day and took it. It took about 30 minutes before reception and 45 minutes after that. I sat on a chair and waited after reception. I went to a counter when my number appeared on a digital display. I handed necessary documents. A staff asked me some question about my divers license, physical and mental condition, and so on. I had difficulty when he asked me a quetion "Do you have other drivers licenses?" I ansered " No." and he said " what's this?" pointing my Japanese drivers license! Of course I have THIS! What a stupid question! Does this sound natural? 聼起來自然嗎?
I went to change my Japanese drivers license to Canadian drivers license. I don't plan to drive here, but a drivers license is useful as an ID card. I got a translation of my Japanese drivers license that I asked to Japanese consulate the other day and took it. It took about 30 minutes before reception and 45 minutes after that. I sat on a chair and waited after reception. I went to a counter when my number appeared on a digital display. I handed necessary documents. A staff asked me some question about my divers license, physical and mental condition, and so on. I had difficulty when he asked me a quetion "Do you have other drivers licenses?" I ansered " No." and he said " what's this?" pointing my Japanese drivers license! Of course I have THIS! What a stupid question! Does this sound natural? 聼起來自然嗎?
× I went to change my Japanese drivers license to Canadian drivers license.
✓ I went to change my Japanese driver’s license to a Canadian one.
× I don't plan to drive here, but a drivers license is useful as an ID card.
✓ I don't plan to drive here, but a driver’s license is useful as an ID card.
× I got a translation of my Japanese drivers license that I asked to Japanese consulate the other day and took it.
✓ I got the Japanese consulate to translate it for me the other day.
× I handed necessary documents.
✓ I handed in the necessary documents.
× A staff asked me some question about my divers license, physical and mental condition, and so on.
✓ A staff member asked me some question about my driver’s license, physical and mental condition, and so on.
× I had difficulty when he asked me a quetion "Do you have other drivers licenses?" I ansered " No." and he said " what's this?" pointing my Japanese drivers license!
✓ I had difficulty when he asked me a question. "Do you have other drivers licenses?", he asked. I answered " No." and he said "What's this?", pointing to my Japanese drivers license!
✓ I went to change my Japanese driver’s license to a Canadian one.
× I don't plan to drive here, but a drivers license is useful as an ID card.
✓ I don't plan to drive here, but a driver’s license is useful as an ID card.
× I got a translation of my Japanese drivers license that I asked to Japanese consulate the other day and took it.
✓ I got the Japanese consulate to translate it for me the other day.
× I handed necessary documents.
✓ I handed in the necessary documents.
× A staff asked me some question about my divers license, physical and mental condition, and so on.
✓ A staff member asked me some question about my driver’s license, physical and mental condition, and so on.
× I had difficulty when he asked me a quetion "Do you have other drivers licenses?" I ansered " No." and he said " what's this?" pointing my Japanese drivers license!
✓ I had difficulty when he asked me a question. "Do you have other drivers licenses?", he asked. I answered " No." and he said "What's this?", pointing to my Japanese drivers license!
A: If driver kill you by speeding, can we judge whom as a murder or not?
B: We will have to consider whether it was accidental accident or intentionality about the murder 聼起來自然嗎?
B: We will have to consider whether it was accidental accident or intentionality about the murder 聼起來自然嗎?
× A: If driver kill you by speeding, can we judge whom as a murder or not?
✓ A: If a driver killed you by speeding, does that make them a murderer?
× B: We will have to consider whether it was accidental accident or intentionality about the murder
✓ B: We will have to consider whether it was on accident or intentional before we can make a judgement
I don't really see anything wrong with your sentences, they just seemed a little off so I changed them to how I would word them
✓ A: If a driver killed you by speeding, does that make them a murderer?
× B: We will have to consider whether it was accidental accident or intentionality about the murder
✓ B: We will have to consider whether it was on accident or intentional before we can make a judgement
I don't really see anything wrong with your sentences, they just seemed a little off so I changed them to how I would word them
I went to renew my driver's license today.
There weren't many people and it was vacant. 聼起來自然嗎?
There weren't many people and it was vacant. 聼起來自然嗎?
Only thing is empty or more empty is more common in everyday speech.
I get driver's license recently so me beginner.
to day was drive in family because practice however my mother is noisy!!!!
I was annoyed. I do not want to drive anymore... 聼起來自然嗎?
to day was drive in family because practice however my mother is noisy!!!!
I was annoyed. I do not want to drive anymore... 聼起來自然嗎?
× I get driver's license recently so me beginner.
✓ I got/I had gotten a driver's license recently so I’m a beginner.
× to day was drive in family because practice however my mother is noisy!!!!
✓ Today I was driving (with) the family for practice, however my mother is loud/obnoxious!!!!
× I was annoyed.
✓ I was very annoyed to say the least.
× I do not want to drive anymore...
✓ I don’t want to drive anymore...
✓ I got/I had gotten a driver's license recently so I’m a beginner.
× to day was drive in family because practice however my mother is noisy!!!!
✓ Today I was driving (with) the family for practice, however my mother is loud/obnoxious!!!!
× I was annoyed.
✓ I was very annoyed to say the least.
× I do not want to drive anymore...
✓ I don’t want to drive anymore...
But you have a driver license don’t you? 聼起來自然嗎?
× But you have a driver license don’t you?
✓ But you have a driver's license, don’t you?
Just a minor correction
✓ But you have a driver's license, don’t you?
Just a minor correction
- お手数をおかけしてすみません用 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
- パソコンの調子が悪くて、コンセントに繋いでないと電源が入りません用 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
- この牡蠣はまだ生焼けかもしれないので、もうちょっと火を通してください。用 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
- 總是 和 老是 的差別在哪裡?
- do you use 24-clock or AM/PM?