" duty call"是什麼意思
You could say that, just change "call" to "calls".
The duty of the legislature is to effect the will of the people.是什麼意思
The legislature is the group that makes laws.
"Duty" is something you are supposed to do.
When "effect" is a verb it means basically the same as "do," "perform," or "enact."
The will of the people is what most people want.
So all together this means "the ones who make laws should follow what most people want."
"Duty" is something you are supposed to do.
When "effect" is a verb it means basically the same as "do," "perform," or "enact."
The will of the people is what most people want.
So all together this means "the ones who make laws should follow what most people want."
duty es igual que obligación.
it's my duty to protect my family.
Es mi obligación proteger a mi familia.
pero tambien "duty free" quiere decir "libre de impuestos"
it's my duty to protect my family.
Es mi obligación proteger a mi familia.
pero tambien "duty free" quiere decir "libre de impuestos"
great duty是什麼意思
Alot of responsibility.
domestic duty是什麼意思
It is referring to a duty that you have for your own country/area. For example, serving in the army is considered a domestic duty
"Duty" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 duty 的例句給我。
Meaning 1: moral obligation
It is the queens duty to make sure everyone is treated fairly.
Meaning 2: a job or task
My duty is to clean my room everyday day.
Meaning 3: A slang term for poop
(I can't think of an example sentence since it isn't used very often. I would avoid saying it for now.)
Phrase 1: double duty
Meaning: doing 2 things at once or being used for 2 different things
This room does double duty by being an office and a library.
Phrase 2: sense of duty
Meaning: needing to meet moral obligations
His sense of sense of duty led him to saving the kitten.
Phrase 3: duty calls
Meaning: retiring to a task or job
I was nice talking to you but duty calls- I have to do my homework.
There are more phases but these are the big ones. I hope this helps you 😁.
It is the queens duty to make sure everyone is treated fairly.
Meaning 2: a job or task
My duty is to clean my room everyday day.
Meaning 3: A slang term for poop
(I can't think of an example sentence since it isn't used very often. I would avoid saying it for now.)
Phrase 1: double duty
Meaning: doing 2 things at once or being used for 2 different things
This room does double duty by being an office and a library.
Phrase 2: sense of duty
Meaning: needing to meet moral obligations
His sense of sense of duty led him to saving the kitten.
Phrase 3: duty calls
Meaning: retiring to a task or job
I was nice talking to you but duty calls- I have to do my homework.
There are more phases but these are the big ones. I hope this helps you 😁.
請提供關於 duty 的例句給我。
It is my duty to make food.
It means job or activity you have to do or finish.
It means job or activity you have to do or finish.
請提供關於 duty 的例句給我。
請提供關於 "duty" in daily coversation 的例句給我。
it is not a common word, you don't usually use in daily conversation but some common examples are
example "it is my duty to this country to fight in the war"
or "my family needs me so it is my duty to help"
strong word!
you don't really use this word in daily conversation
example "it is my duty to this country to fight in the war"
or "my family needs me so it is my duty to help"
strong word!
you don't really use this word in daily conversation
請提供關於 to be on duty 的例句給我。
The cop has to be on duty tomorrow night.
duty 和 responsibility 和 obligation 的差別在哪裡?
In English, they are all basically the same and generally used interchangeably. Duty is seen more serious, while responsibility is the most commonly used in every-day speaking. Obligation is used in legal terms sometimes, for example, if you are filing your taxes, you have an obligation to be honest.
One exception to that meaning is that in English, if somebody is “on duty” they could be working or serving somewhere. An example is a soldier or police officer being on duty may be serving in another country or patrolling the city.
One exception to that meaning is that in English, if somebody is “on duty” they could be working or serving somewhere. An example is a soldier or police officer being on duty may be serving in another country or patrolling the city.
an indispensable duty 和 an inevitable duty 的差別在哪裡?
Indispensable: cannot be replaced
Inevitable: cannot be avoided.
Inevitable: cannot be avoided.
duty 和 responsibility 的差別在哪裡?
they are very similar, but duty tends to be more associated with things regarded as moral obligations or very important tasks, whereas responsibility is used more lightly and can be used as an adjective as well as a noun
on duty 和 on the job 的差別在哪裡?
if it is while on duty or on the job it means the same thing
duty 和 responsibility 的差別在哪裡?
"Duty" stands for obligation. Is something you must really do.
Example: It is my duty as a citizen to vote in the next election.
"Responsibility" is something you need to do/care about, but you might not do.
Example: It's my responsibility to clean my room.
Example: It is my duty as a citizen to vote in the next election.
"Responsibility" is something you need to do/care about, but you might not do.
Example: It's my responsibility to clean my room.
"Duty" 的翻譯
It’s your duty to take care of it.
It’s your duty taking care of it.
Both correct? (gerund and ininfite form in this case)用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
It’s your duty taking care of it.
Both correct? (gerund and ininfite form in this case)用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
The first one is definitely the best. The second one is correct, but it would sound much better if you put the gerund at the beginning - "Taking care of it is your duty.". But you shouldn't do the same thing with the first one - "To take care of it is your duty." is not incorrect, but it sounds very strange.
I hope this is helpful!
I hope this is helpful!
duty and owe 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Duty has two meanings. It's primary meaning is an obligation. A solider has a duty to defend their country, for example. It's second meaning is a tax you pay to a government when you are importing items into the country. If you gave me money with a promise that I will give it back. I owe you money until the debt is paid back.
These duties beckon on us day and night waiting to be carried out. Do not wait until you are told what to do like a 3 year old. Do it because it is the right thing to do.用 英語 (英國) 要怎麼說?
Эти обязанности манят на нас день и ночь, ожидая, что они будут выполнены. Не ждите, пока вам не расскажут, что делать, как 3 года. Сделайте это, потому что это правильная вещь.
duty用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
duty用 英語 (英國) 要怎麼說?
I know it's my duty to ensure my source of food but I need to beg you now so I won't procrastinate my job. 聼起來自然嗎?
@feaf Yes, that is correct 🙂
請教我duty free and durty的正確發音。
I'm on duty now,but I'm available.(to take English lessons via Skype)( I'm on duty,but there's no call now.I have time to take English lessons on Skype) 聼起來自然嗎?
I am on duty right now (assuming you are saying this in the present), but I am also available to take English lessons via Skype.
Your first sentence is good however, I would recommend using I am instead of I’m simply because I’m is a slang word. (It is not professional)
Your second sentence is a little misleading. You are on duty but there’s (another slang word for “there is”) no call now implies that you are working but at that moment in the past there were no calls.
Assuming you mean Skype calls in the present, I would recommend restructuring (rewording) your sentence to “I am on duty at the moment and have not received any calls.” (Without quotation marks though (“ symbols”))
Your final sentence makes sense.
Altogether your new statement would be: “I am on duty right now, but I am available to take English lessons via Skype I am on duty at the moment and have no received any calls. I have time to take English lessons on Skype.”
Next you need to add punctation behind Skype (assuming it is too separate ideas). This is because you follow your previous statement with a redundant statement and it is this that makes a run-on sentence.
A run-on sentence occurs when you do not add punctuation after you finish a thought. In doing so you intend the reader to say the entire sentence without pauses for breaths in contemporary English. To avoid this say what you mean to out loud and if you need to pause then add a period but make sure that id you do so you have finished your thought.
Your first sentence is good however, I would recommend using I am instead of I’m simply because I’m is a slang word. (It is not professional)
Your second sentence is a little misleading. You are on duty but there’s (another slang word for “there is”) no call now implies that you are working but at that moment in the past there were no calls.
Assuming you mean Skype calls in the present, I would recommend restructuring (rewording) your sentence to “I am on duty at the moment and have not received any calls.” (Without quotation marks though (“ symbols”))
Your final sentence makes sense.
Altogether your new statement would be: “I am on duty right now, but I am available to take English lessons via Skype I am on duty at the moment and have no received any calls. I have time to take English lessons on Skype.”
Next you need to add punctation behind Skype (assuming it is too separate ideas). This is because you follow your previous statement with a redundant statement and it is this that makes a run-on sentence.
A run-on sentence occurs when you do not add punctuation after you finish a thought. In doing so you intend the reader to say the entire sentence without pauses for breaths in contemporary English. To avoid this say what you mean to out loud and if you need to pause then add a period but make sure that id you do so you have finished your thought.
I am confused about "threatened duties on double that value of products."
Does it mean:
If the value of a produce is $10, the duty for the product could be $10 or $20?
The U.S. and China slapped a series of punitive tariffs on each other’s goods last year, sparking concerns over a global economic slowdown. The U.S. has already put tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods — and has threatened duties on double that value of products. Beijing has responded with tariffs on $110 billion in U.S. goods, specifically targeting politically important industries such as agriculture.
Does it mean:
If the value of a produce is $10, the duty for the product could be $10 or $20?
The U.S. and China slapped a series of punitive tariffs on each other’s goods last year, sparking concerns over a global economic slowdown. The U.S. has already put tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods — and has threatened duties on double that value of products. Beijing has responded with tariffs on $110 billion in U.S. goods, specifically targeting politically important industries such as agriculture.
‘value’ refers to 250 billion, so they threatened tariffs on 500 billion (half a trillion) in Chinese goods
It's not your duty to attend the event, so you don't need to go if you don't want to. 聼起來自然嗎?
It depends on the context but: “you’re not required to attend the event, so you don’t need to go if you don’t want to.” - in my opinion is more natural.
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