
"Duty" 的用法和例句


"Duty" 的翻譯


Q: I'm on duty now,but I'm available.(to take English lessons via Skype)( I'm on duty,but there's no call now.I have time to take English lessons on Skype) 聼起來自然嗎?
A: I am on duty right now (assuming you are saying this in the present), but I am also available to take English lessons via Skype.

Your first sentence is good however, I would recommend using I am instead of I’m simply because I’m is a slang word. (It is not professional)

Your second sentence is a little misleading. You are on duty but there’s (another slang word for “there is”) no call now implies that you are working but at that moment in the past there were no calls.

Assuming you mean Skype calls in the present, I would recommend restructuring (rewording) your sentence to “I am on duty at the moment and have not received any calls.” (Without quotation marks though (“ symbols”))

Your final sentence makes sense.

Altogether your new statement would be: “I am on duty right now, but I am available to take English lessons via Skype I am on duty at the moment and have no received any calls. I have time to take English lessons on Skype.”

Next you need to add punctation behind Skype (assuming it is too separate ideas). This is because you follow your previous statement with a redundant statement and it is this that makes a run-on sentence.

A run-on sentence occurs when you do not add punctuation after you finish a thought. In doing so you intend the reader to say the entire sentence without pauses for breaths in contemporary English. To avoid this say what you mean to out loud and if you need to pause then add a period but make sure that id you do so you have finished your thought.




