Lots of people were killed.
Brutal killing of many people
For example, the Kent State massacre was an event in US history in which several university students were killed by soldiers for protesting the Vietnam War.
For example, the Kent State massacre was an event in US history in which several university students were killed by soldiers for protesting the Vietnam War.
massacre 和 carnage 和 slaughter 和 holocaust 的差別在哪裡?
•Massacre is a brutal killing of a large amount of people in a single event
•Carnage: means a wide spread bloody, gruesome and chaotic killing
•Slaughter: either means the killing of animals for food or the indiscriminate killing of a lot of people
•Holocaust: specifically refers to the systematic genocide by the german nazis during WW2. it involved the extermination of 6M jews and millions others
•Carnage: means a wide spread bloody, gruesome and chaotic killing
•Slaughter: either means the killing of animals for food or the indiscriminate killing of a lot of people
•Holocaust: specifically refers to the systematic genocide by the german nazis during WW2. it involved the extermination of 6M jews and millions others
massacre 和 genocide 的差別在哪裡?
massacre = lots of people (usually under-powered, poorly defended) killed perhaps in a battle, a mass murder scene, etc
genocide = the murder of an entire or nearly entire population of people (ethnic, national, racial, religious group)
genocide = the murder of an entire or nearly entire population of people (ethnic, national, racial, religious group)
massacre 和 genocide 的差別在哪裡?
massacre 和 slaughter 的差別在哪裡?
massacre 和 slaughter 和 mass murder 的差別在哪裡?
Massacre: an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
Slaughter: the killing of a large number of people or animals in a cruel or violent way; massacre.
Mass Murder: the murder of a large number of people.
They all basically mean the same.
Many may associate Massarce with people who kill others for no reason in particular.
some may say slaughter is used when innocent lives are lost, but its usually used with the killing of animals.
others may associate Mass murder with people who have pent-up frustration towards the world and want them to feel how they felt everyday.
Slaughter: the killing of a large number of people or animals in a cruel or violent way; massacre.
Mass Murder: the murder of a large number of people.
They all basically mean the same.
Many may associate Massarce with people who kill others for no reason in particular.
some may say slaughter is used when innocent lives are lost, but its usually used with the killing of animals.
others may associate Mass murder with people who have pent-up frustration towards the world and want them to feel how they felt everyday.
"Massacre" 的翻譯
massacre と genocide はどう違いますか?説明が難しい場合は、例文を教えて下さい。用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
“Massacre" and "genocide" involve acts of violence and killing.
A massacre refers to a large-scale killing event without specific intent to target a particular group, whereas genocide involves the deliberate and systematic extermination of a specific ethnic, racial, or religious group.
A massacre refers to a large-scale killing event without specific intent to target a particular group, whereas genocide involves the deliberate and systematic extermination of a specific ethnic, racial, or religious group.
why do americans pronounce these word not 're' but 'er'?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
Hmm I never thought about that...Some words aren't pronounced the way they are written
massacre用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
The massacre of children at an elementary school
in Newtown, Conn., has caused (A)a profound change in
Americans' views on guns, galvanizing the broadest
support for stricter gun laws in about a decade, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll. The poll found that a majority of Americans—54 percent—think gun control laws should be tightened, up markedly from a CBS News poll last April that found that only 39 percent backed stricter laws. The rise in support for stricter gun laws stretched across political lines, including an 18-point increase among Republicans. A majority of independents now back stricter gun laws. Whether the Newtown shooting—in which 20 first graders and 6 adults were killed—will have a long-term effect on public opinion of gun laws is hard to assess just a month after the rampage. But the latest
polling results suggest a deeper and more resonating
In the above writing, "in about a decade," mean "within about a decade"? Or "after about a decade?
And from when?
in Newtown, Conn., has caused (A)a profound change in
Americans' views on guns, galvanizing the broadest
support for stricter gun laws in about a decade, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll. The poll found that a majority of Americans—54 percent—think gun control laws should be tightened, up markedly from a CBS News poll last April that found that only 39 percent backed stricter laws. The rise in support for stricter gun laws stretched across political lines, including an 18-point increase among Republicans. A majority of independents now back stricter gun laws. Whether the Newtown shooting—in which 20 first graders and 6 adults were killed—will have a long-term effect on public opinion of gun laws is hard to assess just a month after the rampage. But the latest
polling results suggest a deeper and more resonating
In the above writing, "in about a decade," mean "within about a decade"? Or "after about a decade?
And from when?
@H-oon It means "within about a decade".If it was after a decade they would have stated that they want to have stricter gun laws in about a decade. It means from now to a decade.
If massacre is used as "defeat completely"/"severe defeat," does this sound unpleasant?
Yes. this word isn't used regularly. It is usually used to describe the brutal death (killing) of many people or things.
請教我volatile // massacre 的正確發音。
The utterly despicable massacre was condemned.
It makes sense grammatically, but it sounds a little clunky. Using 'utterly despicable' sounds a little superfluous. You could make it sound a little better by saying:
"The massacre that occurred was condemned, and so it should! How utterly despicable was it!"
"The massacre that occurred was condemned, and so it should! How utterly despicable was it!"
The worst massacre ended up occurring in Japan.
Nineteen people were killed by a murderer.
Further, all the people killed were disabled people. 聼起來自然嗎?
Nineteen people were killed by a murderer.
Further, all the people killed were disabled people. 聼起來自然嗎?
Avoid redundancy (saying the same word twice when once is sufficient).
Nineteen people were killed. (Obviously, they were killed by a murderer, so there is no need to say "killed by a murderer".)
All the people killed were disabled. (We already know they were people, so omit the last "people".)
Here is a concise version: The worst massacre occurred in Japan where 19 disabled people lost their lives to a knife-wielding madman.
Nineteen people were killed. (Obviously, they were killed by a murderer, so there is no need to say "killed by a murderer".)
All the people killed were disabled. (We already know they were people, so omit the last "people".)
Here is a concise version: The worst massacre occurred in Japan where 19 disabled people lost their lives to a knife-wielding madman.
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