Books by Raluca Kogalniceanu
Gumelniţa settlements in Northern Wallachia:
on t... more "CONTENTS
Gumelniţa settlements in Northern Wallachia:
on their topography and stratigraphy
Tell settlements on the upper course of Neajlov River
Tell settlements from Giurgiu County and their landscape
Christine MARKUSSEN, Diana-Măriuca VORNICU
Magnetic survey at the archaeological site Iepureşti (Giurgiu County)
Cristian SCHUSTER, Traian POPA
Die äneolithischen/kupferzeitlichen Siedlungshügel aus dem Bezirk Giurgiu - Erinnerungsgsorte für nachfolgende Gemeinschaften?
Papers by Raluca Kogalniceanu
Cercetări arheologice, Oct 31, 2023
radiocarbon a unor probe de lemn și derivaţi din lemn, ca urmare a unor tratamente termice. Un pu... more radiocarbon a unor probe de lemn și derivaţi din lemn, ca urmare a unor tratamente termice. Un punct de vedere arheometric asupra unor eşantioane de la Mǎguricea Branului .... 725 Csaba SZABÓ, Miruna LIBIȚĂ-PARTICĂ, Ioan MUNTEAN, Mithras exhibited.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Dec 15, 2014

The study of burial practices, of human attitudes and behaviour in the face of death, has been an... more The study of burial practices, of human attitudes and behaviour in the face of death, has been an important part of archaeological research from its very beginnings. Some funerary discoveries have achieved sensational fame. Yet beyond this the archaeological community quickly came to understand that it is possible to gain as much information about the lives of past people from studying their funerary behaviour as it is from studying their daily activities and the resultant artefacts. This volume gathers together the majority of the papers presented at the International Symposium on Funerary Anthropology, 'Homines, Funera, Astra', which took place at '1 Decembrie 1918' University of Alba Iulia, 5-8 June 2011. The theme of the conference, aimed to address the investigation of human osteological remains and burial practices specific to the prehistory and history in Central and Eastern Europe. Contents: 1) Spirituality of Palaeolithic burials: offerings of decorative items and body ornaments (Valentin-Codrin Chirica, Vasile Chirica); 2) Considerations regarding the Palaeolithic anthropological discoveries in Romania and the Republic of Moldova (Madalin-Cornel Valeanu); 3) On Palaeolithic social inequality: The funerary evidence (Mircea Anghelinu); 4) Burial practices in the Iron Gates Mesolithic (Adina Boroneant, Clive Bonsall); 5) Bioarchaeological inferences from Neolithic human remains at Alba Iulia-Lumea Noua (Transylvania, Romania) (Mihai Gligor, Mariana Rosu, Viorel Panaitescu 6) Gendered bodies and objects in a mortuary domain: Comparative analysis of Durankulak cemetery ); (Susan Stratton, Dusan Boric); 7) Adornments from the Hamangia cemetery excavated at Cernavoda - Columbia D. Contextual analysis (Raluca Kogalniceanu); 8) Shell adornments from the Hamangia cemetery excavated at Cernavoda - Columbia D. Techno-typological analysis (Monica Margarit); 9) Traditions, Rules and Exceptions in the Eneolithic Cemetery from Sultana - Malu Rosu (Southeast Romania) (Catalin Lazar, Madalina Voicu, Gabriel Vasile); 10) Anthropological research of the Komariv type (Middle Bronze Age) tumular cemetery, at Adancata (Suceava County, Romania) (Angela Simalcsik, Bogdan Petru Niculica); 11) Coins and pebbles from the Anglo-Georgian excavations at Pichvnari (Michael Vickers); 12) Funerary rite and rituals of the Early Sarmatians (second and first centuries BC) in the area between the mouths of the Don and the Danube (Funerary customs of Scythians and Thracians: a lexical analysis (Vitalie Barca); 13) Infant Burials in Roman Dobrudja. A report of work in progress: The case of Ibida (Slava Rusa) (Alexander Rubel, Andrei D. Soficaru); 14) Aspects of everyday life in Scythia Minor reflected in some funerary discoveries from Ibida (Slava Rusa, Tulcea County) (Dan Aparaschivei, Mihaela Iacob, Andrei D. Soficaru, Dorel Paraschiv); 15) Early Roman and Late Roman child graves in Dobrudja (Romania) (Irina Achim).
Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Jul 27, 2023

Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), 2018
This paper focuses on the re‐ analysis of a feature from the Late Neolithic Hamangia cemetery at ... more This paper focuses on the re‐ analysis of a feature from the Late Neolithic Hamangia cemetery at Cernavodă – Columbia D (Constanţa County, Romania), excavated at the middle of the last century. The analysis took place in several stages : processing of archaeological information, anthropological re‐ evaluation, combination of the two sets of data, and interpretation. The sample of the re‐ analysed human osteological material includes 11 fragmentary crania and several dozens of other cranial and postcranial remains. Two of the crania present interesting characteristics : one was cut, broken, with a postmortem trepanation, and was polished, while the other bears the traces of a benign tumoral cyst. Another skull fragment bears traces of postmortem burning. In addition to human remains, this feature yielded a pig mandible, freshwater mussel shells, a bolder, a pottery sherd and a fragment of a stalactite/ stalagmite.

Radiocarbon, 2018
ABSTRACTThe emergence of separate cemeteries for disposal of the dead represents a profound shift... more ABSTRACTThe emergence of separate cemeteries for disposal of the dead represents a profound shift in mortuary practice in the Late Neolithic of southeast Europe, with a new emphasis on the repeated use of a specific space distinct from, though still often close to, settlements. To help to time this shift more precisely, this paper presents 25 dates from 21 burials in the large cemetery at Cernica, in the Lower Danube valley in southern Romania, which are used to formally model the start, duration of use and end of the cemetery. A further six dates were obtained from four contexts for the nearby settlement. Careful consideration is given to the possibility of environmental and dietary offsets. The preferred model, without freshwater reservoir offsets, suggests that use of the Cernica cemetery probably began in5355–5220 cal BC (95% probability)and ended in5190–5080 cal BC (28% probability)or5070–4940 (67% probability). The implications of this result are discussed, including with refe...
Transylvanian Review
Documenta Praehistorica, 2014
This article presents the discovery of 25 abraded and perforated ovicaprid astragals in a burned ... more This article presents the discovery of 25 abraded and perforated ovicaprid astragals in a burned house at the Gumelnita Copper Age settlement at Iepuresti in Southern Romania. They were analysed in terms of their processing, of the taphonomic processes that affected them (burning), and of their spatial distribution. These astragals were also analysed in the wider context of more or less similar discoveries made mainly south and east of the Carpathian Mountains, in Romania, but also south of the Danube, in Bulgaria.

Preocupându-ne problema riturilor funerare, am studiat, printre altele şi datele referitoare la n... more Preocupându-ne problema riturilor funerare, am studiat, printre altele şi datele referitoare la necropola de la Cernica. Astfel, am constatat că, în monografia ce i-a fost dedicată 1 , această necropolă nu a fost abordată din toate unghiurile posibile. Unul dintre acestea este corelarea diverselor elemente ale ritualului funerar (poziţia corpului, obiectele de inventar) cu sexul sau vârsta defunctului. Colaborând în bune condiţii cu cercetătorii de la Centrul de Antropologie din Iaşi, am obţinut manuscrisul privitor la analiza antropologică efectuată pe lotul de schelete aparţinând necropolei neolitice de la Cernica 2 (analiză care nu a fost inclusă în monografia publicată decât prin prisma datelor cu caracter general publicate de către antropologi). Acest fapt ne-a stimulat să încercăm o analiză care să aibă în componenţa sa elementele menţionate mai sus, cu atât mai mult cât, în cazul unui număr mare de morminte, indicaţiile privind sexul şi vârsta defunctului publicate în cadrul monografiei nu corespund cu analiza antropologică. Noi am utilizat, în cadrul studiului de faţă, informaţiile provenite direct de la antropologi (Anexa 1) 3. 1 Mai mult decât atât, vom încerca să aducem în atenţia arheologilor un test statistic, numit "testul χ 2 ", care poate deveni un preţios instrument în analiza gradului de corelaţie dintre diversele elemente ale unui context dat. Un asemenea context (care prin structura sa internă specifică se pretează foarte bine la analiza cu ajutorul testului menţionat) este o necropolă, în cazul de faţă necropola neolitică de la Cernica. Analiza pe care vom încerca să o realizăm are ca scop obţinerea de informaţii mai ample privind practicile funerare ale comunităţii căreia i-a aparţinut necropola menţionată. 1. Elemente componente ale analizei Baza de date Drumul informaţiei, de la apariţie şi până la posibila ei utilizare în luarea unei decizii, traversează o serie de etape indispensabile, respectiv colectarea, organizarea şi analiza. Singurele tehnologii-din prezent-care permit aceste prelucrări şi, deci, fac posibilă utilizarea acestui adevărat ocean de informaţii sunt cele ale bazelor de date. Prin bază de date se înţelege o colecţie de date organizate sub formă de fişiere, într-o asemenea manieră, încât să permită căutarea rapidă şi regăsirea unor informaţii cu ajutorul computerului.
Homines, Funera, Astra 2, 2015
Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), 2017
The non-polished lithic artefacts from the Hamangia cemetery at Cernavodă – Columbia D belong to ... more The non-polished lithic artefacts from the Hamangia cemetery at Cernavodă – Columbia D belong to several technological groups, namely laminar blanks, flakes, cores, hammers and indeterminate fragments, all of them made of various types of chert and limestone. Most of the laminar blanks are represented by proximal and median fragments. Some of the intentionally modified ones are endscrapers, truncated blades, or marginally retouched blades. When available, their archaeological context (inside/ outside of the grave, sex and age of the deceased, etc.) will be discussed.
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Documenta Praehistorica, Mar 26, 2015
Origini Preistoria E Protostoria Delle Civilta Antiche, 2008
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
and humanities in the context of global development-development and implementation of postdoctora... more and humanities in the context of global development-development and implementation of postdoctoral research'.
Books by Raluca Kogalniceanu
Gumelniţa settlements in Northern Wallachia:
on their topography and stratigraphy
Tell settlements on the upper course of Neajlov River
Tell settlements from Giurgiu County and their landscape
Christine MARKUSSEN, Diana-Măriuca VORNICU
Magnetic survey at the archaeological site Iepureşti (Giurgiu County)
Cristian SCHUSTER, Traian POPA
Die äneolithischen/kupferzeitlichen Siedlungshügel aus dem Bezirk Giurgiu - Erinnerungsgsorte für nachfolgende Gemeinschaften?
Papers by Raluca Kogalniceanu
Gumelniţa settlements in Northern Wallachia:
on their topography and stratigraphy
Tell settlements on the upper course of Neajlov River
Tell settlements from Giurgiu County and their landscape
Christine MARKUSSEN, Diana-Măriuca VORNICU
Magnetic survey at the archaeological site Iepureşti (Giurgiu County)
Cristian SCHUSTER, Traian POPA
Die äneolithischen/kupferzeitlichen Siedlungshügel aus dem Bezirk Giurgiu - Erinnerungsgsorte für nachfolgende Gemeinschaften?
Please consider the attached invitation and feel free to forward it to other colleagues that might be intersted.
We would like to see you in Alba Iulia in October!
Best regards,
The organizers