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      Earthquake EngineeringSteel StructureNonlinear AnalysisComposite structures
A study on the dynamic response of single-storey steel frames equipped with a novel friction damper device (FDD) is presented. Extensive testing was carried out for assessing the friction pad material, damper unit performance and scaled... more
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      Seismic isolation, passive energy dissipation, performance-based earthquake engineeringStructure Control Using Friction DampersSeismic Protection
A scaled specimen representing single-storey partially-composite steel plate shear wall was tested under cyclic loading. The slender steel web panel had a single-sided reinforced concrete encasement attached with headed shear studs in... more
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    • Earthquake Engineering
Seismic provision of all types of structures is of paramount importance in regions subjected to medium and high seismic hazard. This is all the more true in the case of steel storage tanks, as these often contain toxic, flammable and... more
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      Storage TanksSeismic analysis and designAboveground Steel Storage Tanks
Air pollution is a global problem, which needs to be understood and controlled to ensure a healthy environment and inform sustainable development. Urban areas have been established as one of the main contributors to air pollution, and, as... more
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      Environmental ScienceUrban PlanningAir pollutionAtmosphere
The paper presents an overview on nonlinear modeling and numerical evaluation of the seismic response of two steel single-storey concentrically braced frames with X-brace configuration previously tested by other researchers. The numerical... more
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    • Seismic resistant design of structures
A study on a dual eccentrically braced frame (moment resisting frame and eccentrically braced frame) for a six-storey office building is presented. Both systems are designed to resist simultaneously the seismic action in the considered... more
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    • Seismic analysis and design
Seismic provision of all types of structures is of paramount importance in regions defined by medium and high seismic hazard. This is all the more true in the case of steel storage tanks, as these often contain toxic, flammable and... more
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      Storage TanksSeismic analysis and designAboveground Steel Storage Tanks
Air pollution is a global problem, which needs to be understood and controlled to ensure a healthy environment and inform sustainable development. Urban areas have been established as one of the main contributors to air pollution, and, as... more
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      Urban PlanningCFD AnalysisAir Pollution Modelling
Seismic provision of all types of structures is of paramount importance in regions subjected to medium and high seismic hazard. This is all the more true in the case of steel storage tanks, as these often contain toxic, flammable and... more
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      Storage TanksSeismic analysis and designAboveground Steel Storage Tanks