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The prediction of the ultimate shear strength of reinforced concrete (RC) beams is very important especially when this value is used in the practical design. An unconservative value of the shear capacity may lead to an unexpected and at... more
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A special purpose 3D concrete finite element is employed in this research to model the complex nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete beams with no shear reinforcement. The theory is based on the 5 parameter plasticity failure surface... more
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      Fracture MechanicsANSYS modeling of RC beams
A special two nodes singular boundary element for plane stress/strain analysis is developed for a general corner case. The main purpose of this element is to handle the singularity at the tip of a general corner or crack as a particular... more
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The methods of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) are well developed when one deals with ideally brittle materials such as ceramics and glass - see references [1], [2]. The existing powerful numerical techniques such as FEM (Finite... more
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      Boundary Element MethodsFracture Mechanics
It was shown by the authors [3], [4], how the powerful numerical techniques such as Finite Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM) could be applied to solve some problems of the Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). The... more
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      Fracture MechanicsPlain Concrete
A fracture mechanics analysis of the shear strength of non-shear reinforced concrete beams is carried out. The starting point of the shear crack is determined by means of the crack sliding theory. The crack path is determined by using the... more
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Cracks are present to some degree in all plain and reinforced concrete structures. They exist either as basic defects in materials or they may be induced in the construction during the time of the service. Cracks often act as stress... more
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A theoretical crack growth formula for the development of cracks in non-shear reinforced beams is presented and compared with experiments. The formula is based on a non linear two parameter fracture mechanics model and gives a possibility... more
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The objective·• of the present paper is to introduce a finite element model performing a nonlinear numerical analysis on concrete structures with different sizes. The cohesive crack method of Hillerborg is employed, which can be also... more
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      Fracture MechanicsPlain Concrete
There are many general purpose software systems developed on the basis of the finite element methods, such as ANSYS, ABAQUS, COSMOS etc. The only general purpose software system, based on the boundary element method is BEASY and it has UK... more
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There are many general purpose software systems developed on the basis of the finite element methods, such as ANSYS, ABAQUS, COSMOS etc. The only general purpose software system, based on the boundary element method is BEASY and it has UK... more
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From experiments, it is a well-known fact that the shear crack path depends on the size of the beam and on the shear span ratio. The critical shear crack can be an almost straight line, a curved line, or in some cases beams collapse... more
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      Fracture MechanicsANSYS modeling of RC beams
The prediction of the ultimate shear strength of reinforced concrete (RC) beams is very important especially when this value is used in the practical design. An unconservative value of the shear capacity may lead to an unexpected and... more
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It is well known fact that the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams depends on their cross section sizes, longitudinal reinforce ratio and the possibilities to develop shear cracks. The present article investigates the size... more
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    • Size Effects
It is well known fact that the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams depends on their cross section sizes, longitudinal reinforce ratio and the possibilities to develop shear cracks. The present article investigates the size... more
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      Fracture MechanicsSize EffectsReinforced Cement Concrete Design(RCC Structures)
A Visual Basic for Application’s program for calculating crack growth in concrete and reinforced concrete beams is presented in this paper. This program is useful for obtaining quick results for initial analysis and parametric study. In... more
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      Fracture MechanicsMicrosoft ExcelPlain Concrete
В настоящата статия са представени два подхода, от гледна точка на механика на разрушението, за определяне на пътя на развитие на пукнатина в бетонови и стоманобетонови греди. За числената реализация на процеса са използвани два различни... more
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      Crack propagationANSYS (APDL)boundary elements method(BEM)
С навлизането на ново поколение мощна изчислителна техника се забелязва развитие на нови изчислителни алгоритми и числени методи, насочени към решаване на задачи с голям брой неизвестни. Това касае най-вече метода на крайните елементи а... more
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      Fracture MechanicsMicromechanicsboundary elements method(BEM)
В настоящата статия е направена ретроспекция на механика на разрушението като клон на строителната механика. Направен е кратък исторически преглед и са пояснени основните параметри и модели. Придставена е основната концепция на линейната... more
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    • Fracture Mechanics
The modelling of RC beams depending on their size is a serious problem established by many scientists in the world. The presence of so many models provokes making a classification of them.
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      Size EffectsCLASIFICATIONRC beams