Papers by Rebeca María Elena Guzmán Saldaña
Habits refer to the patterns of behaviour which lead to learning, however the term routine is rel... more Habits refer to the patterns of behaviour which lead to learning, however the term routine is related to the order of performance. Based on the distinction between these concepts, it is important to carry out, both in the school context and in the family context, habits and routines to promote and develop security, self-confidence and personal autonomy of children in Early Education. On the other hand, through my Teaching Proposal, you can appreciate how habits and routines of hygiene, food, rest, game and education and order are worked. An intervention in which the role of teachers and families is essential to achieve significant learning in the teaching and learning process and a lifelong learning of the child.
![Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Combined with the Resilience Model to Decrease Depression and Anxiety Symptoms and Increase the Quality of Life in ESRD Patients Treated with Hemodialysis](
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The aim of this study was to compare the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention (CBI) combin... more The aim of this study was to compare the effect of cognitive behavioral intervention (CBI) combined with the resilience model (CBI + R) vs CBI alone on depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and quality of life of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients undergoing hemodialysis replacement therapy. Method: Fifty-three subjects were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. The control group (n = 25) was provided with treatment strategies based on a cognitive behavioral approach, while the experimental group (n = 28) were given the same techniques plus resilience model strategies. Five psychological instruments were applied: Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Mexican Resilience Scale, cognitive distortions scale, and the Kidney Disease related Quality of Life questionnaire. Participants were assessed at baseline (before treatment), eight weeks later (end of treatment), and four weeks after the end of treatment (follow up). The results were analyzed by ANOVA for...
![Research paper thumbnail of Approaching grief during the pandemic by COVID-19](
Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA
At the end of December 2019, the outbreak of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) emerged in the cit... more At the end of December 2019, the outbreak of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, due to the rapid spread of the disease, in March 2020 a pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization and the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. As the COVID-19 disease ravages the world, a high rate of infection and mortality has been evidenced in a short time. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, governments have introduced prevention policies, such as lockdowns and social distancing, among others. This resulted in potential psychosocial changes that affected many aspects of daily life, including how to die and cope with the death of a loved one, with limited opportunities to shape funeral rituals and difficulty receiving support. Social. A large number of people who died alone due to these policies, in turn the relatives experienced situations of impotence and frustration, since they were limited in the care of their loved one, in visits to the ho...
![Research paper thumbnail of Risk patterns in food addiction: a Mexican population approach](
Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 2021
Food addiction (FA) is a construct that has gained interest in recent years but its relevance in ... more Food addiction (FA) is a construct that has gained interest in recent years but its relevance in Mexican population is still unexplored. The present study has the aims of explore FA in a community of Mexican population, as well as identifying the risk patterns associated with it, in relation to the different etiological factors that have been described such as impulsivity, emotional regulation and eating styles. Furthermore, to identify a predictive model of FA severity. The sample consisted of 160 female and male university students of Pachuca city in México, who volunteered to participate in the study. Assessment included multidimensional measures for FA, eating disorder severity, eating disorder styles, emotional regulation and impulsivity. A screening of FA-probable was registered for 13.8% of the sample, while 8.1% met criteria for FA-present. The FA-present group differed from FA-absent in the impulsivity levels and in emotional eating style. Patients with FA-present differed from FA-probable in the impulsivity levels. Differences between FA-probable versus FA-absent were found in the restrained eating style. Path analysis evidenced that FA severity was directly associated with older age, worse eating style profile and higher impulsivity levels, and indirectly related with the ED symptom levels. Our findings suggest that it is possible to establish a specific predictive model of the development of FA and its severity in Mexican population to implement adequate prevention and treatment strategies. Level III: evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case–control analytic studies
Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala, Jun 24, 2020
The main objective of this study was to establish the discriminating power of the Self-efficacy I... more The main objective of this study was to establish the discriminating power of the Self-efficacy Inventory for Weight Management in its versions for men and women, according the self-efficacy level in the dimensions of physical activity and the food intake, in 748 students: 385 women and 363 men, betweenn 10 to 16 years. Scores were grouped by levels of efficacy, and a discriminant analysis was applied using the Mahalanobis method, which showed a correct classification in all the cases. The self-efficacy in food intake scale in both men and women was the most important, unlike self-efficacy for physical activity. This inventory is a good indicator of self-efficacy in adolescents, and their results can be considered in the development of prevention programs and treatment of obesity, as well as to promote the self efficacy in this age group.
![Research paper thumbnail of La actual era digital y la publicación de revistas ¿estamos preparados?](
Hace apenas dos siglos de la invencion de medios de comunicacion como la computadora y el telefon... more Hace apenas dos siglos de la invencion de medios de comunicacion como la computadora y el telefono, hace poco mas de medio siglo que surge el internet, casi tres decadas de que emergieron los hipertextos y hace 18 anos de este siglo, en que la tecnologia ha avanzado a pasos acelerados con la aparicion de la Web, lo que ha llevado a la llamada Era digital, donde cada vez mas se utiliza la tecnologia para actividades economicas, sociales y tambien para las academicas. Algunos especialista han puesto en duda el termino “Era digital”, llamandolo “Revolucion digital” debido a los cambios radicales que se viven cada dia y han sugerido que esta condicion requiere de un perfil nuevo en los seres humanos, ya que se necesitan usuarios y mediadores de informacion mas activos tecnologicamente, asi como nuevas estructuras de mayor productividad que lleguen mas rapido a sus destinatarios. Concretamente, el ambito academico y de investigacion no escapa a dichas necesidades, por ello, surge el sig...
El aspecto de la practica clinica ha sido abordado primeramente por la doctora Cordoba Basulto, d... more El aspecto de la practica clinica ha sido abordado primeramente por la doctora Cordoba Basulto, desde la experiencia, y de manera muy breve profundiza en el ambito de la Psicologia de la salud, rescata y enfatiza el aspecto de la atencion e intervencion al paciente de urologia, colocandolo en la parte de sujeto y no de enfermedad. Nuevamente senalando el trabajo multidisciplinario donde cada agente contribuye con la atencion. Desde una perspectiva meramente clinica y especificamente con la experiencia del psicoanalisis, Marquez, Guadarrama, Lopez y Huitron nos permiten observar la postura de la adolescencia en el proceso terapeutico, indicando que la mejor forma de tratar a un adolescente no es lo individual, ni lo familiar, sino lo grupal.
![Research paper thumbnail of Funciones ejecutivas en una muestral de niños de 3º grado de primaria con sintomatología depresiva](
Educación y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, 2020
Las funciones ejecutivas son las capacidades que tienen una persona para controlar, regular y pla... more Las funciones ejecutivas son las capacidades que tienen una persona para controlar, regular y planear su propia conducta. El estudio de las funciones ejecutivas ha permitido identificar que cuando existe una alteración se puede asociar a modificaciones en el comportamiento y regulación emocional de una persona como lo es la depresión la cual es un problema de salud pública por su alta prevalencia entre la población. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este estudio fue identificar si existen alteraciones en las funciones ejecutivas en una muestra de 3º grado de primaria con presencia de sintomatología depresiva. Con un diseño no experimental, transversal, de tipo descriptivo, participó una muestra de 11 niños de entre 8 y 9 años de edad. Se emplearon el Cuestionario de Depresión Infantil (CDI) y la Batería Neuropsicológica de Funciones Ejecutivas y Lóbulos Frontales (BANFE-II), los cuales fueron aplicados en la muestra posteriormente al consentimiento informado de los padres. Se encontró ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Maternal feeding and nutritional status of her children: A bibliographic review](
Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 2017
Practices are "activities that people do on their own in order to continue living, being hea... more Practices are "activities that people do on their own in order to continue living, being healthy, healing their diseases and preserving their welfare", behaviors that are deeply rooted in a belief system and cultural traditions, hardly replaced by new knowledge and also unknown to professionals who provide care. In general terms, they can be considered as the way people address and fulfil some needs. The cultural transmission of feeding methods among humans is mainly "by females". It is the mother who learns about categories and child feeding from her mother (the grandmother of the child), and this is how the mother feeds her child according to this cultural background. The World Health Organization and the International Obesity Task Force have established as a priority, the research on the influence of parental styles in healthy eating behaviors and behaviors shown by boys and girls, as obesity can occur as a sequel of malnutrition at an early age. Objective: bi...
Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 2017
The human body secretes diabetogenic hormones such as cortisol in times of stress, a situation th... more The human body secretes diabetogenic hormones such as cortisol in times of stress, a situation that is aggravated when there is already an undergoing pathology such as diabetes. Both stress and diabetes are important issues for public health, since each one puts the population’s quality of life at risk. This threatening scenario increases when both of them collude, becoming a dangerous combination that causes disease, a lack of metabolic control and early complications. This paper reviews the relationship between cortisol, stress, and diabetes, as well as how cortisol may function as a biological marker to reflect the activity of the corticotropic axis.
![Research paper thumbnail of Disordered eating behaviours and sedentary lifestyle prevention among young Mexicans: A pilot study](
Health Education Journal, 2018
Objective:To evaluate the effects of a universal prevention programme for disordered eating behav... more Objective:To evaluate the effects of a universal prevention programme for disordered eating behaviours (DEB) and sedentary lifestyle among Mexican young people.Design:Non-experimental single group field study with repeated measures (pre-test, post-test and at 6-month follow-up).Setting:Public high school in Hidalgo, Mexico.Methods:In all, 214 young women and 154 young men aged 15–18 years with a mean age of 16.4 participated in the study. For both young women and men, data were collected using the Brief Questionnaire for Disordered Eating Behaviours (DEB) and the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Among young men, additional data were collected using the Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS).Intervention:Five activity-based sessions. In the first four sessions, the following topics were addressed: thinness culture, myths and realities of dieting and supplements, healthy eating behaviours and healthy menus. At the end of each session, students engaged in an ...
Línea de investigación: evaluación e intervención transdisciplinaria en el proceso saludenfermeda... more Línea de investigación: evaluación e intervención transdisciplinaria en el proceso saludenfermedad Abstract:The present class reviews areas which have hindered biofeedback progress during the past decade and should be addressed by future research. First, the possible theories of psychophysiological response disregulation are reviewed. Second, the behavior change training and assessment issues involved in all biofeedback studies are articulated. Finally, a research paradigm for biofeedback investigation is proposed which, if used, could help to clarify whether acquisition of voluntary control of autonomic responses is possible and whether such control is effective in altering the course of a psychophysiological disorder.
Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios, 2014
Anorexia and bulimia risk as function of anxiety and puberty in Baja California-Mexico college st... more Anorexia and bulimia risk as function of anxiety and puberty in Baja California-Mexico college students
Rev. invest. …
Data of the Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in Student Population of Mexico City Survey 1997 were use... more Data of the Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in Student Population of Mexico City Survey 1997 were used to achieve knowledge about the presence of risk eating behaviors, characteristic of eating disorders in the student population of Mexico city (N = 10,173). The sample was ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Alimentación emocional: Una revisión sistemática de los instrumentos validados en población mexicana/Emotional eating: A systematic review of validated tests in Mexican population](
Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios/Mexican Journal of Eating Disorders
La presente revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo identificar y analizar las propiedades psicom... more La presente revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo identificar y analizar las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos de alimentación emocional (AE) actualmente validados en México. La búsqueda de los test se realizó con base a los criterios PRISMA en tres bases de datos: Pubmed, Science Direct y Redalyc. Fueron identificados dos instrumentos: El Cuestionario sobre la Conducta Alimentaria Relacionada con las Emociones y el Estrés (EADES) y la Escala de Alimentación Emocional (EAE). El método de validez empleado en ambas escalas fue el análisis factorial exploratorio y de confiabilidad el alpha de Cronbach (ɑ = .91 en el EADES y ɑ =.94 en la EAE). Se concluye que el empleo de estas escalas podría estar en función de la definición conceptual y operacional de la AE que considera cada una, con el fin de retomar la que mejor se adecúe a los objetivos del estudio. Asimismo, se sugiere dar continuidad a la consolidación de las propiedades psicométricas de ambas escalas, a través de ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Psychological Impact on University Men and Women from Hidalgo, Mexico During the Confinement Due to the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic](
Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology Research
The objective of the research was to evaluate in university students from Hidalgo, México, the ps... more The objective of the research was to evaluate in university students from Hidalgo, México, the psychological impact during distance education, from confinement in the pandemic by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The research design was non-experimental cross-sectional; Through a non-probabilistic demonstration for convenience, 101 people, 66 women and 35 men participated, with an age range of 17 to 34 years (SD=2.49) (M=21.47), the survey of the information was carried out through a google that include the Symptom Check Inventory -List-90-R of Derogatis so as questions from the ECOVID-ED 2020 Survey. The results show that the temporary cancellation of on-site classes at the educational institution where the young people were studying was related to the presence of psychological symptoms associated with various problems. It was the women, as opposed to the men, who showed greater problems, such as increased perception of bodily discomfort, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, feelings of inferiori...
![Research paper thumbnail of Actitudes hacia la transformación de la vida en pareja: soltería, matrimonio y unión libre](
Psicología Iberoamericana
En la actualidad, muchas personas comienzan a cambiar la visión que tienen acerca del matrimonio ... more En la actualidad, muchas personas comienzan a cambiar la visión que tienen acerca del matrimonio y optan por la unión libre, la soltería e, incluso, relaciones a corto plazo o a distancia. Con el objetivo de identificar las actitudes hacia estos tópicos en estudiantes de preparatoria de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo se aplicó la escala de Actitudes hacia la transformación de la vida en pareja de García (2011). Este instrumento está compuesto por siete factores (33 reactivos) que explican el 59.389% de la varianza, con una consistencia interna de .886. Los participantes fueron 296 adolescentes: 172 mujeres y 124 hombres. Los resultados muestran una mayor aceptación hacia temas relacionados con el matrimonio tardío y la paternidad en soltería. En cambio, aspectos como el sexo premarital obtienen poco apoyo. Los resultados son discutidos en términos de la transformación de la vida en pareja en México.
Papers by Rebeca María Elena Guzmán Saldaña