Papers by Dr. Chandrashekar S.Y.
The experiment was conducted at College of Horticulture and Research Institute, Dr. YSRHU, Venkat... more The experiment was conducted at College of Horticulture and Research Institute, Dr. YSRHU, Venkataramannagudem, Andhra Pradesh to evaluate yield and its component characters of thirty one brinjal genotypes during Krarif season. Fruit yield per plant showed positive and significant association with number of leaves per plant, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight and total number of harvests at phenotypic and genotypic correlation levels, and thus these characters were identified as component characters on which selection can be relied upon for genetic improvement of brinjal. The path analysis revealed that number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight had high direct effect on fruit yield per plant, while the remaining characters had high negligible to low indirect effect through other component characters. Therefore, number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight are the reliable characters for the improvement of brinjal. All the thirty one genotypes of brinjal were grouped in to six clusters using Ward's method by adopting Mahalanobis D 2 (1936) analysis concept. The maximum contribution towards total genetic divergence was from average fruit length. Intra cluster distance was maximum between cluster I and V. Intra cluster distance was maximum between III and V. Therefore, genotypes in I, IV, III and V with high per se performance could be utilized in different breeding programmes.
Nature Materials, 2012
There is an ever-increasing need for advanced batteries for portable electronics, to power electr... more There is an ever-increasing need for advanced batteries for portable electronics, to power electric vehicles and to facilitate the distribution and storage of energy derived from renewable energy sources 1,2. The increasing demands on batteries and other electrochemical devices have spurred research into the development of new electrode materials that could lead to better performance and lower cost (increased capacity, stability and cycle life, and safety) 1-3. These developments have, in turn, given rise to a vigorous search for the development of robust and reliable diagnostic tools to monitor and analyse battery performance, where possible, in situ 4-9. Yet, a proven, convenient and non-invasive technology, with an ability to image in three dimensions the chemical changes that occur inside a full battery as it cycles, has yet to emerge. Here we demonstrate techniques based on magnetic resonance imaging, which enable a completely non-invasive visualization and characterization of the changes that occur on battery electrodes and in the electrolyte. The current application focuses on lithium-metal batteries and the observation of electrode microstructure build-up as a result of charging. The methods developed here will be highly valuable in the quest for enhanced battery performance and in the evaluation of other electrochemical devices. The development and use of advanced electrochemical systems, such as batteries, are vital to increase both the efficiency of fossilfuel consumption and the deployment of intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy 1,2. The immensely popular lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), with their high gravimetric and volumetric capacities, have helped to enable the portable electronics revolution, and are now being developed for use in hybrid and all-electric vehicles. New electrode and electrolyte materials are constantly being proposed, which could lead to substantial improvements in the electrochemical properties and capacities of the devices 1-3. Non-invasive diagnostic tools are of prime importance in the assessment and development of such new materials 4-10. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), also a noninvasive diagnostic tool, is well established in the medical field 11 and is becoming increasingly popular in the materials science field 12-16. Examples of the latter include MRI in polymer sciences, catalysis 13 , process analysis 14 and more recently in fuel cells 17,18 and corrosion processes 19. Studies of MRI of batteries have been very sparse 20,21 , and have been limited to either imaging the electrolyte only 20 , or visualizing 7 Li signals from specifically constructed cells that allow for spatial resolution through radiofrequency (RF) field gradients 21. In this latter work, a two-dimensional chemical-shift imaging (CSI) protocol was employed, with the spatial image limited to one LETTERS NATURE MATERIALS
Stock (Matthiola incana L.) is a magnificent cut flower which is being grown only in a few parts ... more Stock (Matthiola incana L.) is a magnificent cut flower which is being grown only in a few parts of the temperate countries. So, this investigation aims to introduce this cut flower crop to the hill zone of Karnataka, India. The performances of 11 distinct stock genotypes were studied using a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The study revealed that plant height (72.00 cm), internodal length (2.99 cm), stalk length (93.93 cm), number of florets per stalk (32.07) and vase life (13.47 days) were recorded as the maximum in genotype Stock Katz Blue. Stock Katz Ruby recorded the maximum number of leaves (70.73), leaf area (3,199.94 cm 2 /plant), longevity in the plant (36.61 days) and the minimum number of days taken for stalk emergence and harvest (43.60 and 74.40, respectively). The maximum leaf length (18.55 cm) and plant spread (39.00 cm in E-W and 38.94 cm in N-S) were recorded in Stock Katz Purple. Stalk girth (10.40 mm), floret diameter (4.22 cm) and the number of cut flowers per m 2 (25.00) were showed the highest for Arrow White. Based on these findings the Stock Katz Blue was found to be superior with quality parameters, the genotype Stock Katz Ruby was found to be the most suitable for earliness and maximum longevity in the plant while, the genotype Arrow White was found the best for marketable flower yield.
Calcium plays an important role in plant growth and in many physiological activities of bulbous f... more Calcium plays an important role in plant growth and in many physiological activities of bulbous flowers. It has been found to be the best for enhancing both vegetative and flowering attributes in bulbous flower crops. With this background, an experiment was conducted at the experimental block (under naturally ventilated polyhouse) of the Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture, Mudigere, under Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Iruvakki, Shivamogga during 2022-2023. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design consisting of thirteen treatments-viz., T1-control, T2-30 g/m 2 calcium ammonium nitrate, T3-40 g/m 2 calcium ammonium nitrate, T4-50 g/m 2 calcium ammonium nitrate, T5-30 g/m 2 calcium nitrate, T6-40 g/m 2 calcium nitrate, T7-50 g/m 2 calcium nitrate, T8-100 g/m 2 calcium oxide, T9-200 g/m 2 calcium oxide, T10-300 g/m 2 calcium oxide, T11-20 g/m 2 dolomite, T12-30 g/m 2 dolomite and T13-40 g/m 2 dolomite with three replications. Among different treatments, the application of dolomite at 40 g/m 2 had taken minimum days for flower bud initiation (29.80), first floret opening (54.53), 50 per cent flowering (61.33), maximum duration of flowering (17.33 days), number of buds per spike (3.60), bud length (8.53 cm), bud diameter (21.64 mm), petal length (11.37 cm), petal breadth (4.37 cm), length of the flower stalk (71.85 cm) and vase life of flowers with and without anthers (8.17 and 9.55 days, respectively).While, minimum was recorded in control. Hence, it is concluded that the soil application of dolomite 40 g/m 2 at the time of planting proved to be promising for enhancing the flowering and quality of Asiatic lily.
Bio stimulants are the organic materials that promote the plant growth when applied in minute qua... more Bio stimulants are the organic materials that promote the plant growth when applied in minute quantities and are also referred as metabolic enhancers. They have been emerged as a supplement to mineral fertilizers and hold a promise to improve the yield as well as quality of the crop. Keeping in view, the need and importance of biostimulants, an experiment was carried out at the Experimental block of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture, Mudigere, Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Iruvakki, Shivamogga in the year 2022-2023, to investigate the impact of biostimulants on the flowering, quality, and yield of annual chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.), with ten treatments viz., T1-Humic acid @ 0.4%, T2-Humic acid @ 0.6%, T3
This study was conducted to determine the effect of biostimulants on growth, flowering and yield ... more This study was conducted to determine the effect of biostimulants on growth, flowering and yield of Chrysanthemum cv. Kolar local with thirteen treatments such as two concentrations of biostimulants sprayed at four frequencies (first, second, third and fourth spray at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after transplanting) and untreated control. Each treatment was replicated thrice in randomized complete block design (RCBD). The parameters such as plant height (cm), number of leaves, leaf area (cm 2), stem girth (mm), number of primary branches, number of secondary branches and intermodal length were checked as morphological parameters. Moreover, days taken for first flowering, days to 50% flowering and duration of flowering are the checked flowering parameters whereas number of flowers per plant, flower yield per plant, flower yield per m 2 , flower yield per hectare and sucker yield per plant are the yield parameters. Among the different treatments, Spic cytozyme@ 0.4% (T8) registered maximum plant height (89.04 cm) and intermodal length(2.44 cm), whereas biovita @ 0.6% recorded the maximum number of leaves (143.43), leaf area per plant, (5245.33cm 2), stem girth (8.18 mm), number of primary (11.47) and secondary branches (24.98). Regarding the flowering parameters; among different treatments, minimum number of days to first flower initiation (100.00) and 50 percent flowering (112.33) and maximum flower duration (65.82) was recorded with Biovita @ 0.6%(T4). However, control (T13) recorded minimum.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2019
In view of the high level of morphological diversity in fern species, assessment of genetic varia... more In view of the high level of morphological diversity in fern species, assessment of genetic variation among 19 fern species was evaluated using ten inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The results suggested that the ISSR markers produced much better reproducible bands and were more efficient in grouping fern species. ISSR fragments generated 29 to 87 bands per primer. A total of 281 polymorphic bands generated 34.48 to 66.66 per cent polymorphism per primer. All germplasm were clearly differentiated by their ISSR fingerprints. The similarity coefficient on ISSR profiles were subjected to UPGMA cluster analysis between the species was within the range from 1.00 to 25 per cent. The dendrogram generated by ISSR markers revealed two major clusters, indicating that fern species have distributed based on frond shape, frond type, type of rhizome, habitat, stipe colour, texture, sori position. This is the first report in ferns genetic diversity estimation and clustering by using ISSRs.
2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014
Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics has been an increasing interest in recent years, as a result of... more Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics has been an increasing interest in recent years, as a result of the increased degree of automation and the growing demand for higher performance, efficiency, reliability and safety in industrial systems. On-line fault detection and isolation methods have been developed for automated processes. These methods include data mining methodologies, artificial intelligence methodologies or combinations of the two. Data Mining is the statistical approach of extracting knowledge from data. Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. Activities in AI include searching, recognizing patterns and making logical inferences. This paper focuses on the various techniques used for Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics in Industry application domains.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009
We previously proposed a model of Class IA PI3K regulation in which p85 inhibition of p110α requi... more We previously proposed a model of Class IA PI3K regulation in which p85 inhibition of p110α requires ( i ) an inhibitory contact between the p85 nSH2 domain and the p110α helical domain, and ( ii ) a contact between the p85 nSH2 and iSH2 domains that orients the nSH2 so as to inhibit p110α. We proposed that oncogenic truncations of p85 fail to inhibit p110 due to a loss of the iSH2-nSH2 contact. However, we now find that within the context of a minimal regulatory fragment of p85 (the nSH2-iSH2 fragment, termed p85ni), the nSH2 domain rotates much more freely (τ c ≈12.7 ns) than it could if it were interacting rigidly with the iSH2 domain. These data are not compatible with our previous model. We therefore tested an alternative model in which oncogenic p85 truncations destabilize an interface between the p110α C2 domain (residue N345) and the p85 iSH2 domain (residues D560 and N564). p85ni-D560K/N564K shows reduced inhibition of p110α, similar to the truncated p85ni-572 STOP . Conver...
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2005
Fluoride can do it too! Solgels of metal fluorides play an important role in the formation of hi... more Fluoride can do it too! Solgels of metal fluorides play an important role in the formation of high surface area metal fluorides. The synthesis of amorphous high surface area metal fluorides via a recently discovered two-step synthetic route was investigated in detail, exemplified for ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008
Pulse sequences for spin-1 2-spin-1 pair heteronuclear single quantum correlation ͑HSQC͒, heteron... more Pulse sequences for spin-1 2-spin-1 pair heteronuclear single quantum correlation ͑HSQC͒, heteronuclear double quantum correlation ͑HDQC͒, and coupled-HSQC, and coupled-HDQC NMR spectroscopies are outlined, and experimental realization for a 13 C-2 H pair is demonstrated in solution state. In both the coupled versions, conditions for generation of in-phase and antiphase multiplets in either dimension are arrived at. The patterns and the intensity ratios are explained. The double quantum ͑2Q͒ experiments confirm doubling of both the shift frequency and the splitting due to coupling ͑to spin 1 2 ͒ of the 2Q coherence emanating from spin 1. The frequency doubling is equivalent to the corresponding single quantum ͑1Q͒ coherence at double the magnetic field strength. The coupling doubling, however, is independent of the magnetic field strength and a signature feature of the 2Q coherence. The ramification of the relative relaxation rates of 1Q and 2Q coherences is discussed.
Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 2006
The small multidrug-resistance pump from Staphylococcus aureus is a 107aa membrane protein that u... more The small multidrug-resistance pump from Staphylococcus aureus is a 107aa membrane protein that utilizes the proton gradient across the cell membrane to export a variety of toxic drugs in an antiporter manner (Grinius and Goldberg, 1994). We have initiated NMR structural and ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005
Catalysis Communications, 2002
Zirconium oxychloride modified active carbon supported palladium catalyst appears to be a promisi... more Zirconium oxychloride modified active carbon supported palladium catalyst appears to be a promising system in the hydrodechlorination of CCl 2 F 2 to yield CH 2 F 2 in greater yields; showing an altogether different product distribution compared to Pd/C and Pd=ZrO 2 catalysts. The catalysts have been characterized by BET-surface area, CO-chemisorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) analysis and fluorine contents in used catalysts. The interaction of Zr species with Pd and the formation of fluorinated zirconium species during the course of reaction led to the higher selectivity towards CH 2 F 2. Ó 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Catalysis Communications, 2003
Palladium deposited on fluorinated carbon covered alumina (Pd/FCCA) exhibited higher CCl 2 F 2 hy... more Palladium deposited on fluorinated carbon covered alumina (Pd/FCCA) exhibited higher CCl 2 F 2 hydrodechlorination activity and CH 2 F 2 selectivity compared to that of Pd supported on carbon covered alumina (Pd/CCA), Pd/C and Pd=Al 2 O 3 under identical reaction conditions. The formation of a-AlF 3 and carbon coverage on Al 2 O 3 , during the preparation of FCCA resulted in minimizing the support-active component interaction and also in the support stabilization.
Catalysis Communications, 2004
Magnesia modified active carbon supported palladium (PdMgO/C) catalyst prepared by co-impregnati... more Magnesia modified active carbon supported palladium (PdMgO/C) catalyst prepared by co-impregnation, has shown superior activity in the hydrodechlorination of CCl 2 F 2 to produce CH 2 F 2 in greater yields compared to Pd/C and Pd/MgO catalysts. The high activity of ...
Applied Catalysis A: General, 2003
La, Bi, Sb, Sn, Ba, and Zn are chosen for addition on carbon covered alumina (CCA) supported Pd c... more La, Bi, Sb, Sn, Ba, and Zn are chosen for addition on carbon covered alumina (CCA) supported Pd catalyst. The effect of these second metals on supported Pd catalysts has been studied for the hydrogenolysis activity of CCl 2 F 2 . Bi and Sb promoters have been found to improve ...
Angewandte Chemie, 2003
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Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2003
Papers by Dr. Chandrashekar S.Y.