Papers by Pablo Velarde Alvarado

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2018
Mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is an emerging area that has received increasing attent... more Mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is an emerging area that has received increasing attention in recent years, but still real-life validation for elderly residing in low and middle-income countries is scarce. We developed a wearable ECG monitor that is integrated with a self-designed wireless sensor for ECG signal acquisition. It is used with a native purposely designed smartphone application, based on machine learning techniques, for automated classification of captured ECG beats from aged people. When tested on 100 older adults, the monitoring system discriminated normal and abnormal ECG signals with a high degree of accuracy (97%), sensitivity (100%), and specificity (96.6%). With further verification, the system could be useful for detecting cardiac abnormalities in the home environment and contribute to prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases, while keeping costs down and increasing access to healthcare services for older persons.
Research on computing science, 2008
IEEE Communications Letters, 2009
Attacks, such as port scans, DDoS and worms, threaten the functionality and reliability of IP net... more Attacks, such as port scans, DDoS and worms, threaten the functionality and reliability of IP networks. Early and accurate detection is crucial to mitigate their impact. We use the Method of Remaining Elements (MRE) to detect anomalies based on the characterization of traffic features through a proportional uncertainty measure. MRE has the functionality and performance to detect abnormal behavior and

El proceso de autenticacion es un componente clave para incrementar la seguridad en una red vehic... more El proceso de autenticacion es un componente clave para incrementar la seguridad en una red vehicular. La mayoria de los protocolos de autenticacion propuestos en la literatura, se basan en criptografia asimetrica, y especificamente en el uso del algoritmo RSA. Ademas, se considera el uso de certificados digitales y una infraestructura de clave publica. Por lo tanto, el proceso de autenticacion suele ser complejo. Con la intencion de proponer una solucion segura, sin el uso de certificado digitales y el algoritmo RSA, se presenta un protocolo de autenticacion mutua basado en el algoritmo Diffie-Hellman para establecer una clave de sesion entre vehiculo (OBU) y unidad de carretera (RSU). A partir de la clave de sesion, se puede establecer un canal de comunicacion seguro para transmitir el identificador de cada participante y los respectivos parametros de seguridad. Para realizar el proceso de autenticacion, las entidades realizan operaciones de bajo costo computacional, como son func...

Most of the methods for real-time semantic segmentation do not take into account temporal informa... more Most of the methods for real-time semantic segmentation do not take into account temporal information when working with video sequences. This is counter-intuitive in real-world scenarios where the main application of such methods is, precisely, being able to process frame sequences as quickly and accurately as possible. In this paper, we address this problem by exploiting the temporal information provided by previous frames of the video stream. Our method leverages a previous input frame as well as the previous output of the network to enhance the prediction accuracy of the current input frame. We develop a module that obtains feature maps rich in change information. Additionally, we incorporate the previous output of the network into all the decoder stages as a way of increasing the attention given to relevant features. Finally, to properly train and evaluate our methods, we introduce CityscapesVid, a dataset specifically designed to benchmark semantic video segmentation networks. ...
Sensors, 2022
In this paper, we addressed the problem of dataset scarcity for the task of network intrusion det... more In this paper, we addressed the problem of dataset scarcity for the task of network intrusion detection. Our main contribution was to develop a framework that provides a complete process for generating network traffic datasets based on the aggregation of real network traces. In addition, we proposed a set of tools for attribute extraction and labeling of traffic sessions. A new dataset with botnet network traffic was generated by the framework to assess our proposed method with machine learning algorithms suitable for unbalanced data. The performance of the classifiers was evaluated in terms of macro-averages of F1-score (0.97) and the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (0.94), showing a good overall performance average.

2018 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP), 2018
Network security is a topical issue today for everyone connected to Internet. However, malicious ... more Network security is a topical issue today for everyone connected to Internet. However, malicious users try to obtain unauthorized access to network resources, affecting integrity, confidentiality, and availability. As a consequence, researchers, developers and network administrators have created many security mechanisms in order to enhance security. Among the security solutions that we can find in the market, Intrusion Detection Systems monitor inbound and outbound network activity, identifying suspicious traffic. IDS compare typical network activity with daily network activity, searching for anomalous traffic. If the IDS detects anomalous traffic, it sends an alert. In this work, we propose a Bayesian network classifier, which can detect normal or anomalous traffic. Through our Bayesian network model, it is possible to describe the cause-effect relationships that exist between the traffic features. Due to the high dimensionality of the data, and to the widespread use of the networks, we used a flow-level analysis, which saved a considerable computational load. We focus on network worms and brute force attacks, using the datasets of UNB ISCX IDS 2012 and UAN W32.Worms 2008. Results in terms of false positive and true positive rates show that the performance of the model has a high efficiency for classification of normal traffic and the set of selected attacks.
In this work we propose the evaluation of firewalls based on free software GNU / LINUX with the c... more In this work we propose the evaluation of firewalls based on free software GNU / LINUX with the characteristics that allow them to be integrated into a test bed in which various network environments and attack scenarios were studied, evaluated and analyzed. Free software firewalls are a good alternative when it comes to providing security in a network, in this work were evaluated four Linux distributions that have been specially designed to provide this service. The free software tools used, proved to be adequate for the tests carried out on the different firewalls, in this way it was possible to obtain results that show the feasibility of ClearOS to be implemented in the test bed. Its effectiveness was also proven by showing a good response in the defense of attacks, with and without the injection of background traffic generated by the iperf tool.

Actualmente, un gran numero de instituciones educativas utilizan plataformas virtuales para ofrec... more Actualmente, un gran numero de instituciones educativas utilizan plataformas virtuales para ofrecer programas educativos con el fin de diversificar su oferta academica y captar a un mayor numero de estudiantes. Por otra parte, el modelo educativo actual de muchas Universidades, incluyendo a la Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit se basa en un enfoque por competencias profesionales integradas y ofertan programas educativos en modalidad virtual. Los programas educativos en modalidad virtual requieren de elementos digitales para el proceso de ensenanza-aprendizaje, con la calidad necesaria para garantizar que los estudiantes adquieran las competencias. Los objetos de aprendizaje (OA) se han venido utilizando como una poderosa herramienta educativa dentro de la cual se contemplan un conjunto de recursos digitales que tienen como caracteristica el hecho que pueden ser reutilizables, es decir, que un mismo OA puede ser utilizado en diversos contextos y que entre sus elementos basicos esta la ...
In this paper, we show two methodologies for generating entropy-based behavior profiles of LAN tr... more In this paper, we show two methodologies for generating entropy-based behavior profiles of LAN traffic. Fast detection of intrusions caused by port scanning and worm attacks can be reached through the rate remnant elements at the packet-level, as well as the three-dimensional spaces of entropy at the flow-level. The profile was generated on LAN traffic of a campus by using empirical analysis.

Revista Facultad De Ingenieria-universidad De Antioquia, 2013
Recently, Chen-Hsiang-Shih proposed a new dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme. The... more Recently, Chen-Hsiang-Shih proposed a new dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme. The authors claimed that their scheme was more secure than previous works. However, this paper demonstrates that theirscheme is still unsecured against different kinds of attacks. In order to enhance the security of the scheme proposed by Chen-Hsiang-Shih, a new scheme is proposed. The scheme achieves the following security goals: without verification table, each user chooses and changes the password freely, each user keeps the password secret, mutual authentication, the scheme establishes a session key after successful authentication, and the scheme maintains the user's anonymity. Security analysis and comparison demonstrate that the proposed scheme is more secure than Das-Saxena-Gulati's scheme, Wang et al.'s scheme and Chen-Hsiang-Shih.

Nova Scientia, 2016
Resumen Se propone un nuevo esquema de autenticación de usuario remoto basado en un identificador... more Resumen Se propone un nuevo esquema de autenticación de usuario remoto basado en un identificador dinámico, utilizando tarjetas inteligentes. Se utiliza una función unidireccional, criptosistema de clave pública ElGamal, y un número aleatorio. El esquema propuesto cumple con los siguientes requerimientos de seguridad: 1) los usuarios pueden seleccionar y cambiar su contraseña libremente, 2) autenticación mutua entre el usuario y el servidor, 3) el usuario y el servidor establecen una clave de sesión después de concluir exitosamente el proceso de autenticación, 4) el servidor no mantiene una tabla de verificación, 5) el mensaje de inicio de sesión no contiene la identidad del usuario, y 6) la fase de autenticación no requiere sincronización de tiempo. Además, el esquema puede resistir ataques bien conocidos, haciéndolo más seguro que otros trabajos relacionados. Con el fin de verificar las características de seguridad del protocolo propuesto, se ha modelado y analizado utilizando HLPSL y la herramienta AVISPA. Los resultados demuestran que el protocolo introducido ofrece mayores requisitos de seguridad que trabajos anteriores.
The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society
IEEE Latin America Transactions

Ventana Informatica
En 2004, Das, Saxena & Gulati propusieron un nuevo esquema de autenticación basado en un identifi... more En 2004, Das, Saxena & Gulati propusieron un nuevo esquema de autenticación basado en un identificador dinámico cuyo principal propósito fue evitar el ataque de robo de identidad. Desde ese momento, se han propuesto varios esquemas con la intención de mejorar la seguridad de esquemas previos. Sood et al., propusieron un nuevo esquema y claman que es más seguro que el esquema propuesto por Liou, Lin & Wang. Sin embargo, un estudio de criptoanálisis ha demostrado que su esquema continúa siendo vulnerable a los siguientes ataques: encontrar la clave secreta, suplantación de identidad, y robo de información de la base de datos, haciendo al esquema inseguro para su uso en servicios electrónicos. En este artículo se propone un nuevo esquema que resuelve las fallas de seguridad encontradas en el esquema de Sood y cumple con todas las características de seguridad que un esquema de autenticación de usuario remoto de ofrecer.Palabras clave: Criptoanálisis, autenticación mutua, seguridad en re...
Wireless Personal Communications
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería
Recently, Chen-Hsiang-Shih proposed a new dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme. The... more Recently, Chen-Hsiang-Shih proposed a new dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme. The authors claimed that their scheme was more secure than previous works. However, this paper demonstrates that their scheme is still unsecured against different kinds of attacks. In order to enhance the security of the scheme proposed by Chen-Hsiang-Shih, a new scheme is proposed. The scheme achieves the following security goals: without verification table, each user chooses and changes the password freely, each user keeps the password secret, mutual authentication, the scheme establishes a session key after successful authentication, and the scheme maintains the user’s anonymity. Security analysis and comparison demonstrate that the proposed scheme is more secure than Das-Saxena-Gulati’s scheme, Wang et al.’s scheme and Chen-Hsiang-Shih.
Wireless Personal Communications, 2015
Papers by Pablo Velarde Alvarado