Papers by Alejandro Posadas
El juego de la Suprema Corte: Blog de la Revista Nexos, 2024
Toda proposición que contenga razones debe ser considerada, evaluada, debatida, y enriquecida par... more Toda proposición que contenga razones debe ser considerada, evaluada, debatida, y enriquecida para su eventual aceptación o rechazo. Esto es un signo esencial de la democracia y una regla para la mejor convivencia y el avance en todas las áreas del saber humano. Este es el caso de la iniciativa de reforma constitucional al poder judicial enviada por el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador. En este artículo propongo razones sobre aspectos que podrían enriquecerse y cuáles deberían esperar un análisis más ponderado y un debate más amplio. En particular me centro en el proceso de designación del personal con funciones jurisdiccionales que se contiene en la propuesta de reforma del llamado Plan C.
El Juego de la Suprema Corte Blog Nexos, 2024
ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, Dec 31, 1996
He is a founding member of the Mexican International Law Students Association (AMEDI), of which h... more He is a founding member of the Mexican International Law Students Association (AMEDI), of which he served as the first national President in 1991. 1. According to its Article 2203, the accord would enter into force "on an exchange of written notifications certifying the completion of necessary legal procedures," which were completed on
Cuadernos Unimetanos, 2006
International journal of legal information, 2003
Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional, 2006
RESUMEN: En el pre sen te ar tícu lo se plan tea un aná li sis del ré gi men de de re cho in ter ... more RESUMEN: En el pre sen te ar tícu lo se plan tea un aná li sis del ré gi men de de re cho in ter nacio nal de la in ver sión ex tran je ra en el mar co de los pro ce sos de in te gra ción eco nó mi ca de Mé xi co, así como del pa no ra ma de la in ver sión ex tran je ra en el mun do y cómo en ella se in ser ta Mé xi co. Bajo este con tex to se ana li zan tres ins ti tu cio nes ju rí di cas que Mé xi co ha adop ta do por me dio de una se rie de tra ta dos in ter na cio na les re la cio na dos con el cli ma de in ver sión pro duc ti va, di chas ins ti tu cio nes son: el cri te rio de ni vel mí ni mo de tra to a los in ver sio nis tas ex tran je ros bajo el de re cho in ter na cio nal, la dis ci pli na de li bre trans fe rencia y con ver ti bi li dad y, por úl ti mo, las exen cio nes im po si ti vas a or ga nis mos in ter na ciona les fi nan cie ros con per so na li dad ju rí di ca.
International journal of legal information, 2000
La edición virtual de esta obra ha sido publicada bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribucion-NoCom... more La edición virtual de esta obra ha sido publicada bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribucion-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), lo cual indica que usted es libre de copiar y compartir el material por cualquier medio o formato y que su uso está sujeto a la condición de citar apropiadamente a los autores de la obra, así como de no alterarla, ni hacer obras derivadas, ni hacer uso comercial de la misma. Detalles de licenciamiento:
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) entered into force on January 1, 1994.\u27 Since ... more The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) entered into force on January 1, 1994.\u27 Since then, the new General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) has been approved; control of the United States Congress has changed from Democrat to Republican; Mexico is going through a financial crisis; and apparently nothing dramatic, for better or for worse, has yet happened to the American economy
Issue eleven focused on current water law and white collar crime in U.S and Mexico.
Constitutional reform of Mexico’s energy sector is targeted, in part, at facilitating access via ... more Constitutional reform of Mexico’s energy sector is targeted, in part, at facilitating access via unconventional recovery efforts to shale gas reserves in northeastern Mexico. The methods — namely hydraulic fracturing — require lots of water, which may be difficult to obtain in regions where water is already scarce. The reform prioritizes energy development, requiring landowners to cooperate with companies developing hydrocarbons. In 2012, access to water was enshrined in the Constitution as a human right, an entitlement the judiciary has shown itself willing to enforce. These conflicting legal priorities create the potential for conflict over water allocation, a situation exacerbated by increasing scarcity due to drought and population and economic growth. This chapter reviews the state of water in Mexico in light of the reform, considers the social conflict that may be precipitated by opposing priorities, and offers recommendations to alleviate tensions as energy production increases.
This Article highlights the development and current state of clinical legal education in Canada, ... more This Article highlights the development and current state of clinical legal education in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and examines recent trends in clinical legal education in each country. This is a timely topic. Canadian clinics and, in particular, Ontario-based law school affiliated clinics are grappling with recently-imposed post-graduation alternatives to traditional articling practices, while Canadian law schools are examining whether additional experiential courses should be offered to law students. U.S. law schools face difficult choices with respect to clinical education in light of sustained lower enrollments and resulting adjusted budget realities, as well as the pressures of meeting the needs of a radically restructured legal marketplace. Mexican legal clinics have a proud and storied history of providing free legal services to local communities and are rapidly evolving into more formal structures, even as the market for a legal education in Mexico is undergoin...
Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional, 2006
En el presente artículo se plantea un análisis del régimen de derecho internacional de la inversi... more En el presente artículo se plantea un análisis del régimen de derecho internacional de la inversión extranjera en el marco de los procesos de integración económica de México, así como del panorama de la inversión extranjera en el mundo y cómo en ella se inserta México. Bajo este contexto se analizan tres instituciones jurídicas que México ha adoptado por medio de una serie de tratados internacionales relacionados con el clima de inversión productiva, dichas instituciones son: el criterio de nivel mínimo de trato a los inversionistas extranjeros bajo el derecho internacional, la disciplina de libre transferencia y convertibilidad y, por último, las exenciones impositivas a organismos internacionales financieros con personalidad jurídica.
Issue eleven focused on current water law and white collar crime in U.S and Mexico.
Papers by Alejandro Posadas
initiatives that have opened a discussion about the traditional law school model and its relation with the legal market and the profession. Clinical legal education is among these developments. A few but significant clinical legal education programs have been established in the last five years giving rise to an interesting, though still modest, new legal clinical wave. Bufetes juridicos gratuitos (legal aid programs) play a role in these developments too. The article makes a critical constructive reading of this context and submits ideas to take advantage of a developing discussion and legal reform initiatives regarding the regulation of lawyers and the profession to
extend clinical legal education programs to impact in a more mediate timeframe the quality of legal education and the contribution of law schools and university to strengthening the rule of law and facilitating the access to justice in Mexico.