Psychology and Law
Recent papers in Psychology and Law
Soziale Medien haben unser Kommunikationsverhalten entscheidend verändert. Im Zuge dieser Veränderung begegenen uns bekannte Herausforderungen wie Radikalisierung oder Hassrede in neuer Intensität. Zusätzlich tun sich bislang unbekannte... more
As psychological research advances, psychologists and neuroscientists are able not only to debate one another in increasingly precise ways, or address mental illness with increasingly sophisticated interventions. They also become better... more
Laws differ from one country to another in the European Union. When legal diversity is perceived as a problem, notably for the integration of the Internal Market, harmonisation is used as a tool to increase the similarity of legal rules.... more
The issue of exactly what constitutes a gang is fraught with debate and lack of consensus across researchers and policy makers (see Wood and Alleyne 2010 for a fuller discussion). However, the Eurogang network has captured the elements... more
El psicoanálisis puede ser definido como una terapia del lenguaje. Sus recursos básicos son el discurso, la escucha y la atención al acontecimiento. Tiene como horizonte, entre otros, el de disolver y solucionar malestares. Uno de sus... more
The conviction rate for sexual assault is persistently low in the United States. We propose a cycle-of-blame framework to highlight the possibility that the same rape myths that limit convictions are in turn strengthened by not-guilty... more
An article which is based on the need of behavioral sciences in the investigation and judicial system of Pakistan. there are many flaws need to be modified according to the need of time. To provide fair justice to the all people of... more
El escrito es una breve recopilación y adaptación al contexto colombiano del trabajo realizado por los doctores Ronald Clarke y John Eck, titulado Análisis delictivo para la resolución de problemas (en 60 pequeños pasos) , y que pretende... more
The article aims at presenting the topic of cognitive interview (CI) taking into account its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the usefulness of its application in Polish law enforcement during pre-trial proceedings. Due to the... more
Sebagai bidang psikologi yang relatif lebih baru dan terus mengalami perkembangan, psikologi hukum dan forensik belum begitu diketahui oleh masyarakat Indonesia sebagaimana di negara tempatnya berkembang, di Amerika. Artikel ini bertujuan... more
A national sample of 89 experts reviewed a police interview of an alleged 5-year-old female victim. Retaining party (prosecution or defense) and interview suggestibility (low or high) varied across experts. Experts were more willing to... more
Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie tematyki przesłuchania poznawczego (wywiadu poznawczego, cognitive interview, CI) z uwzględnieniem jego zalet oraz wad, a także użyteczności stosowania go w praktyce polskich organów ścigania podczas... more
Ekshibicjonizm, czyli publiczne obnażanie się w celu osiągnięcia gratyfikacji seksualnej to jedno z najczęściej występujących na świecie zaburzeń preferencji seksualnych. Z racji swojego trudnego do uchwycenia charakteru, oraz nie tak... more
The use of expert witnesses in jury trials is common. Experts are assumed to be neutral, objective parties who disseminate information to jurors; however, the adversarial system may bias experts in favor of the side that retained them... more
Conceptualización de la psicología policial y militar. Ámbitos de aplicación. Contexto en Colombia.
El uso de la técnica de perfilación criminológica como herramienta de investigación criminal en los últimos años ha sido objeto de revisiones en cuanto a su fundamentación científica, aplicabilidad rigurosa y funcionalidad para el aparato... more
Derecho PUCP se registra en los siguientes catálogos, directorios y bases de datos: Dialnet, Worldcat, Primo Central, Latindex, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JournalTOCS, BASE, CLASE, EbscoHost, Cengage Learning, Vlex, La... more
This paper examines possible ways in which the legal process is influenced by money-related considerations – sometimes to a dramatic extent - and considers ethical implications and practical reflections on the administration of... more
This study examined the effect of gender and facial characteristics of criminal offenders on attributions of crime-relevant traits. The stimulus pictures portrayed women and men of varying attractiveness. Participants were presented with... more
Algorithms may seriously impair the right to privacy held by groups of individuals (and thus, more subtly, individuals themselves, but relationally). Indeed, a functional equivalence exists between the way personal data is gathered and... more
One of the most provocative topics at the intersection of law and mental health is whether or not psychopaths should be able to use the insanity defense. The factors needed for a successful insanity defense differ from state to state... more
The argument presented in this paper is that not only should the state make greater use of scientific research, it is under a moral and legal obligation to do so. The source of this obligation is the right to the most accurate procedures... more
This symposium essay constructs a theory of police racial violence that is based upon the social psychology of contemporary bias. Our examination of this violence through the lens of the mind sciences reveals that it is an inevitable and... more
L’alliance entre les sphères de pouvoir politiques et psychiatriques s’est longtemps justifiée par la nécessité et la complémentarité. Or, depuis le milieu du vingtième siècle, les bases de la gouvernance politique et les... more
In a series of experimental studies, we asked people to assign appropriate civil and/or criminal liability to individuals who cause harm with various culpable states of mind and kinds of knowledge. The studies are principally aimed at two... more
Streszczenie W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono psychologiczne i prawnicze kryteria oceny wiarygodności zeznań świadków w kontekście pracy tłumacza w środowisku sądowym, w szczególności w odniesieniu do wierności tłumaczenia i... more
Mental health legislation exists in between the opposing disciplines of law and psychiatry, and poses a challenge to lawyers, judges and medical witnesses to make legal standards workable where difficult psychiatric questions are... more
L’utilisation de la contention chimique est réglementée depuis dix ans au Québec. Pourtant, les enjeux clinique, éthique et juridique, parfois antinomiques, n’ont pas été réellement envisagés lors du processus législatif qui a... more