Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra
Modelo de flujo de agua y un contaminante.
We report an interesting Aptian ammonite record from the La Peña Formation in the Sierra de Parras, Coahuila State. This assemblage is analyzed from a paleoecological perspective. It contains the first reported occurrence of a macroconch... more
The Cerro Mercado pluton, emplaced in the Coahuila fold belt, contains magmatic, ductile, and brittle fabrics that suggest local and regional deformation during igneous emplacement, later affected by regional deformation in the area. The... more
Capas continentales de edad Jurásico Superior y Cretácico Inferior, en el núcleo del anticlinal de la Sierra de La Fragua en el centro de Coahuila, presentan una magnetización característica de polaridad dual, que interpretamos como una... more
Rocas graníticas pérmicas en la Sierra Pinta en el NW de Sonora, México 709 Rocas graníticas pérmicas en la Sierra Pinta, NW de Sonora, México:
The 102 Ma El Potrero pluton, in the western foothills of Sierra San Pedro Mártir, in north-central Baja California, was emplaced during a long period of contractional deformation bracketed between 132 and 85 Ma that affected this segment... more
The 102 Ma El Potrero pluton, in the western foothills of Sierra San Pedro Mártir, in north-central Baja California, was emplaced during a long period of contractional deformation bracketed between 132 and 85 Ma that affected this segment... more
The 102 Ma El Potrero pluton, in the western foothills of Sierra San Pedro Mártir, in north-central Baja California, was emplaced during a long period of contractional deformation bracketed between 132 and 85 Ma that affected this segment... more
En estas localidades aflora una secuencia de conglomerados, areniscas inmaduras y lodolitas rojas, cementadas por hematita; esta secuencia de ambiente continental está asignada al Cretácico Temprano. Todos los especímenes, de un total de... more
Cartografía geológica-estructural en la sierra Cuesta El Infierno (SCI), ubicada en el borde occidental del levantamiento de Plomosas, permitió identificar dos sucesiones volcánicas del Paleógeno que descansan discordantemente sobre rocas... more
The Zona Canteras-Puerto Peñasco area, previously known as Seven Hills, is located ~20 km ENE of the town of Puerto Peñasco in NW Sonora, Mexico. Crystalline basement in this area is key to defining Proterozoic provinces of SW Laurentia... more
A semi-quantitative thermochronological study, combining U-Pb and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronology, has allowed assessment of the crystallization and cooling history of the Laramide Sierrita Blanca granite as well as the thermal effects... more
El presente estudio reporta información petrográfica y geoquímica del Complejo Plutónico El Peñuelo (CPEP), perteneciente al Cinturón de Intrusivos de Concepción del Oro (CICO, noreste de México). El CPEP es una estructura semi-circular,... more
The Mercurio structural dome is a poorly exposed and complex structure located in the transitional region between the Coahuila Calcareous Platform and the San Pedro El Gallo sector of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. It is located in... more
Chávez-Cabello et al. 28 28 FSM sepultada por productos del Campo Volcánico de Camargo, al sureste de Chihuahua. Los dos últimos eventos parecen estar presentes sobre los segmentos de la FSM en Coahuila; sin embargo, aquí no afectan a... more
El software 2D Move (v. 5.1) se empleó para realizar una restauración estructural (modelado inverso de la deformación) de los pliegues y fallas inversas en el borde del cinturón plegado y cabalgado de la Sierra Madre Oriental (SMO) en el... more