Books by Pavel Fojtík
Hrad Křídlo. Historie, stavební vývoj a archeologie zříceniny šlechtického sídla v Hostýnských vrších [Castle Křídlo; 2021] (co-authors R. Vrla, D. Janiš, J. Janišová, Z. Schenk, L. Bartíková, P. Žákovský, A. Fojtík, M. Popelka, Z. Štaffen, P. Fojtík, S. Španihel) Hrad Křídlo. Historie, stavební vývoj a archeologie zříceniny šlechtického sídla v Hostýnských vr... more Hrad Křídlo. Historie, stavební vývoj a archeologie zříceniny šlechtického sídla v Hostýnských vrších [Castle Křídlo. History, building development, and archaeology of a ruined noble house in the Hostýnské vrchy hills; 2021] (co-authors Radim Vrla, Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová, Zdeněk Schenk, Lenka Bartíková, Petr Žákovský, Adam Fojtík, Miroslav Popelka, Zdeněk Štaffen, Pavel Fojtík, Samuel Španihel)
Popularizační publikace ke stejnojmenné autorské výstavě realizované ve dnech 15. 2. 2022 - 17. 7... more Popularizační publikace ke stejnojmenné autorské výstavě realizované ve dnech 15. 2. 2022 - 17. 7. 2022 ve výstavních prostorách Muzea a galerie v Prostějově, p. o., prezentující současný stav poznání starší doby železné na Moravě s důrazem na nejnovější výsledky archeologických odkryvů v geografické oblasti Prostějovska. – Popularizating publication of the same named author's exhibition realized on February 15 - July 17, 2022 in the exhibition area of the Museum and Gallery in Prostějov, p. o.
The exhibition and book are presenting the current state of knowledge of the Early Iron Age in Moravia with emphasis on the latest results of archaeological excavations in the geographical area of Prostějov.

(FULLTEXT for download) available on:, 2021
The book is devoted to the utilization of modern techniques and methods of chemical analysis in a... more The book is devoted to the utilization of modern techniques and methods of chemical analysis in archaeological research. It describes analytical procedures in the context of cooperation between analyst and archaeologist – starting from sampling, further through sample preparation and up to the analysis itself. Although classical techniques are also presented, the book is focused on the use of contemporary instrumental analytical techniques. Due to the irreplaceability of bioanalytical methods in modern archaeological research, the book also contains an extensive chapter focused on the analysis of biomacromolecules with an overlap into archaeogenetics and protein analysis. The book reflects the multidisciplinarity of research in archaeology and heritage science and indicates the potential of utilization of linking results from the fields of metabolomics, proteomics and genetics. Each of these chapters represents a synthesis of an overview of information from the original journal literature, the authors’ own work and a critical evaluation of the state of research in the field. The book presents the opportunities for application of systematic scientific research in a number of applications and causal chapters, based on the experience of the authors and their past and current research and with a prospect to the near future. It is intended for archaeologists to provide them with detailed information on the possibilities as well as the pitfalls of current analytical procedures and for analytic chemists interested in research in the field of history, archaeology and cultural heritage.

The centre of East Hallstatt culture in Central Moravia, 2020
We consider the research of the Hallstatt Period (800‒450 BC) in Moravia to be multifaceted. For ... more We consider the research of the Hallstatt Period (800‒450 BC) in Moravia to be multifaceted. For an overall understanding of the period, it is not possible to focus only on any of the pre-selected sub-areas; on the contrary, the key methodology is to achieve a comprehensive model and incorporate the individual areas into it. The work develops the topic in a broader scope of several areas simultaneously using new and older interpreted data. The main part of the work is a look at the issue of graves (their imovable and movable components) as a reflection of the behavior of people of the Hallstatt Period in Moravia, points to their wide interspecies among other areas, which we try to understand and reconstruct the Hallstatt society (e.g. social structure). The work uses the following methodological procedure: 1. by monitoring elites, it determines a prediction model for the whole of Moravia, two centres are identified, in the Brno region and in the Prostějov region; 2. targets one of the centres found in the Prostějov region in the area of the Platěnice group (800‒550 BC) and the former Platěnice group in the late Hallstatt Period (550‒450 BC); 3. in the centre it focuses on the recently researched and well-documented burial ground Seloutky ‒ "Na Šťastných"; 4. burial ground Seloutky ‒ “Na Šťastných“ is gradually being evaluated within the centre in the Prostějov region and subsequently within Moravia. The basis of the assessment of the burial ground in Seloutky ‒ “Na Šťastných“ is its time position. According to the defined methodology, it is included among other graves in the whole of Moravia dated with the help of metal or glass inventory. The obtained time-space data are connected among other monitored circuits. The basic chronological structure in Moravia now consists of 125 graves of the Horákov and Platěnice groups, the former Horákov and Platenice groups and in the Early La Tène Period (450‒370 BC), their classification is made on the basis of analyzes of metal and glass objects. Several elite contexts, including four-wheeled wagons, were identified in the funeral sanctuary of Habrůvka ‒ “Býčí skála“ (575‒450 BC). We also attach significant closed files ‒ 19 hoards in the range (625‒450 BC). A total of 155 graves, hoards and contexts in the funeral sanctuary are presented. 11 dated graves according to the mentioned methodology come from Seloutky ‒ “Na Šťastných“ and form about 1/10 of dated graves in Moravia. We compare this structure with other separate circuits: 1. fortifications/homesteads; 2. specialized craft; 3. Eastern type cultures in Moravia. The work gradually involves several scientific disciplines ‒ anthropology, zoology, analytical chemistry, magnetic prospecting and statistics. It also does not neglect related humanities, stibology and ethnology target the social landscape, religion studies symbols and tests their role on selected topics. The connection of all topics is made possible by graves, which are chronologically and territorially linked to individual areas; it is also linked to the question of a social structure dominated by the more affluent elites and the upper middle class. In addition to typological-chronological and socio-economic aspects, the work considers in the introductory chapters the terminology of the Platěnice group itself (including the Late Hallstatt Period). Both regional groups are an integral part of East Hallstatt culture.

Fenomén Býčí skála. Krajina, jeskyně a člověk, 2019
English: In the context of the Czech Republic, the well-known Býčí Skála Cave has been re-evaluat... more English: In the context of the Czech Republic, the well-known Býčí Skála Cave has been re-evaluated from 2015 to 2017, after the collecting new and reviewing older data in years 2007–2014. This text considers a role of the Býčí Skála Cave (Bull Rock Cave) to people of the Hallstatt period. The book brings new insights. The cave was used in 16 of 19 time periods, since the Paleolithic until the Present. The reasons why people were entering this cave were regularly changing, even during one period (speleoarchaeology). We see the frequently discussed Hallstatt period (first half of 6th century BC) as a case study of this cave. The groups of findings from the cave indicate four different activities. The issue of a multifunctional space of the human world is discussed ‒ 1. visiting/residential; 2. production; 3. sacrificial/burial; 4. sacrificial/votive. An umbrella term for such complex activities is a cave sanctuary this term can be discussed besides the term cave sacrificial site, which has been commonly used in recent decades. The site in this form and intensity (of presence of elits) is absolutely unique in the landscape of Moravian Hallstatt period. It is necessary to perceive it as a part of social networks of people of the Hallstatt period (Horákov and Platěnice groups of East Hallstatt culture) within which along with people all sorts of material were moving.
Česky: Jeskyně Býčí skála v Moravském krasu patří k nejznámějším archeologickým lokalitám v České republice. Výzkumy lékaře Heinricha Wankela zde sahají až ke kořenům vědního oboru archeologie v naší zemi. Převratný objev z roku 1872 odstartoval snad nejdelší kontinuální zájem o konkrétní lokalitu. Již pátá generace domácích i zahraničních vědců se k nálezu vrací a na základě soudobých znalostí se jej snaží uchopit. Interpretační možnosti však limituje fakt nejen velmi časného objevu, ale zejména parametry samotné lokality, která nemá v Evropě v době halštatské paralelu. Horizontálně přístupná jeskyně ‒ kamenný dům ‒ ve spojení s abnormální koncentrací dokladů po elitách z ní činí unikát. Cesta k závěrečné interpretaci je zde ztížena nejen situací nálezu, ale i řadou mylných tvrzení badatelů. Autor na základě komplexního výzkumu od roku 2007 představuje koncept centrální pohřebně-obětní poutní svatyně.

Monograph. The Phenomenon of Býčí Skála Cave landscape, cave and mankind, 2017
In the context of the Czech Republic, the well-known Býčí Skála Cave has been re-evaluated from 2... more In the context of the Czech Republic, the well-known Býčí Skála Cave has been re-evaluated from 2015 to 2017, after the collecting new and reviewing older data in years 2007–2014. This text considers a role of the Býčí Skála Cave (Bull Rock Cave) to people of the Hallstatt period. The book brings new insights. The cave was used in 16 of 19 time periods, since the Paleolithic until the Present. The reasons why people were entering this cave were regularly changing, even during one period (speleoarchaeology). We see the frequently discussed Hallstatt period (575-450 BC = Ha D1b-D3) as a case study of this cave. The groups of findings from the cave indicate four different activities. The issue of a multifunctional space of the human world is discussed ‒ 1. visiting/residential; 2. production; 3. sacrificial/burial; 4. sacrificial/votive. An umbrella term for such complex activities is a cave sanctuary this term can be discussed besides the term cave sacrificial site, which has been commonly used in recent decades. The site in this form and intensity (of presence of elits) is absolutely unique in the landscape of Moravian Hallstatt period. It is necessary to perceive it as a part of social networks of people of the Hallstatt period (Horákov and Platěnice groups of East Hallstatt culture) within which along with people all sorts of material were moving.
Full-text in Czech, 236 pg.
Manuscript by Pavel Fojtík
Presented thesis "Slované na Prostějovsku ve světle hrobů a pohřebišť" is modified and extended r... more Presented thesis "Slované na Prostějovsku ve světle hrobů a pohřebišť" is modified and extended review of author´s previous publications. It covers about 700 graves from 6th till 12th century AD and makes a complex view to the archaeological material from the 53 early medieval burial sites from the territories of 45 villages in the former Prostějov district. As the most important are accented the burial sites excavated using modern techniques of rescue excavations, expecially Okružní ulice in Prostějov (9th century AD) and Určice (11th century AD). These two burials were used for detailed "model" analyses. Finally, there are presented also preliminary results of newly excavated burial site from Dětkovice, currently analysed using interdisciplinary approach.
Keywords: Central Moravia, Prostějov district, graves, burial sites, Slavs, early medieval
Chapters of books by Pavel Fojtík
Bronze Treasures. In: At the Crossroad of Ages. Hradisko u Kroměříže - Bronze Age Fort., 2023
Bronze hoard found in 2012 and containing 850 artefacts with a total weight of about 40 kg - smal... more Bronze hoard found in 2012 and containing 850 artefacts with a total weight of about 40 kg - small appetizer.

Modern chemical analyse in Archaeology. Part 1/Moderní chemická analýza v archeologii. I. díl., 2021
Chemical analysis of archaeological objects is an important part of current investigations. In th... more Chemical analysis of archaeological objects is an important part of current investigations. In the presented study, a soil from an archaeological vessel from rescue excavation close to the village Držovice (Central Moravia Region, Czech Republic; findings dated to Eneolithic period) was analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and firstly in archaeological science by atmospheric pressure solids analysis probe with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Miliacin, a chemical marker of a broomcorn millet, was unambiguously confirmed by both techniques. The obtained results can help to understand the diet habits of Corded Ware population and connection between Central Europe and Asia, where broomcorn millet has been domesticated. The identification of miliacin as a “chemical imprint” of millet from the end of Eneolithic period of Moravia is therefore extraordinarily important.
Papers by Pavel Fojtík

Študijné zvesti, 2024
The Moravian region occupies a central position in the Northern part of the East Hallstatt cultur... more The Moravian region occupies a central position in the Northern part of the East Hallstatt culture. There are two regional groups – the Horákov and Platěnice groups. Both of them provide numerous information for the study of chronology. Priority are chosen burial sites with suitable dates, which can be classified into the individual stages, phases and sub-phases of Reinecke’s or horizons of Parzinger’s periodisation. Within the Platěnice group these are namely the burial grounds in Moravičany, Dílečky, and Seloutky, Na Šťastných. Within the Horákov group we deal with the necropolises in Modřice, Rybníky and Sádky, and Vojkovice, Vojkovické nivy. The central burial ground including cave sanctuary Habrůvka, Býčí skála (not place of sacrifice), is related to both regions. The wagon graves are of strategic importance for the interregional chronology. While the Horákov group offers five of them, the first one in the Platěnice group has been identified at the burial site of Seloutky, Na Šťastných, which is quite newly introduced among the older sites. The fact that the wagon was recognized in a grave with cremation burial is of key importance. Habrůvka, Býčí skála, then offers six unique wagons. Moravia plays an important role for comparison of chronology with neighbouring Bohemia, Slovakia, Austria and Poland. Graves with wagons allow correlations across distant regions up to Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg or Eastern France.
Numismatický sborník 36, 2024
A small coin hoard of rare denier types of Přemysl Otakar II, struck probably in the 1260s in M... more A small coin hoard of rare denier types of Přemysl Otakar II, struck probably in the 1260s in Moravia, was found in autumn 2021. The assemblage of 17 coins extends considerably the number of specimens of this denomination known until now. The hoard was found in relative proximity of the Starý Plumlov Castle where it came most likely in relation with regional communication corridors.
Numismatický sborník 36, 2024
Single coin finds are important sources of information on the monetary circulation in a particula... more Single coin finds are important sources of information on the monetary circulation in a particular place. The article deals with coins found in four different sites in Prostějov and its surroundings; the first of them being a find obtained during archaeological research; the remaining three fall into the category of detector finds. Anonymous obols belonging to the Cach (1970) nos. 165–184 group have already been found in five or six different places in Moravia, and can be considered Moravian issues. New finds of deniers of Břetislav I of the Cach (1970) no. 300 type also unambiguously attest that both main issues of this type, with and without an anchor on the reverse, originated in Moravia.
Books by Pavel Fojtík
The exhibition and book are presenting the current state of knowledge of the Early Iron Age in Moravia with emphasis on the latest results of archaeological excavations in the geographical area of Prostějov.
Česky: Jeskyně Býčí skála v Moravském krasu patří k nejznámějším archeologickým lokalitám v České republice. Výzkumy lékaře Heinricha Wankela zde sahají až ke kořenům vědního oboru archeologie v naší zemi. Převratný objev z roku 1872 odstartoval snad nejdelší kontinuální zájem o konkrétní lokalitu. Již pátá generace domácích i zahraničních vědců se k nálezu vrací a na základě soudobých znalostí se jej snaží uchopit. Interpretační možnosti však limituje fakt nejen velmi časného objevu, ale zejména parametry samotné lokality, která nemá v Evropě v době halštatské paralelu. Horizontálně přístupná jeskyně ‒ kamenný dům ‒ ve spojení s abnormální koncentrací dokladů po elitách z ní činí unikát. Cesta k závěrečné interpretaci je zde ztížena nejen situací nálezu, ale i řadou mylných tvrzení badatelů. Autor na základě komplexního výzkumu od roku 2007 představuje koncept centrální pohřebně-obětní poutní svatyně.
Manuscript by Pavel Fojtík
Keywords: Central Moravia, Prostějov district, graves, burial sites, Slavs, early medieval
Chapters of books by Pavel Fojtík
Papers by Pavel Fojtík
The exhibition and book are presenting the current state of knowledge of the Early Iron Age in Moravia with emphasis on the latest results of archaeological excavations in the geographical area of Prostějov.
Česky: Jeskyně Býčí skála v Moravském krasu patří k nejznámějším archeologickým lokalitám v České republice. Výzkumy lékaře Heinricha Wankela zde sahají až ke kořenům vědního oboru archeologie v naší zemi. Převratný objev z roku 1872 odstartoval snad nejdelší kontinuální zájem o konkrétní lokalitu. Již pátá generace domácích i zahraničních vědců se k nálezu vrací a na základě soudobých znalostí se jej snaží uchopit. Interpretační možnosti však limituje fakt nejen velmi časného objevu, ale zejména parametry samotné lokality, která nemá v Evropě v době halštatské paralelu. Horizontálně přístupná jeskyně ‒ kamenný dům ‒ ve spojení s abnormální koncentrací dokladů po elitách z ní činí unikát. Cesta k závěrečné interpretaci je zde ztížena nejen situací nálezu, ale i řadou mylných tvrzení badatelů. Autor na základě komplexního výzkumu od roku 2007 představuje koncept centrální pohřebně-obětní poutní svatyně.
Keywords: Central Moravia, Prostějov district, graves, burial sites, Slavs, early medieval
Early Bronze Age, not just in Moravia. They are more frequently encountered in the funeral environment while their occurrence in settlement contexts can be described as exceptional. The two newly presented boat-shaped doubleedged hammer-axes originate from both a settlement site (Držovice, ‘Díly odvrahoviční’) and a grave (Olomouc-Slavonín, ‘Horní lán’) of the Únětice culture in central Moravia. What had been a common and significant male attribute in graves of the Corded Ware culture (and partially in the Epi-Corded complex) became a rarity during the Early Bronze Age. This was especially in the milieu of the Únětice culture, as the stone industry gradually gave way to the metal industry. Finding analogies to the custom of depositing a stone hammer axe in settlement pits or graves as an offering is not uncommon in Moravia, Bohemia and the neighbouring regions. This is usually the heritage of the Corded Ware culture and it remains speculative whether these were clearly secondarily used objects (archaics) or contemporary imitations of earlier models. Both of the recently found hammer-axes differ from those of the Corded Ware culture, raising questions about Únětice’s own production, as local materials (siltstone, sandstone) were used in their making. The archaeological assemblage from the Držovice settlement is dated to the earlier period and the inhumation grave from Olomouc-Slavonín to the classical period of the Únětice culture. The practical function and the symbolic role of these artefacts are not yet precisely understood. Their finds are not abundant, but they come from diverse archaeological contexts, ranging from common settlement pits to modestly equipped graves and even rich male burials.
Dětkovice–Za zahradama (Czech Republic) – were collected, described, and scanned by means of a flatbed scanner in standardized dorsal and radial positions into two-dimensional images. On them, four measurements (one length and three widths) were taken on each view and subsequently subjected to statistical regression methods in order to quantify their relationship with age at death. These trends were compared with those in a documented sample of the Athens Human Skeletal Reference Collection of the recent Greek population. In females, no significant relationship between the length of the 2nd metacarpal and age at death (AAD) was observed. In females, mostly positive relationships between width measurements and AAD were observed, ranging typically between 3 to 7% over 30 years, with maximum of ca. 9% in midshaft width in the right hand in dorsal view. These relationships were more statistically significant for the recent than for the medieval sample which might be attributed to differences in sample size, and the nature of AAD (documented vs. estimated). In males, relationships between width measurements and AAD (i.e., an increase with age) were also prevalently
positive but much lower than in females and mostly not statistically significant. The systematic increase of the width measurements in females and the differences from males of the same samples suggest certain specificities of women's life histories in adulthood that would be worth further investigation in terms of the influence of external factors. Potential methodological biases due to the cross-sectional nature of the samples and sampling selectivity are further discussed.
Der Artikel präsentiert einen Hortfund der späten Bronzezeit, 2005 im Kataster von Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ „Sádek“, Bezirk Olomouc (CZ) entdeckt. Der Hort besteht aus zwei Bronzeäxten, drei bronzenen Wangenstücke einer Pferdetrense, zwei Bronzephaleren, verzierten Gürtelblechenbronzen, sechs Fragmenten von drei verschiedenen plankonvexen Barren und ein Keramikgefäß. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der chronologisch-typologischen Bewertung des Hortes sowie den Motiven für seine Deponierung im Zusammenhang mit überregionalen Fernhandelswegen. Die Autoren diskutieren ein Modell der sozialen Organisation der Landschaft im Gebiet des Nieder-Jeseník-Gebirges und in ausgewählten angrenzenden
Článek představuje depot z pozdní doby bronzové nalezený v roce 2005 na katastru obce Dolany-Nové
Sady ‒ „Sádek“, okres Olomouc (CZ). Skládá se ze 2 bronzových seker, 3 bronzových postranic koňského udidla, 2 bronzových falér, zdobeného plechového opasku, 6 fragmentů 3 různých koláčových ingotů a keramické nádoby. Příspěvek se zabývá chronologicko-typologickým vyhodnocením depotu a zejména motivací pro jeho uložení v souvislosti s nadregionálními dálkovými cestami. Autoři diskutují model sociální organizace krajiny v oblasti Nízkých Jeseníků a vybraných sousedních regionů.
Keywords: Moravia, Hallstatt period, East Hallstatt culture, Vekerzug culture, jewellery, weapons, pottery, finds of the eastern type, interregional contacts
The article presents a hoard from the Final Bronze Age found in 2005 in the cadastre of Dolany-Nové Sady ‒ “Sádek”, Olomouc District (CZ). It consists of 2 bronze axes, 3 bronze cheek-pieces of a horse’s bit, 2 bronze phalerae, decorated bronze belt sheet, 6 fragments of 3 different plano-convex ingots and a ceramic vessel. The paper deals with the chronological-typological evaluation of the hoard and especially the motivations for its deposition in connection with supra-regional long-distance roads. Authors discuss the model of social organization of the landscape in the Low Jeseník Mountains area and selected adjacent regions.
• First application of Raman microscopy in human enamel stress lines analysis.
• Comparision of Raman and transmitted light microscopy.
• Low content of phoshate in accentuated stress lines was observed.
• Data from Raman and transmitted light microscopy correlate each other.
in addition to a small number of significant items of Hallstatt pottery of the phases Ha D2 and Ha D3 (for example a sharply profiled bowl, a cup with a so-called horned handle and graphite pots with an S-shaped upper part), there was also the handle of a small jug or jug made on a wheel. Such small jugs are one of the most characteristic pottery fills of the Vekerzug culture. The wheel-turned pottery from Kralice na Hané was subsequently examined in the context of other Moravian sites as well as the sites of other local groups of the Eastern Hallstatt culture, from which we have finds of the Vekerzug culture. Their occurrence in the whole eastern Alpine region is one of the expressions of integration processes between the Vekerzug and Eastern Hallstatt cultures during the phase Ha D. The remaining pottery material from the site analysed documents the contacts of the Prostějov region with the neighbouring areas of south-western Slovakia, Lower Austria and north-western Hungary during the Late Hallstatt period. Particular attention was paid in the study to selected aspects of the research into the wheel-turned pottery of the Vekerzug culture, such as questions concerning the origin of the production technology of this pottery, the phenomenon of Vekerzug potters imitating certain eastern Greek pottery shapes or searching for prototypes of small jugs.
Keywords: Moravia, Late Hallstatt Period, Kralice na Hané, Vekerzug culture, Eastern Hallstatt culture, wheel-turned pottery, Late Hallstatt pottery, interregional contacts
sources by nearly two centuries, was relocated approximately 200 m to the northwest within the current Lešany cadastral area, to the location of the present- day village. Given the unprecedented intensity of early and high medieval occupation in Lešany, supported by the presence of the noble family of the Lords of Lešany, we can consider this settlement a key centre
in the ongoing colonisation of the Drahanská vrchovina Hills.
"The Discovery of a grave from the Early Iron Age in the site Za kapličkou"
"Following the traces of Lešany in the times of the first written mention"
Abstract Book (for download):
The traded artifacts with figurative motifs can be divided into three groups: 1. Objects from Italy, probably from Northern Etruria, exhibiting art typical of the ‘Amber Road’ : (e,g, a copper plaque of Doloplazy); 2. Objects from northern Italy, the Eastern Alps or regions north of the Danube, made in the so-called Alpine toreutic style (e.g, the bronze vessel from the cave of Býčí skála or the funeral bed of Hochdorf); 3. Objects from the area north or south of the Danube, featuring Central European reflections of the Este culture or Situla Art (e.g., bone, antler, ceramic and bronze objects fromPusté Úľany, Rovná, Libkovice, Kanín, Matzhausen, Dürrnberg, Hallstatt, Herzogenburg-Ossarn, and Glauberg).
The distribution of these figuratively decorated objects indicates that there is an over-arching cultural network covering the wider region and, in future, new discoveries are likely from other areas north of the Danube, as well as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Furthermore, the dating of the finds discussed in this paper indicates that they were a feature of society over a considerable time span. The copper plate of Doloplazy, both stylistically and according to its parallels, belongs to the art of the Orientalizing period of the 7th century BC (Ha C),a period which predates Situla Art. The bone plate of Pusté Úľany is dated to the Ha D1 phase; the bronze vessel from the cave of Býčí skála is dated to the Ha D1-D2 phases and the mortuary table from Hochdorf to the Ha D2 phase. The anthropomorphic antlers of the portable wagon from Rovná were added in the Ha D3 phase. The ceramic vessels with animal representations found in Libkovice, Kanín, and Matzhausen are dated in the LTA phase. Stylistically, the early La Tène figural representations of Hallstatt, Dürrnberg, Herzogenburg-Ossarn, and Glauberg are closely related to the Este culture Art or Situla Art. Undoubtedly, the Venetian circle of eastern Upper Italy and the Southeast Alps was one source of inspiration for early La Tène craftsmanship. The examples of Hallstatt figural art presented here illustrate how a central European elite iconography of the 6th-5th century BC was formed and help to understand the process. The artifacts and their particular attributes were chosen by the elite both to reference the legitimacy of their pathway to political power and social status and to be the insignia of that power and status. The Iron Age figural images from the North Alpen and central European regions represent a new medium for the formation of local elites borrowed from the Mediterranean. These artifacts also provide an idea of how the Central European up-and-coming elite perceived their counterparts south of the Alps.