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      GeographyLabour MarketEspañaDesempleo
This article presents a dynamic general equilibrium model where wealth distribution is endogenously distributed. Such model is isomorphic to that analyzed by Friedman (1969) on proving his well-known zero-interest rule. We prove that... more
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      SociologyEconomicsWealth DistributionCapital Accumulation
This work presents a dynamic general equilibrium model where wealth distribution is endogenous. I provide channels of causality that suggest a complex relationship between financial markets and the real activity which breaks down the... more
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      EconomicsLiquidityFinancial MarketIdiosyncratic risk
RESUMEN: En este breve documento se analiza el encuentro y la interaccion de dos poblaciones no-homogeneas que usufructuan, con objetivos diferentes, un bien turistico comun. La preservacion del bien y la posibilidad de disfrute del mismo... more
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We tackle the problem of the optimal quantity of money in model in the spirit of Friedman’s (1969) seminal work. Provided the seignorage proceedings are distributed uniformly, we prove that the Friedman rule fails to maximize welfare, is... more
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    • Economics
We tackle the problem of the optimal quantity of money in model in the spirit of Friedman’s (1969) seminal work. Provided the seignorage proceedings are distributed uniformly, we prove that the Friedman rule fails to maximize welfare, is... more
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    • Economics
referees for their invaluable comments, suggestions and support. Any remain-ing errors are my sole responsibility. Liquidity, Welfare and Distribution Summary: This work presents a dynamic general equilibrium model where wealth... more
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El objetivo de este trabajo, consiste en analizar el modelo de producción de la economía colombiana, en el cual se analizan las variables que determinan el crecimiento económico de este país sudamericano. En otra vertiente, se desarrolla... more
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    • Equilibrio General
En este documento se demuestra que la suma de conjuntos cerrados es cerrada, y se toman los conos asintóticos como conjuntos normalizadores de los elementos de producción en una economía.
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    • Mathematical Economics