Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Facultad de Contaduría y Administración
Knowledge is a broad and abstract notion that has defined epistemological debate in western philosophy since the classical Greek era. In the past Alavi & Leidner/Knowledge Management
Following a trend common in other countries, in its recent history Mexico has aspired to develop some of its higher education institutions to the level of research-oriented peer universities of excellence. A unique case of a private... more
Following a trend common in other countries, in its reent history Mexico has aspired to develop some of its higher education institutions to the level of research-oriented peer universities of excellence. A unique case of private... more
Quienes estamos involucrados en la internacionalización de la educación superior partimos de una serie de supuestos que usualmente no están debidamente apoyados por datos fidedignos o evidencias que vayan mas allá de lo anecdótico. En... more
This chapter includes a review of trends and issues on immigration and higher education, using the United States and France as cases in point. It highlights the importance of widening access to higher education to immigrants and their... more
Peter Drucker shocked many in 1997 when he suggested that "universities won't survive" and argued that "today's [college] buildings are hopelessly unsuited and totally unneeded". 1 Although Drucker was perhaps exaggerating with this... more
Higher education in the world faces significant challenges for which innovative policy actions are advisable. This summary includes a list of key issues that country governments may consider as they address the need for reform in their... more
The main objective of this paper is to outline what policies matter most for an effective tertiary education (TE) system. It is crucial to ask not simply whether a system is working, but whether it is working to cope with current and... more
We live in an increasingly turbulent, complicated, complex and contradictory, but also fascinating and interesting world, in which many of our preconceived notions are being contested or are no longer valid. And this is the world in which... more
En este artículo pretendemos narrar de manera sucinta el impacto inicial de la pandemia en la educación superior de México. Una buena cantidad de consecuencias, tanto esperadas como inesperadas, por la emergencia sanitaria aún están por... more
En este articulo pretendemos narrar, de manera sucinta, el devenir de los acontecimientos hasta el 18 de mayo de 2020, así como sus impactos en la educación superior de México. Una buena cantidad de consecuencias, tanto esperadas como... more
In today's world, higher education faces important opportunities and challenges, many of which are new and unexpected. The increased complexity of higher education institutions themselves is reflected in the expansion of their roles... more
Issues that will shape the future of higher education institutions and new trends in campus architecture were the themes of a recent international seminar. Francisco Marmolejo, former consultant to the Organisation for Economic... more
Les enjeux qui détermineront l'avenir des établissements d'enseignement supérieur et les nouvelles tendances dans l'architecture des campus ont fait l'objet d'un récent séminaire international. Francisco Marmolejo, ancien consultant... more
Instituições de ensino superior (IES) podem e fazem uma contribuiçãosignifi cativa para o desenvolvimento econômico regional, social e cultural. Numa economia globalizada, a relevância de várias atividades conduzidas naquelasinstituições... more