Papers by Verónica Martínez Ferreras
The archaeological site of Ancient Termez is located in southern Uzbekistan. Despite the arid env... more The archaeological site of Ancient Termez is located in southern Uzbekistan. Despite the arid environment, the city benefited from its strategic position near two rivers, the Amu Darya and the Surkhan Darya. Its significance was mainly related to the expansion of trade routes connecting Eurasia. The city comprises several enclosures that attest long-term human-environment interactions. In order to identify the adaptive dynamics of the settlement models during an extended chronology covering the period from c. 300 BCE to c. 1220 CE (Greco-Bactrian/Yuezhi, Kushan, Kushano-Sasanian, and Islamic periods), a multidisciplinary study has been carried out, which includes: (1) archaeological excavations in several areas of the urban complex; (2) pedestrian surveying inside some enclosures and in the urban periphery; (3) an aerial survey based on high-resolution satellite imagery; (4) AMS dating of charcoal and bone samples; (5) archaeobotanical investigation through anthracological analysis;...
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2018
Several analytic techniques can provide data for characterizing archaeological ceramics. These da... more Several analytic techniques can provide data for characterizing archaeological ceramics. These data sources are not alternative but rather complementary to each other. They report on different aspects of ceramics concerning the origin of raw materials and the technological processes involved. However, when studies integrate more than one data source, they often do it through textual description and argument, not through a combined statistical analysis. We aim to help to overcome this situation by presenting four protocols for exploring data on archaeological ceramics. These protocols cover four different paths when interrogating ceramic samples. Protocol 1 aims to assist the definition of chemical reference groups using geochemical compositions, for instance, given by X-ray fluorescence analysis (WD-XRF). Protocol 2 focuses on fabric groups using petrographic examinations, such as in thin-section optical microscopy. Protocol 3 offers a hybrid assessment of provenance, using the integral sum of the two data sources. Last, Protocol 4 consists of the same approach as Protocol 3 but using geochemical data and a selection of petrographic variables that are considered indicative of the origin of raw materials and independent of human factors. We demonstrate their performance by applying them to a well-studied Roman wine amphorae dataset from Catalonia, NE Spain, and contextualising the results. Through a comparison of the results produced by these protocols, we restate the conclusion of Baxter et al. (2008) that a 'mixed mode' approach is preferable to analysing data from different sources separately. Moreover, we argue that treating geochemical data as compositional and petrographic semi-quantitative observations as ordinal variables, when calculating dissimilarity, offers a more complete image of ceramic materials. The protocols are the synthetic product of several multivariate statistical methods developed for similar purposes in other disciplines, such as geology and ecology. To allow future users to replicate our analysis and apply the protocols, we published online two R packages containing all necessary procedures, from data cleaning to plotting. We also offer in the appendices a tutorial and the example scripts.
La difusión comercial de las ánforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.). Archaeopress Roman Archaeology, 4, 193-204, Archaeopress, Oxford., 2015
ArchéoSciences, 2019
The biggest Opus doliare production in Narbonese Gaul revealed by archaeometry (first to second c... more The biggest Opus doliare production in Narbonese Gaul revealed by archaeometry (first to second centuries A.D.) La plus grande production d'Opus doliare de Gaule Narbonnaise révélé par l'archéométrie (I er-II e s. apr. J.-C.
SFECAG Actes du congrès du 25 au 28 mai, 2017
International audienc
Archaeological Research in Asia
The recent excavations at the site of Molali, located in southern Uzbekistan and dated to the mid... more The recent excavations at the site of Molali, located in southern Uzbekistan and dated to the mid-second millennium BCE, offer new insights into the definition of the Final Bronze Age pottery complex in southern Uzbekistan and the technological and stylistic links between the potting traditions of the various cultural groups at this period. An archaeometric study has been conducted in order to characterize the various wares, investigate the compositional variability of the ceramic assemblage, and determine the provenance of the raw materials. The results from a combination of techniques (Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence, X-Ray Diffraction, and thin section Optical Microscopy) allowed us to identify a local pottery production of wheel-made fine ware and to determine the local/regional origin of the handmade, coarse, shell-tempered ware. Exchange relationships with 'steppe' populations have been confirmed; they involved not only vessels (coarse rock-tempered pots) but also pottery traditions (specific 'steppe'-like decorations on pots of regional origin). Although not numerous, they are nonetheless evidence of large-scale connections between the settlements in the Surkhan Darya valley and other peripheral cultures and areas in the mid-second millennium BCE. The diversity of fabrics (use of various raw materials and different technological processes) is also discussed regarding the choices made for intrinsic material properties required for specific functions, highlighting the strong expertise and management acquired by the potters for the production of diverse ceramic functional categories.
Reunión MAGIBER XI Portugal ,Condeixa a Nova (4 al 6 de septiembre de 2019)The geomagnetic field ... more Reunión MAGIBER XI Portugal ,Condeixa a Nova (4 al 6 de septiembre de 2019)The geomagnetic field is a global feature with an important regional character. Its temporal and spatial variation can be observed from direct measurements such as satellites and logbook available since the 17th century. In order to know the behaviour of the geomagnetic field further in the past indirect measurements are needed. These indirect measurements (called paleo or archeomagnetic data) are based on the study of the remanent magnetization acquired by the iron oxides present in certain rocks and archaeological materials when heated at high temperatures (Néel, 1955).This work was supported by two R&D&I projects, CERAC (HAR2016-75133-C3-1-P) led by V. Martínez and J.M. Gurt, and CONCERAC (HAR2016-75133-C3-3-P) led by E. Ariño, all funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. V. Martínez worked on this paper through the post-doctoral research contract Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2014-15789). M. Gómez-Paccard thanks to RYC-2013-14405. This congress was funded by Red de trabajo y laboratorios MAGIBERII (CGL2017-90632-REDT)
Archaeometry, 2015
We present the first full archaeometrical study of Kushan-Sassanian pottery from the Buddhist mon... more We present the first full archaeometrical study of Kushan-Sassanian pottery from the Buddhist monastic complexes at Kara Tepe (Termez, Uzbekistan), recovered both in the pottery workshop and in the monastery, using a combination of analytical methods (XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS and OM). The study allowed the identification of the reference group, the correspondent fabric, the raw materials used for its productions, some of the technological processes involved in manufacture and several weathering processes. All the results confirm that the kiln was supplying the religious community of the monastery with pottery, made using local raw materials, and highlight the possibility that the kiln could have supplied the nearby monastic complexes, where no kilns have been found. Further archaeological evidence indicates the existence of specialized potters working itinerantly at the broader Bactrian area.
Laietània interior: marques i terrisseries d'àmfores al Vallès Occidental i Oriental, 2019, ISBN 978-84-949747-2-4, págs. 87-116, 2019
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2016
Kurganzol is one of the fortresses founded in ancient Bactria during the conquest of Alexander th... more Kurganzol is one of the fortresses founded in ancient Bactria during the conquest of Alexander the Great. An archaeometric characterisation was conducted on 20 pottery sherds recovered in the earliest settlement dated to the late-4th BC. The aim is to examine both the composition and variation of the raw materials used and the production technology involved in pottery manufacture. The sampling included plates, cup/bowls, basins, jars, containers, a colander, a bottle or flask and a cooking pot. The analytical program comprised X-ray Fluorescence, X-ray Diffraction, and thin section analysis as well as the study of the geological environment. The analysis of the surface treatment was performed on three sherds through scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The results were compared with an analytical database that includes wares in Hellenistic tradition from coeval sites in the region (i.e. Kampyr Tepe and Termez). The analysis revealed that most of the tableware and common wares analysed correspond to a single local pottery production consisting of a very fine calcareous fabric. Composition and morphological characteristics of these wares enable distinguishing this fabric from other contemporary pottery productions. A regional origin was however assigned for a few wares confirming contacts among different sites. The only cooking pot examined consisted of a calcareous shelltempered fabric which is consistent with a regional technological tradition.
Archaeometry, 2015
Slipped and unslipped wares from Kampyr Tepe dated to the Hellenistic-Seleucid and Greco-Bactrian... more Slipped and unslipped wares from Kampyr Tepe dated to the Hellenistic-Seleucid and Greco-Bactrian periods stylistically resemble tableware from the Greek tradition. Since two pottery workshops have been recovered at the site, the aim is to shed light on the provenance and the production and consumption patterns of the tableware, as well as on the degree of technological influence from Hellenistic-Mediterranean traditions. The archaeometric characterization, consisting of thin-section petrography, XRF, XRD and SEM-EDS analysis, was performed on 44 wares and three unfired locally made pondera, which were used as reference local elemental patterns. The study demonstrated the local origin of most of the wares, which were produced using a similar clay paste, following standardized techniques in modelling and firing, while surface treatments appear to be more diversified.
Applied Clay Science, 2013
The importance of wine trade between Roman provinces in the NorthWestern Mediterranean during the... more The importance of wine trade between Roman provinces in the NorthWestern Mediterranean during the Augustan period is evidenced by several shipwrecks found along the coasts of Catalunya and Southern France. Among them are the Cap del Vol (Port de la Selva) and Els Ullastres (Palafrugell) shipwrecks, located near the northern coast of Catalunya, which are supposed to trade wine in Pascual 1 amphorae from Hispania Tarraconensis to Gallia Narbonensis. Type Pascual 1 was the most widely produced and the one that lasted longer among the amphorae used to transport Tarraconensis wine. In the framework of our recent research on inter-provincial maritime trade in the Early Roman Empire, we will present the results of the archaeometric study of 40 Pascual 1 amphorae from the two shipwrecks, aimed at identifying the workshops of origin within the Tarraconensis province. Provenance investigation was based on chemical analysis by XRF and thin section analysis. Besides, XRD and SEM-EDS analyses were also carried out in order to identify secondary mineral phases and alteration processes taking place during deposition in the maritime environment, which must be considered to establish valid chemical reference groups. The results have been compared with the large analytical database on amphora productions from many workshops of the Tarraconensis province available at the ERAAUB. The archaeometric study revealed that Pascual 1 amphorae from both shipwrecks were produced in specific workshops placed on the Central Catalan coast, near the main Roman cities of Baetulo (Badalona) and Iluro (Mataró). This result points to the important role of these two cities in the economic expansion of Tarraconensis during the Augustan period.
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 2015
The Port-Vendres 4 shipwreck is evidence of coastal export trade between Hispania Citerior and Na... more The Port-Vendres 4 shipwreck is evidence of coastal export trade between Hispania Citerior and Narbonne in 40/30 BC. The cargo is made up of a particular assemblage of Roman wine amphoras (Pascual 1, Dressel 1B and Lamboglia 2) destined for Gallic markets. Archaeological and archaeometric analyses conducted on a selection of the amphoras allowed the provenance of the cargo to be identified as Hispania Citerior and the central-southern Tyrrhenian coast of Italy. Iluro and/or Baetulo are proposed as the ports of departure, enabling the reconstruction of the trade route and the historical and economic significance of this shipwreck.
Archaeological Research in Asia
We present the results of the zooarchaeological analysis carried out on the fauna recovered in fi... more We present the results of the zooarchaeological analysis carried out on the fauna recovered in five different areas of ancient Termez (Uzbekistan). The sequence analysed covers the period from c 300 BCE to c 1400 CE (Greco-Bactrian/Yuezhi, Kushan, Sassanian, and Islamic periods). The investigation focused on the main animal species raised, the skeletal profiles represented and their age at death. A taphonomic study was also performed to evaluate the processing of the animals' bone carcasses by the human groups in Termez, and to determine other natural and biological agents that have affected the samples. The results reveal a livestock population dominated by sheep and goats throughout the period of occupation of the settlement, from which meat, wool and other dairy products were obtained. Cattle and horses are represented in the whole stratigraphic sequence, although they were particularly important during the Sassanian period. Swine also appears notably, although its frequency significantly decreases in the Islamic period. The diet included roosters and hens, probably also raised for their eggs. Wild species hunted and processed by the inhabitants of Termez appear in all phases of occupation. We should note the presence of gazelle and, in the Greco-Bactrian/Yuezhi phase, saiga antelope. Camelids are scarce and only documented during the Sassanian phase. The use of bones to manufacture game playing pieces or objects for textile production has also been recognised in ancient Termez.
Archaeological Research in Asia
Archaeological Research in Asia
Древние и средневековые культуры Центральной Азии (становление, развитие и взаимодействие урбаниз... more Древние и средневековые культуры Центральной Азии (становление, развитие и взаимодействие урбанизированных и скотоводческих обществ): Материалы Международной конференции, посвя щен ной 100-летию со дня рождения д. и. н. А. М. Мандельштама и 90-летию со дня рождения д. и. н. И. Н. Хлопина (10-12 ноября 2020 г., Санкт-Петербург).-СПб.: ИИМК РАН, 2020.-308 с., ил.
Presented in the European Archaeological Association meeting (EAA2018). Online version: https://a... more Presented in the European Archaeological Association meeting (EAA2018). Online version: Abstract: We present the latest development of a seven-year effort in experimenting and generating theory that could help explain different land use patterns around water sources in arid environments. This work was developed within the case study 5, ‘oasis construction in Central Asia’, of the former SimulPast project. Using Agent-Based simulation models, we progressively put together mechanisms hypothesized to be relevant factors in shaping the balance of farming and herding land use within arid environments. The core mechanism is the intermittent competition between sedentary and mobile stakeholders, which we assume can happen during a part of the annual cycle (e.g., winter). Thus, the analogy with the children game, Musical Chairs. Through versioning models, we can observe the simulated consequences of each mechanism, and their interaction, under a wide variety of conditions. After a brief overview of the two previous models, Musical Chairs and Nice Musical Chairs, we will present the latest model, NomadFrontier. This latter model introduces the effects of (i) spatial relations, (ii) herding territorial marks, and (iii) a multi-level institutional structure, comprising corporate groups and political alliances between them. We review the main implications evidenced by the three models: (a) competition creates a bias favoring farming land use, (b) herding stakeholders tend to consolidate in smaller, more independent, political formations, and (c) the investment in territorial marks in the pastoral landscape is an important strategy for herding stakeholders. Last, we compare the simulation experiments with our assessment of several historical and archaeological case studies in Eurasia.
A presentation for European Archaeological Association meeting - EAA 2018 (6-8/09/2018), Session ... more A presentation for European Archaeological Association meeting - EAA 2018 (6-8/09/2018), Session #672 - CAA @ EAA: Computational Models in Archaeology. Slides:
Papers by Verónica Martínez Ferreras