Papers by Ronanth Zavaleta-Mercado

We study the problem of preparation of sucrose syrups of masscompositions and volumes determined ... more We study the problem of preparation of sucrose syrups of masscompositions and volumes determined from volumetric measurements, ACTA NOVA; Vol. 5, No 1, marzo 2011, ISSN 1683-0768 Artículo Científico ∙ 111 common problem in many industries especially the food and beverage industry. Under these conditions are imposed certain mass concentrations and volumes that are difficult to prepare from preexisting syrups, due to nonideal behavior of the sucrose-water solution, which causes the volumes are not additives, with the additional feature that industry mainly provides volumetric measurement systems (tank levels, pumps, flow meters, flow), and no mass. An equation for the density of sucrose-water binary solutions is derived based on percentage mass concentrations and temperature from an equation of density volumetric concentration dependent and temperature available in the technical literature. This equation, which is based on measurement data densities sucrose-water solutions of high qua...
Revista Ciencia Y Cultura, Jun 1, 2014
This article is the first of three essays where the achievements in the natural sciences area is ... more This article is the first of three essays where the achievements in the natural sciences area is analyzed and compared with those accumulated over the whol...

Sucrose syrup is used worldwide in the food and beverages industry, being produced from high qual... more Sucrose syrup is used worldwide in the food and beverages industry, being produced from high quality sugar and treated water. Even though these high quality raw materials are used, the resulting syrup is very often tinted with an amber color inherited from its constituents and produced during its formulation. This coloration makes it unsuitable for most of its uses, especially for the formulation of colorless products. In order to render a colorless syrup, adsorption with powdered activated carbons is very often used, to effectively remove the color causing agents. The very finely ground carbon is later separated by mechanical means, mainly filtration, sometimes using filtration aids. The problem that arises is that commercial sugar contains variable amounts of color causing agents and, in principle, the ratio activated carbon/sugar needed to obtain an acceptable syrup varies considerably, and should be adjusted to fit the characteristics of the sugar and its processing. This is sel...

This article is the first of three essays where the achievements in the natural sciences area is ... more This article is the first of three essays where the achievements in the natural sciences area is analyzed and compared with those accumulated over the whole human history. In the first two of them some consideration is given to areas of biology-biochemistry and physics, and an analysis is performed on the important contributions reached over the last fifty year, reaching the conclusion that the 20th Century has been indeed, the century of knowledge, specifically in these areas of human knowledge. But, at the same time, this period of time has been one at least contradictory in reference to development at human scale. At the same time when important additions were made to scientific knowledge, the world has assisted to a quasi-continuous state of war that destroyed entire generations of young man. To this purpose huge amounts of wealth have been expended that certainly could have had better uses. This sort of violence has been also exerted on the environment, and even though the dama...

Resumen: El tratamiento industrial de castaña requiere de una forma práctica y rápida de poder de... more Resumen: El tratamiento industrial de castaña requiere de una forma práctica y rápida de poder determinar el tiempo requerido para que el centro de la castaña alcance la temperatura de la superficie, es decir el tiempo requerido para el establecimiento del equilibrio térmico en el procesamiento. A este efecto se realiza la simulación del proceso de calentamiento adoptando una simetría esférica y radios equivalentes. Las soluciones de las ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales (EDP) que describen el proceso son evaluadas en el centro de la castaña e impuesta la condición correspondiente al equilibrio térmico. Las ecuaciones trascendentes resultantes son evaluadas mediante técnicas numéricas obteniéndose valores del grupo adimensional (Foeq) que cumplen las condiciones impuestas y permiten determinar el tiempo requerido para el establecimiento del equilibrio para diferentes tamaños de castaña.
A conceptual design is set up aimed at decreasing the amount of water used in the desaponificatio... more A conceptual design is set up aimed at decreasing the amount of water used in the desaponification of quinoa grains and a consequent reduction in pollutant...

Se resuelve la Ecuacion de Estado Cubica Peng-Robinson-Stryjec-Vera (PRSV) en la region de dos fa... more Se resuelve la Ecuacion de Estado Cubica Peng-Robinson-Stryjec-Vera (PRSV) en la region de dos fases (liquido y vapor) con la finalidad de determinar los valores de % (factor acentrico) y la constante '1, caracteristica de esta ecuacion y que es especifica para cada sustancia y que se incorporo con la finalidad de ajustar mejor la presion de vapor a bajas temperaturas y en especial para compuestos diferentes a los hidrocarburos. Esta mejora en la prediccion de las presiones de vapor encuentra aplicaciones de importancia en predicciones tambien mejoradas del equilibrio liquido vapor (ELV). Se obtiene valores de % y '1 que minimizan el error relativo medio, para mas de sesenta compuestos quimicos organicos e inorganicos, en el intervalo de presiones de 1 atm y la presion critica. A este efecto se utilizan programas computacionales del autor en sus versiones de Mathcad 14® (Programas PREOS y PRSVEOS) para la determinacion de las propiedades termodinamicas necesaria en la region...
Revista Ciencia Y Cultura, Jun 1, 2010
Acta Nova, Dec 1, 2010
Palabras clave: factor acéntrico, propiedades residuales, ecuaciones cúbicas de estado, optimizac... more Palabras clave: factor acéntrico, propiedades residuales, ecuaciones cúbicas de estado, optimización discreta no lineal restringida.
Papers by Ronanth Zavaleta-Mercado