Roland Philipp
I started my scientific career at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, where I received my MSc and PhD degree in Klaus-Peter Hoffmann's Lab. In short I can summarise the results of my PhD thesis as follows: We investigated if and how the Superior Colliculus (SC) is involved in the generation and control of visually guided arm movements. Using three different approaches we could show that I) electrical microstimulation elicits arm movements in a naïve monkey (Macaca mulatta), II) electrical microstimulation influences an ongoing movement plan, and III) that sudden target perturbations are reflected in the discharge of collicular reach neurons.
During my Master's thesis we recorded from the extra striate visual cortex from anaesthetised pigmented and albino ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and were able to localise a circumscribed cortical area (PSS) which contains direction selective neurons and shares specific characteristics with the primate medial superior temporal area (MST).
Currently I am working as a Research Fellow on the Mirror Neuron Project which is funded by the "Wellcome Trust Project Grant (Kraskov and Lemon)". The main focus of my work is presently to analyse and interpret the oculomotor pattern of a monkey while participating in an interactive mirror task requiring action execution and action observation.
Supervisors: Kazuhiko Seki, Roger Lemon, and Klaus-Peter Hoffmann
During my Master's thesis we recorded from the extra striate visual cortex from anaesthetised pigmented and albino ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and were able to localise a circumscribed cortical area (PSS) which contains direction selective neurons and shares specific characteristics with the primate medial superior temporal area (MST).
Currently I am working as a Research Fellow on the Mirror Neuron Project which is funded by the "Wellcome Trust Project Grant (Kraskov and Lemon)". The main focus of my work is presently to analyse and interpret the oculomotor pattern of a monkey while participating in an interactive mirror task requiring action execution and action observation.
Supervisors: Kazuhiko Seki, Roger Lemon, and Klaus-Peter Hoffmann
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Papers by Roland Philipp