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Isla del Coco is an oceanic island 500km off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It is a National Park and its marine fauna has been relatively well protected. The island is famous for its elasmobranch (sharks, rays and skates) sightings in... more
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The coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves from the Costa Rican Caribbean coast have been monitored since 1999 using the CARICOMP protocol. Live coral cover at Meager Shoal reef bank (7 to 10m depth) at the Parque Nacional Cahuita... more
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      Coral ReefsEnvironmental MonitoringCosta RicaPopulation Density
En este trabajo se estudian las propiedades estructurales y funcionales de hilados elaborados por dos sistemas de hilatura neumática (hilatura de zunchado neumático por torsión fugaz e hilatura por torsión real de zunchado) y se comparan... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMicrobiologyPhysiologyInorganic Chemistry
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    • Revista de Biología Tropical
A survey of the published records of marine organisms of Bahía Culebra, an enclosed embayment on the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is analyzed resulting in a list of 577 species representing 22 phyla. The most diverse groups... more
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    • Revista de Biología Tropical
Climate and subsurface sea temperature in Bahía Culebra, Costa Rica. Bahía Culebra, Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica is a seasonal upwelling area. To determine the relationship of climate and the subsurface temperature variability at Bahía... more
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      ClimatologyNAORevista de Biología Tropical
The isolated Isla del Coco experiences periodic, extreme disturbances which devastate coral reefs surrounding the island. Scleractinian corals build the physical structure of the reef therefore ecosystem recovery relies on coral species... more
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    • Revista de Biología Tropical
Bahía Culebra, Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica es una región de afloramiento estacional. Para determinar la relación entre el clima y la variabilidad de la temperatura sub-superficial, se analizaron los registros de la temperatura... more
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      GeographyClimatologyNAORevista de Biología Tropical
Bahía Culebra, Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica es una región de afloramiento estacional. Para determinar la relación entre el clima y la variabilidad de la temperatura sub-superficial, se analizaron los registros de la temperatura... more
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      GeographyClimatologyNAORevista de Biología Tropical
    • by Relación de la profundidad con los factores físicos y biológicos del microhábitat…………………………………………………………………………………………..56 Relación entre la disponibilidad de sustrato, ubicación del juvenil, inclinación y las características... more
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    • Caribou
In some spiders features of the webs of early instars may represent features of the ancestor's web. Some second instar spiderlings (first instar outside of the egg sac) of Tengella radiata (Kulczynski 1909) construct a small sheet web... more
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      ZoologyArchitectureArachnologyGrowth rate
In this paper, we describe the construction and function of the double sheet and tangle web of Tidarren sisyphoides (Walckenaer 1842). Web construction includes several stages: construction of the scaffolding that serves to support the... more
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Gene flow in birds can be affected by urbanization depending on natural history traits and adaptability to habitat change. Contrasting results can be expected when comparing species with opposite resilience to urbanization. In this study,... more
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      GeographyGene FlowBiologyEcology
In general, spiders that build long-lasting webs invest a larger amount of silk and consequently a larger amount of energy in their construction than those species that build ephemeral webs. It is expected that spiders that build... more
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Large part of the morphological diversity observed across taxa is attributed to the effect of sexual selection; and the static allometry of these structures vary largely from highly positive to negative, depending on their function, and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologySexual SelectionBiology
Gene flow in birds can be affected by urbanization depending on natural history traits and adaptability to habitat change. Contrasting results can be expected when comparing species with opposite resilience to urbanization. In this study,... more
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      GeographyGene FlowEcologyUrbanization
Gene flow connects populations and is necessary to sustain effective population sizes, and genetic diversity. In the Lower Central American (LCA) region, the complex topographic and climatic history have produced a wide variety of... more
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      PhylogeographyGene FlowBiologyEcology