Vol13_No2 by Visión Electrónica
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
Linked Open Data has been an initiative aimed at offering principles for the interconnection ofda... more Linked Open Data has been an initiative aimed at offering principles for the interconnection ofdata through machine-readable structures and knowledge representation schemes. At present,there are platforms that allow consuming LOD resources, being CKAN one of the most relevanton a large community made up of governmental organizations, NGOs, among others. However,the resources consumption lacks minimum criteria to determine their validity such as level oftrust, quality, linkage and usability of the data; aspects that require a previous systematicanalysis on the set of published data. To support this process of analysis and determination ofthe mentioned criteria, this paper has as purpose to present a method that allows analyzing thedataset current state obtained from the different instances published in CKAN, with the aimof evaluating the levels of trust that can offer from their sources. Finally, it presents results,conclusions and future work from the use of the tool for the dataset consumption belonging tocertain instances ascribed to the CKAN platform.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
It is given that in Bogotá public transport system moves approximately 29.18 % of the population,... more It is given that in Bogotá public transport system moves approximately 29.18 % of the population, it is essential to ensure that the features of the service provision are the most appropriate for its users; for example, the support bars inside the vehicle are not at an adequate height according to the physical characteristics of the users, generating risks within the vehicles. Due to this failure has not been resolved in its entirety by the service provider is important to implement a method that allows adequate grip to the fasteners, considering this, the project aims to develop a system of grip and support that reduces the risks of physical damage to the user during his trip. This system will allow users who are in the orthostatic position (standing) to anchor themselves in a simple way of the elements incorporated in the vehicle. The development process was carried out using a combination of the Ulrich and Schnarch methodologies.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
We present the design of a magnetic encoder for angular positionmeasurements.... more We present the design of a magnetic encoder for angular positionmeasurements. The proposed encoder includes two Hall sensors in quadraturein a fixed platform. In addition, two permanent magnets are placed abovethe sensors in a shaft. The relative motion between the fixed and movablecomponents generates a voltage variation in the sensors, which enables anapproximation of the angular position. We detail the acquisition process andthe linearisation method applied for this encoder, which represent the mostimportant contributions of this work. Finally, we demonstrate an applicationof the encoder for position control of a direct current motor to characterisethe encoder performance in estimating rapid and slow changes in angularposition.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
This article presents analysis of the operation results of a modified IEEE-13distribution feeder... more This article presents analysis of the operation results of a modified IEEE-13distribution feeder, which was built to scale in the laboratory at theUniversidad del Norte. In this article, we show the operating regime cases ofthe modified IEEE-13, under different levels of wind energy penetration. Amodified IEEE-13 distribution feeder was built, considering the functionalityof each scaled module and its generator-load under the Universidad del Nortelaboratory conditions. An experimental methodology was used to comparethe results obtained in the actual scaled model with the results of specialisedprogramme simulations. The conclusions describe the amount of wind energythat can be injected into an electrical system that includes conventionalpower generation, while maintaining operation in compliance with the currentregulatory framework.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
This paper presents the optimization of a linear controller for a DC motor using the dynamic back... more This paper presents the optimization of a linear controller for a DC motor using the dynamic back-propagation algorithm. This algorithm is commonly employed for neural networks training; however, it can be used for optimization of a linear controller. The results show a satisfactory controller optimization.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
This paper describes a quadrupedal architecture assembly process using the modular robotic system... more This paper describes a quadrupedal architecture assembly process using the modular robotic system Mecabot. Several possible topologies are considered, justifying the final design that allows using an active column. Based on this, a mathematical model of control is proposed to perform movements of displacement, open turn and rotation. The locomotion profiles for the first two movement modalities are bioinspired. For the rotation modality, a characteristic quadrupedal robot transition is used to allow the correct rotation without using a large number of degrees of freedom. The proposed control model was deployed in a robot tested on structured and unstructured terrains by measuring its speed as a function of the movement frequency variation. For the open turn modality, the turn radius was measured as a function of the offset variation. Based on the test results, the second Mecabot configuration with legs was finally obtained, complementing our research work on apodal (snake, wheel caterpillar) and hexapod configurations.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
Is investigated the top quark decay (t) two bodies using the spectator model. Is analyzed the dec... more Is investigated the top quark decay (t) two bodies using the spectator model. Is analyzed the decay (t→bW +) calculated theoretically the width of decay and decay fraction of the particle whose result is compared with the experimental data of the table Particle Data group. The model prediction on the decay process can be considered good as a first approach to this class of decay. This type of analysis is particularly important because it allows one hand, familiarize students with the decays of particles and on the other, open a space to introduce topics of particle physics in the introductory courses at university level.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
Radio frequency signal generators (RF) are instruments used to test reception equipment and RFcom... more Radio frequency signal generators (RF) are instruments used to test reception equipment and RFcomponents like filters, amplifiers, attenuators, among others. On the other hand, they reinforcethe teaching-learning processes and they are widely used in research in the telecommunicationsfield. This document provides the first stage of a low-cost signal generator design by usingRaspBerry Pi 3, with the documentary exploration about this kind of applications. After that, arecognition of the RaspBerry Pi 3 is done at hardware and software level. Finally, an applicationof an FM signal generator with RaspBerry in a frequency of 101.3 MHz is evaluated, which doesnot require any additional hardware. This signal was captured using a spectrum analyzer, whichdetermined good quality of the modulated signal in terms of power, bandwidth and SNR (SignalNoise Ratio). However, there are some unwanted harmonic components.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
The objective of this project is based on the design and manufacture of a mechanism for a didacti... more The objective of this project is based on the design and manufacture of a mechanism for a didactic product, awakening the interest of those who have affinity to horses and their skills. It is intended for people between 20 and 50 years old. Ergonomic, functional, use, aesthetic, structural and mechanical aspects were taken into account. In addition, the mechanisms were verified through the Working Model and SolidWorks software, with their corresponding static and kinematic calculations of the mechanism. The purpose of the project was to design a toy in the shape of a racecourse where there were two horses in competition, these displacements being generated by a crank movement exercised by the user, which was determined by kinematic calculations with the use of polar coordinates, finally we developed a prototype in scale 1-1 where we observed the speed of movement, the trajectory and the time it takes to carry out the activity. We conclude that for the development of competitiveness it is necessary to use a train of gears, which allowed the reduction of speed and the linear movement of the horse.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
This paper shows a mobile robot whose purpose is to provide comfort and meet various needs that m... more This paper shows a mobile robot whose purpose is to provide comfort and meet various needs that may arise in family homes. This mobile has different sensors that allow monitoring the house remotely, since it has a direct connection between the user and the robot through a graphical interface connected to a wireless network, which shows all the readings of the sensors among other things. The sensory system sends orders to the different actuators that perform the order programmed by the user.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
The Internet of Things has allowed the connection of a countless number of devices, which has fac... more The Internet of Things has allowed the connection of a countless number of devices, which has facilitated control and even decision-making by them, but at the same time security vulnerabilities in operating systems, wireless security protocols, its applications, as well as the vulnerabilities in IoT, acronym in English of Internet of Things, devices, have allowed considerable sums of money to be paid to health institutions and patients for allowing the functionality of their equipment, according to security experts the world is facing a perfect storm which can allows attacks and system hijackings increasing in number, volume and gravity, since when adding more devices, they become access doors for intruders. However, it is important to be aware that everything that connects to the Internet is vulnerable; it has been demonstrated since birth, as well as the IoT.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
A methodological strategy is proposed for the teaching of Linear Algebra in engineering programs ... more A methodological strategy is proposed for the teaching of Linear Algebra in engineering programs focused on plausible reasoning. These concepts were developed by [1] and [2], through the formulation and adaptation of interesting problems, whose design admitted a didactic model and a methodological procedure for the generation of conjectures through the mediation of technology and geometric visualization as key factors in the construction of the main concepts of the discipline by the students. The difficulties in the teaching and learning of Linear Algebra have been studied since last century, in particular since the nineties. The LACSG (Linear Algebra Curriculum Study Group) in the USA is a reference point. On the other hand, Anna Sierpinska and Jean-Luc Dorier lead another group in Canada and Europe. Both groups coincide that one of the greatest problems in the teaching and learning of Linear Algebra is the formal approach of the classes that are traditionally taught. The starting point of this study is the great difficulties students experience when assimilating definitions, theorems and demonstrations, which are elusive for the future engineers.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
In this article, are presented the results of a questionnaire designed to evaluate college studen... more In this article, are presented the results of a questionnaire designed to evaluate college students' understanding of the antiderivative. Specifically, by civil engineering students when answering the questionnaire tasks, in order to identify and characterize the meanings on the antiderivative that are developed by them. In order to analyse the answers given, were used some theoretical and methodological notions provided by the theoretical model known as the Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA) of mathematics cognition and instruction. The results show the knowledge of antiderivative by the Civil Engineering students. Furthermore, the comparison between the mathematical activity of students provides information that allows concluding that the meanings that they mobilized might be shared among their communities.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
The present inquiry arises as a result of a constant search of problems that affect cities of the... more The present inquiry arises as a result of a constant search of problems that affect cities of thecountry, by the Hotbed of Investigation of Surcolombian Socioeconomic Studies HISSS, of theSurcolombiana University of Neiva (Colombia) -.In this way, we found those factors and actionsthat contribute to making Bogot ́a, Medellin, Barranquilla, Neiva, Tunja and C ́ucuta, cities thatthe Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development through the urban environmentalquality indexes (UEQUI) categorizes, at medium, low and very low levels. A methodology wasdeveloped that projects positivist and qualitative investigation, corresponding to a descriptiveand explanatory study of the environmental sustainability of the cities is obtained from factorssuch as: public space; green areas; environmental pollution; mobility, public transport. Theresults obtained are of a relevant nature because they show old direct effects on the quality oflife of the inhabitants, so that from them, alternative solutions are interpreted and proposed.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
The competitive map in sports organizations are few studies conducted. This paper attempts to cla... more The competitive map in sports organizations are few studies conducted. This paper attempts to clarify, through the implementation of a technological tool of self structured based on universal principles of quality management introduced in ISO 9000: 2000, the competitiveness of this type of sports institutions, modeled on those who have specialized in futsal facilities synthetic pitches, which are not only sports boom, but social cultural dynamics of the current Bogotá society. Thus, with reference to the product futsal, the proposal to observe economic competitiveness in the areas of strategic planning, production and operations, accounting and finance, quality assurance, environmental management, marketing, human resource starts and systems information, synthetic sports facilities that exist in the city and what are the contributions that these likewise have are to improve productivity and be at the forefront of sports organizations sector.
Visión Electrónica, Jul 2019
This study shows the results of the analysis of the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sector, by cove... more This study shows the results of the analysis of the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sector, by covering aspects related to its production and consumption. Initially addressing the international scenario with countries such as Spain, Brazil, China, India and Ghana later, it makes the analysis of the national scenario with a look at the participation of the sector within the energy matrix. Likewise, a comparison with a matrix Colombian national level to investigate the participation of the sector within the energy matrix and compare international and national scenarios. Despite its favourable environmental characteristics such as lower emissions of carbon monoxides, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, as well as fewer greenhouse gases. LPG has a low contribution to the national energy sector considering that energy demand is concentrated in 69 % of liquid fuels, the LPG sector can barely reflect a growth of 0.4 % and it is not competitive. Intervention of public policy is thus required to increase its competitiveness within the basket of liquid fuels, in such a way that it becomes a viable energetic alternative and its sectorial structure established from a public policy, allowing to supply a market and to satisfy the social and economic necessities.
Vol13_No1 by Visión Electrónica
Visión Electrónica, Jan 2019
The episodes of Freezing of Gait (FOG) are a recurring symptom in people suffering from advanced ... more The episodes of Freezing of Gait (FOG) are a recurring symptom in people suffering from advanced stages of Parkinson's disease (PD). These are severe occurrences because they may cause falls to the patients, generating further traumas and concussions. In order to solve this yet ineffectively treated issue, this article describes the research that developed a device capable of predicting freezing episodes. On this project a wearable device was developed, which was able to predict freezing episodes based on the calculation of a freezing index (FI) determined by the signals obtained from an inertial measurement unit (IMU). This device was tested in three Patients and signals corresponding to normal gait and simulated Parkinson gait were taken. The results showed that FI obtained from Parkinson gait were much higher than those from a normal gait, validating this parameter as a key aspect in FOG prediction.
Visión Electrónica, Jan 2019
Energy distribution systems present alterations in the voltage profile in their nodes when distri... more Energy distribution systems present alterations in the voltage profile in their nodes when distributed generation elements are installed. As a consequence, tension can be risen in a level beyond the admissible. This paper presents the optimization to three fuzzy controllers located in a distribution network with radial topology. The optimization of each controller is performed using the maximum descent algorithm, which is separately carried out; thus, having a distributed approach. The interaction between generators is considered to perform this process; the results show that the adjustment of the controllers is achieved.
Visión Electrónica, Jan 2019
The importance of implementing solar generation systems in rural areas in Colombia lies not only ... more The importance of implementing solar generation systems in rural areas in Colombia lies not only in providing access to the electric power population, but also in the use of current technologies to enhance their socioeconomic growth. The difficulties for its realization lie in technical limitations and access to the site, preventing mayors, heads of council and communities in general can correctly estimate the topology that suits their needs, falling into deceptions by companies that offer them oversized systems or those that do not meet your technical needs. In this document an analysis is made of the different possible topologies for rural areas, offering a methodology for its implementation with two cases of use as real examples.
Visión electrónica, Jan 2019
Nowadays, cancer is one of the most important morbidity and mortality factors in the world. For t... more Nowadays, cancer is one of the most important morbidity and mortality factors in the world. For these reasons, efforts have been made to optimize the treatments that are used by specialists in the oncology area. One of the main difficulties is the lack of mathematical and statistical models that allow to characterize the performance of the treatments; one of these innovative treatment trends consists of the use of magnetic nanoparticles which are incorporated into the bloodstream either in order to diagnose or transport medications to the affected areas. This paper presents the process of estimating local minimums for a particular case of a function in R 3-defined by parameters r and t-which allows modeling the kinetics of nanoparticles
Vol13_No2 by Visión Electrónica
Vol13_No1 by Visión Electrónica
developed at the University of Pauda where Galileo was a physics teacher between 1592 and 1610.
electron of electromagnetic origin, constituted for inertial mass and electromagnetic mass, also evidence the need of inserting forces of nature different at the electromagnetic for counteract the effects of the electrostatic repulsion. Poincar´e introduce besides of the
electromagnetics actions, actions that prevent the disintegration the electron by effect of the repulsion electrostatic of the component parts. Sets together with the electric field, one force of nature mechanic for establish the unity the electron. This analysis allows us to contribute elements for the teaching of electromagnetics giving the possibility of develop a different teaching practice than the usual characterized for new schemes and levels of phenomenon explanations.
a genetic algorithm (GA) as a tool for planning and optimization transport tours, with the goal of finding the best path destinations for a fleet of vehicles. It presents basic concepts of the theory and the results obtained, about the administration and logistics in the supply chain, through a planning solution that optimizes the use of transportation resources.
It was necessary to take into account the geographical location of the solar system, the atmospheric transparency index, the solar radiation data supplied by the meteorological station and the electrical energy produced by the system; Likewise, unreliable data were debugged using the Chauvenet criterion. Data were collected during eight days of
evaluation; Efficiency values ranging from 16.33% to 20.51% were obtained, with which the information supplied by the manufacturer, which is 16.50 %, was validated validated.
and understand how it functions. This article describes how to know the operation and scope of these threats using tests from a server by taking a laboratory machine and identifying the threats according to the level of persistence. This helps to determine the internal controls of the organization, allowing the development of contingency plans in advance.
que aparezcan nuevos desarrollos o innovaciones en la materia
automotor, acrecentando así los niveles de emisión de contaminantes atmosféricos. Se realizó el análisis a los efectos de la contaminación urbana sobre la salud humana obteniendo datos en tiempo real de la red de monitoreo de la calidad del aire para Bogotá – Colombia (RMCAB) de la estación TUNAL (Bogotá) y se estableció la relación entre
contaminación por partículas de PM10 del tráfico rodado y las enfermedades respiratorias y cardiovasculares de los habitantes de la localidad, contrastando los datos obtenidos con registros de la subdirección de Vigilancia en Salud Pública “enfermedad respiratoria aguda’’ ERA del Hospital El Tunal, logrando argumentar que la contaminación del aire por material particulado PM10 genera problemas respiratorios y cardiovasculares, que en efecto, constituye un problema de salud pública para Bogotá
to disturbance. This article presents an overview of the Parallel robots, with the purpose of publishing some industrial applications, different architectures of parallel robots, their notation, mathematical methods and representations necessary for the analysis of mobility, the calculation of the kinematics and dynamics, the study of the workspace, as well as some control strategies that have been implemented in various robots. Research and future developments are described that can be done in this area of robotics since an extensive literature review that allows the reader ventures deeply into any aspect of interest for him.
that enables administration of the knowledge, articulating through levels different functions and activities to the knowledge administration of the resources among members of an organization. From the KMF a prototype of Knowledge Management System (KMS) is presented and oriented to the management of the knowledge of research groups.
management of power for a hybrid motor, which electric part is being supplied using a photovoltaic system. In this case, it allows the analysis of a car battery, in terms of acceleration and deceleration of the vehicle. Obtaining as a result, a study of the behavior of the photovoltaic system along with a hybrid motor where it is analyzed the batterys
behavior according to the meteorological conditions affecting the system.
and procedural consolidated as an opportunity to: customize resources, services and health interventions improving the quality of care through the increased involvement of patients and the public; critical elements to solve recurrent problems in health systems as the Colombian one.
by a tachometer signal. Finally, the adjustment of the analog and digital parameters for programming Drive appears to operate in a speed range from 900 to 1800 RPM, with a 400 A maximum starting current and a ramp of 30 seconds to void overloading the substation installation.
Plausible evolutionary theories have been raised to solve this problem. Nevertheless, other ideas have been developed such as the one mentioned by A. Sharov and R. Gordon in their research job, named Life before Earth (LBE) whose main hypothesis indicates that life emerged before the formation of the planet Earth, based on the Moore's Law and in the biological complexity of organisms. The current paper reviews to this work under the same basis, but calculating the biological complexity from the protein information of organisms far from the context of
ribonucleic acid (RNA) world, since they are incompatible, with the calculus of an estimated date of the origin of life on the Earth. The results show under referential purposes that life appeared years after the formation of our planet and not before, as it is suggested by LBE,
evidencing that the date ts in the geological time scale chosen. The aforementioned offers an alternative refflection that contrasts what is known about the performance of earthy life and its evolution.
versus Groovy Java, displayed when testing a coded application that runs in memory, with text entry, temporary storage, lter, search and query lists; so, the result shows a temporary reduction of construction and development impacting shifting close to 33 %; matter which may be favorable in larger tasks.
Chebyshev synthesis to determine the distribution of current in each element of the array. Based on this information, the physical dimensions of the antenna and simulating different conditions of it are introduced changes in the level from the main lobe to secondary ones (NLPS), its behavior in different numbers of the merged slots and different number of slots with respect to the axis of the waveguide and separated by a distance (d) and a determine frequency of operation the dimensions are stablished right after deducing the conductances of the array. It is taken a particular designing case which is compared with simulations from
the software CST R Microwave Studio. From which the satisfactory results nd satisfactory that allows validating the tools used.