Fabio M Candotti
Professor do Departamento de Ciências Sociais e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), onde lidera o coletivo de pesquisa e extensão ILHARGAS - Cidades, Políticas e Violências (https://ilhargas.ufam.edu.br/). Atualmente, coordena o projeto de extensão "InfoCadeia-AM: Informações sobre Encarceramento no Amazonas (UFAM, 2021-atual)" e o projeto de pesquisa "Encarceramento no Amazonas: transformações políticas e sociais pós-massacres" (FAPEAM, 2022-Atual). É pesquisador do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Violência, Poder e Segurança Pública (INViPS/CNPq) e membro do Comitê Cidadania, Violência e Gestão estatal da Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA). É coordenador local do projeto de pesquisa em rede Políticas e fluxos prisionais: experiências de vida em torno dos cárceres no Norte e Nordeste do Brasil (CNPq, 2022-atual). Realizou estágio pós-doutoral na Facultad de Sociología y Política da Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Espanha, 2018-2019) e coordenou os projetos de pesquisa "Linchamentos e segurança de rua em três metrópoles brasileiras (CNPq, 2019-2022), "Linchamentos na Região Metropolitana de Manaus: um estudo multidimensional e comparado sobre justiça de rua, estado e moralidades (FAPEAM, 2020-2022) e "Regimes de mobilidade espacial na Amazônia urbana" (CNPq, 2016-2018), além do projeto de extensão "Observatório da Violência de Gênero no Amazonas" (UFAM, 2016-2018). Obteve o título de doutor em sociologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2011). Desenvolve pesquisas em sociologia e antropologia urbana, com ênfase em violência, segurança, crime e punição; mobilidades e fronteiras; gênero, raça e outras diferenças.Também tem interesse e orienta pesquisas nos temas: habitação, educação, meio ambiente, ciência e tecnologia e filosofia política. Mais informações em http://lattes.cnpq.br/1238486546150788
Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and at the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), where he leads the research group ILHARGAS - Cities, Politics and Violences (CNPq). Currently, he coordinates the extension project "InfoCadeia-AM: Information on Incarceration in Amazonas (UFAM)" and the research project ""Incarceration in the Amazon: political and social transformations after massacres". He is a researcher at the National Instituto of Science and Technology Violence, Power and Public Security (INiPS/CNPq, 2022-) and member of the Citizenship, Violence and State Management Committee of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA). He is a local coordinator of the network research project Politics and prision flows: life experiences around prision in the North and Northeast of Brazil" (CNPq). He held a postdoctoral internship at the Facultad de Sociología y Política at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain, 2018-2019) and coordinated the research projects "Lynching and street security in three Brazilian metropolis (CNPq, 2019-2022), "Linchyng in the Metropolitan Region of Manaus: a multidimensional and comparative study on street justice, the state and moralities (FAPEAM, 2020-2022) and "Regimes of spatial mobility in the urban Amazon" (CNPq, 2016-2018), and the extension project "Gender Violence Observatory in the Amazonas"(UFAM, 2016-2018). He obtained a doctorate in sociology from the State University of Campinas (2011). He develops research in sociology and urban anthropology, with an emphasis on violence, security, crime and punishment; mobility and borders; gender, race and other differences. He is also interested in and guides research on the following topics: housing, education, environment, science and technology and political philosophy. More informations: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1238486546150788.
Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and at the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), where he leads the research group ILHARGAS - Cities, Politics and Violences (CNPq). Currently, he coordinates the extension project "InfoCadeia-AM: Information on Incarceration in Amazonas (UFAM)" and the research project ""Incarceration in the Amazon: political and social transformations after massacres". He is a researcher at the National Instituto of Science and Technology Violence, Power and Public Security (INiPS/CNPq, 2022-) and member of the Citizenship, Violence and State Management Committee of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA). He is a local coordinator of the network research project Politics and prision flows: life experiences around prision in the North and Northeast of Brazil" (CNPq). He held a postdoctoral internship at the Facultad de Sociología y Política at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain, 2018-2019) and coordinated the research projects "Lynching and street security in three Brazilian metropolis (CNPq, 2019-2022), "Linchyng in the Metropolitan Region of Manaus: a multidimensional and comparative study on street justice, the state and moralities (FAPEAM, 2020-2022) and "Regimes of spatial mobility in the urban Amazon" (CNPq, 2016-2018), and the extension project "Gender Violence Observatory in the Amazonas"(UFAM, 2016-2018). He obtained a doctorate in sociology from the State University of Campinas (2011). He develops research in sociology and urban anthropology, with an emphasis on violence, security, crime and punishment; mobility and borders; gender, race and other differences. He is also interested in and guides research on the following topics: housing, education, environment, science and technology and political philosophy. More informations: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1238486546150788.
InterestsView All (7)
Papers by Fabio M Candotti
In 2017 and 2019 there were two massacres in prisons in Manaus, capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas. The dominant discourse reduces these two events to a war between criminal factions disputing international drug trafficking routes control. The article starts from a problematization of this discourse (its colonial nature and its effects of truth) and outlines another analysis that pays attention to the correlations between prison and criminal transformations. The article defends the idea that a new management of suffering and a new torture regime, experienced by prisoners and their families, were decisive for the destabilization and reconfiguration of alliances in crime after the massacres. The text is the result of an experience of knowledge immersed in the fight against prisons, including intense contact with family members of prisoners and survivors, communications with inspection institutions and participation in inspections within prison units.0
Based on two ethnographic notes on events in Manaus/AM (Brazil), the article proposes the problematization of collective assemblages against small robberies and larcenies. Dialoguing with studies on the management of illegalism and vigilantism, the analysis distances itself from the terms established by the studies of lynching in Brazil, especially from the concept of "popular justice" and from the state-centric segmentarity it presupposes. The authors point out the importance of the indiscernibility between the state and non-state for the functioning of street security and justice devices and for the production of a punitive continuum between streets and prisons.
Urbana", na Revista Mundo Amazónico (v. 13, n. 1, 2022).
(Albert Memmi, 1957)
Thesis Chapters by Fabio M Candotti
Talks by Fabio M Candotti
Books by Fabio M Candotti
Conference Presentations by Fabio M Candotti
Book Reviews by Fabio M Candotti
BIONDI, Karina. Proibido roubar na quebrada: território, hierarquia e lei no PCC. São Paulo: Terceiro Nome, 2018.
FELTRAN, Gabriel. Irmãos: uma história do PCC. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018.
GODOI, Rafael. Fluxos em cadeia: as prisões em São Paulo na virada dos tempos. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2017.
HIRATA, Daniel. Sobreviver na adversidade: mercados e formas de vida. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2018.
MANSO, Bruno Paes; DIAS, Camila. A guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil. São Paulo: Ed. Todavia, 2018.
MARQUES, Adalton. Humanizar e Expandir: uma genealogia da segurança pública em São Paulo. São Paulo: IBCCRIM, 2018.
PADOVANI, Natália Corazza. Sobre casos e casamentos: afetos e amores através de penitenciárias femininas em São Paulo e Barcelona. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2018.
In 2017 and 2019 there were two massacres in prisons in Manaus, capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas. The dominant discourse reduces these two events to a war between criminal factions disputing international drug trafficking routes control. The article starts from a problematization of this discourse (its colonial nature and its effects of truth) and outlines another analysis that pays attention to the correlations between prison and criminal transformations. The article defends the idea that a new management of suffering and a new torture regime, experienced by prisoners and their families, were decisive for the destabilization and reconfiguration of alliances in crime after the massacres. The text is the result of an experience of knowledge immersed in the fight against prisons, including intense contact with family members of prisoners and survivors, communications with inspection institutions and participation in inspections within prison units.0
Based on two ethnographic notes on events in Manaus/AM (Brazil), the article proposes the problematization of collective assemblages against small robberies and larcenies. Dialoguing with studies on the management of illegalism and vigilantism, the analysis distances itself from the terms established by the studies of lynching in Brazil, especially from the concept of "popular justice" and from the state-centric segmentarity it presupposes. The authors point out the importance of the indiscernibility between the state and non-state for the functioning of street security and justice devices and for the production of a punitive continuum between streets and prisons.
Urbana", na Revista Mundo Amazónico (v. 13, n. 1, 2022).
(Albert Memmi, 1957)
BIONDI, Karina. Proibido roubar na quebrada: território, hierarquia e lei no PCC. São Paulo: Terceiro Nome, 2018.
FELTRAN, Gabriel. Irmãos: uma história do PCC. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018.
GODOI, Rafael. Fluxos em cadeia: as prisões em São Paulo na virada dos tempos. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2017.
HIRATA, Daniel. Sobreviver na adversidade: mercados e formas de vida. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2018.
MANSO, Bruno Paes; DIAS, Camila. A guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil. São Paulo: Ed. Todavia, 2018.
MARQUES, Adalton. Humanizar e Expandir: uma genealogia da segurança pública em São Paulo. São Paulo: IBCCRIM, 2018.
PADOVANI, Natália Corazza. Sobre casos e casamentos: afetos e amores através de penitenciárias femininas em São Paulo e Barcelona. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2018.