Em um primeiro momento, apresento um breve histórico sobre a Dança Educação, precisamente o desaf... more Em um primeiro momento, apresento um breve histórico sobre a Dança Educação, precisamente o desafio de lecionar no contexto cujas escolas ainda não disponibilizam o ensino dessa arte na estrutura curricular, como no CAp/UFPE em 2013. Chamo atenção para o fato de que esse colégio recifense é reconhecido pelo Ministério da Educação como uma das melhores escolas públicas do Brasil. No capítulo seguinte, o leitor terá as escolhas didáticas que selecionei no reconhecimento de algumas características que norteiam a criação do ensino emergente em dança para formar pessoas, que na sua maioria diziam não saber dançar, a ter mais percepção crítica, potencial criativo e autonomia. Logo depois de possibilitar a compreensão de dança como arte, linguagem e forma de conhecimento que incentiva o indivíduo a ser sensível, ético, a tomar iniciativas e se exprimir com propriedade; convido os leitores a saborear propostas que esclarecem e exemplificam o como ensinar essa expressão artística. Por fim, permito-me ser afetado pelo retorno dos estudantes para desvendar algumas considerações dessa vivência, que alterou a minha forma de sentir e perceber meu entorno.
At first, I present a brief history on the Dance Education, precisely the challenge of teaching in context whose schools do not even offer the teaching of art in the curriculum, the CAp/ UFPE in 2013. I call attention to the fact that Recife college is recognized by the Ministry of Education as one of the best public schools in Brazil. In the next chapter, the reader will have the didactic choices selected in recognition of some characteristics that guide the creation of the emerging teaching dance to train people, who mostly said they did not know how to dance, to have more critical perception, creative potential and autonomy. Soon after to enable the understanding of dance as art, language and forms of knowledge that encourages the individual to be sensitive, ethical, taking initiatives and express yourself with property; I invite readers to savor proposals that clarify and exemplify how to teach this artistic expression. Finally, I would be affected by the return of students to unravel some considerations that experience that changed the way I feel and perceive my surroundings.
Em um primeiro momento, apresento um breve histórico sobre a Dança Educação, precisamente o desaf... more Em um primeiro momento, apresento um breve histórico sobre a Dança Educação, precisamente o desafio de lecionar no contexto cujas escolas ainda não disponibilizam o ensino dessa arte na estrutura curricular, como no CAp/UFPE em 2013. Chamo atenção para o fato de que esse colégio recifense é reconhecido pelo Ministério da Educação como uma das melhores escolas públicas do Brasil. No capítulo seguinte, o leitor terá as escolhas didáticas que selecionei no reconhecimento de algumas características que norteiam a criação do ensino emergente em dança para formar pessoas, que na sua maioria diziam não saber dançar, a ter mais percepção crítica, potencial criativo e autonomia. Logo depois de possibilitar a compreensão de dança como arte, linguagem e forma de conhecimento que incentiva o indivíduo a ser sensível, ético, a tomar iniciativas e se exprimir com propriedade; convido os leitores a saborear propostas que esclarecem e exemplificam o como ensinar essa expressão artística. Por fim, permito-me ser afetado pelo retorno dos estudantes para desvendar algumas considerações dessa vivência, que alterou a minha forma de sentir e perceber meu entorno.
At first, I present a brief history on the Dance Education, precisely the challenge of teaching in context whose schools do not even offer the teaching of art in the curriculum, the CAp/ UFPE in 2013. I call attention to the fact that Recife college is recognized by the Ministry of Education as one of the best public schools in Brazil. In the next chapter, the reader will have the didactic choices selected in recognition of some characteristics that guide the creation of the emerging teaching dance to train people, who mostly said they did not know how to dance, to have more critical perception, creative potential and autonomy. Soon after to enable the understanding of dance as art, language and forms of knowledge that encourages the individual to be sensitive, ethical, taking initiatives and express yourself with property; I invite readers to savor proposals that clarify and exemplify how to teach this artistic expression. Finally, I would be affected by the return of students to unravel some considerations that experience that changed the way I feel and perceive my surroundings.
Papers by André Aguiar
At first, I present a brief history on the Dance Education, precisely the challenge of teaching in context whose schools do not even offer the teaching of art in the curriculum, the CAp/ UFPE in 2013. I call attention to the fact that Recife college is recognized by the Ministry of Education as one of the best public schools in Brazil. In the next chapter, the reader will have the didactic choices selected in recognition of some characteristics that guide the creation of the emerging teaching dance to train people, who mostly said they did not know how to dance, to have more critical perception, creative potential and autonomy. Soon after to enable the understanding of dance as art, language and forms of knowledge that encourages the individual to be sensitive, ethical, taking initiatives and express yourself with property; I invite readers to savor proposals that clarify and exemplify how to teach this artistic expression. Finally, I would be affected by the return of students to unravel some considerations that experience that changed the way I feel and perceive my surroundings.
At first, I present a brief history on the Dance Education, precisely the challenge of teaching in context whose schools do not even offer the teaching of art in the curriculum, the CAp/ UFPE in 2013. I call attention to the fact that Recife college is recognized by the Ministry of Education as one of the best public schools in Brazil. In the next chapter, the reader will have the didactic choices selected in recognition of some characteristics that guide the creation of the emerging teaching dance to train people, who mostly said they did not know how to dance, to have more critical perception, creative potential and autonomy. Soon after to enable the understanding of dance as art, language and forms of knowledge that encourages the individual to be sensitive, ethical, taking initiatives and express yourself with property; I invite readers to savor proposals that clarify and exemplify how to teach this artistic expression. Finally, I would be affected by the return of students to unravel some considerations that experience that changed the way I feel and perceive my surroundings.