Papers by Giovanny Lucero
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
We propose a set of algebraic laws for reasoning with sequential imperative programs that use obj... more We propose a set of algebraic laws for reasoning with sequential imperative programs that use object references like in Java. The theory is based on previous work by adding laws to cope with object references. The incrementality of the algebraic method is fundamental; with a few exceptions, existing laws for copy semantics are entirely reused, as they are not affected by the proposed laws for reference semantics. As an evidence of relative completeness, we show that any program can be transformed, through the use of our laws, to a normal form which simulates it using an explicit heap with copy semantics.
Proc. of XV Intl. Conf. Of the Chilean …
Page 1. A Novel Formal Semantics for a Parallel Object-Oriented Language Giovanny Lucero Palma Ma... more Page 1. A Novel Formal Semantics for a Parallel Object-Oriented Language Giovanny Lucero Palma Martin Musicante Silvio RL Meira UFPE - Departamento de Inform atica PO Box 7851 - 50732-970 Cidade Universit aria - Recife - PE - Brazil e-mail: fg p,mam, ...
Papers by Giovanny Lucero