Papers by Paula Carina de Araújo

Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde, 2022
Objetivo: Demonstrar a influência da pandemia de covid-19 nas buscas realizadas no Google por mei... more Objetivo: Demonstrar a influência da pandemia de covid-19 nas buscas realizadas no Google por meio do levantamento de dados em uma aplicação cibermétrica. Método: Estudo de aplicação cibermétrica que utiliza a ferramenta Google Trends e os termos ‘covid-19’, ‘coronavírus’, ‘cloroquina’ e ‘vacina contra a covid-19’, para o período de 31 de dezembro de 2019 a 17 de janeiro de 2021. Resultados: Reconhecer que as primeiras buscas pelo termo ‘covid-19’ ocorreram na mesma data do anúncio do primeiro caso confirmado. Ocorreu também o crescimento no volume de busca por informações sobre os sintomas de pneumonia relacionadas com a primeira morte por coronavírus. A intensificação nas consultas relativas a ‘covid vaccine allergy’ esteve associada ao início da vacinação no mundo. Conclusão: Em períodos de pandemia, a sociedade procura intensamente por informações relacionadas ao seu contexto e a busca pode ser motivada pelos meios de comunicação.

Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia
O FamilySearch é a maior organização genealógica no mundo, sem fins lucrativos e que oferece aces... more O FamilySearch é a maior organização genealógica no mundo, sem fins lucrativos e que oferece acesso gratuito aos seus recursos e serviços online no seu site, também denominado FamilySearch. FamilySearch e FamilySearch Indexing, projeto de transcrição de registros genealógicos disponibilizados para pesquisa genealógica online, são descritos nesta pesquisa, bem como seus objetivos, finalidades e possíveis abordagens de pesquisa nas áreas de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação. Considera as seguintes temáticas de pesquisa relacionadas ao FamilySearch: digitalização, conservação e preservação de registros genealógicos, representação temática e descritiva dos mesmos registros bem como o controle de qualidade dessa representação, linked data, web semântica, social tagging, pesquisa genealógica em bibliotecas e serviço de referência do FamilySearch. Sugere que as bibliotecas públicas e universitárias ofereçam o serviço de apoio à busca por informação genealógica a exemplo do que é feit...

Palabra Clave, 2021
Objetivo: Estudo sobre posições epistêmicas que influenciam o domínio da organização do conhecime... more Objetivo: Estudo sobre posições epistêmicas que influenciam o domínio da organização do conhecimento a partir da análise da literatura científica. Objetiva descrever a concepção de epistemologia no periódico Knowledge Organization por meio da metateoria. Método: Pesquisa exploratória e descritiva que desenvolve um estudo metateórico baseado na metateoria de Ritzer. Duas ferramentas da teoria fundamentada em dados foram utilizadas, codificação e memorando. Resultado: Três famílias de atributos foram identificadas a partir do processo de codificação e do memorando: o conceito de epistemologia na organização do conhecimento, seu propósito e as posições epistêmicas que influenciam o domínio. A terceira família de atributos é analisada neste artigo. Empirismo, racionalismo, historicismo e pragmatismo são descritos como as principais posições epistêmicas que influenciam o domínio. O pragmatismo predomina na análise, seguido das teorias críticas e do historicismo. Conclusões: O estudo conclui que a concepção da epistemologia no domínio da organização do conhecimento é o estudo crítico dos princípios, hipóteses e produção de conhecimento no domínio. A epistemologia se preocupa com o conhecimento científico produzido pelo domínio da organização do conhecimento, bem como com a aplicação do conhecimento para a criação dos sistemas de organização do conhecimento para apoiar o processo de organização do conhecimento como um todo.

Anais do XIII Congresso de Direito de Autor e Interesse Público, 2019
O Congresso de Direito Autoral e Interesse Público (CODAIP) é o principal espaço de discussão das... more O Congresso de Direito Autoral e Interesse Público (CODAIP) é o principal espaço de discussão das temáticas relacionadas ao direito de autor e interesse público no Brasil nos últimos doze anos. Analisar a produção científica apresentada neste congresso possibilita conhecer e explorar suas características teóricas, epistemológicas e metodológicas. Objetiva analisar a produção científica do CODAIP sob uma perspectiva bibliométrica. Para alcançar o objetivo geral identifica a produção científica publicada nos anais do Congresso de Direito Autoral e Interesse Público (CODAIP), descreve os indicadores de produção do corpus desta pesquisa, apresenta a rede de colaboração entre autores e instituições no corpus desta pesquisa. Desenvolve uma pesquisa exploratória baseada em um estudo bibliométrico dos anais do CODAIP das edições de 2008 e 2010 a 2018. Utiliza o gerenciador bibliográfico Zotero para organizar os dados bibliográficos dos trabalhos que compõem o corpus da pesquisa e o software VOSviewer para gerar a rede de coautoria. A maioria dos artigos analisado foi publicado em autoria única. Dos 346 artigos publicados por 347 autores, Allan Rocha da Silva é o autor mais produtivo com 15 artigos. O índice de colaboração de rede de coautoria é 1,52 o que demonstra baixo grau de colaboração. O CODAIP tem uma produção científica robusta e houve um aumento da colaboração entre os autores ao longo dos anos, apesar do índice ainda ser baixo.

IX Conferência Internacional sobre Bibliotecas e Repositórios Digitais da América Latina, 2019
The Scientific Database (CDB) of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) aims to make available t... more The Scientific Database (CDB) of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) aims to make available the scientific data used from the researches that are published by the UFPR community in theses, dissertations, journal articles and other bibliographic materials. The thematic axis of this proposal is inserted in repositories of research data, specifically in the management and curation of data repositories. The purpose of this communication is to describe the process of implementation of the BDC within the scope of UFPR, from the strategic choices to its effective use. The implementation of BDC has undergone several steps: software selection, selection of requirements, selection of the metadata standard, establishment of the methodology for formulating the guidelines for data storage, specification of the criteria for the creation of the plan data management, registration in the data repository index service, and dissemination to the academic community. During the process of planning and implementation of the BDC, some challenges are highlighted: the costs with DOI assignment for each dataset, the arrangement of common characteristics for scientific data bases that attend to the different disciplinary contexts in a single platform, the structure for offering services and support capacity, as well as the understanding of the production process and the scientific evolution in the context of open science.
AtoZ: novas práticas em informação e conhecimento, 2015
Membros da equipe de gestão da Biblioteca Digital de Periódicos (BDP) da Universidade Federal do ... more Membros da equipe de gestão da Biblioteca Digital de Periódicos (BDP) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) apresentam conceitos e esclarecem as principais dúvidas sobre o Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization, 2019
A citation index is a bibliographic database that provides citation links between documents. The ... more A citation index is a bibliographic database that provides citation links between documents. The first modern citation index was suggested by information scientist Eugene Garfield in 1955 and created by him in 1964, and it represents an important innovation to knowledge organization and information retrieval. This article describes citation indexes in general, considering the modern citation indexes, including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Crossref, Dimensions and some special citation indexes and predecessors to the modern citation index like Shepard’s Citations. We present comparative studies of the major ones and survey theoretical problems related to the role of citation indexes as subject access points, recognizing the implications to knowledge organization and information retrieval. Finally, studies on citation behavior are presented and the influence of citation indexes on knowledge organization, information retrieval and the scientific information ecosystem is recognized.

The aim of the article is to know the motivations of students of Program of Post-graduate in Law ... more The aim of the article is to know the motivations of students of Program of Post-graduate in Law from Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) to publish in scientific journals. It develops a qualitative and exploratory research and it uses the questionary as a data collection instrument. The population of the research are the students of Program of Post-graduate in Law from UFPR. The article classifies the motivations in four categories: scientific-professional, financial/reward, personal and technological. It shows the academic recognition from intellectual production as the most important motivation for the students. The paper also highlights the low availability of time to research and write as the main difficulty. It indicates the long time to evaluate the articles submitted to scientific journals as a difficulty besides those cited in the research, especially when the journals are classified in the highest levels of Qualis from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). It also identifies similarities among the results of this research and others that were conducted in Brazil about motivations to publish in scientific journals.

Resumo: Apresenta a percepção dos bibliotecários das escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Flori... more Resumo: Apresenta a percepção dos bibliotecários das escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Florianópolis-SC enquanto formadores de leitores. Reúne os principais resultados de pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva que utilizou entrevista semi-estruturada como instrumento de coleta de dados. Foram entrevistados nove bibliotecários atuantes em bibliotecas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Florianópolis-SC, constituindo-se como população da pesquisa. Aborda as seguintes temáticas: leitura, biblioteca escolar, formação de leitores e o bibliotecário como formador de leitores. Para a organização e análise dos dados optou-se pelo método da categorização, reconheceram-se seis categorias a partir dos dados coletados, são elas: importância da leitura, atividades de incentivo à leitura, formação de leitores, interação entre o bibliotecário e o corpo docente, habilidades necessárias para a atuação como formador de leitores e conversa informal. Pôde-se constatar que os bibliotecários em questão têm clareza que a leitura é fundamental na vida do estudante, que a formação de leitores é uma prática importante e que eles estão inseridos nesse processo primordial na escola.

The objective of this research is to analyze the thematic of international scientific production ... more The objective of this research is to analyze the thematic of international scientific production published during the 2006 – 2015 period on Knowledge Organization and Information Retrieval indexed in Web of Science an Scopus databases. This study develops a qualitative and exploratory research of a corpus of 100 papers that establishes a relationship between Knowledge Organization and Information Retrieval. The study also analyses the papers that are part of the corpus and classifies them into three categories, using the dimensions of Knowledge Organization that are considered themes in the Brazilian Congress on Knowledge Organization and Representation organized by the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO): epistemological dimension, applied dimension, social and political dimension. We found that most of the scientific production is concentrated in the applied dimension, which can be explained by the applied characteristic of Information Retrieval. The epistemological dimension is the second recurrent, and the social and political dimension has low incidence, which can be explained once the corpus is formed by the international scientific production and is not reflected in a dimension designed for a Brazilian Congress.

It presents the relation between competitive intelligence and information management. Its overall... more It presents the relation between competitive intelligence and information management. Its overall goal is to identify the contribution of information management to the collection competitive intelligence sub process. It develops a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research which uses some techniques such as literature review and multiple case study analysis conducted in two competitive intelligence service providing companies. This study uses both the documentation for the routines of the competitive intelligence process as well as the interviews obtained from the staff involved in collecting inside the two firms studied as its source of evidence. It identifies as contributions of information management to the collection competitive intelligence sub process: collection planning, reliability of information, standards for information organization, precision on recovery as well as in obtaining information security. As a result, it proposes a representative model of the contributions of information management for the subprocess of collection. It considers that the procedures adopted by the companies are similar. It also shows that the sub process of collection is not evaluated and that the primary sources of information are little used by the two companies. The research finds that the most notable difference between the two cases is their use of auxiliary tools to the operation of the collection. The application of information management principles is important in order to develop and carry out the collection once the information is directly linked to competitive intelligence.

This paper presents the librarian’s report of experience at the
Competitive Intelligence center ... more This paper presents the librarian’s report of experience at the
Competitive Intelligence center of the Knowtec organization in Florianópolis (SC). It addresses the concept of competitive intelligence (CI), describes the stages of CI and points the agents involved. The paper also highlights the librarian work in the CI process from the activities description of research coordination, monitoring of media and searching for information. It’s possible to presume that where there is the necessity of gathering, organizing, processing and disseminating information, also there is the necessity of a librarian’s work. Therefore, it’s clear that it’s
important to value the training of professionals because librarians need to be able to work in different areas, since the information is present in all organizations and the systems of competitive intelligence, in particular, increasingly demand professionals with many personal and professional skills.
Conference Presentations by Paula Carina de Araújo
Book Reviews by Paula Carina de Araújo
Book Review published at Knowledge Organization, 43(2016)No.7.
Smiraglia, Richard P. 2015. Domai... more Book Review published at Knowledge Organization, 43(2016)No.7.
Smiraglia, Richard P. 2015. Domain analysis for knowledge organization: Tools for ontology extraction. Chandos Information Professional Series.
Waltham: Elsevier Chandos Pub. 105 pp. ISBN 9780081001509. US$78.95
Books by Paula Carina de Araújo
Descreve o FamilySearch Indexing como uma iniciativa de crowdsourcing e descreve-o no contexto da... more Descreve o FamilySearch Indexing como uma iniciativa de crowdsourcing e descreve-o no contexto da organização do conhecimento.

The article analyzes the theoretical relationship between the authors that research about Epistem... more The article analyzes the theoretical relationship between the authors that research about Epistemology of Knowledge Organization domain through author bibliographic coupling from the scientific production indexed in the databases Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. We identified a corpus of 66 articles on Epistemology of Knowledge Organization and we established a cut in the corpus and selected only the scientific production of the authors represented with two or more articles, a total of 22 articles. The implicit relationship between Hjørland and Gnoli is the strongest in the bibliographic coupling because they share 21 theoretical references. We found similarity between Hjørland and Smiraglia because they have 18 related theoretical references. It is also noteworthy that Hjørland is the most representative author in the author bibliographic coupling both for having the largest number of articles in the corpus, and for having the strongest implicit relationships with other authors and for being widely cited in the analyzed studies. There are two important considerations about this research that is the new knowledge we present: first, there is the need to consolidate and systematize the terminology in the domain to describe the studies on Epistemology of Knowledge Organization because there is a restricted circle of researchers in KO using the same terminology to describe their research on this subject. Second, there is a lack of thematic representation in key fields of the articles (title, abstract and keywords), which generates an informational gap. For further studies, we suggest developing co-citation analysis and content analysis to deepen these research findings.
Papers by Paula Carina de Araújo
Competitive Intelligence center of the Knowtec organization in Florianópolis (SC). It addresses the concept of competitive intelligence (CI), describes the stages of CI and points the agents involved. The paper also highlights the librarian work in the CI process from the activities description of research coordination, monitoring of media and searching for information. It’s possible to presume that where there is the necessity of gathering, organizing, processing and disseminating information, also there is the necessity of a librarian’s work. Therefore, it’s clear that it’s
important to value the training of professionals because librarians need to be able to work in different areas, since the information is present in all organizations and the systems of competitive intelligence, in particular, increasingly demand professionals with many personal and professional skills.
Conference Presentations by Paula Carina de Araújo
Book Reviews by Paula Carina de Araújo
Smiraglia, Richard P. 2015. Domain analysis for knowledge organization: Tools for ontology extraction. Chandos Information Professional Series.
Waltham: Elsevier Chandos Pub. 105 pp. ISBN 9780081001509. US$78.95
Books by Paula Carina de Araújo
Competitive Intelligence center of the Knowtec organization in Florianópolis (SC). It addresses the concept of competitive intelligence (CI), describes the stages of CI and points the agents involved. The paper also highlights the librarian work in the CI process from the activities description of research coordination, monitoring of media and searching for information. It’s possible to presume that where there is the necessity of gathering, organizing, processing and disseminating information, also there is the necessity of a librarian’s work. Therefore, it’s clear that it’s
important to value the training of professionals because librarians need to be able to work in different areas, since the information is present in all organizations and the systems of competitive intelligence, in particular, increasingly demand professionals with many personal and professional skills.
Smiraglia, Richard P. 2015. Domain analysis for knowledge organization: Tools for ontology extraction. Chandos Information Professional Series.
Waltham: Elsevier Chandos Pub. 105 pp. ISBN 9780081001509. US$78.95