Papers by Claudia Kessler
Doctoral thesis Post-Graduate Program in Social Antropology Federal University of Rio Grande do S... more Doctoral thesis Post-Graduate Program in Social Antropology Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul MORE THAN BARBIES OR OGRESSES: AN ETHNOGRAPHY OF WOMEN'S SOCCER IN BRAZIL AND THE UNITED STATES AUTHOR: CLÁUDIA SAMUEL KESSLER ADVISOR: ARLEI SANDER DAMO Date and local of defense: Porto Alegre, 5 August 2015. Based on ethnographic practices carried out between 2011 and 2013 including interviews, photographic documentation and polls this thesis analyzes the meaning of women's soccer in Porto Alegre (RS, Brazil) and Amherst (MA, United States). Instead of using the term “feminine soccer” commonly used both in sports and academic spaces, I propose the concept of “women's soccer”, aiming thereby to disassociate it from normative gender thinking, still hostage to the binomial “masculine/feminine”. Brazilian women's soccer is a space marked by the expression of multiple perspectives of gender. It is characterized by improvised and creative body performances, revealing itsel...
Based on participant observation and semi-structured interviews carried out in 2017, this article... more Based on participant observation and semi-structured interviews carried out in 2017, this article aims to analyze the "professional" constitution of sports careers of players from under-15 and under-17 teams at Esporte Clube Pelotas / Phoenix, in the interior of the state from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Throughout this study, it was identified that factors such as: financial resources, changes in the competition calendar and family support directly affect the prospects for consolidating the career of young athletes. Concluded that the "professional" constitution of these athletes' career was permeated by acts of resilience and rebellion, considering that in order to survive in the sport, they constantly needed to reinforce their desire for continuity. in practice, and sometimes to conflict with the desire of their families of origin.
Sociedade e Cultura, 2014
This paper discusses the concept of love-consumption and other expressions of affection in contem... more This paper discusses the concept of love-consumption and other expressions of affection in contemporary society, based on the current economic paradigms regarding the relationships that oppose the ideal of romantic love. The Material, via anthropological approach, presents interviews of members of a new social movement self-titled Free Relations, which considers the individual as manager of sex and love, contrary to monogamy.
Educação Física em Revista, 2008
Page 1. O USO DO CORPO E UM BREVE PANORAMA SOBRE O FUTSAL FEMININO EM SANTA MARIA RS Cláudia Sa... more Page 1. O USO DO CORPO E UM BREVE PANORAMA SOBRE O FUTSAL FEMININO EM SANTA MARIA RS Cláudia Samuel Kessler24 Maria Catarina Zanini25 Quando se aborda a questão do futsal, freqüentemente procura ...
dObra[s] – revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Pesquisas em Moda
A partir da análise de dados coletados em pesquisa etnográfica realizada no Rio Grande do Sul ent... more A partir da análise de dados coletados em pesquisa etnográfica realizada no Rio Grande do Sul entre 2011 e 2012, bem como a utilização de outros artefatos culturais midiáticos, o presente artigo aborda o uso de roupas esportivas por jogadoras de futebol no Brasil. Ao longo do artigo, interrogar-se-á de que forma os uniformes esportivos de mulheres no futebol suscitam dilemas relacionados à atratividade e à praticidade do vestuário, bem como pretende-se entender como o uniforme influencia nas distinções presentes entre “patricinhas” e “humildes”, categorias êmicas que revelam não apenas diferenças de classe, mas também de raça/etnia, principalmente no futebol porto-alegrense. Para abordar as questões de gênero no esporte, tem-se como referencial o trabalho da brasileira Silvana Goellner. Em relação às questões de gênero e pós-colonialidade, a australiana Raewyn Connell. Para abordar raça/etnia, as estadunidenses bell hooks e Kimberlé Crenshaw. Conclui-se que o vestuário serve como fo...
Resumo: A partir de experiências etnográficas no mundo esportivo, este texto articula dados empír... more Resumo: A partir de experiências etnográficas no mundo esportivo, este texto articula dados empíricos e refl exão teórica em busca da compreensão das implicações para o esporte mainstream da existência de corpos não normativos/dissonantes, par-ticipantes em diferentes competições do sistema esportivo global. Questionamos não apenas as normatividades instituídas e presentes no meio esportivo, mas também as masculinidades/feminilidades como ficções políticas em vigor nas arenas esportivas. Dessa forma, propomos refletir sobre a alteridade presente no campo esportivo, a partir de corpos que sofrem/sofreram diferentes processos de transformação corporal ou que usam fármacos e outras substâncias. Gênero, sexualidade e defi ciência são categorias que nos ajudarão a problematizar a construção de saberes e a gestão política dos usos dos corpos em performances de alto rendimento atlético.
Abstract: From ethnographic experiences in the sports world, this paper articulates empirical data and theoretical refl ections in order to understand the implications to mainstream sport with the presence of non-normative/dissonant bodies that participate in different competitions of the global sports system. We question not only the established normativities in sport, but also the political fi ctions of masculinity/femi-ninity in its spaces. Thus, we refl ect on the otherness present in the sports fi eld up from bodies that suffer/suffered body modifi cation processes or that use drugs and other
Books by Claudia Kessler
Alimentando existências: o trânsito de pessoas, experiências e comidas, 2023
This book is about trajectories. Trajectory is a concept that comes from physics and talks about ... more This book is about trajectories. Trajectory is a concept that comes from physics and talks about the distance travelled. When it was appropriated by the social sciences, it became a notion that thinks about distance within a space that is not physical, but chronological, the space of life. That's why we talk about trajectories of lives, of beings on the move, in the interactive, symbolic and procedural dynamics of practising life, in its daily life, rituals and spatialities. Many of the texts in this book talk about trajectories, both geographical and chronological, but what really connects all the chapters is the idea of everyday life, those things we do while we're just trying to live our lives. And everyday life is linked to themes that permeate all the chapters: food, family, the role of women. And the themes that drive us come together in two concepts: intimacy and identity.
Papers by Claudia Kessler
Abstract: From ethnographic experiences in the sports world, this paper articulates empirical data and theoretical refl ections in order to understand the implications to mainstream sport with the presence of non-normative/dissonant bodies that participate in different competitions of the global sports system. We question not only the established normativities in sport, but also the political fi ctions of masculinity/femi-ninity in its spaces. Thus, we refl ect on the otherness present in the sports fi eld up from bodies that suffer/suffered body modifi cation processes or that use drugs and other
Books by Claudia Kessler
Abstract: From ethnographic experiences in the sports world, this paper articulates empirical data and theoretical refl ections in order to understand the implications to mainstream sport with the presence of non-normative/dissonant bodies that participate in different competitions of the global sports system. We question not only the established normativities in sport, but also the political fi ctions of masculinity/femi-ninity in its spaces. Thus, we refl ect on the otherness present in the sports fi eld up from bodies that suffer/suffered body modifi cation processes or that use drugs and other