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This work would never have been completed without the help and support of the following to whom I owe a dept of gratitude. My foremost thanks to the Almighty God who has generously given me life, health, strength, courage and... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsGhanaLanguage Change
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      SociologyMultidisciplinaryMiddle EastIcon
Women are one of Ghana's hidden growth resources. Yet, Ghanaian women have been marginalized from the developmental discourse by a succession of hegemonic political administrations. At best, Ghanaian women were said to have a quiet... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesPhilosophy of AgencyPolitical Science
After twenty years the third-wave of democratization took place in Africa, democratic regressions have proven a common outcome. Causes are well rooted in the key actors’ attitudes towards the rules of the electoral competition.... more
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      African StudiesGhanaElites (Political Science)Democracy
In the early nineties the African continent witnessed an extraordinary wave of democratization. The resulting debate highlighted the decentralization as an effective strategy to bring about democracy, tackling issues such as... more
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      DemocracyDecentralizationMaliMali Tuareg AQIM AQMI MUJWA MNLA Sanogo Azawad
After twenty years the third-wave of democratization took place in Africa, democratic regressions have proven a common outcome. Causes are well rooted in the key actors’ attitudes towards the rules of the electoral competition.... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceDemocratization
After twenty years the third-wave of democratization took place in Africa, democratic regressions have proven a common outcome. Causes are well rooted in the key actors’ attitudes towards the rules of the elec- toral competition.... more
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      Elites (Political Science)Institutions (Political Science)Institutional DesignNeoinstitutionalism