Papers by Acheampong Owusu
Lecture notes in networks and systems, Sep 14, 2023
Lecture notes in networks and systems, Sep 14, 2023
Productivity Press eBooks, Jun 1, 2022
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation
This explorative study uses the affordance theory to offer an in-depth understanding of how mobil... more This explorative study uses the affordance theory to offer an in-depth understanding of how mobile payment affordances are unconventionally facilitating the rise of end-user entrepreneurs, and to explore why these end-user entrepreneurs expand and commercialize their creative ideas. Qualitatively, the researchers interviewed 20 end-user entrepreneurs in eight merchant firms. The data suggest that six significant affordances may serve as motivating factors for the merchant to switch to end-user entrepreneurship. These affordances are the following: i) incorporating informal peer-to-peer business approach; ii) frequent and small transactions settling; iii) greater flexibility in service delivery; iv) new business model development; v) informal finance networks; and vi) financial affordance. Employing a developing economy perspective with a particular focus on Ghana, this paper contributes to both the mobile payment research and end-user entrepreneurial studies, extending the existing ...
Education and Information Technologies, Jul 5, 2023
International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism
Perception has been found to influence thought patterns and human behavior in other academic sphe... more Perception has been found to influence thought patterns and human behavior in other academic spheres. However, the impact of perception on technology adoption and use in the field of Information Systems is virtually nonexistent. This study sought to examine the internet security perception of internet users and consequential effect on their online behavior. The study used language (French vs English), as a differentiation tool for the respondents. 101 nationals from different African countries who reside in Ghana were sampled to participate in the study. The study found strong negative security perception, low level of knowledge regarding cyber awareness and a lax attitude in cyber hygiene practices to ensure personal safety when online. Impact of culture on online security perception was not identified, and also respondents were not collectivist in their cultural orientation, a marked shift from long held opinion of strong collectivism in Africa. Implications are also discussed.
2022 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE)
In underserved regions, the educational inequality gap between better-served children and under-s... more In underserved regions, the educational inequality gap between better-served children and under-served children is wide. At the same time, the digital inequality gap in such countries is narrowing; less endowed families are now able to access some digital technologies. Therefore, there is the need to use technologies for educational purposes to support lessendowed children in promoting diversity and inclusivity. This research is explorative research to highlight issues in the use of technologies for education, such as adoption, barriers, challenges and benefits in African context. In doing so, we seek to promote diversity and inclusivity for education in underserved regions and bridge the education inequality gap. This research will contribute to academic research relating to inclusivity to support under-served children in developing countries. It will push forward educational technology research and contribute to policymaking. The outcome of this research would prepare the foundation for a future large-scale implementation across Sub-Saharan Africa.
Education and Information Technologies
AI has been described as a 'black box', suggesting that the internal algorithmic computations for... more AI has been described as a 'black box', suggesting that the internal algorithmic computations for arriving at the results they provide are very opaque (Rai, 2020). A multifaceted definition of xAI is given by Doran, Schulz and Besold (2017) to be "opaque technologies that offer no explanation into their algorithmic mechanisms; interpretable systems where users can mathematically analyse its algorithmic mechanisms; and comprehensible systems that show symbols which explain to users how a conclusion is reached"(p.1). There are existing studies (e.g. Holzinger, 2018) on how AI technologies are leveraged to make more informed and faster decisions by firms. However little empirical research exists on the "explainability" factors of such AI technologies that motivate their adoption by firms. This is especially needed in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) where the use of AI adoption is growing rapidly but regulation is still underdeveloped.
The African Journal of Information Systems, 2021
The purpose of this study was to qualitatively assess the state of information technology (IT) bu... more The purpose of this study was to qualitatively assess the state of information technology (IT) business alignment among Ghanaian universities and to identify factors that influence the achievement of four key dimensions of the concept. Studies show that factors influencing the achievement of the concept remain underexplored and research coverage for both developing economies and the higher education sector trails behind other sectors and developed economies. A two-round online Delphi technique was employed to elicit responses from personnel in IT leadership positions using Schlosser et al. (2012) alignment dimensions model as a lens. Findings suggest that IT investment is often aligned with institutional goals and that IT-business artifact mapping, IT-business partnerships, closing the ITbusiness communication gap, and technical skills and knowledge of IT staff are among key factors that influence the achievement of the intellectual, social, human, and environmental dimensions of ITbusiness alignment, respectively. Implications are also discussed.
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2021
This research aims to examine the impact of celebrity endorsement on Political Parties and its in... more This research aims to examine the impact of celebrity endorsement on Political Parties and its influence on electorates to vote for a particular Party’s candidate. The mediating role of Political Brand Credibility (PBC) and Political Brand Equity (PBE) towards Voting Intention (VI) relationships were also examined. The study’s conceptual framework was developed using The Source Credibility, The Associative Network Memory Model, and the Brand Signalling Theory. Primary survey data was collected online and analysed through Structural Equation Modelling. Findings suggest that Endorser Credibility has a direct positive significant relationship with Political Brand Credibility. However, there is no significant direct correlation between Endorser Credibility and Political Brand Equity and Voting Intention. Nevertheless, indirect relationship was established. Findings from the study has proven that the endorsement of celebrities alone does not necessarily influence electorates to vote for political candidates, rather the Credibility of the Party and its Equity play a pivotal role with regards to the Voting Intention of voters. Practically, this study has given us insights into the endorsement of celebrities of political candidates, which the Political Party leaders should consider before bringing on board any celebrity to endorse their candidates. Future research opportunity and limitations were also discussed.
The main objective of the study was to examine the impact of cyberslacking on graduate students’ ... more The main objective of the study was to examine the impact of cyberslacking on graduate students’ academic performance at a Business School in Ghana. The study was descriptive and was purely quantitative. The target population of this study comprised all graduate students at the School. Out of the entire population, three hundred (300) students were sampled for the study through convenience sampling. Questionnaires were used as the data collection tool. Findings from the analysis indicate that Cyberslacking correlates with students’ academic performance. Students who are addicted to cyberslacking have difficulties in paying attention in class in comparison to those who do not cyberslack. The study, therefore, concludes that though cyberslacking has a negative effect on the attention of graduate students in the lecture room, it could not find a significant relationship between cyberslacking and academic performance. It is however recommended that instructors should integrate technolog...
Int. J. ICT Res. Afr. Middle East, 2020
This paper seeks to contribute to research work done on applications of information technologies ... more This paper seeks to contribute to research work done on applications of information technologies (IT) for solving problems in Africa. This was achieved via a systematic literature review on extant literature on IT use in Africa. Relevant articles with how IT are applied to the work activities of users in Africa are retrieved from various databases and analyzed to reveal the role IT plays in the African user's information journey. The results show that healthcare, agriculture, education, and banking and finance sectors have received considerable attention from researchers. Regarding methodologies adopted, most of the papers used a quantitative approach as compared to qualitative. Considering the limited literature reviews on scholarly technology adoption studies more especially in Africa where people are still yet to appreciate the use and impact of technology in their life, this paper makes significant contributions to the few scholarly studies that have been done in this regard.
International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 2022
The adoption and implantation of electronic government service are on the rise as government serv... more The adoption and implantation of electronic government service are on the rise as government services to citizens through electronic means has increased. However, assessing the effectiveness of e-government systems is still limited in the literature. This study sort to evaluate the effectiveness and benefits of information systems (E-registrar) at the Registrar General Department (RGD) in Ghana, using the updated DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. Via the purposive sampling technique, data for the study were collected from 102 staff of RGD and analyzed following the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results of the study indicate that Service Quality, System Quality, and Information Quality positively influence System Usage and User Satisfaction. Also, System Usage and User Satisfaction positively influence the Net Benefits derived from the E-Registrar system. The findings provide a relevant recommendation to policymakers and management of ...
Handbook of Research on Managing Information Systems in Developing Economies, 2020
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the nature of SISP implementation and also determine th... more The purpose of this chapter is to explore the nature of SISP implementation and also determine the factors that influence as enablers or inhibitors to the implementation and use of SISP in Ghanaian organizations. The methodology adopted was the qualitative method and underpinned by Earl and Lederer and Sethi's approaches to SISP development. The results indicated that many firms have applied Earl's approaches in their SISP implementation. The findings also revealed that factors such as IS alignment, awareness, environmental assessment, budget, and top management involvement are the critical success factors enabling the use of SISP in the organizations studied. Inhibitors to SISP implementation include budget constraint, regulatory requirements, absence of IT/IS steering committee, among others. The study highly recommends that the inhibiting factors are given the necessary attention by the government to enable firms to implement SISP with ease. The originality of this study ...
Encyclopedia of Criminal Activities and the Deep Web, 2020
The purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of bitcoin adoption among individuals an... more The purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of bitcoin adoption among individuals and also to assess whether the usage of the bitcoin technology for payment of transactions is preferable to other modes of payment. The study proposed a conceptual model analyzing the driving factors that influence a behavior towards the utilization of bitcoins in a developing economy, Ghana, through the lens of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model. A qualitative method which employed a purposive sampling technique in the selection of twelve respondents who understand and utilize the bitcoin technology was used. The findings showed that majority of the respondents were exceptionally positive about the idea of bitcoin and had the goal to keep utilizing it, on conditions with respect to the usefulness, the ease of use, the secureness, and the price value of bitcoin. The study offers practitioners with a framework based on theory that goes beyond not only investigating...
SA Journal of Information Management, 2020
The key to individual success and progress at all levels of educational development is the act of... more The key to individual success and progress at all levels of educational development is the act of teaching and learning (Ode 2014). Hence, a well-planned and directed process is essential for an effective teaching and learning process (Lari 2014). For this reason, Ode (2014) argues that teaching aids that are commonly denoted as audiovisual (AV) tools need to be adopted to enhance the process. Indeed, from an instructor's and a student's perspective, research has confirmed that using AV technologies for teaching and learning has positively affected teaching (Lari 2014; Mathew & Alidmat 2013; Ode 2014). Ode (2014) emphasises that 'attention, motivation, concentration, and retention of facts are enhanced through the use of audiovisual materials'. Lari (2014) also posits that technology plays a vital role in today's pedagogy and it draws student's attention. This can enhance effective means of learning when technology is used in classrooms. Since its inception, studies on the impact of AV tools on teaching and learning have garnered some empirical examination. An examination of these studies has revealed that although salient gaps still exist in the current literature, constructive insights have been unearthed to support the usage of these tools (Asadi & Berimani 2015; Seçer, Şahin & Alcı 2015; Waheeda & Murthy 2015). However, results from these studies have been inconsistent. For example, a study by Waheeda and Murthy (2015:11) compared blackboard teaching with PowerPoint (PPT) teaching from VMKV Medical College, Salem, India. Their results indicated that 'blackboard has the advantage of better recall besides being the most preferred aid among medical students'. Similarly, Asadi and Berimani (2015) evaluated the influence of AV tools on 'Iranian Second Grade High Background: The use of audiovisual (AV) technologies for teaching and learning is a longestablished phenomenon. Thus, a lot has been said about its impact on teaching and learning. Yet, most of these studies have focused on developed economies with a dearth of literature from developing economies context, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. This study attempts to fill the gap in the literature. Objectives: This study assesses the impact of a school's AV technologies on teaching and learning through the lens of the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model. Method: The study adopted the survey technique of quantitative research. Data collection was performed through questionnaires designed in conjunction with six constructs (AV Information Quality, AV System Quality, AV Service Quality, AV System Use, User Satisfaction and Net Benefits) in which 432 valid samples were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis to establish the reliability and validity of the constructs. Inferential data analysis was performed through structural equation modelling to establish the causal relationship between the hypothesised constructs. Results: The result of this study established that, except for the relationships between information quality and system use and the relationship between system use and net benefits, the other hypothesised relationships were all found to have positive direct relationships. Conclusion: The level of significance resulting from the analysis provides insight into the need for instructors and systems designers to make a conscious effort in improving learner's satisfaction by concentrating more on the antecedent of user satisfaction. This research provides insight into the implementation success of the school's AV technologies from students' perspectives. It also provides a strong theoretical underpinning and a multivariate data analysis, which are lacking in the literature.
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2020
There has been a proliferation of Mobile Phones Applications commonly referred to as Mobile Apps ... more There has been a proliferation of Mobile Phones Applications commonly referred to as Mobile Apps lately due to the advancement of technology. These Mobile Apps are used for a myriad of tasks ranging from Mobile Commerce (m-commerce), healthcare, learning, social media, among others. However, with this spread of the Mobile Apps comes the issues of privacy concerns. This study, therefore, seeks to investigate why users continue to use the Mobile Apps despite the privacy concerns and what measures they have put in place to mitigate this menace. Through the Antecedents, Privacy, Concerns, and Outcome (APCO) model, the study developed a research model that was hypothesized and evaluated with 316 respondents from a tertiary institution. The data was analyzed through the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The results indicate that whilst antecedent variable Gender influences Privacy Concern, Experience on the other hand does not. Also, Enjoyment, Privacy Risk, and T...
Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 2020
Higher learning institutions (HLIs) are implementing enterprise content management (ECM) systems ... more Higher learning institutions (HLIs) are implementing enterprise content management (ECM) systems as web portals that are helping them interact with and serve their students better. However, there is a paucity of research that has evaluated the factors that account for students using their university’s portals. As a case study and using the D&M IS Success Model as a guiding lens, this paper explored the factors that influence Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) Students to use the university’s portal through a survey. Data was collected from 134 students through Stratified Random Sampling technique that was analysed through Partial Least Square ‑ Structural Equation Modelling (PLS‑SEM). Results obtained show clearly that LUCT students are using the university’s portal as a result of the System Quality and Information Quality which gives them Satisfaction. However, the findings reveal no significant correlation between Service Quality and Satisfaction of the students a...
Papers by Acheampong Owusu