Conference Presentations by Valeria Morabito
VII Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche (SIS) – Genere e storia. Nuove prospettive di... more VII Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche (SIS) – Genere e storia. Nuove prospettive di ricerca Società Italiana delle Storiche.
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: La tratta atlantica delle schiave nel XIX secolo: la storia di Mary Prince.
Pisa, 2nd – 4th February 2017
Event: Women’s Voices and Genealogies in Literary Studies in English
University of Bologna (LILEC... more Event: Women’s Voices and Genealogies in Literary Studies in English
University of Bologna (LILEC).
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: Resilient Bodies: Female Slave Narratives in the Nineteenth Century, the case of Mary Prince.
Bologna, 12th – 13th of January 2017
Event: “Senza distinzione di sesso”. Riflessioni sul sistema legislativo europeo e nazionale per ... more Event: “Senza distinzione di sesso”. Riflessioni sul sistema legislativo europeo e nazionale per la parità di genere.
University of Bologna.
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: Gender equality, il quadro normativo europeo.
Bologna, 30th of November 2016
Papers by Valeria Morabito
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es reconsiderar la literatura europea del siglo XIX a traves d... more El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es reconsiderar la literatura europea del siglo XIX a traves del estudio de textos non-canonicos escritos por mujeres afrodescendientes durante la esclavitud transatlantica, en ingles, espanol y portugues. Adelanta la tesis de que los escritos de los “subjetos menores” en la Europa moderna presentan una idea innovadora de libertad, que puede ayudarnos a reconsiderar no solo nuestra comprension de las identidades de genero sino tambien nuestra nocion de Europa. Los textos literarios seleccionados para este estudio son los siguientes: la narrativa de esclavos escrita por Mary Prince, ex esclava de las colonias britanicas en el Caribe y titulada The History of Mary Prince (1831); una coleccion de poemas cubanos escritos por Maria Cristina Fragas (Cristina Ayala), Ofrendas Mayabequinas (1926); y Ursula (1859), una novela de Maria Firmina dos Reis, una mujer afrodescendiente nacida en la colonia portuguesa de Brasil. Estos trabajos son ejemplos utiles p...
Investigating Cultures of Equality, 2022
FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar de Estudios de Género, Jan 29, 2019
The following article is an attempt to establish a constructive dialogue between two of the leadi... more The following article is an attempt to establish a constructive dialogue between two of the leading feminist philosophical theories of our time, new materialist feminism and postcolonial feminisms. Despite the fact that new materialist feminism has claimed to share the same concerns of postcolonial feminisms, this paradigm in some cases has been unappreciated among the postcolonial field, even though the two theories actually do have some common viewpoints, as I want to demonstrate. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to highlight the main standpoints of new materialist feminism, in relation with the theoretical positions of postcolonial feminism. In order to do so, I have engaged critically with Rosi Braidotti's thought, putting it in dialogue with the critiques advanced by postcolonial feminist thinkers. After the analysis and the definition of new materialist feminism in the first section, and postcolonial feminism in the second, I then proceeded by envisaging a common ground for the two theories. The importance of this intercommunication is based on the idea that there can be no effective politics for new materialism if this theory doesn't develop its ability to be transdisciplinar and intersectional. It also has to become capable of accounting for the dynamics of power at all levels and with different prospective, as a way to create new politics of identity and resistance. To answer to the challenges and paradoxes of our contemporary era the creation of a space for transnational actions is more effective than ever, as I want to attest.
Éros: représentations et métamorphoses, 2019
La figure d’Éros est présente dans la pensée occidentale de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Le « daemon ... more La figure d’Éros est présente dans la pensée occidentale de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Le « daemon » de Platon, tel qu’il nous est présenté dans le Banquet (et plus tard dans le Phèdre) par les divers convives, pont vers le divin, voie vers la Vérité, ne cessera de refaire surface au long des siècles, changeant cependant de formes et, sur- tout, pouvant être connoté de manière positive ou négative selon les différentes époques et les différentes cultures. Cette vivacité est aisément compréhensible, car qui parle de l’éros parle de l’amour: filia, agape, amore, ou encore love ou Liebe, peu im- porte de quelle façon nous entendons ce mot, nous nous retrouvons toujours à parler de notre désir, de nos pulsions, de notre intimité, arguments problématiques et cen- traux du système de pensée occidental qui connaîtront force représentations dans les diverses formes d’art et, bien entendu, dans la littérature. D’un point de vue littéraire -comparatiste, le numéro 13 de RILUNE se propose d’enquêter sur les différentes représentations de l’éros, entendu comme désir (également dans sa connotation char- nelle) ou tension, qui abondent depuis des siècles dans les littératures européennes.
Femeris. Revista Multidisciplinar de Estudios de Género, 2019
The following article is an attempt to establish a constructive dialogue between two of the lead... more The following article is an attempt to establish a constructive dialogue between two of the leading feminist philosophical theories of our time, new materialist feminism and postcolonial feminisms. Despite the fact that new materialist feminism has claimed to share the same concerns of postcolonial feminisms, this paradigm in some cases has been unappreciated among the postcolonial field, even though the two theories actually do have some common viewpoints, as I want to demonstrate. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to highlight the main standpoints of new materialist feminism, in relation with the theoretical positions of postcolonial feminism. In order to do so, I have engaged critically with Rosi Braidotti’s thought, putting it in dialogue with the critiques advanced by postcolonial feminist thinkers. After the analysis and the definition of new materialist feminism in the first section, and postcolonial feminism in the second, I then proceeded by envisaging a common ground for the two theories. The importance of this intercommunication is based on the idea that there can be no effective politics for new materialism if this theory doesn’t develop its ability to be transdisciplinar and intersectional. It also has to become capable of accounting for the dynamics of power at all levels and with different prospective, as a way to create new politics of identity and resistance. To answer to the challenges and paradoxes of our contemporary era the creation of a space for transnational actions is more effective than ever, as I want to attest.
Cardiovascular disease... more
Cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of death in the European Union and in the world. Yet, compared with men, women suffering heart attacks are less likely to get treated on time, and their chances of being diagnosed correctly, and receiving beneficial medication and advice, are much lower.
Seminars by Valeria Morabito
Unibo è interculturalità, 2017
This study aims to investigate how a group of successful women look at their career path in entre... more This study aims to investigate how a group of successful women look at their career path in entrepreneurship in two European countries, specifically England and Italy, through a gender lens.
More specifically, women in these two pilot case-studies are from different generations, but also from more than one sector: one of these women holds academic and professional roles in universities and one is the owner of her own company. They are therefore from the private sector and from professional services in a higher education institution.
Methodologically, the study follows Ahl’s suggestions (2007) to include cases with female protagonists in entrepreneurship in order to show that there is a place for them in [engaging with] entrepreneurship. In addition, the study relies on Henry, Foss and Ahl’s call (2015) for doing further research into women doing entrepreneurship by relying on innovative research methods -- possibly with no comparisons with men in the field – as well as on a feminist epistemology.
Thus, in response to the conclusions set in the articles above, the aim has been to see how women look at themselves, first, only as entrepreneurs with no specification of gender connotations (and potentially in comparison to men in the field). Then, in a second round data collection, we have explored how the same group of women performs entrepreneurship by positioning themselves as women in the field, so how they look at themselves as women doing entrepreneurship (with no comparisons to men). This further gender positioning aiming to be the complementary lens of investigation to look at these case-studies and possibly to develop female role models in entrepreneurship at the intersection of age/sectors/cultures.
In conclusion, the findings point to how women’s places in entrepreneurship, as shown by the two case-studies, are nowadays more likely to be set apart from men’s ones, even depending on type of business more than on country (or even on age/generation and culture). This also suggests that research on women in entrepreneurship can purposively leave men ‘out of the game’ and allow more space for woman-only type of studies.
Book Reviews by Valeria Morabito
Recensione di Elizabeth A. Bohls, "Slavery and the Politics of Place" in La Questione Romantica, ... more Recensione di Elizabeth A. Bohls, "Slavery and the Politics of Place" in La Questione Romantica, Liguori editore, Roma, vol. 7 n. 1-2, 2015, Special Issue: Edward Rushton's Bicentenary, I, Cultural History/Legacy.
Books by Valeria Morabito
Women's Voices and Genealogies in Literary Studies in English
Thesis Chapters by Valeria Morabito
Doctoral dissertation, 2019
The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to reconsider nineteenth century European literature thr... more The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to reconsider nineteenth century European literature through the study of non-canonical texts written by Afro-descendant women during the transatlantic slavery, in English, Spanish and Portuguese. It advances the thesis that the writings of the “minor subjects” in modern Europe put forth an innovative idea of freedom, which can help us to reconsider not only our understanding of gender identities but also our notion of Europe. The literary texts selected for this study are the following: the slave narrative written by Mary Prince, a former slave from the British colonies in the Caribbean and entitled The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave Related by Herself (1831); a collection of Cuban poems written by Maria Cristina Fragas (Cristina Ayala), Ofrendas Mayabequinas (1926); and Ursula (1859), a novel by Maria Firmina dos Reis, a woman of African descent born in the Portuguese colony of Brazil. These works are useful examples in order to re-examine European identity in the light of the important historical event of the transatlantic slave trade, given the role that slavery and colonialism played not only as historical facts but also as ideologies. The study hereafter presented is structured in five chapters, with an introduction and a concluding section. The introduction draws a general outline of the dissertation. In the first chapter, the topic of the research and its rationale are discussed, explaining the hypothesis and the objectives of the work and presenting a review of the existing literature on the topic. In particular, I establish the framework for the methodology of the research, locating the idea of desire (Eros), of women’s literature, of post-colonial and de-colonial literature and the category of gender. The second chapter examines the way in which the historical and cultural background of the nineteenth century influenced my corpus of primary texts. Subsequently, in the following three chapters, I examine each work individually: The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave Related by Herself in the third chapter; Ofrendas Mayabequinas in the fourth; and Ursula in the fifth. Finally, the conclusion is devoted to the interpretation and comparison of the studied texts. The re-discovery and research of minor voices in European literature and, in particular, of women and slaves, goes hand in hand with the necessity for a new Europe that must rethink the notions of otherness and freedom as a way to reframe its human and political relationships.
Conference Presentations by Valeria Morabito
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: La tratta atlantica delle schiave nel XIX secolo: la storia di Mary Prince.
Pisa, 2nd – 4th February 2017
University of Bologna (LILEC).
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: Resilient Bodies: Female Slave Narratives in the Nineteenth Century, the case of Mary Prince.
Bologna, 12th – 13th of January 2017
University of Bologna.
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: Gender equality, il quadro normativo europeo.
Bologna, 30th of November 2016
Papers by Valeria Morabito
Cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of death in the European Union and in the world. Yet, compared with men, women suffering heart attacks are less likely to get treated on time, and their chances of being diagnosed correctly, and receiving beneficial medication and advice, are much lower.
Seminars by Valeria Morabito
More specifically, women in these two pilot case-studies are from different generations, but also from more than one sector: one of these women holds academic and professional roles in universities and one is the owner of her own company. They are therefore from the private sector and from professional services in a higher education institution.
Methodologically, the study follows Ahl’s suggestions (2007) to include cases with female protagonists in entrepreneurship in order to show that there is a place for them in [engaging with] entrepreneurship. In addition, the study relies on Henry, Foss and Ahl’s call (2015) for doing further research into women doing entrepreneurship by relying on innovative research methods -- possibly with no comparisons with men in the field – as well as on a feminist epistemology.
Thus, in response to the conclusions set in the articles above, the aim has been to see how women look at themselves, first, only as entrepreneurs with no specification of gender connotations (and potentially in comparison to men in the field). Then, in a second round data collection, we have explored how the same group of women performs entrepreneurship by positioning themselves as women in the field, so how they look at themselves as women doing entrepreneurship (with no comparisons to men). This further gender positioning aiming to be the complementary lens of investigation to look at these case-studies and possibly to develop female role models in entrepreneurship at the intersection of age/sectors/cultures.
In conclusion, the findings point to how women’s places in entrepreneurship, as shown by the two case-studies, are nowadays more likely to be set apart from men’s ones, even depending on type of business more than on country (or even on age/generation and culture). This also suggests that research on women in entrepreneurship can purposively leave men ‘out of the game’ and allow more space for woman-only type of studies.
Book Reviews by Valeria Morabito
Books by Valeria Morabito
Thesis Chapters by Valeria Morabito
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: La tratta atlantica delle schiave nel XIX secolo: la storia di Mary Prince.
Pisa, 2nd – 4th February 2017
University of Bologna (LILEC).
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: Resilient Bodies: Female Slave Narratives in the Nineteenth Century, the case of Mary Prince.
Bologna, 12th – 13th of January 2017
University of Bologna.
Role: Speaker.
Title of presentation: Gender equality, il quadro normativo europeo.
Bologna, 30th of November 2016
Cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of death in the European Union and in the world. Yet, compared with men, women suffering heart attacks are less likely to get treated on time, and their chances of being diagnosed correctly, and receiving beneficial medication and advice, are much lower.
More specifically, women in these two pilot case-studies are from different generations, but also from more than one sector: one of these women holds academic and professional roles in universities and one is the owner of her own company. They are therefore from the private sector and from professional services in a higher education institution.
Methodologically, the study follows Ahl’s suggestions (2007) to include cases with female protagonists in entrepreneurship in order to show that there is a place for them in [engaging with] entrepreneurship. In addition, the study relies on Henry, Foss and Ahl’s call (2015) for doing further research into women doing entrepreneurship by relying on innovative research methods -- possibly with no comparisons with men in the field – as well as on a feminist epistemology.
Thus, in response to the conclusions set in the articles above, the aim has been to see how women look at themselves, first, only as entrepreneurs with no specification of gender connotations (and potentially in comparison to men in the field). Then, in a second round data collection, we have explored how the same group of women performs entrepreneurship by positioning themselves as women in the field, so how they look at themselves as women doing entrepreneurship (with no comparisons to men). This further gender positioning aiming to be the complementary lens of investigation to look at these case-studies and possibly to develop female role models in entrepreneurship at the intersection of age/sectors/cultures.
In conclusion, the findings point to how women’s places in entrepreneurship, as shown by the two case-studies, are nowadays more likely to be set apart from men’s ones, even depending on type of business more than on country (or even on age/generation and culture). This also suggests that research on women in entrepreneurship can purposively leave men ‘out of the game’ and allow more space for woman-only type of studies.