Call of papers by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Invitamos a toda la comunidad académica, a los líderes sociales, sindicales y populares a present... more Invitamos a toda la comunidad académica, a los líderes sociales, sindicales y populares a presentar artículos para un nuevo dossier. Se aceptarán artículos en inglés, español y portugués, los cuales deberán seguir las normas editoriales de la Revista C&P.
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Invitamos a la comunidad académica y general a participar en la convocatoria para publicar artícu... more Invitamos a la comunidad académica y general a participar en la convocatoria para publicar artículos en la modalidad tema libre. Es importante recordar que la revista recibirá artículos de manera permanente.
Vol 14 Núm 2 (2023) by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
El paro cívico nacional del 14 de septiembre de 1977 es uno de los acontecimientos más discutidos... more El paro cívico nacional del 14 de septiembre de 1977 es uno de los acontecimientos más discutidos en la historia política contemporánea de Colombia. La mayoría de las lecturas que han circulado sobre este acontecimiento sustentan su importancia en su carácter nacional y generalizado. Sin embargo, hay pocos trabajos que aborden el desarrollo de esa jornada de protesta a través de un prisma regional y local que sitúe el desenvolvimiento de esa coyuntura más allá de la capital del país. Además, son escasos los balances historiográficos que se hayan dado a la tarea de sistematizar la copiosa bibliografía y referencias que existen alrededor de esta temática en los libros y trabajos de diversa naturaleza que se han escrito. El artículo propone precisamente avanzar sobre estos dos elementos: situar el lugar de la región en esa historiografía y proponer unas líneas de problematización y discusión en torno a las cuales se articula el balance historiográfico.
The national civic strike of September 14th, 1977 is one of the most debated events in Colombia’s contemporary political history. Most of the existing readings underline its importance due to the national and generalized character of it. However, there are few works that address the development of that protest through a regional and local prism that places that juncture beyond the capital. Additionally, there are few historiographic balances that have undertaken the task of systematizing the abundant bibliography that exist around this topic in books and works of diverse nature and scope. The article precisely proposes to advance on these two elements: to place the region’s position in that historiography and to propose lines of problematization and discussion around which a historiographic balance is articulated.
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
En el siguiente artículo se presentan los hechos más relevantes, en cuanto a la lucha sindical y ... more En el siguiente artículo se presentan los hechos más relevantes, en cuanto a la lucha sindical y popular, acontecidos en la ciudad de Barrancabermeja durante el año 1983. La exposición de las acciones colectivas se elaboró a partir de la revisión del archivo del Semanario Voz —llamado Voz Proletaria hasta la edición 1241 del 7 de julio de 1983—, específicamente del periodo comprendido entre las ediciones 1215 y 1265. Se destaca en el presente trabajo el papel de la Coordinadora Popular de Barrancabermeja y el paro cívico por el derecho al agua; la negociación del pliego de peticiones presentado por la Unión Sindical Obrera (USO); las acciones de unidad y denuncia sindical en el Hospital San Rafael, en Fertilizaciones Colombianos (Ferticol) y en la Empresa de Obras Sanitarias de Santander (Emposan); y las acciones colectivas en rechazo a la represión militar y al criminal accionar del grupo paramilitar Muerte A Secuestradores (MAS). Los hechos expuestos dan cuenta de la convergencia de las luchas políticas, sindicales, cívicas y agrarias en la ciudad, que permitieron la consolidación de un proceso unitario y combativo como lo fue la Coordinadora Popular de Barrancabermeja.
The following article presents the most relevant events, in terms of labor and popular struggle, that took place in the city of Barrancabermeja during 1983. The exposition of collective actions was elaborated from the review of the archive of the weekly Voz -called Voz Proletaria until edition 1241 of July 7, 1983-, specifically from the period between editions 1215 and 1265. This work highlights the role of the Coordinadora Popular of Barrancabermeja and the civic strike for the right to water; the negotiation of the list of demands presented by the Unión Sindical Obrera (USO); the actions of labor unity and denunciation at Hospital San Rafael, at Fertilizantes Colombianos (Ferticol) and at Empresa de Obras Sanitarias de Santander (Emposan). Also, the collective actions in rejection of military repression and the criminal actions of the paramilitary group Muerte A Secuestradores (MAS). These facts showed the convergence of political, labor, civic and agrarian struggles in the city, which allowed the consolidation of a unitary and combative process such as the Coordinadora Popular of Barrancabermeja.
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
Los lugares de la memoria como desarrollos del campo de estudio de la memoria colectiva han cobra... more Los lugares de la memoria como desarrollos del campo de estudio de la memoria colectiva han cobrado relevancia para la compresión de los conflictos violentos y la manera como una comunidad elabora o gestiona su pasado. Los acontecimientos del 9 de abril de 1948, en Barrancabermeja, donde una junta revolucionaria creó un tipo de gobierno popular, dan cuenta de una férrea organización que parece cimentada en tradiciones y aprendizajes heredados de las huelgas petroleras. Algunos cañones fabricados por los obreros durante la experiencia revolucionaria fueron conservados por el Ejército nacional, y uno de estos, puesto durante décadas como monumento en la fachada del Batallón Nueva Granada, hasta que fue retirado y reemplazado. Para mantener la memoria del monumento hecho por los obreros, se despliega un ejercicio de búsqueda que acude ante autoridades militares y judiciales, con el objetivo de indagar su paradero y resaltar su valor histórico y cultural, entre la pugna de una versión oficial y otra memoria colectiva, que abre la discusión sobre la convergencia de la historia con los derechos humanos y la defensa de estos lugares, desde la perspectiva del derecho a la verdad y a la memoria histórica que tienen las víctimas y las sociedades que han sufrido daños por experiencias de violencia política.
The places of memory as developments in the field of study of collective memory have gained relevance for understanding violent conflicts and the way in which a community elaborates or manages its past. The events of April 9th, 1948 in Barrancabermeja, where a Revolutionary Junta created a type of popular government, accounting for a strong organization that seemed to be based on traditions and learned from the oil strikes. Some cannons made by the workers during the revolutionary experience were kept by the National Army and one of these, placed for decades as a monument on the fac ade of the Nueva Granada Battalion, until it was removed and replaced. In order to maintain the memory of the monument made by the workers, a search exercise is deployed which goes before military and judicial authorities, with the aim of investigating its whereabouts and highlighting its historical and cultural value, between the struggle of an official version and another memory collective, which opens the discussion around the convergence of History with Human Rights and the defense of these places, from the perspective of the right to the Truth and to the Historical Memory, that victims and societies that have suffered damage due to experiences of political violence have.
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
Las empresas bananeras desde los años 1960 se fueron estableciendo en la región del Urabá. Los tr... more Las empresas bananeras desde los años 1960 se fueron estableciendo en la región del Urabá. Los trabajadores debieron luchar para alcanzar unas condiciones laborales dignas. Pasaron de los campamentos deprimentes a viviendas dignas en municipios como Apartadó. Lograron establecer convenciones colectivas con los derechos básicos. No obstante, la fortaleza sindical fue amenazada por la violencia paramilitar, que mediante masacres de trabajadores logró el control de la región, al obligar el repliegue de las guerrillas en la región. Para afrontar esta violencia, los trabajadores debieron desplegar repertorios de resistencia, los cuales incluyeron acciones simbólicas e indirectas, pero principalmente acciones de presión directa, acciones de acompañamiento jurídico y acciones de presión internacional. Así, realizaron paros, huelgas y entierros masivos para manifestar su repudio ante los asesinatos y masacres adelantadas contra los trabajadores. Igualmente, entablaron denuncias y demandas ante las instituciones para exigir justicia. Buscaron solidaridad y apoyo al dar a conocer la problemática ante organizaciones internacionales y ONG. Ante el terror utilizaron el teatro mudo, la pintura y formas que les permitieran poder expresar su dolor y continuar luchando por sus derechos laborales.
Banana companies have been establishing themselves in the Urabá region since the 1960s. The workers had to fight to achieve decent working conditions. They went from depressing camps to decent housing in municipalities like Apartadó. They managed to establish collective agreements with basic rights. However, the strength of the union was threatened by paramilitary violence, which through massacres of workers gained control of the region, forcing the withdrawal of the guerrillas in the region. To confront this violence, the workers had to deploy repertoires of resistance which included symbolic and indirect actions, but mainly direct pressure actions, legal support actions and international pressure actions. Thus, they carried out stoppages, strikes and mass burials to express their repudiation of the murders and massacres carried out against the workers. Likewise, they filed complaints and lawsuits against the institutions to demand justice. Also, they sought solidarity and support by publicizing the problem before international organizations and NGOs. Faced with terror, they used silent drama, painting and forms that allowed them to express their pain and continue fighting for their labor rights.
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
En este artículo reconstruimos una parte del devenir histórico de los trabajadores petroleros del... more En este artículo reconstruimos una parte del devenir histórico de los trabajadores petroleros del departamento de Arauca, ubicado en la Orinoquía colombiana, en los límites con el vecino país de Venezuela. Abordamos algunas trayectorias de vida de los miles de obreros que llegaron a la región llanera motivados por el hallazgo del campo petrolero de Caño Limón, en 1983. Analizamos sus condiciones de vida y de trabajo en el enclave que construyó la multinacional Occidental Petroleum Company, más conocida como la OXY. Haremos especial énfasis en las diversas formas de represión que han tenido que soportar los obreros petroleros, en un departamento que se ha convertido en laboratorio de guerra por varias décadas. Los trabajadores han quedado en medio del fuego cruzado de los diferentes actores armados que se disputan la región. Metodología: llevamos a cabo un trabajo de campo en la
ciudad de Arauca, donde entrevistamos a trabajadores petroleros y consultamos los archivos ubicados en la subdirectiva del sindicato. Originalidad: la investigación histórica sobre los trabajadores y la violencia se ha centrado en las regiones Andina y Caribe, por lo que se hace necesario abordar otros territorios. Eso intentamos en esta pesquisa al estudiar a los obreros petroleros de esta zona llanera. Conclusiones: los trabajadores petroleros del departamento de Arauca fueron fundamentales para extraer las riquezas del subsuelo. Sin embargo, han padecido las inclemencias del conflicto armado al quedar inmersos en las dinámicas violentas de los grupos legales e ilegales que actúan en la región.
In this article we reconstructed a part of the historical evolution of the oil workers of the department of Arauca, located in the Colombian Orinoquía, on the border with the neighboring country of Venezuela. We addressed some of the life trajectories of the thousands of workers who arrived in the llanera region motivated by the discovery of the Caño Limón oil field in 1983. We analyzed their living and working conditions in the enclave built by the multinational Occidental Petroleum Company, more known as the OXY. We placed special emphasis on the various forms of repression that the oil workers have had to endure, in a department that has become a war laboratory for several decades. The workers have been left in the middle of the crossfire of the different armed actors that are fighting over the region. Methodology: We carried out field work in the city of Arauca where we interviewed oil workers and consulted the files located in the union sub directorate. Originality: Historical research on workers and violence has focused on the Andean and Caribbean regions, so it is necessary to address other territories. That is what we tried in this research by studying the oil workers of this plains area. Conclusions: The oil workers of the department of Arauca were essential to extract the riches from the subsoil. However, they have suffered the harshness of the armed conflict by being immersed in the violent dynamics of legal and illegal groups that operate in the region.
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
Este ensayo examina la historia de los corteros de caña del Valle del Cauca, en el periodo 1959-2... more Este ensayo examina la historia de los corteros de caña del Valle del Cauca, en el periodo 1959-2015. Se consideran cuatro aspectos: 1) caracterización demográfica, 2) condiciones laborales, 3) mecanismos de lucha y 4) respuesta del Estado y los capitalistas del dulce. Cualitativamente, se analizan las acciones organizativas y reivindicativas de los corteros, en el periodo de mayor expansión de la producción azucarera en el Valle del Cauca, así como la respuesta estatal y empresarial a los desafíos de la acción colectiva subalterna. De este modo, comprendidos con mayor precisión los cambios y continuidades en este importante sector del obrerismo colombiano.
This essay examines history about sugarcane workers of Valle del Cauca in the period of 1959-2015, considering four aspects: 1) Demographic characterization, 2) Work conditions, 3) Struggle mechanisms, 4) Government’s response and sweet capitalists. Through qualitative methods, the sugarcane workers’ organizational skills were analyzed, during the higher expansion term of sugar production in Valle del Cauca, as well as the Government and Entrepreneurial response to subaltern challenges.
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
Hablar de los cien años de luchas de la organización Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) implica contextu... more Hablar de los cien años de luchas de la organización Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) implica contextualizar sus orígenes, su historia y el entorno regional y nacional en el cual inició su desarrollo y adelantó las principales gestas: el Magdalena Medio Santandereano. Para ello se apelarán a diversas fuentes orales y escritas que son testimonio de la región. Este artículo pretende ser un homenaje a la USO en sus cien años de luchas sindicales y sociales, poniendo el énfasis en las luchas sindicales del siglo XX.
Discussing the hundred years of struggles in the USO organization implies contextualizing its origins, history, the regional and national context where its development began. To do this, various oral and written sources will be used that are testimony of the region. This article pretends to give tribute to the USO in its centennial of labor and social struggles, emphasizing the labor fights of the 20th Century.
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
En febrero de 2023, la Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) cumplió cien años de fundación. A propósito de... more En febrero de 2023, la Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) cumplió cien años de fundación. A propósito de este acontecimiento, el artículo reflexiona sobre la historia del trabajo y de los trabajadores, analizando diferentes perspectivas de la relación entre conocimiento histórico, presente y desafíos del movimiento obrero actual. El texto está estructurado en dos apartados: en el primero se esbozan algunas reflexiones sobre la importancia del conocimiento histórico para develar asuntos de nuestro tiempo, afirmando la relación entre historia y presente. En el segundo, se identifica y analiza una serie de aspectos clave de la historia particular de la USO, pero cuya influencia va más allá de esta organización sindical, y se proyectan simultáneamente como legados y retos para el movimiento sindical actual.
In February, 2023, the Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) made a hundred years in service. Despite this, the article reflects about the history of work and their workers, analyzing the different perspectives of the relation between historical knowledge, present and challenges of the current labor movement. This text is structured in two parts: first one to discuss some reflections about the importance of historical knowledge in our time, stating the relation between history and present. The second one, to identify and analyze a series of aspects of USO, whose influence goes beyond this labor organization and at the same time transmits legacy to the current labor movement.
Cambios y Permanencias Vol. 14 N°2, 2023
En este artículo buscamos revindicar a Ignacio Torres Giraldo (en adelante ITG) como historiador,... more En este artículo buscamos revindicar a Ignacio Torres Giraldo (en adelante ITG) como historiador, para lo cual nos proponemos responder las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo se conjuga memoria e historia en los escritos de movimiento obrero de ITG? y ¿qué teoría y metodología media en su ejercicio de historiador? En este propósito nos hemos contrapuesto a los que lo han pretendido reducir a escritura subjetivista, militante y testimonial. Para cumplir con este propósito nos acogimos a la metodología de la descripción articulada, que consistió en una revisión documental primaria y secundaria referida a la biografía de ITG, la historia del movimiento obrero de las décadas de 1920 y 1940, así como la selección de una bibliografía relevante para los temas abordados por La cuestión sindical en Colombia y los tres últimos tomos de Los inconformes, de donde identificamos conceptos, acontecimientos y tesis relevantes del autor, y los fuimos entretejiendo hasta constituir la configuración de un historiador. Concluimos que la memoria entrecruzada con una teoría y metodología, por más discutidas que estas sean, conjugadas con disciplina de análisis y escritura, pueden producir una obra de valor para la historia de un país y en especial de un movimiento social.
In this article we seeked to vindicate Ignacio Torres Giraldo (hereinafter ITG) as a historian, for which we proposed to answer the following questions: how does memory and history come together in ITG’s writings on the workers’ movement, and what theory and methodology does he use in his work as a historian? With this purpose we have opposed those who have tried to reduce it to subjectivist, militant and testimonial writing. To fulfill this purpose we used the methodology of articulated description, which consisted of a primary and secondary documentary review of ITG’s biography, the history of the labor movement of the 1920s and 1940s, as well as the selection of a bibliography relevant to the topics addressed by La cuestión sindical en Colombia and the last three volumes of Los inconformes, from which we identified concepts, events and relevant theses of the author, and we interweaved them to constitute the configuration of a historian. We concluded that memory intertwined with a theory and methodology, though disputed, combined with the discipline of analysis and writing, can produce a work of value for the history of a country and especially for a social movement.
Cambios y Permanencias Vol.14 N°2, 2023
oy, el mundo del emprendimiento, de los empresarios sin empresa y del marketing de los mercaderes... more oy, el mundo del emprendimiento, de los empresarios sin empresa y del marketing de los mercaderes de ilusiones, conocidos como influencers, pone en cuestión las formas tradicionales en las que funcionaba hasta hace unas décadas el mundo del trabajo. Una parte importante de
Book Reviews by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Cambios y Permanencias, 2023
Yo creo que, en un caso de un golpe de cualquier naturaleza, el pueblo tiene derecho de apelar a ... more Yo creo que, en un caso de un golpe de cualquier naturaleza, el pueblo tiene derecho de apelar a la insurgencia y a la resistencia civil para hacer respetar la voluntad popular" (Polay, 2020, p. 238). E n 2020, la editorial Icono se interesó en el testimonio de Víctor Polay Campos, el actual preso político más antiguo en América Latina-guerrillero y antiguo comandante general del Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru (MRTA) de Perú-. Polay escribió este relato desde su reclusión en la Base Naval del Callao, Lima, entre abril de 2012 y marzo de 2013. Así, en doce capítulos, presenta de manera cronológica su autobiografía y trayectoria vital, reflexiones sobre Perú, Latinoamérica, el movimiento armado y las implicaciones de la acción ejercida por el MRTA en los años 80 y 90.
Vol 14 Núm 1 (2023) by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Cambios y Permanencias Vol. 14 N°1, 2023
Daisy Isabel Saravia Chumbimune1 nació en Lima (Perú). Es magíster en Literatura Peruana y Latino... more Daisy Isabel Saravia Chumbimune1 nació en Lima (Perú). Es magíster en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Se ha especializado en Estudios Culturales; en específico, en la literatura asiática. Tiene conocimientos intermedios de los idiomas inglés y japonés. Ejerce la investigación y la docencia en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, en la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú y en la Universidad Privada del Norte. Sus dos tesis para la obtención del grado académico de licenciada y magíster se titulan Migración china y orientalismo modernista (2015) y Los exóticos del crimen: prensa, literatura y crónica policial sobre la inmigración china (2017). Asimismo, tiene ensayos que ha publicado en capítulos de libros y revistas, y cuenta con participación en ponencias. Entre sus trabajos, se resaltan “Variedades y el espectáculo sensacionalista de la otredad” (2017), “Adiós a la China de la fantasía: Orientalismo modernista e inmigración china en la revista Variedades” (2018) y “Arte y cultura de la inmigración china” (2018).
Cambios y Permanencias Vol. 14 N°1, 2023
Este ensayo trata de la confrontación entre principios universalistas y particularistas en lo que... more Este ensayo trata de la confrontación entre principios universalistas y particularistas en lo que respecta a la construcción de identidades colectivas. Por un lado, tenemos los principios universalistas, basados en el racionalismo del siglo XVIII, que son percibidos en el t ercer m undo como una tendencia niveladora. Por otro lado, tenemos los principios particularistas, basado s en el relativismo, que buscan comprender los casos particulares mediante un impulso reconstructivo. Mediante una crítica de ambas corrientes, el autor cree posible una síntesis fructífera de ambos principios, considerados como complementarios. Por ejemplo, la ética universalista y los derechos humanos pueden conformar los cimientos para un derecho efectivo a la diferencia.
This essay deals with the confrontation between universalistic and particularistic principles in regards to collective identities and nationalities in Third World countries. Universalistic principles are based on 18th century rationalism. This current does not care for national singularities. Particularistic tendencies are based on relativism, which seek to understand each case by reconstructing its history. By means of reviewing both tendencies, the author attempts a prolific synthesis of them, which are considered complementary. For instance, universal ethics and human rights could build the fundamentals for an effective right to difference.
Cambios y Permanencias Vol. 14 N°1, 2023
Este artículo recoge algunas reflexiones suscitadas en un diálogo con el escritor Pablo Montoya C... more Este artículo recoge algunas reflexiones suscitadas en un diálogo con el escritor Pablo Montoya Campuzano, a propósito del derribamiento de estatuas durante el estallido social de 2021 y de dos de sus obras: Adiós a los próceres y La sombra de Orión. En estas, el autor propone una mirada sobre los monumentos y la memoria, que resulta valiosa en el actual momento, cuando se demanda desde la ciudadanía la revisión de los símbolos, del patrimonio cultural y, en general, de los vehículos de la memoria que se han establecido desde la oficialidad. En el artículo se acude a otras voces que han alimentado esta discusión en los últimos años, lo cual origina una reflexión acerca de la diferenciación de las memorias, en donde se reconoce que lo masculino y femenino ha jugado un rol determinante en la forma cómo se tramitan las memorias colectivas. Palabras clave: memoria colectiva; monumentos; patrimonio cultural; historia y literatura; Pablo Montoya Campuzano; feminización de la memoria.
This article collects some reflections raised in a dialogue with the writer Pablo Montoya Campuzano regarding the breaking down of statues during 2021 national strike and two of his works: Adiós a los próceres and La sombra de Orión. In these reflections, the author proposes a look through the monuments and the memory that is valuable at the present time, when it is needed the revision of the symbols, the cultural heritage and, in general, the vehicles of memory that have been established since the officiality. The article turns to other voices that have fueled this discussion in recent years; thus, it results in a reflection on the different memories where it is recognized that genders (male and female) have played a decisive role in the way collective memories are processed.
Cambios y Permanencias Vol.14 N°1, 2023
Dans cet article, le propos est de traiter la question de l’émergence de voix noires ou métisses ... more Dans cet article, le propos est de traiter la question de l’émergence de voix noires ou métisses au Brésil grâce à l’étude d’une maison d’édition spécialisée dans les publications traitant de problématiques culturelles, ethniques et « raciales ». Les marges sont créatrices, Mattei Dogan et Robert Pahre l’ont bien montré dans La marginalité créatrice. Mais ils déploraient d’avoir bien souvent peu de renseignements précis sur les cas étudiés. Ils auraient « aimé avoir plus d’informations sur les parcours individuels de savants hybrides. Les biographies peuvent, dans une certaine mesure, éclairer les processus d’hybridation ». L’analyse de l’histoire de Mazza Edições illustrera grâce à un exemple précis ce phénomène. Afin de saisir ces dynamiques, et notamment les écritures de l’histoire en situation « marginale » ou la création culturelle, nous pourrons nous appuyer sur le catalogue de Mazza Edições et notamment sur les titres d’anthropologie, de sociologie, d’histoire et de sciences de l’éducation grâce auxquels la maison a tiré sa spécialité et son aura. Il s’agit donc bien ici de mettre en lumière ces expériences de création et d’édition, leurs processus, l’action de ces « écrivain.e.s de la marge » présents dans le catalogue, mais également de leur éditrice, Maria Mazarello Rodrigues, cette petite fille qui ne voulait pas être noire à cause des livres illustrés de son enfance et qui devint une figure importante du movimento negro au Brésil.
Este artículo aborda el surgimiento de las voces negras y de raza mixta en Brasil, por medio del estudio de una editorial especializada en publicaciones sobre problemáticas étnicas, culturales y de temas raciales. Los márgenes son creativos, tal como lo ilustran Mattei Dogan y Robert Pahre en su libro Las nuevas ciencias sociales. La marginalidad creadora, a pesar de contar con mínima información precisa sobre los casos estudiados. El análisis de la historia de Mazza Edições demostrará el fenómeno con un ejemplo específico. Para comprender estas dinámicas, sobre todo la escritura de la historia en una situación “marginal” o la creación cultural, se utilizará el catálogo de Mazza Edições, especialmente sobre los títulos de antropología, sociología, historia y ciencias de la educación temas en los cuales se especializa la editorial. En este sentido, se cuestiona la señalización de estas experiencias de creación y publicación, así como el proceso y acción de “los escritores desde el margen” y de su editora, una niña que no quería ser negra por las ilustraciones de sus libros de infancia, y quien se convirtió en una figura importante para el movimiento negro en Brasil.
In this article, we propose to address the issue of the emergence of black and mixed race voices in Brazil through the study of a publishing house specializing in publications dealing with cultural, ethnic and «racial» issues. Margins are creative, as Mattei Dogan and Robert Pahre have clearly shown in Creative Marginality: Innovation At The Intersections Of Social Sciences. But he deplored the fact that he often had little precise information on the cases studied. They would have «liked to have more information on the individual careers of hybrid scientists. Biographies can, to a certain extent, shed light on the processes of hybridization». The analysis of the history of Mazza Edições will illustrate this phenomenon with a specific example. In order to grasp these dynamics, and in particular the writing of history in a «marginal» situation or cultural creation, we will be able to draw on the catalogue of Mazza Edições and in particular the titles in anthropology, sociology, history and educational sciences in which she specialised. It is therefore a question of highlighting these experiences of creation and publishing, as well as their processes and the action of these «writers from the margins» but also of their publisher, this little girl who did not want to be black because of the illustrated books of her childhood and who became an important figure of the movimento negro in Brazil.
Cambios y Permanencias Vol. 14 N°1, 2023
Este trabajo intenta reflexionar sobre las relaciones entre el pasado y el presente: las cuevas c... more Este trabajo intenta reflexionar sobre las relaciones entre el pasado y el presente: las cuevas con pinturas, los jaguares y chamanes de Aguada, el bosque y los habitantes que recorren el paisaje vivido. A partir de la experiencia de vivir en la sierra de Ancasti (Catamarca, Argentina), el agenciamiento local da cuenta de las diferentes maneras de ser/estar en y con el territorio, en un vínculo profundo donde la territorialidad toma cuerpo y se materializa. A su vez, los procesos de patrimonialización y despatrimonialización del Parque Arqueológico La Tunita nos permiten analizar las relaciones de poder que se imponen, no solo en las interpretaciones sobre el pasado, sino en la apropiación de los espacios que pasan a ser sitios arqueológicos, controlados por el Estado e investigados por la ciencia, para ser utilizados por la industria del turismo cultural. Por último, vemos cómo los nuevos proyectos de intervención representados por el avance de la megaminería paralizan las intervenciones anteriores, y dan cuenta de las prioridades del capital.
This work tries to reflect on the relationships between the past that coexists with the present, the caves with paintings, the jaguars and shamans of Aguada, the forest, and the inhabitants who walk through the lived landscape. From the experience of living in the Sierra de Ancasti (Catamarca, Argentina), the local agency gives an account of the different ways of being in and with the territory, in a deep bond in which territoriality takes shape and materialize. In turn, the processes of patrimonialization and depatrimonialization of the La Tunita Archaeological Park allow us to analyze the power relations that are imposed, not only in the interpretations of the past but also in the appropriation of the spaces that become archaeological sites, controlled by the State and investigated by science, to be used by the Cultural Tourism industry. Finally, we see how the new intervention projects represented by the advance of mega-mining paralyze previous interventions, revealing the priorities of capital.
Call of papers by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
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Vol 14 Núm 2 (2023) by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
The national civic strike of September 14th, 1977 is one of the most debated events in Colombia’s contemporary political history. Most of the existing readings underline its importance due to the national and generalized character of it. However, there are few works that address the development of that protest through a regional and local prism that places that juncture beyond the capital. Additionally, there are few historiographic balances that have undertaken the task of systematizing the abundant bibliography that exist around this topic in books and works of diverse nature and scope. The article precisely proposes to advance on these two elements: to place the region’s position in that historiography and to propose lines of problematization and discussion around which a historiographic balance is articulated.
The following article presents the most relevant events, in terms of labor and popular struggle, that took place in the city of Barrancabermeja during 1983. The exposition of collective actions was elaborated from the review of the archive of the weekly Voz -called Voz Proletaria until edition 1241 of July 7, 1983-, specifically from the period between editions 1215 and 1265. This work highlights the role of the Coordinadora Popular of Barrancabermeja and the civic strike for the right to water; the negotiation of the list of demands presented by the Unión Sindical Obrera (USO); the actions of labor unity and denunciation at Hospital San Rafael, at Fertilizantes Colombianos (Ferticol) and at Empresa de Obras Sanitarias de Santander (Emposan). Also, the collective actions in rejection of military repression and the criminal actions of the paramilitary group Muerte A Secuestradores (MAS). These facts showed the convergence of political, labor, civic and agrarian struggles in the city, which allowed the consolidation of a unitary and combative process such as the Coordinadora Popular of Barrancabermeja.
The places of memory as developments in the field of study of collective memory have gained relevance for understanding violent conflicts and the way in which a community elaborates or manages its past. The events of April 9th, 1948 in Barrancabermeja, where a Revolutionary Junta created a type of popular government, accounting for a strong organization that seemed to be based on traditions and learned from the oil strikes. Some cannons made by the workers during the revolutionary experience were kept by the National Army and one of these, placed for decades as a monument on the fac ade of the Nueva Granada Battalion, until it was removed and replaced. In order to maintain the memory of the monument made by the workers, a search exercise is deployed which goes before military and judicial authorities, with the aim of investigating its whereabouts and highlighting its historical and cultural value, between the struggle of an official version and another memory collective, which opens the discussion around the convergence of History with Human Rights and the defense of these places, from the perspective of the right to the Truth and to the Historical Memory, that victims and societies that have suffered damage due to experiences of political violence have.
Banana companies have been establishing themselves in the Urabá region since the 1960s. The workers had to fight to achieve decent working conditions. They went from depressing camps to decent housing in municipalities like Apartadó. They managed to establish collective agreements with basic rights. However, the strength of the union was threatened by paramilitary violence, which through massacres of workers gained control of the region, forcing the withdrawal of the guerrillas in the region. To confront this violence, the workers had to deploy repertoires of resistance which included symbolic and indirect actions, but mainly direct pressure actions, legal support actions and international pressure actions. Thus, they carried out stoppages, strikes and mass burials to express their repudiation of the murders and massacres carried out against the workers. Likewise, they filed complaints and lawsuits against the institutions to demand justice. Also, they sought solidarity and support by publicizing the problem before international organizations and NGOs. Faced with terror, they used silent drama, painting and forms that allowed them to express their pain and continue fighting for their labor rights.
ciudad de Arauca, donde entrevistamos a trabajadores petroleros y consultamos los archivos ubicados en la subdirectiva del sindicato. Originalidad: la investigación histórica sobre los trabajadores y la violencia se ha centrado en las regiones Andina y Caribe, por lo que se hace necesario abordar otros territorios. Eso intentamos en esta pesquisa al estudiar a los obreros petroleros de esta zona llanera. Conclusiones: los trabajadores petroleros del departamento de Arauca fueron fundamentales para extraer las riquezas del subsuelo. Sin embargo, han padecido las inclemencias del conflicto armado al quedar inmersos en las dinámicas violentas de los grupos legales e ilegales que actúan en la región.
In this article we reconstructed a part of the historical evolution of the oil workers of the department of Arauca, located in the Colombian Orinoquía, on the border with the neighboring country of Venezuela. We addressed some of the life trajectories of the thousands of workers who arrived in the llanera region motivated by the discovery of the Caño Limón oil field in 1983. We analyzed their living and working conditions in the enclave built by the multinational Occidental Petroleum Company, more known as the OXY. We placed special emphasis on the various forms of repression that the oil workers have had to endure, in a department that has become a war laboratory for several decades. The workers have been left in the middle of the crossfire of the different armed actors that are fighting over the region. Methodology: We carried out field work in the city of Arauca where we interviewed oil workers and consulted the files located in the union sub directorate. Originality: Historical research on workers and violence has focused on the Andean and Caribbean regions, so it is necessary to address other territories. That is what we tried in this research by studying the oil workers of this plains area. Conclusions: The oil workers of the department of Arauca were essential to extract the riches from the subsoil. However, they have suffered the harshness of the armed conflict by being immersed in the violent dynamics of legal and illegal groups that operate in the region.
This essay examines history about sugarcane workers of Valle del Cauca in the period of 1959-2015, considering four aspects: 1) Demographic characterization, 2) Work conditions, 3) Struggle mechanisms, 4) Government’s response and sweet capitalists. Through qualitative methods, the sugarcane workers’ organizational skills were analyzed, during the higher expansion term of sugar production in Valle del Cauca, as well as the Government and Entrepreneurial response to subaltern challenges.
Discussing the hundred years of struggles in the USO organization implies contextualizing its origins, history, the regional and national context where its development began. To do this, various oral and written sources will be used that are testimony of the region. This article pretends to give tribute to the USO in its centennial of labor and social struggles, emphasizing the labor fights of the 20th Century.
In February, 2023, the Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) made a hundred years in service. Despite this, the article reflects about the history of work and their workers, analyzing the different perspectives of the relation between historical knowledge, present and challenges of the current labor movement. This text is structured in two parts: first one to discuss some reflections about the importance of historical knowledge in our time, stating the relation between history and present. The second one, to identify and analyze a series of aspects of USO, whose influence goes beyond this labor organization and at the same time transmits legacy to the current labor movement.
In this article we seeked to vindicate Ignacio Torres Giraldo (hereinafter ITG) as a historian, for which we proposed to answer the following questions: how does memory and history come together in ITG’s writings on the workers’ movement, and what theory and methodology does he use in his work as a historian? With this purpose we have opposed those who have tried to reduce it to subjectivist, militant and testimonial writing. To fulfill this purpose we used the methodology of articulated description, which consisted of a primary and secondary documentary review of ITG’s biography, the history of the labor movement of the 1920s and 1940s, as well as the selection of a bibliography relevant to the topics addressed by La cuestión sindical en Colombia and the last three volumes of Los inconformes, from which we identified concepts, events and relevant theses of the author, and we interweaved them to constitute the configuration of a historian. We concluded that memory intertwined with a theory and methodology, though disputed, combined with the discipline of analysis and writing, can produce a work of value for the history of a country and especially for a social movement.
Book Reviews by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Vol 14 Núm 1 (2023) by Revista Cambios y Permanencias
This essay deals with the confrontation between universalistic and particularistic principles in regards to collective identities and nationalities in Third World countries. Universalistic principles are based on 18th century rationalism. This current does not care for national singularities. Particularistic tendencies are based on relativism, which seek to understand each case by reconstructing its history. By means of reviewing both tendencies, the author attempts a prolific synthesis of them, which are considered complementary. For instance, universal ethics and human rights could build the fundamentals for an effective right to difference.
This article collects some reflections raised in a dialogue with the writer Pablo Montoya Campuzano regarding the breaking down of statues during 2021 national strike and two of his works: Adiós a los próceres and La sombra de Orión. In these reflections, the author proposes a look through the monuments and the memory that is valuable at the present time, when it is needed the revision of the symbols, the cultural heritage and, in general, the vehicles of memory that have been established since the officiality. The article turns to other voices that have fueled this discussion in recent years; thus, it results in a reflection on the different memories where it is recognized that genders (male and female) have played a decisive role in the way collective memories are processed.
Este artículo aborda el surgimiento de las voces negras y de raza mixta en Brasil, por medio del estudio de una editorial especializada en publicaciones sobre problemáticas étnicas, culturales y de temas raciales. Los márgenes son creativos, tal como lo ilustran Mattei Dogan y Robert Pahre en su libro Las nuevas ciencias sociales. La marginalidad creadora, a pesar de contar con mínima información precisa sobre los casos estudiados. El análisis de la historia de Mazza Edições demostrará el fenómeno con un ejemplo específico. Para comprender estas dinámicas, sobre todo la escritura de la historia en una situación “marginal” o la creación cultural, se utilizará el catálogo de Mazza Edições, especialmente sobre los títulos de antropología, sociología, historia y ciencias de la educación temas en los cuales se especializa la editorial. En este sentido, se cuestiona la señalización de estas experiencias de creación y publicación, así como el proceso y acción de “los escritores desde el margen” y de su editora, una niña que no quería ser negra por las ilustraciones de sus libros de infancia, y quien se convirtió en una figura importante para el movimiento negro en Brasil.
In this article, we propose to address the issue of the emergence of black and mixed race voices in Brazil through the study of a publishing house specializing in publications dealing with cultural, ethnic and «racial» issues. Margins are creative, as Mattei Dogan and Robert Pahre have clearly shown in Creative Marginality: Innovation At The Intersections Of Social Sciences. But he deplored the fact that he often had little precise information on the cases studied. They would have «liked to have more information on the individual careers of hybrid scientists. Biographies can, to a certain extent, shed light on the processes of hybridization». The analysis of the history of Mazza Edições will illustrate this phenomenon with a specific example. In order to grasp these dynamics, and in particular the writing of history in a «marginal» situation or cultural creation, we will be able to draw on the catalogue of Mazza Edições and in particular the titles in anthropology, sociology, history and educational sciences in which she specialised. It is therefore a question of highlighting these experiences of creation and publishing, as well as their processes and the action of these «writers from the margins» but also of their publisher, this little girl who did not want to be black because of the illustrated books of her childhood and who became an important figure of the movimento negro in Brazil.
This work tries to reflect on the relationships between the past that coexists with the present, the caves with paintings, the jaguars and shamans of Aguada, the forest, and the inhabitants who walk through the lived landscape. From the experience of living in the Sierra de Ancasti (Catamarca, Argentina), the local agency gives an account of the different ways of being in and with the territory, in a deep bond in which territoriality takes shape and materialize. In turn, the processes of patrimonialization and depatrimonialization of the La Tunita Archaeological Park allow us to analyze the power relations that are imposed, not only in the interpretations of the past but also in the appropriation of the spaces that become archaeological sites, controlled by the State and investigated by science, to be used by the Cultural Tourism industry. Finally, we see how the new intervention projects represented by the advance of mega-mining paralyze previous interventions, revealing the priorities of capital.
Más información:
The national civic strike of September 14th, 1977 is one of the most debated events in Colombia’s contemporary political history. Most of the existing readings underline its importance due to the national and generalized character of it. However, there are few works that address the development of that protest through a regional and local prism that places that juncture beyond the capital. Additionally, there are few historiographic balances that have undertaken the task of systematizing the abundant bibliography that exist around this topic in books and works of diverse nature and scope. The article precisely proposes to advance on these two elements: to place the region’s position in that historiography and to propose lines of problematization and discussion around which a historiographic balance is articulated.
The following article presents the most relevant events, in terms of labor and popular struggle, that took place in the city of Barrancabermeja during 1983. The exposition of collective actions was elaborated from the review of the archive of the weekly Voz -called Voz Proletaria until edition 1241 of July 7, 1983-, specifically from the period between editions 1215 and 1265. This work highlights the role of the Coordinadora Popular of Barrancabermeja and the civic strike for the right to water; the negotiation of the list of demands presented by the Unión Sindical Obrera (USO); the actions of labor unity and denunciation at Hospital San Rafael, at Fertilizantes Colombianos (Ferticol) and at Empresa de Obras Sanitarias de Santander (Emposan). Also, the collective actions in rejection of military repression and the criminal actions of the paramilitary group Muerte A Secuestradores (MAS). These facts showed the convergence of political, labor, civic and agrarian struggles in the city, which allowed the consolidation of a unitary and combative process such as the Coordinadora Popular of Barrancabermeja.
The places of memory as developments in the field of study of collective memory have gained relevance for understanding violent conflicts and the way in which a community elaborates or manages its past. The events of April 9th, 1948 in Barrancabermeja, where a Revolutionary Junta created a type of popular government, accounting for a strong organization that seemed to be based on traditions and learned from the oil strikes. Some cannons made by the workers during the revolutionary experience were kept by the National Army and one of these, placed for decades as a monument on the fac ade of the Nueva Granada Battalion, until it was removed and replaced. In order to maintain the memory of the monument made by the workers, a search exercise is deployed which goes before military and judicial authorities, with the aim of investigating its whereabouts and highlighting its historical and cultural value, between the struggle of an official version and another memory collective, which opens the discussion around the convergence of History with Human Rights and the defense of these places, from the perspective of the right to the Truth and to the Historical Memory, that victims and societies that have suffered damage due to experiences of political violence have.
Banana companies have been establishing themselves in the Urabá region since the 1960s. The workers had to fight to achieve decent working conditions. They went from depressing camps to decent housing in municipalities like Apartadó. They managed to establish collective agreements with basic rights. However, the strength of the union was threatened by paramilitary violence, which through massacres of workers gained control of the region, forcing the withdrawal of the guerrillas in the region. To confront this violence, the workers had to deploy repertoires of resistance which included symbolic and indirect actions, but mainly direct pressure actions, legal support actions and international pressure actions. Thus, they carried out stoppages, strikes and mass burials to express their repudiation of the murders and massacres carried out against the workers. Likewise, they filed complaints and lawsuits against the institutions to demand justice. Also, they sought solidarity and support by publicizing the problem before international organizations and NGOs. Faced with terror, they used silent drama, painting and forms that allowed them to express their pain and continue fighting for their labor rights.
ciudad de Arauca, donde entrevistamos a trabajadores petroleros y consultamos los archivos ubicados en la subdirectiva del sindicato. Originalidad: la investigación histórica sobre los trabajadores y la violencia se ha centrado en las regiones Andina y Caribe, por lo que se hace necesario abordar otros territorios. Eso intentamos en esta pesquisa al estudiar a los obreros petroleros de esta zona llanera. Conclusiones: los trabajadores petroleros del departamento de Arauca fueron fundamentales para extraer las riquezas del subsuelo. Sin embargo, han padecido las inclemencias del conflicto armado al quedar inmersos en las dinámicas violentas de los grupos legales e ilegales que actúan en la región.
In this article we reconstructed a part of the historical evolution of the oil workers of the department of Arauca, located in the Colombian Orinoquía, on the border with the neighboring country of Venezuela. We addressed some of the life trajectories of the thousands of workers who arrived in the llanera region motivated by the discovery of the Caño Limón oil field in 1983. We analyzed their living and working conditions in the enclave built by the multinational Occidental Petroleum Company, more known as the OXY. We placed special emphasis on the various forms of repression that the oil workers have had to endure, in a department that has become a war laboratory for several decades. The workers have been left in the middle of the crossfire of the different armed actors that are fighting over the region. Methodology: We carried out field work in the city of Arauca where we interviewed oil workers and consulted the files located in the union sub directorate. Originality: Historical research on workers and violence has focused on the Andean and Caribbean regions, so it is necessary to address other territories. That is what we tried in this research by studying the oil workers of this plains area. Conclusions: The oil workers of the department of Arauca were essential to extract the riches from the subsoil. However, they have suffered the harshness of the armed conflict by being immersed in the violent dynamics of legal and illegal groups that operate in the region.
This essay examines history about sugarcane workers of Valle del Cauca in the period of 1959-2015, considering four aspects: 1) Demographic characterization, 2) Work conditions, 3) Struggle mechanisms, 4) Government’s response and sweet capitalists. Through qualitative methods, the sugarcane workers’ organizational skills were analyzed, during the higher expansion term of sugar production in Valle del Cauca, as well as the Government and Entrepreneurial response to subaltern challenges.
Discussing the hundred years of struggles in the USO organization implies contextualizing its origins, history, the regional and national context where its development began. To do this, various oral and written sources will be used that are testimony of the region. This article pretends to give tribute to the USO in its centennial of labor and social struggles, emphasizing the labor fights of the 20th Century.
In February, 2023, the Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) made a hundred years in service. Despite this, the article reflects about the history of work and their workers, analyzing the different perspectives of the relation between historical knowledge, present and challenges of the current labor movement. This text is structured in two parts: first one to discuss some reflections about the importance of historical knowledge in our time, stating the relation between history and present. The second one, to identify and analyze a series of aspects of USO, whose influence goes beyond this labor organization and at the same time transmits legacy to the current labor movement.
In this article we seeked to vindicate Ignacio Torres Giraldo (hereinafter ITG) as a historian, for which we proposed to answer the following questions: how does memory and history come together in ITG’s writings on the workers’ movement, and what theory and methodology does he use in his work as a historian? With this purpose we have opposed those who have tried to reduce it to subjectivist, militant and testimonial writing. To fulfill this purpose we used the methodology of articulated description, which consisted of a primary and secondary documentary review of ITG’s biography, the history of the labor movement of the 1920s and 1940s, as well as the selection of a bibliography relevant to the topics addressed by La cuestión sindical en Colombia and the last three volumes of Los inconformes, from which we identified concepts, events and relevant theses of the author, and we interweaved them to constitute the configuration of a historian. We concluded that memory intertwined with a theory and methodology, though disputed, combined with the discipline of analysis and writing, can produce a work of value for the history of a country and especially for a social movement.
This essay deals with the confrontation between universalistic and particularistic principles in regards to collective identities and nationalities in Third World countries. Universalistic principles are based on 18th century rationalism. This current does not care for national singularities. Particularistic tendencies are based on relativism, which seek to understand each case by reconstructing its history. By means of reviewing both tendencies, the author attempts a prolific synthesis of them, which are considered complementary. For instance, universal ethics and human rights could build the fundamentals for an effective right to difference.
This article collects some reflections raised in a dialogue with the writer Pablo Montoya Campuzano regarding the breaking down of statues during 2021 national strike and two of his works: Adiós a los próceres and La sombra de Orión. In these reflections, the author proposes a look through the monuments and the memory that is valuable at the present time, when it is needed the revision of the symbols, the cultural heritage and, in general, the vehicles of memory that have been established since the officiality. The article turns to other voices that have fueled this discussion in recent years; thus, it results in a reflection on the different memories where it is recognized that genders (male and female) have played a decisive role in the way collective memories are processed.
Este artículo aborda el surgimiento de las voces negras y de raza mixta en Brasil, por medio del estudio de una editorial especializada en publicaciones sobre problemáticas étnicas, culturales y de temas raciales. Los márgenes son creativos, tal como lo ilustran Mattei Dogan y Robert Pahre en su libro Las nuevas ciencias sociales. La marginalidad creadora, a pesar de contar con mínima información precisa sobre los casos estudiados. El análisis de la historia de Mazza Edições demostrará el fenómeno con un ejemplo específico. Para comprender estas dinámicas, sobre todo la escritura de la historia en una situación “marginal” o la creación cultural, se utilizará el catálogo de Mazza Edições, especialmente sobre los títulos de antropología, sociología, historia y ciencias de la educación temas en los cuales se especializa la editorial. En este sentido, se cuestiona la señalización de estas experiencias de creación y publicación, así como el proceso y acción de “los escritores desde el margen” y de su editora, una niña que no quería ser negra por las ilustraciones de sus libros de infancia, y quien se convirtió en una figura importante para el movimiento negro en Brasil.
In this article, we propose to address the issue of the emergence of black and mixed race voices in Brazil through the study of a publishing house specializing in publications dealing with cultural, ethnic and «racial» issues. Margins are creative, as Mattei Dogan and Robert Pahre have clearly shown in Creative Marginality: Innovation At The Intersections Of Social Sciences. But he deplored the fact that he often had little precise information on the cases studied. They would have «liked to have more information on the individual careers of hybrid scientists. Biographies can, to a certain extent, shed light on the processes of hybridization». The analysis of the history of Mazza Edições will illustrate this phenomenon with a specific example. In order to grasp these dynamics, and in particular the writing of history in a «marginal» situation or cultural creation, we will be able to draw on the catalogue of Mazza Edições and in particular the titles in anthropology, sociology, history and educational sciences in which she specialised. It is therefore a question of highlighting these experiences of creation and publishing, as well as their processes and the action of these «writers from the margins» but also of their publisher, this little girl who did not want to be black because of the illustrated books of her childhood and who became an important figure of the movimento negro in Brazil.
This work tries to reflect on the relationships between the past that coexists with the present, the caves with paintings, the jaguars and shamans of Aguada, the forest, and the inhabitants who walk through the lived landscape. From the experience of living in the Sierra de Ancasti (Catamarca, Argentina), the local agency gives an account of the different ways of being in and with the territory, in a deep bond in which territoriality takes shape and materialize. In turn, the processes of patrimonialization and depatrimonialization of the La Tunita Archaeological Park allow us to analyze the power relations that are imposed, not only in the interpretations of the past but also in the appropriation of the spaces that become archaeological sites, controlled by the State and investigated by science, to be used by the Cultural Tourism industry. Finally, we see how the new intervention projects represented by the advance of mega-mining paralyze previous interventions, revealing the priorities of capital.
The Francisco I. Madero dam is a hydraulic work built during the first half of the 20th century in the vicinity of the town of Huichapan with the aim of irrigating the crop fields. By 1956, the municipal president requested the water rights of the dam, arguing that it was built and donated by the benefactor Manuel González Ponce de León, which prompts us to analyze the conflicts and agreements around the first small irrigation work, that was immersed in a process of centralization and the creation of a hydraulic bureaucracy. The organizational experiences that carried out the management, construction and operation were identified through the historical method, as a result of the review of documentary and technical sources from the Historical Archive of Water. Although the documents are of a technical nature, especially about seeps and drains, it allows us to approach the participation of the water associations and the agreements reached by the water in the northwest of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.
The port, from the perspective of the campechano government (government of Campeche town), represented a dilemma for the trade of products in the Yucatan peninsula area, around the country and overseas. Taking into consideration that the maritime commercial activity’s objective was to remain active in spite of the distress caused by the political events of the time as well as the Reform War. The main purpose of this paper is to explain the commercial activity performed by the ports of Campeche and El Carmen, both located in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, and to weigh up the commercialization of main products, tax revenues and political roles that commercial houses played during their regional maritime commercial activity. This in order to understand why, during
theReform War in Mexico, the port was a critical option to enhance the economy of the incipient state of Campeche and to prevent
its economy from collapsing due to the political changes in the region. In the analysis, the official newspaper is considered as the main source because it concentrates information and correspondence of the span of time or period studied, which contributes in reconstructing the history of the commercial activity that shaped the formation of the current state of Campeche, Mexico.
Through the study of different primary sources between 1498 and 1519, this article recounts the first Castilian explorations of the northern coast of present – day Colombia Addressing the process through which a new toponymy was imposed on its territory, and the first coastal profiles or figures of the land were drawn, being then reproduced, assembled and incorporated into other charts. Subsequently, the details of this region in the maps produced in Europe during the first quarter of the 16th century are exposed and analyzed in their profiles and place names, comparing those that correspond to the Lusitano - Germanic model, with those which we group under the category of Ibero – Italic cartography.
Cada una de estas organizaciones colocó a disposición su capacidad para poder permanecer con cada uno de los grupos conformados por niños, niñas y adolescentes que tenían entre 2 y 16 años de edad, habitantes de los barrios populares de Ciudad Bolívar. De este modo y con la fuerza de las organizaciones comunitarias, se planteó el modelo pedagógico “Buscando un lugar donde poder vivir feliz”, el cual está sustentando en una metodología que promueve el derecho a la participación y protagonismo infantil. Esta propuesta hace posible recabar las voces de los niños, niñas y adolescentes que habitan el territorio de Ciudad Bolívar, niños, niñas y adolescentes que nacen en la localidad, ya que sus familias son residentes históricos del territorio, entendiendo a la población histórica como familias que se desplazaron hace más de 40 años a la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar, así como niños, niñas y adolescentes que llegaron de otras regiones del país, muchas veces por causa del conflicto armado, buscando refugio.
The research work he has in his hands aims to account for the pedagogical exercise developed during six months in different territories of Ciudad Bolivar, in the neighborhood Potosí, with the organization Asodenfa, in Quiba with OPV Rosa Buenaventura, in Villas del Progreso with the Renacer de la Familia Foundation, in Espino I with Asospram and in the neighborhood Perdomo Alto with Cuyeca A Obsun.
Each of these organizations made available their capacity to be able to remain with the working groups made up of children and adolescents between 2 and 15 years of age. In this way since community organizations, the pedagogical model "Looking for a place to be able to live happily" in wich that promotes the right to participation and child protagonism.
This proposal makes it possible to collect the voices of the children and adolescents who inhabit the territory of Ciudad Bolívar, children and adolescents who are born in the locality, since their families are historical residents of the territory, understanding historical like the families that migrated more than 40 years ago to Ciudad Bolívar, and children and adolescents who came from other regions of the country, often because of the armed conflict, seeking refuge.
De hecho, una historia individual ayuda a comprender la compleja relación entre los individuos y la sociedad. Las instituciones restringen la libertad de los actores sociales, pero, al mismo tiempo, es interesante descubrir las tácticas y las estrategias que ellos improvisan para probar nuevas alternativas y sobrevivir. Los escenarios presentados en este caso particular de estudio proveen una oportunidad para hacer historia política y explorar la historia de las relaciones internacionales, desde una perspectiva microsocial, tomando en cuenta factores conscientes e inconscientes para la explicación histórica.
This work draws on an oral history interview with a Mexican ballerina of modern dance, in relation to the tour she made with her troupe to the Soviet Union and China in 1957, when trips of this nature seemed inconceivable in the context of the Cold War. This simple anecdote displays a web of social practices and representations that when contextualized, analyzed and interpreted historically, gives us a glimpse of the cultural battles that were fought over in a world divided into two blocks: communism and capitalism. The oral story recorded, however an individual point of view, gives an entrance to the social history, since it incorporates values and codes that were elaborated an acknowledged within a community. In addition, a singular story helps to understand the complex relation between individuals and structures. Institutions restrain social actors´ freedom to act but at the same time it is interesting to discover the tactics and strategies they improvise to try out new alternatives to survive. The scenarios presented in this particular case of study provide an opportunity to make political history and explore the history of international relations from a microsocial perspective, taking into account unconscious and conscious factors for the historical explanation.
El objetivo general es presentar unas reflexiones en torno a tres trabajos realizados en el ámbito escolar, y que cumplieron con una nueva didáctica aplicada a la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales: el primero, realizado en el municipio de Guatapé (Antioquia) a través de los zócalos, patrimonio nacional, haciendo entrevistas a sus habitantes, donde docente y alumnas de enseñanza media hicieron de entrevistadoras; el segundo en la vereda El Zancudo del municipio de Titiribí (Antioquia), para conocer sobre los procesos mineros en la zona con la colaboración del maestro y estudiantes de quinto de primaria y, la tercera, en el corregimiento de Arabia en la ciudad de Pereira (Risaralda), donde se evidenció que se puede hacer historia oral –escrita y dibujada–, cuando se carece de grabadora y cámara fotográfica, tomando como ejemplo una publicación sobre refugiados1. En aquellos intervinieron: candidata a maestría en Historia con su proyecto de grado (UNAL-sede Medellín); historiadora con proyecto de investigación de la FCHE; y en Pereira: profesora de primaria en zona rural.
Historical understanding has –in part– an affective dimension in our vision of the past and in this field, where orality makes an important contribution because projects in local communities fill a gap in the teaching of history. The general objective is to present reflections on work carried out in the school environment, with new didactics applied to social education: the first, in Guatapé (Antioquia) through the baseboards, national heritage; teacher and high school students as interviewers; the second in the village of El Zancudo in the municipality of Titiribí (Antioquia), to learn about the mining processes with the collaboration of the teacher and fifth grade students, and the third in the township of Arabia in Pereira (Risaralda), where it was evident that you can do oral history –written and drawn– when you don't have a tape recorder and a camera, taking as an example a publication about refugees. Those who intervened were Master of History with his thesis (UN
This paper will try to answer the questions: What do oral history interviews -matics or life history- give us for the knowledge of social movements and their historical reconstruction? What are the new elements that this source contributes and that it is not possible to find them in other sources? It is argued that oral sources, in the form of life stories, provide the investigation of the history of social movements with important elements such as the subjectivity of social subjects and actors that are not always expressed as such in traditional sources. To illustrate this, four life stories are addressed to direct participants in the student and worker social movement that took place in the Mexican industrial city of Monterrey during the 1970s.
The LGBT movement in Palmas, capital of Tocantins, Brazil, was strengthened with the Ipê Amarelo Group for Awareness and Struggle for Free Sexual Orientation (Giama), the first NGO that represents this public in 2002 and the opening of the Dama de Paus nightclub , the first gay entertainment event in 2003, which together contributed to the first gay pride parade of that year, bringing together about 400 people. It is supported by the Núcleo LGBT Tear da UFT, created in December 2006, and with UNE when starting the debate on sexual diversity in the student movement. Subsequently, in 2010, The Cave nightclub and the Lanterna bar were created in 2013. We bring narratives of LGBT events in Tocantins, addressing spaces of gay sociability, a sample of the investigation of the (non) impact of this movement in changing undergraduate curricula in UFT until 2010. With thematic oral history methodology based on Santos (2008) Alberti (2005), Minayo (2001) and Triviños (1987) and documentary research. It is part of the work that we have developed at PPGE/UFT in the last four years. Tensions and divergences are constitutive of social movements, as they dispute identities, strategies, conceptions of citizenship and projects of society. The history of subalternized groups needs to be written, to make historiography and, as researchers involved, we seek to debate the (in)visibility, of the "history from below" and, thus, (re)build "forgotten memories" and subsumed in prejudice, in hatred, in the gender denial that aggravate LGBT phobia and its related forms of violence against LGBT people.
Dentro de los retos que día a día presentan los maestros en la escuela, se encontraron los relacionados con la motivación y participación de los educandos, la empatía, el uso de herramientas tecnológicas y narrativas, los cuales, no sólo legitimaron el proceso, sino que fueron la plataforma para el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas, el producto: el libro “Mi catarsis”.
The history of life as an excuse to approach the academics terms that is a valuable pedagogical strategy that allowed from empathy creates human tissue in the school environment and enhancing communication skills thanks to the implementation of new information and communication technology tools, which were consolidated as a generational bridge with students.
Within the challenges that teachers present at school every day at the school those related to the motivation and participation of the students, empathy, the use of technological and narrative tools, which not only legitimized the process, but also were the platform for the development of communication skills, the product: the book “Mi catarsis ”.
This paper explores of historical way the Catholic Church's participation in the civic movement ‘Comuneros 81’’. The participation of the Catholic Church, your leadership, organization and mobilization of society South Santander Santander; social claims forehead your people asking respect guarantees for fundamental rights, such as access to service drinking water and basic sanitation, and the exercise of political rights. This makes important the review from the main factors and causes that gave rise to this movement and its influence political and social, its main leaders, social and political, the clout in the region, the social activism between the Catholic Church's faith and society, between discourse and preaching.
This article showed an interrelation for compliance with the Mexican Administrative Regulation NOM-035-STPS-2018, (October 2019), being mandatory for all entrepreneurs in Mexico; the great concern for compliance, and the inclusion of strategy based on the distinction of the emotional demand according to the nature of the job performed to create an emotional salary design strategy, selected under a case-by-case analysis, that could obtain adequate results to comply with this standard according to the economic activity being carried out.
This paper examines the construction of the concept of resilience in the institutional discourse of the Knowledge Sharing Farms project (hereinafter FINCO), who make direct and indirect reference to this notion from the construction of three videos that will be part of the corpus of analysis. The videos present three life stories of peasant families living in the rural area of San Vicente de Chucurí in Colombia. Each video corresponds to the name of the family estate and lasts between 6 and 7 minutes. This analysis is important because the FINCO team proposes resilience as a strategy to address the problems of Colombian farmers such as the armed conflict, climate change, market volatility and disruptive interventions by the state and ONGs (FINCO, 2019). It is concluded that FINCO's discourse presents a rhetoric of resilience built through the business matrix inserted in historically vulnerable populations. Likewise, there is evidence of the construction of totally alien testimonies of the essential conflict of the rural populations, in such a way that what happens in the countryside is made invisible.
A qualitative analysis is carried out to encourage the change of traditional activity in the development of Santander-Colombia. Elaborating a scenario that simulates an agreement (rules) through the technique of focal group and experimental economy. Addressing possible alternative activities to arrive at a reflection on observed preferences. The results show that a mutual agreement was the activity that consists, in opting for sustainable tourism. The activity that has the most percentage of choice against the others was to commit to training, managing, protecting and maintaining the natural areas. In addition, the decision to choose to suspend completely the extraction of natural resources is in a percentage range between 0 and 10%, given strong ties to a traditional habit of their territory. To himself, feelings of guilt are evident in some participants; they felt that they were buying the conscience of their compatriots so that they did what they were asked to do.
In America, the Viceroyalties, Captainships and Commanders were created to effectively manage the colonies, the corrections that would later be replaced by a system of Intendencys for better local administration were abolished. This led to improved the exploitation of colonial wealth and of course tax collection. Logically this does not justify the atrocious uprisings perpetrated in the villages of Licto, Columbe and Guamote of 1803, nor is the hanging of the Indians and Indians who were taken prisoner in these revolts justifiable. With a leading role the women of these biases of the corregimiento de Riobamba. However, the real reason for the uprising of the Guamote and Columbe Indians had no other reason, but to know of the establishment of customs. This research was supported in the revision of the documentary funds of different Archives such as those of the Central Bank of the the Historical Archive of the House of Culture Core of Chimborazo, and the General Historical Archive of The Indies.
Domingo Cabred, pioneer of alienism in Argentina, represents an accomplished example of how science and politics intertwine to define the conditions of possibility of personal and institutional achievements throughout a career. Intellectual, multiple filmmaker, official representative of Argentina in various international congresses, speaker of prestigious representatives of the most diverse scientific disciplines, his career could hardly be explained if not as a product of that interweaving that takes the form of personal, generational and state throughout his life.
Es por ello que hoy debemos celebrar los nombres de todas aquellas que de una u otra manera han entregado sus vidas para que las nuestras sean más dignas, es por ello que hoy debemos enaltecer las vidas de nuestras estudiantes Manuela y Paola porque su sacrificio podría ser hoy el llamado, el grito para que cese esta impúdica y condenable manera de perder nuestras vidas. En ellas podemos reconocernos hoy todas y todos, porque hoy su muerte ha permitido que parte de esta sociedad, de esta institución tome conciencia de las injusticias, de las desigualdades, de las inequidades, de los vejámenes a los que por siglos media humanidad ha sido sometida.
In this article are analyzed a series of families from the old sub delegation of Huichapan (Villagrán, Sánchez de la Vaquera, Chávez Macotela y Santos Anaya). Through the eighteen century, important social, economic, and political networks, were established which allowed them to accumulate a respectable heritage, positioning families as part of the regional elite. In the early nineteenth century, the families resisted conflicts, droughts and the Independence movement, through various mechanisms, which allowed them to conserve their wealth.
The objective of this contribution is to reflect on an ongoing research process that is based on a way of thinking that is centered on the subject. In this form of construction of knowledge defended by those who proclaim an investigation from below and from the south, epistemic thinking must prevail over the theoretical as a basis for thinking, categorizing and recategorizing, with a view to stop reproducing knowledge and creating it from the experience of the subjects. In this line of thought various perspectives / ways of research in the region were developed. In this case, we choose to take on the challenge of doing a subject-centered mode of research following the provocation of Mexican authors who refer their reflections to the anti-capitalist and anti-statist subject inspired by the Zapatista subject who has autonomy as a project and walks asking as a method (Sandoval and Alonso, 2015, Salcido and Sandoval, 2016; Sandoval 2016, 2018 and 2019). We as a team, from our here and now, will reflect in this writing on the possibilities and limitations of this way of thinking.
Conflicts of competence, within the State model adopted by Colombia, have become a matter of no small importance. Daily the judges are faced with situations that, due to the particularities of the case, can lead them to ask the question of whether they are competent to know such a process or if they are not. In matters related to Social Security, the judges have found a very unique situation, in the case of public servants; This is due to the fact that, due to the organization of justice in Colombia, both the Ordinary Jurisdiction –in their labor specialty- and the Jurisdiction of the Administrative Litigation could, eventually, be competent to know this kind of processes, depending on each specific case.
Moved by his second wife, a Martinican lawyer and former independence activist living in Paris, Albert Constant, reluctantly decides to clarify the murder attempt against him that happened years ago. This felony and the events in which he was subsequently involved forced his departure from the French overseas department. Although Constant seemed to have forgotten the past in his new and dour trial lawyer’s life, the presence in the French capital of someone who provides clues about what happened leads him to return to Martinique. He meets there Roland, his old friend and partner: together, they start to tie up loose ends.
This study aims to establish a homology between musical listening and differentiated social behaviors in two public spaces of entertainment. For this an review of the events of homicidal violence occurred in Colombian clubs in the last three decades, analyzed comparatively with behaviors developed in auditions salsa in Cali, Colombia was made, this was complemented by an ethnographic perspective on the melómanos from Cali (Luján, 2012), and an interdisciplinary theoretical approach. As a result it was found that music-violence relationship requires thinking in building an environment conducive to coexistence, tied to the imperatives of citizen behavior and health perspective, through health promotion of their wider strategies. It is concluded that the exposed data allow associating the musical listening, with the incidence in certain behaviors of the people. The findings suggest that musical listening specifically affects the prosocial or anomic behaviors manifested, according to analysis systems discotheques and record salsa auditions.
The communality implies the worldview of people in a given territory, it is reflected in their daily lives. Teaching implies processes that are the product of interactions with the people with which work takes place. For this reason, the purpose of this study was designing and validating an instrument that allows to know the experience of communality in teachers. An instrumental study was carried out with the following stages: 1) review of existing instruments to diagnose or evaluate the degree of experience of the community by teachers; 2) construction of the rubric type instrument; 3) review and improvement of the instrument by experts; 4) content validation by expert judges, and 5) application of the instrument to a pilot group. Results: the rubric content validity was verified through the judgment of experts with values Aiken’s V over 0.80 for each item in two criteria: relevance and writing. The pilot test verified internal consistency by obtaining a Cronbach's alpha of 0.91. The validation by the pilot group yielded results of the Aiken V were over 0.80. Conclusion: a relevant and reliable instrument to evaluate the experience of the communality by teachers is presented.
En esta pequeña descripción etnográfica no nos centraremos en toda la ruta seguida, sino en un lugar que en la visión de historiadores en formación nos pareció el más importante y lleno de un conocimiento incomparable, conocido como El Mercado de Lorica. Con ello, representaremos los aspectos que fueron de mayor atención en los minutos que pudimos estar en el lugar para apreciar su paisaje, estructura arquitectónica e imágenes, sin dejar a un lado la historia que está arraigada a cada uno de ellos.
This work aims to analyze the conditions of possibility of the emergence of decolonial energy and the transit to the pluriverse from the experience of the members of the folk group “The Rojas”, who, having grown up on an interstate border, manage to gather and synthesize elements of different rationals and logics that allow them to experience a kind of "border thinking", as they move between the indigenous community logic and the modern national. This exploratory work built on the consultation of secondary sources hopes to contribute to broadening the notion of geographical frontier, thinking about it in its epistemic dimension.
Although Russian immigration in Argentina was very important in numerical terms during the first half of the 20th century, what is known about it remains very little. Created in 1948 in Buenos Aires by a group of white Russians who had integrated the Soviet army during World War II, the Suvorov Union set itself to gather anti-Communist Russians (in every aspect) who had emigrated to Argentina. The Suvorovists were framed within the Westernist tradition that held a long and fiery debate with the Slavophile current. The Suvorov Union forged its official body, the Suvorovets newspaper, from which it channeled its nationalist military project aimed at fighting international communism. Our hypothesis is that, despite its overt political disregard, Suvorovets sought to transcend the military terrain, adopting a position of permanent denunciation of the Soviet State. The ignited anti-communism it proclaimed soon became the center around which the Suvorov Union revitalized its action. The application of the intense anti-communist state policy under Perón’s government captured the attention of its members who, from the beginning of its foundation, found the most reliable ally in the Argentine president.
This research addresses some aspects that frame gender inequalities in the fields, labour, social and economic, in addition to stereotypes, glass ceilings, as obstacles faced by the female head of household in Ecuador; because of these there is a lack of opportunities to which they are exposed; a brief analysis of certain articles of Ecuador's constitution will also be carried out, which penalize all kinds of social discrimination; that despite being part of the state's constitutional reforms, we can go so far as to infer that they have been left dead. Case studies clearly show us the feminization of poverty in this social group because of the above.
The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between folk-medicine and religion on the 1920´s in Buenos Aires province, Argentine. In order to check this we chose a folk source produced by teachers in several of the Laínez’s schools, inside the Province. We refer to la Encuesta Nacional de Folclore. The documentation we present here allows us to rebuild how religion could be an essential part of certain kinds of treatment in folk medicine.
The following proposal contributes to knowing the social, political and economic transformation of Santiago Acusilapa, a town that was merced and congregated during the colonial period. In the seventeenth century, one of the most important estates in Huichapan el Astillero “Acusilapa”, was founded in these places. At first it belonged to the Sánchez de Espinoza family. For the eighteenth century, the farm is acquired by Manuel González, Benefactor of Huichapan. His economic contributions served to build important works for the benefit of the town. In response, the civil and ecclesiastical authorities offered the construction of a praying statue of the benefactor inside the convent of San Mateo Huichapan, Hidalgo, Mexico.
The contraband and indigenous pacification in the Goajira peninsula is studied as an expression of the imperial disputes between Spain and other colonial powers, mainly Holland and England, in the context of the Caribbean during the XVII-XVIII centuries. For its elaboration the method of historical-documentary research was used. It is concluded that smuggling and indigenous pacification in the Goajira peninsula were two problems associated with the new political and economic situation in the Caribbean, which, consolidated as the American interior sea, was the scene of the struggles between Spain and other European powers that promoted the contraband and animosity of the Wayúu indigenous against the Hispanic authorities in the Goajira peninsula. The indomitable attitude of the aborigines facilitated the foreign influence and consolidation of an axis of illicit commerce conformed by Jamaica-Curaçao-Peninsula of the Goajira to the detriment of the mercantilist policies of the Spanish empire.
The objective of this document is to carry out an analysis of the legal framework and public policy in force in Colombia, for the promotion of the labor insertion of women heads of household, as well as their impact on the well-being of this segment of the population. To achieve this, the role of the State in the application of the regulatory framework for the promotion of the welfare of the female head of household is analyzed, emphasizing labor issues.
The following article is intended to show a theoretical perspective to the understanding of the relation between dialogical communication and education for peace. To do this, the role of enunciation category in Bajkin´s theory is developed (2009; 2011) and, at the same time is worked with the contributions about otherness proposed by Levinas (1974;2001) and Beneviste´s (1999) and Ducrot´s (2001) enunciation. These discursive arguments allow to recognize dialogism as an ethical act and the respect by separateness as important aspects related to peace and education.
[1] Cixous ataca la noción de oposiciones binarias que, en su opinión, y siguiendo los principios derridianos, constituye la base del orden patriarcal. En este modelo imperante todos los componentes se organizan en parejas de elementos opuestos, siendo uno de los miembros de la pareja «superior» al otro (Rodríguez, 2006).
The objective is to compare both regions in order to show how price fluctuations were in fact the result of relative changes in the factor endowments. In this particular case two mass consumption products are considered: meat and wheat.
Based on primary sources, the paper will show us that population and commercial growth translated into a relative increase in the price of wheat with respect to that of meat.
In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith considered the impact of changes of factor endowments on prices. It is necessary to analyze thoroughly the available sources, as well as the price historiography up to the moment, to prove, quantitatively and qualitatively, the moment and conditions of such changes and the differences which took place in Alto Peru and Buenos Aires.
La categoría de mujer cabeza de hogar tipo familiar es eje central del presente documento, concibiéndola como aquella en la cual, la mujer asume y toma deberes y obligaciones relacionados con la crianza, manutención de sus descendientes y familiares que están bajo su cuidado y protección.
El presente estudio se ha trabajado desde una metodología de tipo documental. Adicionalmente, con el uso de un método cuantitativo, descriptivo y analítico se estudian las dinámicas del mercado de trabajo y la empleabilidad para la mujer jefa de hogar. Finalmente, se concluye acerca de la necesidad de abordar estudios e implementar políticas laborales que deriven en acciones afirmativas para las mujeres jefas de hogar por ser este un importante escenario de reproducción de comportamientos y factores que profundizan las inequidades y desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres, pero, también un espacio para generar empoderamiento de la mujer alrededor de su actividad productiva.
Reseña de: GONZÁLEZ CABAÑAS, Francisco Tomás (2017). El acabose democrático. Madrid: Ápeiron. 202 pp.Síntesis del abordaje del Licenciado Silvio Maresca a la obra de Francisco Tomás González Cabañas, “El acabose democrático”
En este contexto, nos preguntamos cómo ha impactado el Programa E.S.I. en las escuelas secundarias. Entendemos que el contenido es complejo de abordar en las instituciones, pues la sexualidad se halla teñida de prejuicios, mitos y tabúes. Nos preguntamos ¿de qué modos la E.S.I. se traduce en las instituciones educativas?, y ¿qué significados les atribuyen los profesores y las profesoras, ejecutores y ejecutoras de la E.S.I. en las escuelas secundarias de la ciudad de Santa Rosa, La Pampa? En este sentido, la metodología de investigación adoptada es la cualitativa, utilizándose como técnica de recolección de datos la entrevista semiestructurada.
National Program of Comprehensive Sexual Education in secondary schools of Santa Rosa. The Pampa. The reverse of the plot of an educational policy in the context of the practice and from the teaching experiences
In this article, we will address the topic of Comprehensive Sexual Education, in the secondary schools of Santa Rosa La Pampa, Argentina1. The National Comprehensive Sexual Education Program. We consider that the inclusion of sexual education in current educational policies from the National Comprehensive Sexual Education Program (E.S.I.), created with the sanction of law 26,150 in 2006 has meant an advance, in a subject that previously depended on the will of students and teachers, or was reduced to the approach of the reproductive apparatus in the hours of Biology. In this context, we wonder how the ESI Program has impacted secondary schools. We understand that content is complex to address in institutions, because sexuality is tinged with prejudices, myths and taboos. We ask ourselves in what ways does the E.S.I. translate into educational institutions, and what meanings do the executors of the E.S.I, attribute to them in the secondary schools of the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa?
From Ancient History to Star History, a journey through time
This article arises from the theoretical reflection of time and narrative of Paul Ricoeur, the works of Walter Benjamin and the connections of Stellar History as a theoretical model. The question that we propose to clarify is: what can be an alternative form of the narration of history, in times of social change, taking into account the transitions of the contemporary world? Here we will reflect from a hermeneutical-type theoretical approach to create other ways of conceiving historical time from an interdisciplinary view of a qualitative documentary type to reflect on the temporality of historical narration.
The narrative research about the undergraduate experience
This review proposes a characterization of the state of the art of studies about undergraduate students, taking into account two temporalities: the recent past and the present tense. A first field consists of research how student‟s historical representations have influenced in each society. Some of these studies have controverted the interpretation of the political emotions present in narratives about protests and collectives activities. A second field corresponds to research on course life students in the in the present tense. With biographical narratives in terms of the journey through academic cycles, their political participation and affective relationships. These works classified as exogenous or structural, and endogenous or procedural if the understanding of the student experience comes from the historical context or not. The processual or transitional studies are those that explain the trajectory or itinerary from subjective changes during the university stay or in periods of critical transition (entrance and exit). In these transitions, the interest for moral deliberation including emotions has emerged.
Education and video games. Social Science Education in the Industrial Technical Institute Pilot Significant experience
This article aims to expose the potential of technological tools canhave daily as video games in education. It aims to show how the use of video game Empire Earth has contributed to the process of socialization of knowledge of the issues of Social Sciences for Grade 9 in the Industrial Technical Institute Pilot, understanding that this technology traditionally been associated with the field entertainment and fun, why has been the target of much criticism negative to the extent that they generate is created isolation, violent behavior and addiction in people who traditionally use.
Reliability and validity of an instrument that measures six organizational dimensions of entrepreneurship in coffee growers
The reliability and validity studies of entrepreneurship have focused on the instruments that measure diverse traits, but only those that are in a threshold of three to seven items and discriminate between the stimuli mediated by a technology with respect to the face-to-face surveys. Face, avoiding the models that specify trajectories of relations between determinant variables of the entrepreneurial activity, being necessary the investigation of the influence of the technologies on the innovation of processes more than of the optimization of resources. The objective of this work was to establish the psychometric properties of an instrument that measured six organizational dimensions of entrepreneurship in coffee growers in central Mexico. A non-experimental,cross-sectional and exploratory study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 117 women coffee merchants. We observed a structure of six dimensions related to values, support, recognition, stimulation, solidarity and collaboration that explained 63% of the total variance, but the research design limited the results to the research scenario, suggesting the extension of the study to other contexts and samples.
Virtualization in basic university subjects: a conceptual study
The knowledge society is generating changes in the training processes of university students. The new technologies are transforming the ecology of the classroom, which is why the Autonomous University of Chihuahua offers virtually the basic university subjects through the Moodle platform, with the purpose of facilitating learning in collaboration with others. In addition, being asynchronous, the student has control over what he learns, how he learns it and when he learns it. So it was important to build a state of the art about virtuality, through a documentary research that was developed applying hermeneutics and heuristics. It was carried out through bibliographic research of articles and institutional documents that provide this approach to the relevant information, to the theoretical conception of the current educational model. The findings and discussion focused on coincidences in the educational models of the institutions that should have a humanistic, innovative and relevant sense in relation to the needs that the country requires. From this perspective, it is at the university where students must be trained to face the challenges that they will surely challenge when they pursue their career.
Creation of the PáezDistrict of the Zulia State (1895-1897)
The causes of the creation of the Páez district of Zulia State in the year 1896 are studied. For its realization, the method of historical investigation was used. It is concluded that the difficulties for the public administration imposed by the distances between the city of Maracaibo and the populations of Sinamaica and Paragoaipoa will determine in the political leadership of the latter the need to assume the political administration of local affairs. In this sense, its creation will correspond to the imperatives of such local groups, with the micro-regional areas prevailing as a principle of the Guajiro territory.
Ethical behavior of the managers of electric service companies in the Zulia state of Venezuela
The objective of this research article is to identify the values in the ethical behavior of the managers of electric service companies in the Zulia state of Venezuela. The methodology used was descriptive, not experimental, and field. The population was composed of 2,456 employees, the selectedsample consisting of 548 employees. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. The results of this research allow inferring the presence of values that denote ethical behavior in the leaders of these organizations. The conclusions describe anorganizational environment where actions are fair, and processes are based on business principles and standards. It is recommended to strengthen values as a platform for ethics in leaders.
The metaphor of God: re-update of the myth, in the novel "Qué solos que se quedanlos muertos" by Mempo Giardinelli
This article presents an analysis of the novel "Que solos que se quedan los muertos", published in 1985 by the Argentine writer Mempo Giardinelli, based on the notion of the metaphor of God as a re-update of the myth with the aim to enrich the asset to re-write the history, this revision requires the truth and memories from our Latinoamerican towns. José Giustozzi, main character of this novel, represents the history and memory of a generation condemned by the military dictatorship in Argentina between the years 1976 –1983 and characterizes the potestative condition of exile in Mexico where death and solitude are involved in crime and impunity affirming the complot, notion that allow us to define the subject within the control of some hidden forces that configure and underline the social world.
Diatribes and dialogues on sexist language
The study to follow focuses on the ongoing discussion regarding the need for inclusive language, a topic that has stirred great controversy due to the radical positions assumed by those who are in favor and those who are against its widespread implementation. An initial revision of the arguments provided by both Linguistics and Gender studies will be provided here, in an attempt to direct the attention to the urgency of the issue. The emphasis will be placed on the need to depose attitudesthat do not contribute to generating opportunities for a constructive dialogue.
A Amazônia, o indígena e os jogos de linguagem: do histórico ao imaginário
Se cada cultura tem seu modo particular de ver o mundo e a si mesmo, como pensavam os povos pré-colombianos que habitavam a América? Como os pensamentos, as emoções, o modo particular de cada civilização ver o mundo e a si próprio formam sua filosofia, busca-se o pensamento desses povos e seus descendentes, pois se esgotou a era em que se acreditava em uma só filosofia para a humanidade. Há diferenças acentuadas entre os povos, principalmente no campo das ideias: enquanto o pensamento dicotômico dos ocidentais apresenta um tempo linear e finito, como ―vida e morte‖, o pensamento equilibrado dos orientais; isto é, com uma distorção moderada, expõe um tempo cíclico e infinito. Para eles, na harmonia não ocorre o fim e sim o recomeço, não só da vida humana, mas também de todos os seres e coisas, em um processo cíclico e contínuo. Esses povos pré-hispânicos, embora geograficamente fizessem parte do Ocidente, mantinham um pensamento harmonioso, semelhante ao do Oriente, especialmente, na relação do homem com a natureza. À semelhança dessa harmonia, propõe-se discutir o desequilíbrio existente na América Latina, valorizando a cultura indígena e sua contribuição na preservação da natureza, principalmente, da Amazônia.
How has the history of Atlantic navigation in Colombia been studied and narrated?
This article presents the result of a narrative review based on the questioning of the way in which the historical discourse on Atlantic navigation in Colombia has been academically configured. Although the sea has played a fundamental role in the construction, development, transportation and expansion of societies, in the country, it has been a constant historical ignorance of its importance. This may be due to the fact that the construction of historical knowledge in this area is still incipient. This situation has generated a categorical denial and invisibilization of the communities and knowledge that have developed in the Colombian maritime world, as well as their historical processes, their socio-cultural manifestations and possibly even their natural resources.
The border between rural and urban businesses: the case of the State of Mexico
This research analyzed the characteristics of rural and urban enterprises the purpose of determine which are differentiated to establish guidelines to focus the public policy objectives behavior. The research consisted of applying a semi-structured survey of 80 companies in the State of Mexico in 2015, for data analysis techniques were applied mean ANOVA with Scheffe test and chi-square. The set of variables analyzed five were to have a different behavior, which were: partners, external leverage, size, status and sector. These results provide elements to constitute a tool for the design of public policies that improve the performance of rural and urban enterprises.
Impact of the Internet and social networks on the lifestyle of adolescents in the rural sector
This article is based on characterizing the influence of the Internet, social networks and chat applications in the lifestyle of adolescents in a rural Educational Institution of Santander. The research project corresponds to the qualitative paradigm focus on action research. It was developed through techniques for data collection such as survey, interview and observation. Once the information was collected, the following result stood out: Social networks are considered very important by students and parents, because it allows them to get information and knowledge for their home, their homework and activities. However, the observation process showed that Social networks are used to communicate in an informal way, to talk and exchange information about daily life, but not to share or produce knowledge. In this sense, the use of social networks in the institution is for social issues. As a disadvantage, parents think that by this media young people can obtain inappropriate information or contact with bad people that can affect their children’s educational process. There is a contrast between the student’s ability to access social networks and the lack of training of their parents to control these activities.
Autobiographical narrative identity of young people deprived of their freedom
This research intends to understand how narrative identity is constructed in the writing of autobiographical narrative texts in a group of twenty young people with a judicial decision pertaining to the system of responsibility for adolescents, where the act of textual production behaves as a mechanism of re-knowledge and of identity, both individually and collectively; something that can be approached theoretically from the perspective of Ricoeur, P. (1988). Now, from the results of intervention it is observed that the individual constructs an identity space through the narrative display, placing as the center of his narrative the experience of evil (homicide), and which includes within the text the most significant experience of the subjects, becoming the narrative goal, and which is read in an introspective key, leading precisely to give an account of a process, through discursive strategies that reveal subjective personal experience.
formed their bodies. For this biographical narrative method was used. The teachers did
restropection about themelves through interviews, biograms, and informal talks. Later, the stories
were articulated by the interpretation from the theoretical, giving a perspective to the meaning of
their words. It was found a historical subject crossed by a few familiar and school practices
permeated the installed speeches. Narrate this experience allowed think the place that the teachers
occupy in their formation and the relation between investigation and formation.
concepts of nostalgia and lightness present in some works of Milan Kundera and what
he lived and felt daily in prison. It is a humble invitation to go to the novel as a tool to understand social reality and in particular, delve into the existential questioning. Finally, it addresses the importance of the return to their lands of the thousands of displaced people that the armed conflict has generated as a form of reconciliation in a possible scenario of a peace agreement.
in the consolidation for peace. Considerations about the official history of Colombian conflict in
art have become a main theme for analysis. For the purpose of confronting the single narrative of
the conflict with other voices, it is necessary to save from obscurity the work of engaged artists
who developed a reactionary language addressing the official discourse. Among them stands out
Arturo Alape’s work. Alape builds up a language which gives voice to the armed conflict in
Colombia. He looks at the different elements that shape the war taking into account his own
experience and the voices of those who also have been involvedColombia is currently going through an important time in its history where culture is a major part
in the consolidation for peace. Considerations about the official history of Colombian conflict in
art have become a main theme for analysis. For the purpose of confronting the single narrative of
the conflict with other voices, it is necessary to save from obscurity the work of engaged artists
who developed a reactionary language addressing the official discourse. Among them stands out Arturo Alape’s work. Alape builds up a language which gives voice to the armed conflict in Colombia. He looks at the different elements that shape the war taking into account his own experience and the voices of those who also have been involved
that manifest aggression, exclusion, dominion? How can its significant uses and variants be
evidenced? These questions are relevant for many popular uses of language. In the lecture that is presented, the research advances will be announced in relation to a particular expression with a long history and extensive manifestations in the case of Colombia: “done the law, done the snare”. The advances recorded correspond to the work of the Research Seedbed Imaginary for peace from the University Rosario in Bogotá D.C.
known as the bastion of communism in Bogotá. This process, which is part of the struggle
resulting from the partisan violence of the 50s and which was accentuated in the area of what is now known as the Policarpa neighborhood, had interesting political elements that led to the creation of the Jaime Pardo Leal school. part of the same community, which decides to make a school for their children. The document takes a historical tour of the foundation of the neighborhood and the school.
way, I expose the relationship of the rappers identities with the dominants discourses and
the struggles for the discursive hegemony on them. I expose the methodology – life storybased in the experiences of three well-known rappers. They are: Carlos Andrés Pacheco (CAP), Giovanni Martínez (Cuervo Rolo) y Yilder Rueda (Yoki Barrios). Finally, I present the investigation design, the methodological approach, the instruments used and some results.
To do this, it is examined the Dispute of Valladolid using the Michel Foucault's archaeology as methodology. The study, tries to show that contrary to exposed by the majority of the experts of the topic, the shock between Sepúlveda and De las Casas does not correspond to the fight between civilization and barbarism, but to the confrontation between two discursive orders that denied the indigenous voice and legitimized the royal power and papal authority.
through the “Myth of Quilotoa Lagoon Origins”, for this, direct participation with communities has been established, in order to collect the existing oral memory of the story. In this sense, it’s evident the reproduction of cultural patterns established with the appearance of estates, as well as the power of the story as an against-hegemonic ideology.
Shared stories bring us closer to the spiritual and environmental influence of those who are linked to the Colegio Francisco Antonio Zea de Usme, because it is from there, where begin by reconstructing the history of this vast and wonderful territory; a sacred territory for the Muiscas and the relationship with their water sources, revealing a long-awaited past, a melancholy present and a worrisome future.
presents the contribution to the theory of organizations from a systemic perspective. The methodology is oriented from the social research of narrative type with the purpose of recovering the collective voice of the association to unveil its transfer in the social and urban history of the second half of the twentieth century. The processes of subjectivation favor the emergence of collective empowerment.
territory and worldview, such that they induce to inquire about whether the weave is a
"vehicle of memory" in which the Mamas weave strategies of transmitting knowledge to new generations. Consequently, I offer this work as an attempt to present a reflection on the fabric and this seen as a visual communication means that denotes the affiliation to an ethnic group, knowledge of gender, status, geographic spaces among others and in whose framework there is a transmission of knowledge.
Tenerife neighborhood became the pretext for the meeting of generations around the
struggles of a community to obtain a school in the 70s. Forty years after the first school, we
entered the photo albums and the stories of the elderly of the community to preserve the
collective memory, but, above all, so that the new generations of students, knowing their
past, can weave a sense of belonging to the school and the neighborhood. Keywords:
collective memory, community, school, sense of belonging.
bear in mind elements that before did not exist to the interior of the classroom: the
information in excess, the crisis in the methods of education among others, they appear as
an impossibility for the learning. The following paper, he tries from the presentation of an
experience given in the frame of the pedagogic practice of the basic master emphatically in
social sciences of the university Distrital, where the oral fountains were in use as pedagogic
tool, to bring the conceptualization of a pedagogy over for the construction of peace from
the education of the recent history
Finally one was offered think about the use of the pedagogic tools with oral fountains for the consolidation of one historical thought and the first tracks to be able to consolidate a pedagogy for the construction of peace, where the oral fountains are important elements to tell the statements that one finds they were of the social and scientific accepted knowledge.
arte y cultura, memoria y museo-exposición itinerante. Luminiscencia es una exposición
que da a conocer las historias de las mujeres que han sido víctimas de violencia sexual por motivo del conflicto armado en Colombia. Con la finalidad de visibilizar la existencia de esta problemática y hacer un aporte a la reconstrucción de la memoria histórica del país a partir del proceso de acompañamiento psicosocial y jurídico que han recibido las mujeres que hacen parte del programa el Derecho de Voz/s de la Fundación Círculo de Estudios.
Violencia y cuáles son sus formas en el contexto colombiano; además de cómo estas, han
marcado las expresiones artísticas nacionales, principalmente el Cine. Dicho marco se
utilizará con el fin de determinar cómo debemos abordar el estudio de los fenómenos de
Violencia en la realidad, para posteriormente entender los reflejos de esta, en la ficción.
En la segunda parte se hace un barrido descriptivo-crítico de las principales cintas
colombianas, que incluyen dentro de sus argumentos componentes de la Violencia propia
de la realidad nacional; en este segmento se enmarca las manifestaciones de la Violencia en dos tópicos: La Violencia Política y La Narco Violencia.
Para concluir se analizará el largometraje colombiano “La sirga” de William Vega, 2012.
Enfatizando en cómo, esta producción aborda la Violencia desde el aspecto técnico y conceptual de la imagen, y el trabajo narrativo en la construcción del guion, todo en miras
al desarrollo de un cine del “Post-Conflicto”.
los valores que lo sustentaban peligran, como el respeto a los enemigos o la serenidad ante
la muerte, y quien los posea es visto como un insensato o un imbécil. La instauración del
cristianismo y la creación de los Estados tuvieron como resultado el origen de odios
infundados entre personas que no se conocen; su origen estriba únicamente en que son
tras los acuerdos de paz, en términos de uso de los „recursos naturales‟ que hay en esas
zonas? Esa pregunta que guía la presente reflexión se aborda desde la propuesta analítica de la biocolonialidad y en relación con los conflictos mineros y biotecnológicos. Partiendo de la premisa de que detrás de los acuerdos políticos de paz entre el gobierno y la insurgencia (FARC-EP y ELN) hay un gran negocio económico, se evidencia de qué manera se legitimarán procesos de violencia previos a la explotación minera y biotecnológica que se darán en esas zonas del país, concluyendo que bajo esa premisa, entendida como una
concepción de paz, tampoco se respeta la vida (humana y no humana) y se generarán otros
conflictos y disputas que habrá que resolver en un escenario de postconflicto, sugiriendo
pensar una paz, de otro modo.
bien académica, política y culturalmente tratado en Colombia-, incierto en el país: El postconflicto. En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar esa incertidumbre ante tal escenario desde el objeto por el cual se instauró el diálogo entre el gobierno colombiano y las FARC, a decir, la paz. Reconocemos en dicho objetivo un discurso que conlleva la cicatrización de la guerra en Colombia en aras del desarrollo del país en aras de alcanzar un ideal: El Progreso. Así, utilizando herramientas conceptuales tomadas de la filosofía, la historia y la economía, develaremos la producción de aquella verdad donde los procesos de conquista acometidos por los productores de la verdad en tierras desconocidas, continúan
generándose a través de diferentes actores, en medio del conflicto colombiano.
de violencia, ellas no solo han sufrido la guerra directamente sobre sus cuerpos sino que
también han llevado consigo el dolor de la violencia ejercida sobre sus familiares. Las
cinco historias de vida analizadas, de mujeres víctimas de la desaparición forzada, nos
muestran cómo las mujeres han sido victimizadas en medio del conflicto, el papel que han
jugado los estereotipos de género en sus vidas y en la forma como han sido violentadas y
los procesos de resistencia que han desarrollado para enfrentar las consecuencias de la
garantía del goce efectivo de derechos de la población víctima de desplazamiento forzado,
cuyo objetivo es el establecimiento y seguimiento a las obligaciones del Estado para con
dicha población. Las obligaciones comprenden garantizar: 1) bienes y acceso a servicios; 2)
reconocimiento étnico y de género y 3) libertad de asociación para la exigencia y
reivindicación de sus derechos. En ese sentido, lo proferido por la Corte Constitucional
tiene como propósito hacer efectivas las garantías para el Goce Efectivo de Derechos
(GED) a partir de un Enfoque Diferencial otorgado a la población víctima, existiendo en
consecuencia, elementos compartidos entre el enfoque diferencial y el denominado
Enfoque de Derechos que constituye un marco conceptual de derecho internacional
humanitario que tiene como base la igualdad, la participación política y el acceso a la
establecieron los extranjeros, la élite social y los políticos locales en el Estado de Oaxaca a
fines del siglo XIX, con el objetivo de establecer fábricas textiles e inversiones en los
ramos bancario y minero. Este fenómeno de interrelaciones fue general en todo el país, por
lo que también se hace referencia de manera paralela a otras entidades donde dicha
situación favoreció a los tres actores sociales –extranjeros, la élite social y los políticos- a partir de un enriquecimiento de las familias político-industriales que les dio la oportunidad
de extraer sus recursos monetarios fuera de Oaxaca. La diferencia central con el resto de los Estados mencionados en este artículo es que la industrialización, principalmente en el área textil, se dio en Oaxaca de manera muy tardía, pues entrado el siglo XIX se continuaba con el modelo de producción-exportación agrícola, con la grana cochinilla, lo que favoreció la entrada tardía de maquinaria y de infraestructura mecánica contaminante en la rama
industrial, así como la ausencia de infraestructura carretera que favoreciera la explotación
minera en gran escala, y, finalmente, las ausencia de fuertes inversiones y de capital
acumulado en gran escala reflejado en los bancos por parte de los empresarios, quienes, por vías familiares, prefirieron invertir lo mínimo necesario en el Estado de Oaxaca y en su
mayoría acomodaban inversiones en otros Estados, como Puebla, Veracruz y la Ciudad de
México. Inferimos que esa manera de inversión prístina en los recursos estaba ligada a dos
hechos: la inversión para la grana cochinilla y el concepto del trabajador, la mayoría
indígenas. Como en todos los casos de industrialización y en este caso en particular, la
mayoría de los habitantes del Estado de Oaxaca y sus recursos naturales no fueron
favorecidos directamente, puesto que las ganancias más importantes eran invertidas y
gastadas fuera del Estado.
Nueva Granada se caracterizó por la movilidad social y un acelerado proceso de mestizaje,
escenario en el que se subrayaba la apariencia ligada a la honorabilidad y por lo tanto a la
calidad. La importancia del vestir un estado y demostrarlo tomaba cada vez más fuerza
dentro del imaginario de limpieza de sangre y de la retórica barroca. La distinción basada en la exterioridad y la teatralización de una imitación cortesana eran un síntoma de la
complejidad de las transformaciones sociales de este periodo.
dos caciques e investigar qué tipo de intereses (sociales, económicos y políticos) existen
detrás de la tolerancia demostrada a este delito. A pesar de que ambos casos se
desarrollaron en la provincia de Cajatambo, cada uno presenta una lógica particular, con
base en las dinámicas locales existentes.
De este se concluye que los retos recaen en: la necesidad de capacitar personal terapéutico,
la falta de estudios epidemiológicos que conceptualicen acerca de la prevalencia y el desarrollo del trastorno en Colombia, la necesidad de abordar nuevos desórdenes asociados al trauma, y las nuevas alternativas de abordaje terapéutico.
Al inserto de esos valores se les llamaría modernamente acepciones (Alvarado, 2014, p. 24). Algunas de las siguientes acepciones se nos hacen obvias, otras quizá no. Diremos que se complementan unas con otras con el ánimo de enriquecerse –a la luz de la cultura del progreso que estamos acostumbrados-. Sin embargo, algunas de estas acepciones, que las tomamos por dadas, al estudiarlas, nos toman por entera sorpresa al traerlas a colación y relacionarlas con el estado del arte en materia de educación en el inserto global occidental en que nos encontramos hoy.
Nuestro propósito es conocer cuáles fueron los recursos humorísticos a los que se apeló en la película y explorar las posibilidades del humor en el cine como herramienta efectiva para comprender la historia contemporánea.
El artículo aborda las percepciones sobre las competencias laborales en el ámbito del Control de Admisión y Permanencia (CAP) en la ciudad de La Plata. Buscamos aquí conocer y comprender modalidades de trabajo de la profesión de patovicas y controladores a partir de la perspectiva de los trabajadores del campo.
El presente trabajo buscará inicialmente identificar algunos factores asociados a los resultados de aprendizaje, además de esbozar una ruta que explica cómo opera la exclusión y diferenciación sociocultural para lograr la reproducción de las desigualdades a través de algunas particularidades de la oferta educativa por sector y clase. Posteriormente el análisis se centra en la acción pedagógica y el currículo como arbitrarios culturales que tienden a favorecen a quienes han tenido contacto con la cultura hegemónica en las formas de socialización primarias. Finalmente se presentan algunas investigaciones que, con base en los planteamientos conceptuales o metodológicos de Pierre Bourdieu, hacen una lectura del papel que cumplen las reformas en las dinámicas educativas para luego sugerir algunos abordajes investigativos que se pueden hacer de las reformas curriculares desde esta perspectiva.
Finalmente, como parte de nuestro compromiso ético y político con las comunidades víctimas se describe el proceso de seguridad de la información del Banco de Datos, como uno de los puntos centrales en el proceso del trabajo de la Red.
El conflicto político-social lo enmarcamos en la historia actual del departamento de Risaralda. Este artículo de investigación asume como contexto este conflicto excepcional entre Estado y comunidad étnica afrocolombiana e indígenas, precisamente en el nivel en que se puso en juego los intereses políticos con la población étnica, aunque con el objetivo de desarrollar una problemática que, sin embargo, trasciende la coyuntura de nuestro país: el conflicto agrario y la restitución de tierras.
El problema va aún más, a ciertas características particulares de la relación entre el Estado con la población étnica. Considerando que este trabajo se ubica en un balanceo permanente entre la elaboración de la historia y la indagación empírica, ordenaremos el estado del arte asumiendo ese equilibrio. Por un lado, daremos cuenta del conflicto agrario y restitución de tierras, para a continuación adentrarnos a los antecedentes en las discusiones sobre el sistema político, veremos cómo funciona lo institucional. Por el otro, daremos cuenta de los estudios sobre las políticas públicas, en cuanto se pretende analizar la existencia de la inclusión sobre el enfoque diferencial para las comunidades étnicas en el contexto colombiano.
El trabajo presentado muestra el por qué la recuperación de los corredores biológicos hace parte de la sostenibilidad ambiental y para ello se apoya de una investigación cualitativa y empírica, donde se vieron de manera directa las motivaciones, actitudes y comportamientos de los individuos inmersos en la problemática, llegándose a concluir que, sin importar cuál sea el método de valoración económica que se aplique, lo realmente importante para recuperar las áreas boscosas es lograr la concientización, tanto de los propietarios, como de las autoridades ambientales.
En esta primera elaboración se parte de describir el contexto regional, luego se pasa a analizar la relación entre organización campesina y democracia participativa de donde nacela iniciativa como respuesta o medida de protección frente a las violaciones de derechos humanos que trae el recrudecimiento del conflicto. Pasando posteriormente a la descripción de algunos elementos que comienzan a caracterizar la figura de las mesas y concluyendo esta presentación, con los aportes y la cimentación de la paz con justicia social en el territorio desde estos espacios organizativos.
Mediante el acercamiento a los conceptos de sociabilidad, análisis estructural y redes sociales, la reflexión pretende mostrar la pertinencia del análisis de redes sociales, como herramienta para el estudio de la sociabilidad, bien que algunos científicos sociales lo entienden como utensilio metodológico, otros como un modo de organización social particular y otros como una metáfora para la cual el análisis de redes y el método estructural son sinónimos. Esperamos acercar a los lectores al primer grupo señalado, es decir a quienes consideran que el análisis de redes sociales es una herramienta.
Creemos que el individuo es teórica y metodológicamente condición de acceso al objeto red, pero igualmente, que la insistencia demasiado exclusiva sobre el papel del individuo puede desembocar en una negación de lo social, evadiendo la necesaria complementariedad con otros estudios avanzados desde otras metodologías y postulados de las ciencias sociales, incluido el análisis de clases y, sin olvidar el paradigma de acercamiento a la totalidad.
Con respecto a los estudios realizados hasta mediados del siglo XX sobre historia local y regional, valioso e innegable esfuerzo por dar a conocer las particularidades de las diversas ciudades, provincias y estados de la República, se señala cómo en aquellos se procedió con una metodología similar al centralismo historiográfico que se observa en las historias generales de Venezuela. La reconstrucción histórica de tales espacios regionales se ha realizado tradicionalmente con un tratamiento que circunscribe el análisis a las capitales administrativas de las provincias o estados y, en el mejor de los casos abarca los precisos límites político-administrativos de las diferentes jurisdicciones. No contextualizan las relaciones de carácter socioeconómico, político y cultural compartidas con regiones vecinas y menos aún con el proceso nacional. En este sentido han sido historias más “regionalistas” que regionales propiamente dichas.
estructural, sea en un mundo concreto histórico o en un sistema de supersticiones,
algunos de estos arquetipos sobreviven gracias a las necesidades etnológicas del sujeto
que ve en la biblioteca un mecanismo de evolución, donde habitan deseos inmateriales y
las personificaciones que no se sacralizaron por completo. El hombre postmoderno está
en un tránsito de desacralización, este se rehúsa a la desaparición de fetiches
convirtiéndose en uno; en esencia, la biblioteca experimenta estos cambios del habitus
convirtiéndose en un archivo que a grosso modo es una institución con estereotipos
La carencia de abducción del fenómeno, como la aceleración de la información, los
tumultos telemáticos son determinados por un sujeto que frecuenta experiencias
aparentes producto de complejos que no han sido resueltos desde el desarrollo del
estadio pre-operacional; experiencias estereotipadas, criterios endebles, ideologías de
arena que en el valor simbólico de los espacios como twitter rompen el interdicto social
bajo pequeñas esferas como el perfil o el estado. De esta condición artificial, la política
y economía neoliberal extingue lentamente el espacio simbólico y los soportes
documentales pues pocos se apersonan de los frutos dialecticos.
Cuando la pre- esencia de objetos no reales que establecen estructuras y normas que
influyen en el entorno de lo real como parafilias, el uso de la información y su
restricción deben acoplarse en la no restricción, más bien, en convenciones culturales
que el historiador debe denunciar pues está cerca del sueño neovictoriano del fin de la
historia tanto en su aspecto lingüístico como en la categoría de consumo que
predispone a la crítica, delimita descubrimientos del ser y exterioriza al capital
simbólico en su aspecto más crudo, el logos sin demos.
A decir verdad, no es un trabajo unidimensional, lo que hace histórico y no sociológico,
o antropológico o novelístico a esta contribución es la distinción de personajes reales y
ficticios que en la temporalidad experimentaban en el fósil de la metáfora estos cambios
telemáticos, cuya dimensión deontológica nace en la desacralización del rito que las
comunidades de la colonia afrontaron con muerte, una segunda desacralización esta
ahora experimentando muerte espiritual en el deseo colectivo de enmendar el tótem, una
estrategia suspicaz del mercado de las telecomunicaciones.
Cada vez las redes sociales se interponen en los sentidos primarios, abordando
longitudes unidimensionales, acortando distancias con hipervínculos y esto desde la
perspectiva del sujeto, es un ingreso a la globalización. Mientras que el espacio local se
deteriora en la acción, pues una brecha entre esta y el discurso tienden a la conformidad
colectiva y paralelo el deterioro esencial de la personificación de los actores históricos,
sin embargo, estas consecuencias tendrán remedio en el displacer de los objetos
simbólicos y del consciente sintético.
Su misión consistió en recuperar la supremacía política de Santafé, perdida durante los movimientos de Juntas Regionales y en la instauración del Primer Congreso del Reino. Fue un movimiento de corta duración; pero significativo; pues enfrentó al proyecto político de las Provincias Unidas de la Nueva Granada, promovió la anexión de Cundinamarca a los cantones, villas y parroquias opuestas a la federación; así como proclamó la independencia absoluta de la corona de España –después de Cartagena- que generó un efecto dominó sobre el resto de las Provincias; promoviendo una mutación
ideológica y social en las estructuras de dominación en la nación; al igual que lideró la campaña del sur – en coalición con la federación-contra las incursiones de los ejércitos realistas provenientes de Pasto y Quito.
Se constituyó en un proceso histórico muy ligado a acontecimientos de cambios sociales durante la época.
excluidas de los diferentes estudios realizados. A su vez, el trabajo en manifiesto, tendrá una exposición en forma de ponencia, en la cual se haga una un esbozo del trabajo, dividido en tres partes; en la primera parte se dilucidara los estudios realizados de la región, que hayan antecedido en contenido, o sean acercamientos a este trabajo, con la finalidad de recoger una visión general con un enfoque teórico, que haga referencia al campo a trabajar y su abstracción teórica. En la segunda parte se hará una exposición de las particularidades encontradas en campo, las contradicciones de los estudios anteriores con el acercamiento a campo, y el análisis de la particularidad local en donde se desarrolla el trabajo, todo lo anteriormente dicho con relación al espacio bifurcación de “zona roja”. En un último momento se intentara hacer unos acercamientos teóricos, que nos permita encontrar unas conclusiones, que integren lo local con lo regional, y este último con lo nacional, intentando colocar a dialogar estos contextos, mientras que para profundizar en el análisis, nos propondremos puntualizar sobre los interés geopolíticos y su relación con la creación de imaginario de “zona roja”.
Como primera medida, una característica exógena a Colombia, en la cual se denotaría el contexto regional a nivel Latino Americano en cuanto al papel de las ciencias sociales, y una endógena en cuanto al aporte desde científicos sociales Colombianos a unas nuevas epistemologías, en el cual estaría de manera directa relacionado la formación del sociólogo en Colombia, dado que la sociología no es solamente un corpus de postulados teóricos y metodológicos, si no que el sociólogo es quien la encarna en el ejercicio académico e investigativo del estudio de la realidad social; todo esto con el fin de darle respuesta a la cuestión del papel de la sociología en Colombia en el S. XXI, entre las ciencias sociales.
Los datos para este primer informe, fueron recolectados en San Vicente de Chucuri a través de la revisión de archivos y la recopilación de testimonios, centrándonos en las cuatro veradas más afectadas del municipio: La Esperanza, Los Medios, Cantarranas y Lizama.
Basados en datos arqueológicos y etnohistóricos trazamos una línea de influencia común en la zona limítrofe de los dos países, la cual está inscrita desde épocas aborígenes a la macro-región geopolítica del Lago de Maracaibo, cuya dinámica histórica y cultural ha integrado vastos territorios de ambos países. Así, las evidencias arqueológicas y etnohistóricas las hemos sometido a una mirada científica de carácter transdisciplinar2, buscando abordar la dinámica histórico-cultural desde la valoración de las particularidades regionales, en el marco del desarrollo macro regional y frente a la realidad social y los desafíos de integración fronteriza. En síntesis, en este artículo proponemos nuevas aproximaciones a la dinámica histórico-cultural que complementen las miradas tradicionales de tipo político y económico en el marco de la teoría del desarrollo regional y de manera complementaria trazar una mirada que permita comprender la integración fronteriza, marcada por la dinámica de las poblaciones, la cultura y la historia en común y que se engloba en este corredor tan importante y estratégico en la vida social de las dos naciones.
Se intenta mostrar que su cine encarna una búsqueda incansable, guiada por una sólida investigación sociológica e histórica. Al detallar la formación de personajes, ceremonias representadas, música y situación espacio-tiempo en la que transcurren sus films se reafirma que el cine permite la comprensión y re-interpretación de teorías sociológicas, históricas, antropológicas y económicas, y, más allá, del mundo que nos rodea.
Aspectos del lenguaje UTL (Usage Tracking Language) utilizado para el cálculo de indicadores que soportan la toma de decisiones durante la acción tutorial, son introducidos para dar a conocer los usos observados del escenario pedagógico descriptivo y su semántica, incluyendo la definición de las necesidades de monitorización y los medios requeridos para la adquisición de datos. La actividad de aprendizaje está centrada en la estrategia de resolución de problemas para desarrollar en los estudiantes casos de buenas prácticas en la programación orientada a objetos utilizando el lenguaje Java.