Papers by Tobiasz B E R N A R D Targosz
Perspectives on Culture , 2023
Contemporary Taiwanese Aboriginal Literature as a Tool for Expressing Cultural Identity Based on ... more Contemporary Taiwanese Aboriginal Literature as a Tool for Expressing Cultural Identity Based on the Example of Sakinu Ahronglong’s Work. The rise of Aboriginal literature in Taiwan is directly linked to the development of a movement demanding rights for indigenous peoples in the 1990s. Crucial to this were the rights to cultivate their cultural identity, to use their indigenous language, and to indigenous land and natural resources. In this article, through an anthropological analysis of Taiwanese Aboriginal literature, using the example of the short story collection „Boar, Flying Squirrel and Sakinu” by a writer from the Paiwan people, Sakinu Ahronglong, an attempt is made to present the contemporary situation of Taiwanese Aborigines and their struggle for respect for cultural rights, customs and ethnic identity.
This book focuses on the symbolic aspects of Burmese nationalism. The subject of the publication ... more This book focuses on the symbolic aspects of Burmese nationalism. The subject of the publication concentrates on the relationship between symbolic culture and politics on the example of political, social, religious, and cultural changes taking place in Burma in the period from 1885 to 2015. Such a long time range results from the desire to present radical changes in local culture and political and social life that took place over the hundred years separating these dates. It results from the fact that nation-building processes are always in line with the tradition of Braudel’s “long duration”. The presented analysis of changes in the years 1885–2015 is not a “trivial” and typical political history, described by Fernand Braudel as courtedurée. The conclusions result here from the awareness that only a two-sided analysis, both in the context of longe durée and courte durée, will make it possible to grasp the full picture of the issue under study.
The paper is an attempt at presenting some problems concerning current situation of the D’rung et... more The paper is an attempt at presenting some problems concerning current situation of the D’rung ethnic minority in the area of Dulongjiang in northwestern part of Yunnan province, China. The primary objective of the research was documentation of the current situation of D’rungs people. The results of the fieldwork became the pretext for the discussion of Chinese “internal colonialism”. D’rungs were recognized by the Chinese authorities as “primitive communist”which, with the help of Communist government should make smooth transition to the next stage, which was a modern Chinese communism. Unfortunately in the process, they fell into dependence on the Chinese government. The main markers of their identity: the practice of tattooing, language and beliefs are gradually disappearing. Noticeable is the lack of continuity in the transmission of knowledge, language and traditions.
Prace Etnograficzne, 2017
Th is paper is based on data collected during fi eld surveys conducted between 2014 and 2016 in B... more Th is paper is based on data collected during fi eld surveys conducted between 2014 and 2016 in Burma. Th e study was conducted in Yangon, the most cosmopolitan city in Burma, which is not only fi nancially but also the musical center of the country where youth culture thrives. Th e main research method was participant observation, supplemented with interviews and text analysis. In this paper I would like to explain how punk rock expresses and interprets Burmese identity situated within the broader context of a continuum of Burmese identities. I would also like to raise the question of an inter relationship between music, politics and identity, using the example of Yangon punk rock scene. I will also try to explain how expressive forms of art, in this case punk rock, are used to construct national cultures, bring political change and engage their fans to become politically active.
This paper is based on data collected during field surveys conducted between 2014 and 2016 in Bur... more This paper is based on data collected during field surveys conducted between 2014 and 2016 in Burma. The study was conducted in Yangon, the most cosmopolitan city in Burma, which is not only fi nancially but also the musical center of the country where youth culture thrives. Th e main research method was participant observation, supplemented with interviews and text analysis. In this paper I would like to explain how punk rock expresses and interprets Burmese identity situated within the broader context of a continuum of Burmese identities. I would also like to raise the question of an interrelationship between music, politics, and identity, using the example of Yangon punk rock scene. I will also try to explain how expressive forms of art, in this case punk rock, are used to construct national cultures, bring political change and engage their fans to become politically active.
Drafts by Tobiasz B E R N A R D Targosz
2008-2011 Master degree in Middle and Far East studies at the Jagiellonian University, with Chine... more 2008-2011 Master degree in Middle and Far East studies at the Jagiellonian University, with Chinese language, master's thesis written under the guidance of Professor. Leszek Korporowicz. Master degree thesis entitled Indochina and Indonesia 1945-1970, Nationalism and question of culture focused on the problems of creating modern independent nations in the region of Southeast Asia during the postwar period. One of its aims was to analyze the national rebirth, connected with revitalization of national culture, and its reinterpretation.
Papers by Tobiasz B E R N A R D Targosz
Drafts by Tobiasz B E R N A R D Targosz