Papers by Valentina Belfiore
Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, Jun 1, 2021
A quasi duecento anni dalla scoperta abbiamo voluto dedicare un incontro di studi al cippo di Per... more A quasi duecento anni dalla scoperta abbiamo voluto dedicare un incontro di studi al cippo di Perugia, uno dei più importanti documenti per la conoscenza della lingua e della cultura etrusca. Grazie alla pronta adesione della dott.ssa Luana Cenciaioli, già direttrice del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Perugia, e al patrocinio del Comune di Perugia, l’incontro ha potuto avere luogo a inizio 2019 nella bella cornice del museo che ospita il documento. Il cippo fu trovato tra San Marco e Ponte d..
Sacrifici cruenti e incruenti nei testi paralleli del Liber Linteus, 2016
Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, Jun 1, 2021
Tables Eugubines ombriennes et Livre de lin étrusque, 2019
Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale, 2015
Collection De La Maison De L Orient Mediterraneen Ancien Serie Philologique, 2011
Belfiore Valentina. Problemi di vocalismo etrusco arcaico. La geminazione di <ii>. ... more Belfiore Valentina. Problemi di vocalismo etrusco arcaico. La geminazione di <ii>. In: La variation linguistique dans les langues de l’Italie préromaine. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 2011. pp. 41-60. (Collection de la Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen ancien. Série philologique, 45
Rasenna: Journal of the Center for Etruscan …, 2012
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the CES Electronic Resources at Schola... more This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the CES Electronic Resources at ScholarWorks@ UMass Amherst. It has been accepted for inclusion in Rasenna: Journal of the Center for Etruscan Studies by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@ UMass ...
1. L’etude ici proposee se refere a des phenomenes de transmission de noms d’une langue a l’autre... more 1. L’etude ici proposee se refere a des phenomenes de transmission de noms d’une langue a l’autre. On traitera specifiquement de noms de probable origine etrusque passes en rhetique, envisages a travers un rendu graphique probablement motive par des raisons phonologiques. Cette recherche doit etre precedee de quelques remarques sur la…
Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde, 2020
The phenomenon of the funerary sculptures is certainly the most remarkable expression of the arch... more The phenomenon of the funerary sculptures is certainly the most remarkable expression of the archaic culture in the mid Adriatic context and it includes several funerary sculptures made of local limestone, dating between the 6 th and the 5 th centuries BC. 2. However, it must be clear that the use of monumental tombstones in form of simple baetyli, that is rough menhir used as semata (markers) of the most monumental tombs, is already attested in the cemetery of Scurcola Marsicana since the 7 th century BC 3. These funerary sculptures seem to be typical of the 'Mid-Adriatic' area, intending with this term the area of the modern regions known as Abruzzo, southern Marche and Molise, which were part of the 'paleo-Sabellian' cultural koine between the 6 th and the 5 th centuries BC. They were representing important local figures or chiefs, attesting a socially differentiated society of Archaic Abruzzo (Fig. 1); and they were not used only for a phenomenon of 'heroization', which is widely attested in Archaic Mediterranean contexts, especially in association with tumuli, but also for remarking role and status of the dead person. Another interesting and important element for these sculptures is the presence of inscriptions, which are among the most representative linguistic samples of this cultural context. 4 These sculptures can be organised into three different groups: the first two including stelai with sculptures in relief, i.e. tombstones bearing in relief part of the figure or the complete figure, and the third proper 'statues'. 5 The most ancient example of the first group comes from Guardiagrele (A in Fig. 1): it consists of an anthropomorphic stele with the face realized in a very low relief and wearing two orientalizing kardiophylakes, which are incised on the breast and on the back, joined with a belt with geometric
Etruscan Studies, 2012
The Liber Linteus Zagrebiensis is the most important document in the corpus of Etruscan texts. It... more The Liber Linteus Zagrebiensis is the most important document in the corpus of Etruscan texts. It is the only document that is not an inscription. Rather, it is a linen book written in black ink with diacritics and dividing lines in red. It is also the longest document in the Etruscan corpus, encompassing 230 lines of text arranged in 12 columns. The total number of word-forms is 1,200. The Liber Linteus (LL) was written in the 3 rd /2 nd century BCE, probably in northern Etruria, and was carried to Egypt by Etruscans whose exodus was precipitated by Rome's inexorable expansion northward into Etruria. 1 After the demise of the Etruscan community in Egypt (exactly when and where is unknown), the linen book fell out of use and into the hands of Egyptians who cut it into pieces lengthwise and used them to wrap the corpse of an Egyptian woman. 2 The mummy was acquired by Mihail Barić, an ex-functionary of the Royal Hungarian Chancellery, and shipped to Vienna in 1848-49. After Barić's death in 1859, his brother Ilija, who was executor of his will, had the corpse and linen bindings transferred to the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. Exactly when this happened is not clear, but it was between the years of 1860 and 1865. The curator of the museum at the time of the acquisition, M. Sabljar, recognized that the linen bindings had writing on them, but the discovery that the text was Etruscan was not made until Jakob Krall, the Austrian Egyptologist and Coptologist, studied the material in 1891-92. Krall thought that the LL described sacrificial rituals. Research in the first half of the 20 th century by scholars such as Karl Olsckha and Massimo Pallottino demonstrated that the text was a ritual calendar, organized by the dates on which ritual observances and sacrifices were to be performed for Etruscan divinities (flere neθunśl [columns VIII/IX], flere in crapśti [columns III/ IV], veive [column XI] and aiśer śic śeuc [columns I/II/V]). Given the Liber's status in the corpus, it is fitting that it continues to be the subject of intense scholarly study. 3 The most recent book length publication is 1 This is communis opinio. See Maggiani 2007 for a different view of the geographical origins of the text. 2 According to the website of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb ( departments/collections/the-egyptian-collection.aspx), evidence from a hieratic papyrus found with the woman's remains suggests that her name was Nesi-hensu. 3 For recent publications, see Meiser (2006) and van der Meer (2007).
Palaeohispánica, May 1, 2020
Etrusco Etruscan Riassunto: Il breve saggio sulla lingua etrusca intende fornire le linee essenzi... more Etrusco Etruscan Riassunto: Il breve saggio sulla lingua etrusca intende fornire le linee essenziali per ricostruire un quadro il più possibile aggiornato delle conoscenze acquisite sulla lingua etrusca, con riguardo alla storia degli studi e ai metodi interpretativi, ai corpora disponibili, alla quantità e tipologia delle attestazioni, ai caratteri fonetici, morfologici, tipologici e sintattici, al lessico, ai caratteri epigrafici, al sistema onomastico. Nell'ambito di questa sintesi sono inoltre evidenziati i limiti ancora esistenti per la comprensione dell' etrusco e le sfide da affrontare per il futuro.
Apres avoir presente et analyse de maniere critique l'œuvre de l'auteur belge K. Wylin (2... more Apres avoir presente et analyse de maniere critique l'œuvre de l'auteur belge K. Wylin (2000) sur le verbe etrusque, l'A. aborde quelques aspects problematiques du systeme verbal etrusque : •la definition de la fonction des formes en -e, •les formations en -va/enice, •les causatifs en -n(i)(c)e?; l'element -n(i)- et ses applications, •les suffixes participiaux en -as, -anas, -θas -anas; les imperatifs/participes nunθenθ et heχśθ, •les formes en -i-, •le necessitatif -ri et l'indoeuropeen
Alla luce delle piu recenti acquisizioni epigrafiche e linguistiche in materia di etrusco, il con... more Alla luce delle piu recenti acquisizioni epigrafiche e linguistiche in materia di etrusco, il contributo presenta alcune riflessioni sul contenuto del testo del cippo di Perugia, con particolare riguardo per l’impiego dei termini muni e *[s]cun- all’interno del corpus documentario etrusco. Dall’analisi condotta sembra che il rapporto fra le famiglie gentilizie dei Velθina e degli Afuna non sia paritario e che la definizione dei limiti di proprieta contemplati nel testo riguardi terreni di tipo particolare non necessariamente rientranti nell’ambito della proprieta privata.
Les Étrusques au temps du fascisme et du nazisme
Comment s’écrit l’autre ? Sources épigraphiques et papyrologiques dans le monde méditerranéen antique, 2020
L’écriture et l’espace de la mort. Épigraphie et nécropoles à l'époque préromaine, 2000
Etruscan Studies, 2016
The 2014 excavations carried out in 2014 at the protohistoric settlement of La Monédière, in Bess... more The 2014 excavations carried out in 2014 at the protohistoric settlement of La Monédière, in Bessan (Hérault, France), confirmed the unique status of this site during the sixth to fifth centuries B. C. E. The site is located near the Greek colony of Agathé (Agde), at the interface between colonial and indigenous areas. Inside the limits of the site’s habitation areas, excavations discovered a huge pit which has been interpreted as a
Archivio Glottologico Italiano, 2001
Résumé/Abstract Après avoir présenté et analysé de manière critique l'uvre de l&#x2... more Résumé/Abstract Après avoir présenté et analysé de manière critique l'uvre de l'auteur belge K. Wylin (2000) sur le verbe étrusque, l'A. aborde quelques aspects problématiques du système verbal étrusque: la définition de la fonction des formes en-e, les formations ...
Melanges De L Ecole Francaise De Rome Antiquite, Jun 15, 2012
Papers by Valentina Belfiore
(cap. 3).