Papers by Juan Carlos Martín
Tourism Economics, Oct 29, 2020
World Transport Research: Selected Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Transport ResearchWorld Conference on Transport Research Society, 1999

PLOS ONE, Jul 26, 2023
Impartiality in public services provision is an important dimension that explains the quality of ... more Impartiality in public services provision is an important dimension that explains the quality of government (QoG). The analysis of impartiality has boomed in recent years at different territorial levels, like countries or regions. The impartiality measures depend on several attributes that are aggregated using different methods. However, little attention has been given to the effects of negative wording attributes and the number of format answers, despite the efforts made by previous studies to build robust composite impartiality indices. This study corrects this existing gap partly using one of the most extensive surveys (the European Quality of Government Index 2021) that include attributes related to impartiality (six attributes and 129,991 citizens). The method will be based on a fuzzy clustering approach, the extended Apostle model and an ordinary binary probit model. The results show that the type of wording and the number of answer options affect impartiality. The analysis of the main differences observed is affected by some insightful covariates such as country, gender, being native, town size, occupation, and the perception of the economic situation.
In this paper we use discrete choice experiments to analyse service quality of public transport b... more In this paper we use discrete choice experiments to analyse service quality of public transport bus services in Gran Canaria (Spain). Discrete choice experiments are created to estimate travellers’ preferences and to obtain a measure of the global service quality. The modelling strategy considers the combination of two data sets, the analysis of the inertia effect as well as the correlation among responses of the same individual. Results suggest the existence of behavioural differences for urban and interurban passengers; especially in their perception of certain attributes as well as in the willingness to pay for improving the level of service
Revista De Economia Aplicada, 2008
The European liberalisation process introduced in the air industry has radically changed the cond... more The European liberalisation process introduced in the air industry has radically changed the conditions in which carriers operate in this market. The main objective of this paper is to study the cost structure of airlines, in order to evaluate how the liberalisation process has affected the productive efficiency of European carriers. By studying the existence of economies to scale or cost complementarities, we try to predict how airlines will respond to the new framework set by the European Commission.

Sustainability, Feb 18, 2022
State aid for airlines around the world has been a common practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, ... more State aid for airlines around the world has been a common practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, as the air transport was one of the sectors most heavily affected. This study analyzes 27 cases of state aid to EU airlines between 1 March 2020 and 30 September 2021 with a total amount of €31 billion. The information was obtained from the area of competition of the European Commission (EC), which is the entity responsible for final approval. Results indicate that the largest EU economies (Germany and France), as well as some Northern European countries, are supporting national airlines more extensively. Airlines with a weaker financial performance before the pandemic were more likely to receive state aid. Government involvement in the airline industry during the recent health crisis will have an important influence on the level playing field (LPF) for airlines. It is still unclear how this will evolve in the future, but it seems that some airlines now resemble the public flag companies of the past.

Administrative Sciences, Sep 5, 2020
Although hotels usually have clients from different nationalities, the research analyses the mult... more Although hotels usually have clients from different nationalities, the research analyses the multicultural effects on hotel customers' satisfaction is still scant. This paper aims to contribute to the realm of hotel management by providing interesting managerial insights into how different nationalities perceive hotel attributes differently using two hotels located in Saint Petersburg as a case study. To that end, a fuzzy hybrid method based on the technique of similarity to ideal solution (FTOPSIS) is proposed. The results are based on a sample of 447 guests and show that: (1) nationality influences the hotel guests' satisfaction; (2) customers are, in general, more elastic in three-star hotels than in four-star hotels; (3) welcome gifts in the room and in the bathroom are key attributes in the clients' satisfaction; and (4) Italian and Spanish guests are the least and the most satisfied customers, respectively. The study offers a number of important managerial insights to hotel managers and practitioners. The average figures obtained by general hotel satisfaction surveys usually hinder important peculiarities that need to be addressed when managers develop strategic satisfaction enhancement programmes. In particular, our results show that managers need to adapt the programmes to the differences observed by nationalities.
Wine Economics and Policy
The aim of this research is to aid winery managers in bundling a plethora of different service fe... more The aim of this research is to aid winery managers in bundling a plethora of different service features to meet the wine tourists’ expectations. A discrete choice model using best-worst scaling (BWS) data is estimated to obtain the relative importance of the attributes included in the analysis. Findings show that the most important aspects that make wineries attractive are: to offer wine tastings and “tour & visits”, to provide visitors with wine specialists/tour guides and, finally, to make the surrounding area and natural environment as pleasant as possible. Furthermore, the study highlights that wine tourists’ preferences are heterogeneous.

Quality & Quantity
The public and political debate about immigration now play a big role in all European elections, ... more The public and political debate about immigration now play a big role in all European elections, and there is a trend increasing an anti-immigrant sentiment that receives important media attention. This work, based on the European Social Survey (ESS) round 9 data for 27 European countries, contributes to such debate by introducing a new method in the field, a Fuzzy-Hybrid Approach (FHA), that complements other methodological methods that have been used to measure citizens’ attitudes towards immigrants. The novel approach in the field provides a synthetic indicator that measures openness towards immigrants (OTISI). Then, we analyse the relationship that exists between some specific sociodemographic variables and the new index. Results show that country, political orientation, age, religion, economic situation, gender, birthplace, employment, education, universalism, and conformity are key drivers that explain different attitudes towards immigrants. Our findings concur with other prev...

Many immigrants have risked their lives searching for a better future by crossing the Mediterrane... more Many immigrants have risked their lives searching for a better future by crossing the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Islands became the centre of another emerging humanitarian and human rights crisis at Europe’s frontier in 2020. The study aims to analyse whether attitudes towards immigrants are affected by territories close to these humanitarian crises. To this end, the study is based on previous studies using a Fuzzy-Hybrid TOPSIS method to analyse attitudes toward immigrants. The synthetic indicator will be built upon a set of eight indicators that proxy the ethnic, economic, cultural, and religious threats experienced by the citizens. The International Social Survey Program (ISSP) dataset for the year 2013 for six countries, namely Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, and Portugal, will be used. Results show that the attitude toward immigrants is affected by the territorial dimension as classified by the nomenclature of territorial units for stat...

The debate on national identity has been receiving more attention from academics, social planners... more The debate on national identity has been receiving more attention from academics, social planners, and the public in recent years. This study aims to analyse citizens’ different national identity typologies using data from the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) in two waves: 2003 and 2013. The study is based on 10 countries for which the dimensions of the national identity construct are first examined through multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA). Then, a fuzzy hybrid approach is used to obtain two synthetic indicators for each dimension of national identity, namely ethnic and civic orientations. Then, a fuzzy clustering analysis is used to extend the Classical Apostle Model, obtaining 16 different national identity categories that expand the four Apostle categories denominated as credentialists, post-nationalists, ethnic-oriented and civic-oriented. The study ends by applying the Binary Probit Model to analyse whether some socioeconomic characteristics can partly...

Applied Sciences
The study analyzes national identity using the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) databas... more The study analyzes national identity using the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) database for the waves of 2003 and 2013. First, the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MGCFA) are used to find the dimensions of the items included in the national identity module. Second, the civic and ethnic dimensions are analyzed through both a fuzzy clustering analysis and an extended apostle model to classify citizens’ national identity as the following: (1) post nationalists; (2) ethnic oriented; (3) civic-oriented; (4) credentialists. Third, the fuzzy eco-extended apostle model is applied to analyze 16 different national identity categories, for which the four pure mentioned categories are further studied. Fourth, the effects of some social characteristics, such as country-year, political orientation-year, and age-year, on the respective pure national Identity categories are studied using two distinct approaches, namely, contingency tables...

Hospitality industry is highly competitive and meeting customer needs and expectations is essenti... more Hospitality industry is highly competitive and meeting customer needs and expectations is essential today for consumer loyalty and business sustainability. This paper aims to develop an analytical framework to assist a sample of four complexes of tourist apartments in identifying and setting improvement priorities on their direct quality-based strategies. A synthetic service quality indicator adjusted by resources (SQIabr) through a weighted importance-satisfaction matrix has been created in order to analyze and rank the performance of each establishment. Data were obtained from 164 customer reviews for 47 service quality attributes and from two different segments: repeat and first-time tourists. Through segmentation, this study allows managers to identify differences between both user groups and implement more accurate planning and decision making strategies to enhance the quality of their services and, consequently, to improve their long-term success.

Regarding some regulation fields, such as optimal investments and pricing policies, marginal cost... more Regarding some regulation fields, such as optimal investments and pricing policies, marginal cost estimations for infrastructure intensive transport services is always a challenging effort in order to provide some basis for important areas of economic regulation. The lack of comparable data among airports is one of the causes which could explain the relative scarcity of this literature in the previous studies. In this paper, we estimate different specifications and methods, using mono and multi product translog specifications and a technical efficiency stochastic frontier. We also estimate long and short run cost functions, using a pooled database of financial data on 41 airports across Europe, North America, Asia and Australia for the period 1991-2005. We find significant economies of scale using Work Load Units (WLU) and Air Traffic Movements (ATM) as output measures. Additionally, we provide individual long and short run marginal costs estimates for each output measure, and for e...

Axioms, 2022
The study aims to analyze the determinants for being an immigrant in Cuenca (Ecuador). Our analys... more The study aims to analyze the determinants for being an immigrant in Cuenca (Ecuador). Our analysis is based on the answers given to a scale formed by 30 items included in a questionnaire administered to a representative sample of 369 immigrants. A fuzzy hybrid multi-criteria decision-making method, TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution), is used to analyze whether immigrants are more or less exigent regarding the items included in the scale to reside in Cuenca. Then, a fuzzy clustering method is applied to analyze the differences observed in the main determinants observed over a number of traits according to their similarities to three obtained profiles: (1) extreme exigent immigrants; (2) extreme unneedful immigrants; and (3) intermediate exigent immigrants. Results show that items such as access to internet and benefits for retirees were highly valued by some immigrants. In addition, the authors found that information channels, reasons for immi...

Sustainability, 2022
This paper aims to study passengers’ preference for High-Speed Railways (HSRs) and High-Speed Tra... more This paper aims to study passengers’ preference for High-Speed Railways (HSRs) and High-Speed Trains (HSTs) through a systematic literature review. The existing relevant literature was examined by using the Scopus application, and the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) method is applied to extract the topics of the selected documents. By comparing the contents of the relevant literature, the general overview of research in this field can be further understood, and the key factors that have been studied so far that affect passengers’ preference can be analyzed. As a green, safe, and sustainable transport mode, HSRs do not only play an essential role in serving passengers but could also be a novel option for freight transport as long as HSRs are able to adjust their technology to the requirements of the rapid growth of the modern logistics industry. The evaluation of passengers’ preference for HSRs/HSTs presents some gaps that need to be addressed in future studies: (1) the speed of th...
REGION, 2017
The aim of this paper is to analyse the regional tourist competitiveness performance in Spain. We... more The aim of this paper is to analyse the regional tourist competitiveness performance in Spain. We use the seven pillars of tourism from a very detailed and complete database compiled by the Spanish Government –MoniTUR 2010 as primary data. Thus, we calculate a DEA-MONITUR regional tourist competitiveness index in order to compare and rank the total 17 Spanish Autonomous Communities using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Our results show how this performance is very different among regions, and the position of each of the laggard Autonomous Communities should be analysed by their respective destination management organizations (DMOs) in order to envisage adequate corrective measures.

Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2021
The current refugees’ crisis is undermining the main government coalitions of many countries in t... more The current refugees’ crisis is undermining the main government coalitions of many countries in the European Union (EU), and tolerant attitudes and open admission policies toward immigrants seem to be part of the recent past history. The dilemma is gaining a lot of media attention as the public and political debate on migration is now playing an important role in all the European elections. Thus, the aim of this paper twofold. First, an analytical tool is developed to measure two synthetic indicators: (1) the citizens’ openness towards immigration for 23 countries—18 EU Countries, plus Iceland, Israel, Norway, Switzerland, and Russia—included in the 2016 European Social Survey; and (2) the citizens’ openness towards immigrants and refugees for 22 countries (same set without Hungary). And second, the effects of political orientation of citizens over the last synthetic indicator (immigrants and refugees) are studied. The approach of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) will be adopted here...
Papers by Juan Carlos Martín