Papers by Filiz Senkal Sezer

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 30, 2022
Geçmişten günümüze insan yaşamı üzerinde etkili salgın hastalıklar yaşanmıştır. 2019 yılı itibari... more Geçmişten günümüze insan yaşamı üzerinde etkili salgın hastalıklar yaşanmıştır. 2019 yılı itibariyle tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan Covid-19 küresel salgın koşulları insan hayatını ve dolayısıyla mimari mekânları doğrudan etkilemiştir. Sağlık hizmetlerinin yetersiz kalması ve toplumsal alanlardaki salgın koşulları nedeniyle yapı ihtiyaçları ya da mevcut yapılara ek çözümler gibi yeni mimari arayışlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Salgın dönemindeki gereksinimlere yönelik olarak acil durum yapıları geliştirilmiştir. Salgın, afet, savaş gibi zorlu durumlarda kullanımının mimari temeli 1960'lara dayanan pnömatik (şişme) taşıyıcı sistemlerin Covid-19 pandemisi acil durum yapıları olarak geliştirilmiş örnekleri bu dönemde yeniden gündeme gelmiştir. Bu sebeple çalışma kapsamında pnömatik sistemler ile geliştirilen projeler salgın koşullarında toplumsal alanda bir araya gelebilme amaçlı günlük yapılar ve sağlık hizmetlerinde ortaya çıkan ihtiyaca yönelik geliştirilen acil durum sağlık yapıları olarak iki grupta incelenmiştir.

This study has been designed to show the correlation between academic achievement and the concept... more This study has been designed to show the correlation between academic achievement and the concept of gender. The following were initially examined; - The relation between general academic achievement and gender, - The relation between achievement in architecture design classes and gender - The relation between gender and academic standing of students that pass architecture design classes in their first attempt or that repeat architecture design classes. In the sample there are 55 students that are enrolled to the Architecture Department of Uludag University. The design point average (DPA), which indicates the academic achievement of architecture students from architecture design classes, and the weighted grade point average (WGPA) of students were calculated via transcripts of students. The statistical information gathered has shown that general academic achievement varies by gender; however design point averages does not. It has been determined that there is a significant and negative correlation between general academic achievement and age. Another finding of this study is that the levels of academic achievement of students who pass their classes in the first time or who repeat their classes vary by their gender.
Bu calismada iliman iklim sartlarindaki binalarin ara kat kirisli dosemelerinin isil davranisi uz... more Bu calismada iliman iklim sartlarindaki binalarin ara kat kirisli dosemelerinin isil davranisi uzerinde isi yalitiminin yerinin etkisi arastirilmistir. Bu amacla kullanim halindeki binalar uzerinde gerceklestirilen gercek sartlar altindaki olcum degerleri esas alinmistir. Cift duvar arasi yalitimli tugla duvar+kiris ve disaridan yalitimli EPS katkili duvar+kiris’ten olusan kesitlerin ara kat dosemelerinin isil davranisi, 5 adimda kapsamli sekilde incelenmistir. Bu adimlar; yaklasik bir ay suren tum olcum suresi icindeki genel davranislar, kesit sicakliklarinin degisimi, ortam ve yuzeylerde olculen minimum, ortalama ve maksimum sicakliklarin degisimi, kiris seviyesinde iletilen isi akisi ve sonum oranlaridir. Elde edilen sonuclar dogrultusunda, bu iki farkli yalitim turune ait duvar kesitinin ara kat kirisli dosemelerin isil davranisi uzerindeki etkileri karsilastirilmistir

International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2018
The objective of this research paper is to investigate residents’ perception of indoor comfort co... more The objective of this research paper is to investigate residents’ perception of indoor comfort conditions and user satisfaction in the residences for middle-income groups, focusing on thermal, visual and acoustical comfort. For this purpose, a residential satisfaction survey was conducted to residents of 5 housing estates in Ataevler, Bursa, Turkey. The study consists of literature review, evaluation of user satisfaction survey, and discussion of the research findings focusing on improving indoor environment. The questionnaires were applied to residents and they were asked to express their perception of indoor comfort and their satisfaction level with comfort parameters in which they live in. The answers have statically been analyzed in terms of percentages through SPSS 13.0. The results obtained indicate that the main dissatisfaction factors related to comfort conditions of middle income groups in their housing estates were related to indoor-outdoor noise problems and inadequate da...

This paper focuses on the thermal performance assessment of building envelope systems based on he... more This paper focuses on the thermal performance assessment of building envelope systems based on heat loss and heat gain through external walls, skeleton structural frame, wall openings, roof and ground floor using a national energy calculation program. An inspection case of an educational building, the external envelope of which is analyzed in terms of energy efficiency and U-values of components, is presented. Findings of thermal comfort survey which were drawn from the users of studied building are also briefly explained. The study consists of four main parts: i) literature review ii) evaluation of user satisfaction survey, iii) thermal performance assessment of building envelope by an insulation calculator software, and iv) a discussion of a proposed model focusing on a thermally improved external envelope. The findings of this study consist of attempts to develop a more robust external envelope in terms of prevention of thermal bridges, sufficient and proper insulation applicatio...

Öz: Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı, kapalı yerleşmelerin sunduğu yaşam biçiminin etkisiyle popülerle... more Öz: Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı, kapalı yerleşmelerin sunduğu yaşam biçiminin etkisiyle popülerleşen yerleşimlerde, bu yaşam biçimini tercih eden kullanıcıların tercihlerini belirleyen kriterlerin önem sıralaması ve memnuniyet düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması aracılığıyla artan popülaritenin nedenselliğinin fiziksel ve sosyo-ekonomik boyutlarıyla açıklanmasıdır. Çalışma literatür taraması, kullanıcı memnuniyeti anketinin değerlendirilmesi ve araştırma bulgularının tartışılmasından oluşmaktadır. Yöntem: Kapalı yerleşmelerin sunduğu sosyal kimlik ve yaşam tarzının etkisiyle son yıllarda Bursa'da oldukça popülerleşen, talep ve arzın yoğun olduğu Balat semtinde kullanıcıların tercihini ve memnuniyetini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla, altı kapalı yerleşmenin kullanıcılarıyla anket çalışması yürütülmüştür. Değerlendirme kullanıcı niteliklerinin yanısıra, konut nitelikleri, konut sitesine ve semte ait nitelikler bağlamında gerçekleştirilmektedir. Memnuniyet düzeylerine ve önem derecesine ilişkin elde edilen verilerin karşılaştırılması amacıyla, kullanıcı cevaplarına göre konut siteleri 5'li Likert ölçeğine göre puanlandırılmıştır. Bulgular: Konut tercihinde öncelik deprem güvenliğinin olması, konut sitelerinin tercih edilmesindeki öncelik ise sitenin güvenli olması, kullanıcıların kendilerini güvende hissetmesidir. Anket verileri bu faktörlerden memnuniyet düzeyinin de yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir. Tercih sırasında önemli olmamasına rağmen, kullanıcıların sosyal statü açısından benzer ailelerle birlikte yaşamaktan çok memnun olduğu görülmüştür. Balat'ın tercih edilmesinde en önemli faktör olan ulaşım ağına erişebilirlik ve ağın kullanışlılığına ilişkin memnuniyet düzeyinin çok düşük olduğu görülmektedir. Bunun yanısıra trafik tüm semt için rahatsızlık kaynağıdır. Sosyal çevreye ilişkin olarak semtin tercih edilmesi aşamasında orta derecedeki önemine rağmen, semtin elit olmasından ve yaşanan sitenin Balat'ta yer almasından memnuniyetin çok yüksek olduğu görülmektedir. Sonuç: Zaman içerisinde tercihleri etkileyen kriterlerden memnuniyet düşük olabilmekte, ancak tercih sırasında öncelik taşımayan birtakım faktörler yaşantı sırasında kullanıcıları çok memnun edebilmektedir. Araştırma sonuçları gündelik yaşantıyı olumsuz etkileyerek memnuniyetsizliği doğuran sorunların geri planda kaldığını, belirli bir sosyal statü grubuna ait bireyler olmak ve bu niteliklerdeki diğer bireylerle birlikte ayrıcalıklı bir yaşam biçimi sürdürmek ile ilişkili olarak Balat'ın kullanıcı tercihlerini etkilediğini ve popüler bir semt haline geldiğini ortaya koymaktadır.

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2019
This study aimed to correlate happiness with housing, housing area and neighborhood satisfaction ... more This study aimed to correlate happiness with housing, housing area and neighborhood satisfaction based on the results of different studies that have shown that satisfaction with housing and the neighborhood affects residents' perceptions of happiness. Unlike the related researches in the literature, this study controls for the negative consequences arising from financial concerns in its examination of the effect of housing, housing area and neighborhood satisfaction on happiness. The Balat neighborhood in Bursa, Turkey, which is popular with high-income residents, was selected for this study considering these issues. The participants were asked to indicate the importance they attribute to and their satisfaction levels with their housing estates, residences and neighborhood. Data were collected from 217 residents of 6 sites in the neighborhood who were selected using stratified sampling. Reliability analysis, frequency distributions, descriptive statistics and Chaid analysis were used to evaluate the data. The analysis found that the variable that most affected perceptions of happiness was housing estate satisfaction. According to the results obtained from the second stage of the analysis, satisfaction with the residence increased satisfaction with the housing estate, and therefore positively affected happiness. The third stage of the analysis indicated that the importance of the properties of the residential area on the housing site affected satisfaction with housing. This study discusses its results, the factors that determine housing and housing estate satisfaction and the relationship of the properties of the residential area with the happiness of residents.

Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014
Bu çalışmada, ılıman iklim şartlarındaki binaların ara kat kirişli döşemelerinin ısıl davranışı ü... more Bu çalışmada, ılıman iklim şartlarındaki binaların ara kat kirişli döşemelerinin ısıl davranışı üzerinde duvar malzemesi ve yalıtımın etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla kullanım halindeki binalar üzerinde gerçekleştirilen gerçek şartlar altındaki ölçüm değerleri esas alınmıştır. Değerlendirme amacıyla 5 farklı duvar kesiti seçilmiştir. Yalıtımsız tuğla duvar + kiriş, yalıtımsız gaz beton duvar + kiriş, yalıtımsız hafif tuğla duvar + kiriş, çift duvar arası yalıtımlı tuğla duvar + kiriş ve dışarıdan yalıtımlı EPS Katkılı beton blok duvar + kirişten oluşan kesitlerin ısıl davranışı, 5 adımda kapsamlı şekilde incelenmiştir. Bu adımlar; tüm ölçüm süresi içindeki genel davranışlar, tüm ölçümlerde duvar ve kiriş sıcaklıkları arasındaki farklar, kesit sıcaklıklarının değişimi, ortam ve yüzeylerde ölçülen minimum, ortalama ve maksimum sıcaklıkların değişimi, kiriş seviyesinde iletilen ısı akısıdır. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, bu 5 farklı duvar kesitinin ara kat kirişli döşemelerin ısıl davranışı üzerindeki etkileri karşılaştırılmıştır.

Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
Sağlık yapıları, bir toplumun sağlığına katkıda bulunmak amacıyla tasarlanmış olan ve bu anlamda ... more Sağlık yapıları, bir toplumun sağlığına katkıda bulunmak amacıyla tasarlanmış olan ve bu anlamda gereken teşhis ve tedavi ünitelerini içinde barındıran kuruluşlardır. Bu kuruluşların ilk basamağını ise aile sağlığı merkezleri, bilinen diğer adıyla sağlık ocakları oluşturmaktadır. Günümüzde halkın kullanımına sunulan aile sağlığı merkezi binaları belli ölçülerde iklimsel, işitsel ve görsel konfor koşullarını sağlamaktadırlar. Ancak sağlanan koşullar kullanıcıları her zaman memnun etmemekte ve birtakım sorunları dile getirmelerine sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada aile sağlığı merkezlerindeki iç mekân sıcaklığı, ısıl konfor, iç hava kalitesi, doğal havalandırma ve doğal aydınlatma durumu ile ilgili iç mekân konfor koşullarının kullanıcı görüşleri doğrultusunda değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Anket çalışması için seçilen bölge; Türkiye"nin 4. büyük ili olan Bursa"nın Nilüfer İlçesi"dir. Nilüfer İlçesi"nde toplam 26 adet aile sağlığı merkezi içerisinden en yoğun kullanılan 10 adedi seçilerek, her merkezde 100 kişi olmak üzere tamamı hizmet alan kullanıcılardan oluşan 1000 kişi ile görüşülmüştür. Kullanıcılara 14 adet soru yöneltilmiştir. İç mekân sıcaklığı, ısıl konfor, doğal aydınlatma, iç hava kalitesi ve doğal havalandırma konularının ele alındığı sorulardan elde edilen veriler Çizelgelere dökülerek değerlendirilmiştir. İç mekân kalitesi binaların mimari tasarım prensipleriyle yakından ilişkilidir. Bunun sağlanabilmesi için yapının yaşam döngüsünde yer alan tüm aşamalarda (planlama/tasarım, yapım, kullanım) rol alan aktörlerin gereken bilince sahip olmaları sağlanmalıdır.

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2017
The objective of the present study is to determine the burnout levels of architects working in ar... more The objective of the present study is to determine the burnout levels of architects working in architectural firms and to identify whether their burnout levels differentiated based on certain demographic variables. The population of the study included 1250 architects registered with Chamber of Architects in Bursa province. Sample of the study included 150 volunteer architects that work at architectural firms in Bursa and accessed with e-mail. Personal Information Form and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) Form were used as data collection tools in the study. Data analysis was conducted with log linear analysis, which is commonly used for multivariate categorical data analysis. It was determined that the architects had intermediate level of burnout. Correlation between the burnout levels of the architects and factors such as gender, age, education level, marital status, willingness in choice of profession, hours spent at the office, number of architects working at the same office, total weekly work hours, average annual income was analyzed. Statistical data analysis demonstrated that females and architects who stated that their choice of profession was not voluntary had higher levels of burnout.

Öz: Neoliberal ekonomi ile hız kazanan özelleştirme süreci kentsel mekanın yönetimi üzerinde etki... more Öz: Neoliberal ekonomi ile hız kazanan özelleştirme süreci kentsel mekanın yönetimi üzerinde etkili olmuş ve özellikle kamusal mekanlar metalaştırılmıştır. Bu durum kamusal mekanlar içerisinde kentlerin yeşil dokusunu oluşturan parkların sahipliğinin el değiştirmesine ve yönetim şeklinin değişmesine neden olmuştur. Kamusal mekana yapılan müdahaleler ve yönetim şeklinin değişmesi literatürde oldukça tartışılmış ve çeşitli gerekçeler ile bu sürece destek veren veya eleştiren araştırmacılar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kamusal mekanın özelleştirilmesi konusunda en fazla öne çıkan ve tartışılan örnek olan Bryant Park-New York örneğinin özelleştirme sürecini ortaya koymak ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin en eski kamusal mekanlarından olan Maçka Demokrasi Parkı'nın özelleştirme süreci ile karşılaştırmaktır. Böylece, kamusal mekanlardaki özelleştirme sürecinin gelecek yıllardaki mekânsal etkilerinin öngörülmesi hedeflenmektedir.

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, 2016
In this study, physical space quality of two different engineering department buildings in Uludag... more In this study, physical space quality of two different engineering department buildings in Uludag University Gorukle Campus, Bursa, Turkey are analyzed in regard to user evaluations about the physical space quality. In the analysis of these evaluations, criteria about physical space quality are predetermined by the authors. In the method of the study, the below phases are implemented. In first, the literature review about the physical space quality is done and then a questionnaire is prepared with regard to the key themes in literature review in order to evaluate the user satisfaction. The key themes in user satisfaction questionnaire is accessibility, ergonomics, thermal comfort, audible comfort, visual comfort, inner space air quality, service spaces, socialization. The aim of this study is first to understand which criteria are important for the students and then to improve the physical space quality in regard to the dissatisfaction.

Custom duty is a kind of tariff arising from the movement of commercial commodities subject to cu... more Custom duty is a kind of tariff arising from the movement of commercial commodities subject to customs which is based on those commodities'quantity and value. It is are a kind of tariff that is a foreign trade and economic policy instrument in addition to its economic, social and fiscal functions. Since they are not collected on regular basis like income tax and corporate tax, as an indirect tariff on expenditures, custom duties are collected only once when commodities subject to foreign trade arrive at the custom. According to the second item of tax procedural law, custom duties are excluded from this law. Therefore, procedures and practises of custom duties are regulated by customs law numbered 4458. Through this law, a systematization has been created beginning with commodities subject to international trade entering customs territories of Turkey and continuing with operation sequence. Like all other taxes, compalsive levels such as assessment, accrual and collecting are regulated by General Directorate of Customs as a part of Customs and Economy Ministry according to Customs Law. Resolution process of disputes over customs duties has a different form from the process of other taxes. Customs duty disputes have to be resolved administratively in the first place. However, in the case of disputes not being solved administratively, legal action can be taken.

European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2017
Dormitories are buildings that continuously provide accommodation to students. Many university st... more Dormitories are buildings that continuously provide accommodation to students. Many university students in Turkey prefer to stay in private or state dormitories. The purpose of this study is to understand the criteria that are seen important by students, who stay in dormitories, and to assist the fulfilment of necessary performance specifications of buildings. Another goal is to assist the development of design criteria for new buildings by collecting user opinions related to issues that create dissatisfaction. A hypothesis was developed believing that improvement of structural comfort conditions in dormitories would increase the efficiency of students. In the scope of this study a questionnaire was prepared and used to understand user satisfaction levels related to comfort in three state dormitories located in Uludag University Gorukle Campus in the city of Bursa, which is the 4th largest city in Turkey.
Journal of Green Building, 2024

Structural Concrete, 2024
It was understood that various studies were carried out on the strength, permeability, durabilit... more It was understood that various studies were carried out on the strength, permeability, durability, increasing the thermal performance of lightweight concretefacade panels, and sustainable and energy-efficient concepts. It was observed that fiber was added to the mixture to improve the properties in question. However, it was determined that contradictory results were obtained due to the large number of active parameters and whether the fiber was distributed homogeneously in the matrix. In this study, the effects of fiber type, length and usage rate on the strength, energy absorption capacity, elasticity modulus, water absorption, and thermal performance of lightweight concrete mixtures were investigated. For this purpose, three different types of fibers of different lengths: polypropylene (3, 6, and 12 mm), glass (13 and 25 mm) and polyamide (6 and 12 mm) were used at 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, and 0.75% of the total volume. It was determined that the mixture containing 0.25% polypropylene fiber with a length of 3 mm exhibited the best performance in terms of both mechanical and thermal properties. In terms of these features, it was understood that the mixtures with 12 mm polypropylene with a usage rate of 0.75% and 6 mm polyamide fibers with a usage rate of 0.50% had the weakest performance.
Papers by Filiz Senkal Sezer
(Building Information Modeling) and sunlight analysis in architectural projects. In this
study, selected building examples from around the world and Turkey were examined,
revealing the advantages of using BIM systems and sunlight analysis together. First, BIM modeling's ability to provide detailed and accurate information flow and to identify and solve potential design process issues in advance is evaluated. It is discussed how the positioning and design of structures can be improved by integrating sunlight analysis into BIM models. Sunlight analysis has been observed to play a critical role in reducing the energy consumption of buildings and increasing user comfort. Its integration into the BIM process also facilitates the achievement of sustainability goals during the design phase. These analyses, especially in the early design stages, make it possible to create buildings with high energy efficiency and reduced environmental impacts. In the conclusion part of the study, it is revealed that the integrated use of BIM modeling and sunlight analysis is an important tool in increasing the quality and comfort conditions of architectural projects by providing energy efficiency. It is concluded that this integration should become more widespread in the future and should be adopted as a standard practice.
mixtures, the cement content and slump value were kept constant at 300 kg/m3
and 40±20 mm, respectively. The fresh unit weights and 7,28 day compressive strengths of the prepared mixtures were determined. An increase in the substitution ratio of perlite and pumice aggregates led to a significant decrease in the unit weight values of the mixtures. For mixtures with %100 perlite and pumice substitution, decreases of 52% and 38% were observed in unit weight values, respectively. Regardless of aggregate type, an increase in aggregate substitution and substitution ratio resulted in a reduction in compressive strength of the mixtures. In this context, the lowest compressive strength was found in the mixture containing 100% perlite. In terms of compressive strength and unit weight, it was determined that the optimal mixture was the one with 50% pumice substitution.
cevapların analizinde betimsel analiz ve içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Birbiriyle ilişkili sorularbiraraya getirilerek konfor ihtiyacını belirleyecek temalar oluşturulmuştur. Bu temalar kapsamındaverilen cevaplar kod olarak belirlenmiş ve bu kodlar şekiller halinde sunulmuştur. Daha sonar öğrenciyurtlarındaki mevcut konfor koşulları ve ihtiyaç duyulan konfor gereksinimleri, oluşturulan şekillerdeki veriler baz alınarak yorumlanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda Z kuşağı öğrencilerinin barındıkları yurtların konfor koşullarına ilişkin ihtiyaçları ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Öncelikli olarak kişisel mahremiyeti sağlayacak özel alan ihtiyacı, işitsel konfor, çalışma alanlarına ilişkin ergonomic ve görsel ihtiyaçlar, sosyal alan eksikliğinin öne çıktığı görülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonunda öğrenci yurtlarında sağlanması gereken konfor koşulları hakkında önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
from 37 different universities of the Faculty of Architecture and Design carried out 'Responsible Transparent Space Architecture' Online Workshop is deal with as an example. In this activity, which was held between 13 May and 20 June 2020 and worked in 6 main groups, it was aimed to evaluate the effect of participating in the workshop individually or as a team with a questionnaire applied to the participants on a subgroup of 48 people.The findings and obtained from the results of the questionnaire, in which teamwork's contribution to education, its effect on success, advantages and disadvantages are revealed, are included in this study. As a result of the workshop & competition held with approximately 80% team participation, the
role of team participation in the continuity of the process and the success of the final product was discussed. Issues such as communication tools used in team communication and the intensity of their use and the effect of individual and team participation on time management were also discussed. In line with the results obtained; While teamwork positively affected students' learning processes, it was
observed that it increased the motivation of the participants and the division of labor enabled them to use their time more efficiently. It has been concluded that all awarded projects in this group participate as a team and that strong communication within the team at the stage of idea, design and presentation plays an important role in the success of the final product.
Purpose/hypothesis (thesis or statement of problem): The purpose of this research is to determine the expectations of users in terms of user satisfaction from comfort conditions in office buildings with green building certificates and to understand the extent to which these expectations are met. Hypothesis for this study were created due to the lack of a criterion related to users in green building certification systems.
Procedures/Data/Observations: For this research, an online survey form was prepared for the occupants of office buildings which have green building certificate. Surveys were conducted to the occupants of three certificated office buildings. This survey consisting of seven modules includes comfort conditions, user satisfaction and substances for sick building syndrome. These modules, thermal comfort, air quality, visual comfort, acoustical comfort and ergonomics. In addition to these modules, there are also questions about occupant health. A general evaluation was made with interpreting the survey data together with the sub-parameters.
Conclusions/Applications: Based on the evaluation, although users are not satisfied with the auditory comfort conditions, it is determined that the users don't need this comfort condition for increasing the work efficiency. When it’s evaluated from the point of ergonomic requirements, it was concluded that the office workstation equipment were not ergonomic for the users but even so, the musculoskeletal system symptoms were not observed. As a result, it was determined that the satisfaction levels of the occupants in these certificated office buildings were below the ASHRAE standards.
Purpose/hypothesis: The aim of this study is to investigate the visual comfort conditions, daylight performance, the amount of annual lighting energy consumption per square meter and the annual cost of lighting energy in a recently built, B class energy certificated gated community in Bursa, through selected apartment blocks and sample flats’ daylit rooms that face cardinal directions and have different external obstructions and angle of visible sky.
Procedures/Data/Observations: To evaluate visual comfort, lighting energy consumption and cost in reference buildings with certain conditions of facade orientation, obstruction angles, window and room properties and occupancy schedule; daylight, artificial lighting and lighting energy simulations were ran for interiors of residential units by DIALux 8.0 and DesignBuilder 6.1 simulation programs.
Conclusions/Applications: Even though the investigated apartment blocks face opposite directions, the results of the simulations show that the differences in daylight levels, annual lighting energy consumption and lighting energy costs in block scale are lower than expected due to architectural design parameters; depth of the rooms, the size and shading effect of the terraces adjacent to the most commonly used spaces of flats.
This article focuses on the assessment of the annual heating energy requirement based onthe building envelope and the heat loss from external walls, building systems, wall openings,ground floor and roof, considering the TS 825 Thermal Insulation regulation. The aim of this
study is to examine a higher education building which is analyzed in terms of energy efficiency and U values of the building envelope. The study consists of three main sections: i) literature review; ii) evaluation of the annual heating energy requirement of the building; and iii) evaluation of suggested insulation materials on building envelope. The findings of this research consist of attempts to form a stronger building envelope for prevention of thermal bridges, and to ensure adequate and relevant insulation applications and improved protection against environmental factors are created. The calculation results show that it is possible to
reduce the high annual heating energy requirement of the structure by adding insulation to the building envelope. Energy saving and efficient use of energy in buildings is important. Thermal insulation applications in buildings are important for minimizing heating and cooling costs and providing thermal comfort conditions. Thermal insulation of buildings improves life standards for users and provides more livable and suitable living environments.
The passengers’ subjective evaluations are divided into 3 key themes. “Design and Planning, Building Materials and Service Areas” have been chosen as survey research objectives. Passengers’ responses regarding perceptibility of entrance-exits; safety and accessibility in terms of riser height, staircase railing height, step and stairway width, elevator and escalator use; and ergonomics by means of seats and floor covering materials are reviewed since these parameters are one of the most important inputs of interior environment, and influence the passengers’ sense of comfort level and physical space quality. Finally, a service area demand evaluation, as a supplementary measure, was conducted to discover what is primarily required by the users in these light railway stations. The results of this paper are believed to assist the design of future stations as well as the improvements for the existing stations addressing user satisfaction and comfort parameters for light railway stations.
building comfort in light railway station buildings, focusing on thermal comfort, acousticalcomfort, visual comfort and air quality. The study consists of three main parts: literature review, evaluation of user satisfaction survey, and discussion of the research findings. Method: Auser’s satisfaction survey was conducted for light railway station buildings that people use most intensively which are Uludag University, Acemler, Osmangazi, Sehrekustu, Arabayatagi, Emek light railway stations in Bursa. The questionnaires were applied to users, subjecting building comfort parameters of the light railway station buildings. The answers have statistically analyzed in terms of percentages. Results: In the research findings part, investigated comfort parameters of the survey are presented in tables. As a result of the survey on the evaluation of each comfort, most respondents answered that they were dissatisfied with the thermal comfort conditions but were satisfied with acoustic and visual comfort conditions and also ambient air quality. Conclusion: The research findings of the interaction between the environment and passengers can be transferred into the design process of light railway station buildings considering thermal, visual, acoustical parameters required for users’ well-being and comfort.