Gabriele Boccaccini
Gabriele Boccaccini is a specialist in Second Temple Judaism. He is the founding director of the Enoch Seminar - an international group that organizes meetings and seminars on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins. The website is developing as an online Journal, including book reviews and news from the field. The papers of all the Seminars are available by subscription ($30-$50 a year).
Lately, Boccaccini launched "4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins" which has already attracted more than 110,000 visitors and is still growing.
Next events:
- The Seventh Enoch Seminar (Camaldoli, Italy, July 21-26, 2013) on "Enochic Influences on the Synoptics" (Chair: Loren Stuckenbruck)
- The Fifth Enoch Graduate Seminar (Montreal, Canada, May 2014) - for graduate students and post-docs (Chairs: Lorenzo DiTommaso and Gebern Oegema)
- The 2014 Nangeroni Meetings on "Paul the Jew," and "Ascetism in Early Islamic, Jewish and Christian Traditions" (June 2014)
Participation is by invitation only. Please, contact Gabriele Boccaccini if you are interested in joining any of these events.
Lately, Boccaccini launched "4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins" which has already attracted more than 110,000 visitors and is still growing.
Next events:
- The Seventh Enoch Seminar (Camaldoli, Italy, July 21-26, 2013) on "Enochic Influences on the Synoptics" (Chair: Loren Stuckenbruck)
- The Fifth Enoch Graduate Seminar (Montreal, Canada, May 2014) - for graduate students and post-docs (Chairs: Lorenzo DiTommaso and Gebern Oegema)
- The 2014 Nangeroni Meetings on "Paul the Jew," and "Ascetism in Early Islamic, Jewish and Christian Traditions" (June 2014)
Participation is by invitation only. Please, contact Gabriele Boccaccini if you are interested in joining any of these events.
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InterestsView All (12)
Papers by Gabriele Boccaccini
Edited by Carlos A. Segovia and Gabriele Boccaccini
Associate Editor: Cameron James Doody
General Preface – Carlos A. Segovia
1. Introduction. The Three Ways of Salvation of Paul Jew – Gabriele Boccaccini, and Albert I. Baumgarten, and Daniel Boyarin
2. Paul and Scripture / Paul in Scripture
• Who Is the Righteous Remnant in Romans 9-11? The Concept of Remnant in the Hebrew Bible, Early Jewish Literature, and Paul's Letter to the Romans – Shayna Sheinfeld
• The Historical Paul and the Paul of Acts: Who's More Jewish? – Isaac W. Oliver
3. Paul and Second-Temple Apocalypticism
• Paul, the Jewish Apocalypses, and Apocalyptic Eschatology – James H. Charlesworth
• Jesus' Messianic Status in Pauline Christology – Larry W. Hurtado
• Heavenly Mysteries and Otherworldly Journeys: 1 and 2 Corinthians in the Context of Jewish Apocalypticism – Matthew Goff
4. Paul and Gentile Inclusiveness
• Gentiles as a Cultic Category in Paul – Pamela Eisenbaum
• Paul and the Food Laws: A Reassessment of Romans 14:13-23 – David Rudolph
• The Pauline Ekklesiai and Images of Community in the Enochic Tradition in Bi-cultural Perspective – Kathy Ehrensperger
6. Paul between Empire and Jewish Identity
• Engendering Judaism: Paul, Baptism, and Circumcision – Joshua Garroway
• Paul's Jewish Identity in the Roman World: Beyond the Conflict Model – Jeremy Punt
7. Paul beyond Judaism?
• Paul the Jew Was also Paul the Hellenist – Anders Klostergaard Petersen
• Paul, Anti-Semitism, and Early-Christian Identity Making – William B. Campbell
• Discussing/Subverting Paul: Polemical Rereadings and Competing Supersessionist Misreadings of Pauline Inclusivism in Late Antiquity – A Case Study on the Apocalypse of Abraham, Justin Martyr, and the Qur'an – Carlos A. Segovia
We are happy to announce, on behalf of the board of directors of the Early Islamic Studies Seminar: International Scholarship on the Qur’ān and Islamic Origins, our first biennial Nangeroni Meeting, “Early Islam: The Sectarian Milieu of Late Antiquity?,” which shall take place in Milan from June 15 to 19, 2015, under the auspices of the Enoch Seminar: International Scholarship on Second Temple Judaism, Christian, Rabbinic, and Islamic Origins.
The meeting will be chaired by Guillaume Dye (Free University of Brussels [ULB]) and Gabriele Boccaccini (University of Michigan) and aims at re-examining afresh formative Islam in its the late-antique context.
We plan to have panels (major sessions) on the following topics:
(1) Early Islam and Enochic Traditions
(2) Early Islamic Eschatology
(3) Early Islamic Sources in Light of a “Theology of Salvation"
(4) The Making of the Islamic Prophet
(5) Epigraphic Sources for the Study of Qur'ānic Origins
(6) The Qur'ān in Light of Traditio-Historical Criticism
(7) Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins
Major papers will be offered by Annette Yoshiko Reed,Tommaso Tesei, Emilio González Ferrín, Carlos A. Segovia, Manfred Kropp, Guillaume Dye and Stephen J. Shoemaker.
Short papers on Qur'ānic and Early Islamic Studies are welcome, particularly if they are related to any of the following topics of interest, to which we plan to devote several reading sessions and short-paper sessions, as well:
• Dating Old Qur'ānic Manuscripts: Problems, Methods, Criteria
• The Religious Landscape of Sassanid and Early Islamic Iran (500-750)
• Scribal Culture in the Near East (6th-8th centuries)
• Biblical/Para-Biblical Traditions in the Qur’ān
• The material Culture of Emergent Islam
• Arabia and Byzantium on the Eve of Islam
• Jews, Christians, Manichaeans and their Scriptures in Pre-Islamic Arabia
As usual with the Enoch Seminars and Nangeroni Meetings, the pre-circulating papers shall be presented briefly (5 min.) before being discussed by the participants (respondents in the major sessions will be allowed 10 min. to respond before the general discussion begins).
Paper Submission: short papers (3000 words maximum) should be submitted by April 30, 2015. This will allow other participants enough time to prepare their critical comments.
Proceedings: A volume will be published with the proceedings of the conference, which overall purpose is to contribute to the renewed study of Islamic origins in close dialogue with scholars working on the late-antique Near East, Second Temple Judaism, Rabbinic Judaism, early Christianity, and Sassanian Iran.
Should you like to present a short paper, please send the chair of the conference, Guillaume Dye (, a provisional title plus a brief abstract by January 2015!
We have secured the lovely Villa Cagnola ( in Gazzada Schianno (about 45 kilometres [28 miles] northwest of Milan) for our accommodations. Four nights lodging and all breakfasts and lunches are included in the cost, paid directly to us in Milan via cash according to the following ratio:
€0 – Authors of Major Papers
€200 – Major Paper Respondents
€300 – Everyone else
€200 – Guests (children under 14, staying in the same room, are free)
As usual, there is also a modest registration fee that should be paid by February 15, 2015. This registration fee is a donation to our sponsor, the Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies, and it is tax-deductible for U.S. residents. It is refundable (minus a $50 administrative processing fee) 30 days prior to the start of the Seminar (i.e. by May 15, 2014) if for some reason you are unable to attend.
The registration fee is based on the number of Enoch Seminars/Nangeroni Meetings attended in the past:
$125 – Newcomers
$110 – Attended 1 Enoch Seminar
$100 – Attended 2 Enoch Seminars
$90 – Attended 3 Enoch Seminars
$75 – Attended 4 or 5 Enoch Seminars + all emeriti
$0 – Attended 6 or more Enoch Seminars or Nangeroni Meetings
More information on the provisional schedule and the list of prospective participants can be easily found here:,_conference
(Please check this site often for news and updates!)
Best regards,
Guillaume Dye & Carlos A. Segovia