Universidad La Salle, Facultad de Derecho, Jul 1, 2020
Prolegómenos. Derechos y Valores (Colombia) Num.16 Vol.VIII, Dec 15, 2014
Prolegómenos. Derechos y Valores (Colombia) Num.21 Vol.XI, Dec 15, 2014
During the government of General Francisco de Paula Santander, Nueva Granada commits itself to an... more During the government of General Francisco de Paula Santander, Nueva Granada commits itself to an important national economic development effort, linked to a liberal regime that explicitly sought the expansion of the nation's productive base and commercial development fundamentally by means of exports. This economic project contrasts with the state of poverty of a rural economy based mainly on slave labor, an incipient coffee, cacao, cotton and indigo trade, and a meager artisan manufacturing. As a result the economic insertion of New Granada to the international market during this period was prone to frequent setbacks. Administration of the referred economic project by the State faced uncontrolled public corruption, which led to the progressive erosion of public finance. This circumstance was detrimental for goals related with improvement of social, cultural, educational and overall welfare conditions.
Verba luris
El artículo tiene como objetivo general describir las decisiones tutelares de los dos órganos que... more El artículo tiene como objetivo general describir las decisiones tutelares de los dos órganos que protegen los Derechos Humanos en el Sistema Interamericano. El resultado se consigue mediante el desarrollo de una investigación cualitativa, básica y jurídica, que utiliza el método analítico deduc- tivo e inductivo, y centra su análisis en la práctica internacional de la Comisión y Corte Interamericana, obteniendo que tanto el mecanismo cautelar como provisional se ha centrado en la protección a los indígenas de sus Derechos a la Vida, Integridad, Libertad, Propiedad y Libre Circulación, en su dimen- sión individual y colectiva; además, que la solicitud o adopción de medidas se caracterizan por ser generales, específicas o concertadas.
Después de la Independencia, la organización administrativa del Estado Colombiano fue rápida y su... more Después de la Independencia, la organización administrativa del Estado Colombiano fue rápida y su incursión en un modelo internacional de corte liberal y capitalista fue inmediata; sin embargo, la escisión del Estado colonial no fue radical en razón a que sobrevivieron algunos elementos del caduco sistema monárquico. En consecuencia, el enfrentamiento entre lo moderno y lo decadente se impuso ante una posible concertación ideológica que diera norte al proceso, para dar paso a quienes se resistían a perder los beneficios heredados del antiguo régimen. Así las cosas, en la defensa de estos beneficios, surge la corrupción administrativa en los tempranos años de vida republicana.Despite the rapid organization of the Colombian state after the independence wars, the incorporation of Colombia into the international model of the nation state was practically immediate. Throughout the independence process, the rupture with the colonial state was not radical. On the contrary, many elements of ...
Revista de derecho político, 1993
... constitu-cionalista de 1965) en 1973, unido a la violenta represión ejercida por la Juventud ... more ... constitu-cionalista de 1965) en 1973, unido a la violenta represión ejercida por la Juventud Reformista Anticomunista (JRAD) o Banda ... y dirección del Estado, esta vez mediante la victoria electoral del sector que tradicio-nalmente había representado el ala izquierda del ...
The Colombian State is the result of a series of conceptions and foreign ideologies, brought to t... more The Colombian State is the result of a series of conceptions and foreign ideologies, brought to the constitutional mandate by the first statesmen, who as well, received originating formation of external models. The first republic in its eagerness “to get to be” adopted political, social, economic, cultural elements, specially of liberal order taken from France and England, where the economic and social prosperity was sample of the strengths of the democratic political system. The urgency of the national statesmen to constitute a State recognized and guaranteed by the international community, did not allow to watch the interior of the territory to consider the own characteristics of the neogranadinos, in addition, the conditions of impoverishment and illiteracy did not give rise to create an own model of development, so the problems were solved from the adoption of successful but totally other people’s experiences, and what was reason for fight during indepen- dence - the freedom and...
The right to the inclusion of the ethnic minorities to the Colombian nation has been marked by a ... more The right to the inclusion of the ethnic minorities to the Colombian nation has been marked by a long period of social fights in which the urgent necessities of the groups have been revealed that claim the attention of the State. Every historical period has developed different forms of making of the inclusion a reality. The political Constitution of 1991, has granted them the political participation and it has adopted the principles of plurality and multiculturelity to make effective the recognition to the heterogeneity of the Colombian town.
Revista Republicana
Article product of a study on sexual violence against women in the context ofthe Colombian intern... more Article product of a study on sexual violence against women in the context ofthe Colombian internal armed conflict. Women are often victimized as part ofthe actions or tactical actions of illegal armed groups, which becomes a"normalization of violence against women" that leads to the destruction of herrole as mothers, wives, daughters and sisters. This research was developedwith some key elements of theoretical, conceptual and historical type which aredeemed necessary to address the aforementioned problem. Those elementswould allow finding details as regards the offending actions and characteristicsof the victims and perpetrators, as well as highlighting the actions of the Stateand Colombian society in prevention, care and monitoring. Given that, it couldbe concluded that the violent actions of a sexual nature perpetrated by armedactors in the Colombian conflict stem from a tactical procedure aimed atdecimating the alleged bases of logistical and effective support of the enemiesand from the public policy that reduces prevention and comprehensive care forvictims, despite the institutional advances that the country has experienced inthis regard. DOI:
IUSTA, 2021
A partir de un método de investigación histórico, se realiza un recorrido legislativo por el dere... more A partir de un método de investigación histórico, se realiza un recorrido legislativo por el derecho de los indígenas en el campo internacional, contenido en el reconocimiento de la diversidad sociocultural y el posible conflicto que conlleva esta realidad aprendida constitucionalmente. Se discute la importancia de la diversidad sociocultural de las comunidades indígenas y su cosmovisión frente a prácticas que atentan contra la dignidad humana ―como la mutilación genital femenina―, que concentran los intereses actuales de la comunidad internacional.
The pluralism and multiculturalism sense adopted by Colombian State in 1991, implicated to fulfil... more The pluralism and multiculturalism sense adopted by Colombian State in 1991, implicated to fulfillment of the articles established for this purpose. The 246 constitutional is part of this tender, but after fifteen years, the State has not fulfilled completely with the established; phenomena as the political violence, the forced displacement, the forced recruiting, the drug traffic, and the difficult situation economic that country is going through, are constituted in obstacles of social development for all nation, but very specially for the ethnics minorities that inhabit to rural Colombia, epicenter of the conflict.
El estudio del problema se ha establecido a partir de un principio de unidad ydiferenciacion entr... more El estudio del problema se ha establecido a partir de un principio de unidad ydiferenciacion entre lo que fue la organizacion del poder judicial en Mexico yColombia, dos naciones muy afines en su geografia, historia social, politica y juridica.Mexico, con un sistema federal mientras Colombia con un sistema central, sonconvocadas en este texto con el objeto de interrogarlas desde lo ideologico y lopragmatico en razon a la conformacion de su administracion judicial, sus instituciones,sus operadores, las fuentes teoricas que las orientaron, al igual que sus vicisitudes ylimitaciones tanto materiales como inmateriales. El periodo investigado se inscribe enlos ultimos anos del siglo XVIII y los primeros anos de la Republica.
Corria el ano 2008 y ya preocupaba el papel de la academia en la conmemoracion de los doscientos ... more Corria el ano 2008 y ya preocupaba el papel de la academia en la conmemoracion de los doscientos anos de la independencia colombiana. En medio de tales expectativas, en Antioquia, y mas exactamente en la Universidad de Medellin, surgio una propuesta que congregaba a varias facultades de derecho de distintas instituciones de educacion superior. Muy clara fue la intencion del profesor Carlos Mario Molina Betancur al propiciar el acercamiento de las universidades Libre, de Manizales. Militar Nueva Granada y de Medellin -como anfitriona- mediante la formulacion de un macroproyecto de orden historico-juridico que diera cuenta del proceso constitucional que habia llevado a la Colombia de hoy. Asi, le correspondio a la Universidad Militar la respetable y ambiciosa tarea de dar cuenta de la evolucion constitucional de los derechos de los colombianos a lo largo del periodo bicentenario. La invitacion reoriento las tematicas de investigacion que se venian proponiendo y por momentos estimulo e...
O presente trabalho analisa a relacao ideologia-independencia, uma conexao de causa-efeito que le... more O presente trabalho analisa a relacao ideologia-independencia, uma conexao de causa-efeito que levou aos acontecimentos de 20 de julho de 1810 ocorridos em Santa Fe de Bogota, no Vice-Reinado de Nova Granada. A referida tematica foi abordada a partir dos metodos historicos de analise que permitiram conhecer o processo de formacao intelectual de uma geracao de homens que levaram a declaracao de independencia, assim como sua formacao academica e das atividades que possibilitaram desenvolver e cultivar o debate e a critica. A analise leva a concluir que foram trinta anos de preparacao ideologica que antecederam a independencia, atraves dos quais foram varios os eventos em que se contraiu o pensamento libertador novogranadino.
The work sets out to analyze the culture-human rights relationship, based on the practice known a... more The work sets out to analyze the culture-human rights relationship, based on the practice known as female ablation. It is necessary to examine whether, in the face of ablation, there is a correspondence between culture and human rights or, on the contrary, one of them, human rights, should be prioritized to protect the rights to life and sexuality of women whom they are practiced. The subject in reference was approached from the dialectical and logical methods, since they allow the theoretical and conceptual approach that leads to the understanding of the ablation from the cultural and legal aspects. The analysis concludes that the ablation injures the life and privacy of women, therefore, being a cultural event, it is contrary to the rights of women who are subjected to it without constation.
Resumen en: Three countries modelled Colombias organization: England, United States and France. ... more Resumen en: Three countries modelled Colombias organization: England, United States and France. Criollos (People who, in general terms, were descendants of Span...
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
To comprehend the history of the conformation or structure of the Colombian nation, it is necessa... more To comprehend the history of the conformation or structure of the Colombian nation, it is necessary to examine each one of the ethnical component that conform it, that is to the extend that heterogeneity requires. In other studies, the right of inclusion was already considered, beginning with a historical trin that accounted exclusion and inclusion processes, the last one with particular acknowlegment of periods of time like 1821, 1851 and 1991, as central points in which the state, constitutionally compromised itself, to bind the ethnic minority to the nation, beginning with an assimilative conception until a integral proposition be in acard with in force theories of world-wide integration and which conform part of the manifold.aelture of outstanding boom and acceptance after world war two due to racial discrimination that surrounded the jewish holocaust. Once the tied process is examined, the job is to verify the real integral grade that works in Colombia, beginning with the const...
“El Jurista” es una obra escrita por la Doctora Maria Isabel Lorca Martin de Villodres quien reto... more “El Jurista” es una obra escrita por la Doctora Maria Isabel Lorca Martin de Villodres quien retoma la biografia de Don Diego Antonio Navarro Martin de Villodres 1759-1832), religioso perteneciente a la ultima monarquia de Espana en Latinoamerica, para llevar a cabo un cuidadoso estudio de tipo historico y juridico en el que resalta el papel desempenado por el prelado en su paso por America del Sur, dentro de un marco de tiempo transcurrido desde la Ilustracion europea hasta la reconquista espanola del territorio americano.