Guía básica para elaborar un ensayo Guía básica para elaborar un ensayo Guía básica para elaborar un ensayo Guía básica para elaborar un ensayo académico académico académico académico. . . .
In this paper the phonetic and speech corpus DIMEx100 for Mexican Spanish is presented. We discuss both the linguistic motivation and the computational tools employed for the design, collection and transcription of the corpus. The... more
In this paper the phonetic and speech corpus DIMEx100 for Mexican Spanish is presented. We discuss both the linguistic motivation and the computational tools employed for the design, collection and transcription of the corpus. The... more
1 de 223 CONSTITUCIÓN POLÍTICA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS Constitución publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 5 de febrero de 1917 TEXTO VIGENTE Última reforma publicada DOF 08-10-2013
- by Bere Bere
A trace element preparation (Béres Drops Plus, BDP) produced immunomodulatory effects in previous in vitro and in vivo experiments. Here, C57B1/6 inbred mice were transplanted with either Lewis lung tumor or with B16 melanoma. BDP was... more
We evaluated 71 muscle-invasive transitional cell carcinomas (TCCs) of the bladder by tumor compartments. Kinetic parameters included mitotic figure counting, Ki-67 index, proliferation rate (DNA slide cytometry), and apoptotic index (in... more
El término Web 2.0, es la forma en la que se ha nombrado a una nueva forma del uso de Internet, en donde los usuarios son los que hacen el cambio. Es decir, deja de ser un medio estático en el cual el usuario sólo recibe la información,... more
We present a historic record from Acapulco, Guerrero, of Central American tapir (Tapirus bairdii) that represent the northernmost record in the Pacific coast of Mexico and North America. This report extends the current distribution 238 km... more