Papers by Jorge Bartolucci
Sociológica México, 2023
Este artículo trata sobre el acceso y uso a internet a través de la computadora y el smartphone d... more Este artículo trata sobre el acceso y uso a internet a través de la computadora y el smartphone de 16 estudiantes de dos bachilleratos ubicados en entornos disímiles de la Ciudad de México. La información recabada por medio de entrevistas se enriqueció con datos obtenidos de una observación en el salón de clases, con el propósito de examinar su desempeño en los ejercicios propuestos por sus maestros. Los resultados muestran un marcado contraste entre una forma de participación en el aula que contribuyó a reforzar un patrón típico de desenvolvimiento escolar centrado en el presuroso cumplimiento de las tareas, y otra, donde estuvieron expuestos a formas de trabajo más orientadas a favorecer el desarrollo de sus capacidades cibernéticas. Dicho contraste destaca el rol que los estudiantes desempeñan en la validación de las pautas docentes que tienden a normar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del acceso y uso de las tecnologías digitales en su escuela. PALABRAS CLAVE: tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, papel del docente, papel del estudiante, proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, educación media superior
Chronica Mundi, 2014
The creation of the National Astrophysical Observatory of Tonantzintla, Mexico, in 1942, sets the... more The creation of the National Astrophysical Observatory of Tonantzintla, Mexico, in 1942, sets the beginning of the later establishment of modern astrophysics in this country. What happened in the 1940s that made it possible to overcome previous obstacles? Finding answers to this question, the paper focuses on the historical and social circumstances under which it was possible to overcome the early situation and modernize local astronomy. According to the argument exposed here, it can be explained as a consequence of the interaction between Harlow Shapley, former director of the Harvard College Observatory and Luis E. Erro, member of the Mexican Government and amateur astronomer, in a very particular moment of the history of the relationship between Mexico and the United States. Since the story took place within the context of the Second World War, the influence of geopolitical affairs must be highlighted. As a case study it should serve to contribute to the knowledge of the development of science in developing countries and their integration into the international community. Additionally, the study offers some answers to the main questions that have stimulated the discussion among sociologists and historians of science: how and to what extent scientific activity is facilitated or inhibited by social and historical factors?
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Nov 26, 2019
Elegir una profesion en Mexico, donde solo cuatro de cada cien individuos que ingresan a la prima... more Elegir una profesion en Mexico, donde solo cuatro de cada cien individuos que ingresan a la primaria llegan a estudios superiores, resulta un acto individual y social sumamente dificil. Muchos estudiantes llegan a esta etapa decisiva enterados de un numero limitado de posibilidades en virtud del prestigio que tienen ciertas profesiones llamadas tradicionales en detrimento de otras tan interesantes desde el interes personal como para el pais.
Espacio abierto: cuaderno venezolano de sociología, 2018
Actualización metodológica de cara a la 3ª década del siglo XXI.
es poco habitual en el sistema educativo mexicano. En lugar de pedirle al estudiante que identifi... more es poco habitual en el sistema educativo mexicano. En lugar de pedirle al estudiante que identifi que la respuesta correcta a una serie de reactivos que comúnmente valen lo mismo, lo enfrenta con dispositivos que miden su capacidad para realizar una o más operaciones mentales, tales como: memorizar un conocimiento sencillo y aplicarlo a la solución de un problema, manejar varias fuentes de información o recurrir a otros referentes no considerados en el contexto original de la pregunta antes de dar una respuesta. Este artículo centra la atención en esa discrepancia, ya que pone en evidencia lo que nuestros alumnos están acostumbrados a hacer o no en la escuela, como resultado de la forma en que la mayoría de las instituciones, públicas y privadas, validan las rutinas de enseñanza y aprendizaje consideradas aceptables y deseables en el sistema educativo.
VII Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP, 2012
Vulgarmente, el análisis cualitativo se identifica con dispositivos técnicos para recabar informa... more Vulgarmente, el análisis cualitativo se identifica con dispositivos técnicos para recabar información que difieren de otros llamados cuantitativos. En esta ponencia sostengo, en cambio, que la diferencia radica más en un asunto de naturaleza teórica que técnica. Me refiero a una manera
Sociológica (México, D.F.), Jan 12, 2017
El artículo expresa un punto de vista teórico sobre los atributos que hacen de la ciencia un asun... more El artículo expresa un punto de vista teórico sobre los atributos que hacen de la ciencia un asunto de interés sociológico. Con ese objeto se revisan las tesis fundamentales de Robert Merton, Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn y de algunos exponentes del "programa fuerte" de sociología de la ciencia, sometiendo a discusión sus concepciones acerca de los principios de validación científica. El objetivo es mostrar que no obstante sus diferencias, a veces radicales, coinciden en desestimar los criterios estrictamente lógicos y en voltear la mirada hacia los procesos de comunicación intersubjetiva que tienen lugar dentro de las comunidades científicas. PALABRAS CLAVE: sociología del conocimiento, filosofía de la ciencia, producción científica, producción del conocimiento, conocimiento científico.
Fil: Ferreyra, Horacio Ademar. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; Argentin
Cuadernos Del Cesu Unam, 1985
Trayectorias y transiciones educativas de los estudiantes mexicanos: procesos, rutas y experiencias por el sistema educativo nacional, 2022
Ciências socialmente aplicáveis [livro eletrônico] : integrando saberes e abrindo caminhos: vol. VI, 2022
Este capítulo oferece um ponto de vista sociológico sobre a aplicação de uma abordagem biográfica... more Este capítulo oferece um ponto de vista sociológico sobre a aplicação de uma abordagem biográfica baseada em uma experiência de trabalho de campo e consulta de arquivos sobre o desenvolvimento da astronomia no México. O objetivo é expor o trabalho realizado sobre um caso de modernização científica tardia referida a uma fase da ciência mexicana caracterizada pela transição de um estágio denominado "antigo" para outro denominado "moderno". Na análise relacionam-se momentos-chave da evolução histórica deste campo do conhecimento no México com o comportamento de figuras chave que estiveram diretas ou indiretamente envolvidas na definição das condições para sua realização. A ideia central procura demonstrar em que medida o desenvolvimento da ciência mexicana foi explicado à luz de alguns dados de experiência destes personagens e quais as nuances particulares que poderia ter assumido em virtude disso. A hipótese subjacente é que sua participação e grau de incidência nos eventos tinham muito a ver com as interpretações que eles mesmos construíam sobre as condições culturais, políticas, sociais, intelectuais e econômicas que os afetavam. A forma como seus atributos pessoais, valores morais, horizontes intelectuais e posições na sociedade e na política estiveram presentes nessa participação ofereceu respostas interessantes para resolver esse problema.
Common Ground, 2022
The article aims to contribute to the analysis and reflection on the practical effects of generic... more The article aims to contribute to the analysis and reflection on the practical effects of generic reading skills acquired by 15-year-old students in Mexico. This is a documentary review of the PISA 2000/2009/2018 tests in reading from a hermeneutical point of view, which has the objective of identifying the level of complexity of the operations that Mexican students on average have been more likely to execute when faced with a written text. By way of example, the answers collected in two units of the PISA test made available to the public after the 2009 cycle are analyzed in detail. Information is presented on the reading abilities of young people to locate and use the information contained in a text, as well as to interpret, reflect on, and criticize its content. Technical, methodological, and analytical elements are provided for the review of reading comprehension processes in the classroom.
The way to test that PISA applies is unusual in Mexico's education system. Instead of asking ... more The way to test that PISA applies is unusual in Mexico's education system. Instead of asking the student to identify the correct answer to a series of items that commonly are equal, confronts him with questions that measure the ability to perform one or more mental operations, such as memorizing a simple knowledge, applying that knowledge to problem solving, managing multiple sources of information or using other references not considered in the original context of the question before giving an answer. This article focuses on this discrepancy, because it shows what our students are accustomed to do in school or not, as a result of the way that the majority of institutions, both public and private, validate routines of teaching and learning considered acceptable and desirable to the length and breadth of the education system.
Vulgarmente, el analisis cualitativo se identifica con dispositivos tecnicos para recabar informa... more Vulgarmente, el analisis cualitativo se identifica con dispositivos tecnicos para recabar informacion que difieren de otros llamados cuantitativos. En esta ponencia sostengo, en cambio, que la diferencia radica mas en un asunto de naturaleza teorica que tecnica. Me refiero a una manera especifica de encarar el mundo empirico mediante estrategias analiticas que permitan observar y analizar los hechos sociales sin perder de vista el cimiento basico de la vida social
This article suggests that data on students' social conditions and characteristics permit id... more This article suggests that data on students' social conditions and characteristics permit identifying fundamental elements that support their educational aspirations. Students' age, gender, academic trajectory, family income, and participation in employment, as well as their parents' educational level, are data that operate in this study as indicators of the horizon of opportunities that orient student actions in the school setting. Educational aspirations are formed in a value-based social framework, according to the personal characteristics and conditions that determine the relations individuals establish in their context. An analysis is made of these data, along with the probability of academic attainment in a group of students entering Universi- dad Autónoma Metropolitana in the fall of 1991.
Revista CS, n.º 34 (junio), 2021
El artículo se propone contribuir al análisis y reflexión sobre los efectos prácticos de las habi... more El artículo se propone contribuir al análisis y reflexión sobre los efectos prácticos de las habilidades lectoras genéricas adquiridas por estudiantes de quince años en México. Se presenta una revisión documental de las pruebas PISA 2000/2009/2018 en lectura desde un punto de vista hermenéutico, con el objetivo de identificar el nivel de complejidad de las operaciones que los estudiantes mexicanos en promedio han sido más proclives a ejecutar a lo largo del tiempo. A título de ejemplo, se analizan detenidamente las respuestas recabadas en dos unidades puestas a disposición del público después del ciclo de 2009. Los resultados remiten a las capacidades lectoras de los jóvenes para localizar y utilizar la información contenida en un texto, así como para interpretar, reflexionar y criticar su contenido. Se aportan elementos técnicos, metodológicos y analíticos para la revisión de los procesos de comprensión lectora en los salones de clase.
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the analysis and reflection on the practical
effects of generic reading skills acquired by fifteen-year-old students in Mexico. The
reading results of the PISA 2000/2009/2018 tests are analyzed from a hermeneutical
point of view, with the intention of identifying the level of complexity of the operations
that students are more likely to perform. As an example, the responses obtained in two
units that were made available to the public after the 2009 cycle are reviewed. The
referred results express the reading skills acquired to locate and use the information
contained in a text, as well as to interpret, reflect on, and criticize its content. Technical, methodological, and analytical elements are provided for the review of reading
comprehension processes in classrooms.
Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, 2018
Science as an object of sociological study” presents a theoretical reflection
about the attribute... more Science as an object of sociological study” presents a theoretical reflection
about the attributes of science that makes it a sociological matter of interest. Since science operates in a world composed of strong territorial, linguistic, cultural and political / ideological differences, it has been in the midst of a controversy between those who maintain that it is determined by social factors and those who conceive it as an entity that develops with a relative autonomy of them. The article argues that the tension between one conception and another diminishes when conceiving the rigorousness that distinguishes scientific methodology, not only as cognitive rules but also as symbolic ways which have been created and shared socially to materialize the consubstantial ethical principles of scientific rationality.
El artículo expresa un punto de vista teórico sobre los atributos que hacen de la ciencia un asun... more El artículo expresa un punto de vista teórico sobre los atributos que hacen de la ciencia un asunto de interés sociológico. Con ese objeto se revisan las tesis fundamentales de Robert Merton, Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn y de algunos exponentes del “programa fuerte” de sociología de la ciencia, sometiendo a discusión sus concepciones acerca de los principios de validación científica. El objetivo es mostrar que no obstante sus diferencias, a veces radicales, coinciden en desestimar los criterios estrictamente lógicos y en voltear la mirada hacia los procesos de comunicación intersubjetiva que tienen lugar dentro de las comunidades científicas.
Papers by Jorge Bartolucci
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the analysis and reflection on the practical
effects of generic reading skills acquired by fifteen-year-old students in Mexico. The
reading results of the PISA 2000/2009/2018 tests are analyzed from a hermeneutical
point of view, with the intention of identifying the level of complexity of the operations
that students are more likely to perform. As an example, the responses obtained in two
units that were made available to the public after the 2009 cycle are reviewed. The
referred results express the reading skills acquired to locate and use the information
contained in a text, as well as to interpret, reflect on, and criticize its content. Technical, methodological, and analytical elements are provided for the review of reading
comprehension processes in classrooms.
about the attributes of science that makes it a sociological matter of interest. Since science operates in a world composed of strong territorial, linguistic, cultural and political / ideological differences, it has been in the midst of a controversy between those who maintain that it is determined by social factors and those who conceive it as an entity that develops with a relative autonomy of them. The article argues that the tension between one conception and another diminishes when conceiving the rigorousness that distinguishes scientific methodology, not only as cognitive rules but also as symbolic ways which have been created and shared socially to materialize the consubstantial ethical principles of scientific rationality.
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the analysis and reflection on the practical
effects of generic reading skills acquired by fifteen-year-old students in Mexico. The
reading results of the PISA 2000/2009/2018 tests are analyzed from a hermeneutical
point of view, with the intention of identifying the level of complexity of the operations
that students are more likely to perform. As an example, the responses obtained in two
units that were made available to the public after the 2009 cycle are reviewed. The
referred results express the reading skills acquired to locate and use the information
contained in a text, as well as to interpret, reflect on, and criticize its content. Technical, methodological, and analytical elements are provided for the review of reading
comprehension processes in classrooms.
about the attributes of science that makes it a sociological matter of interest. Since science operates in a world composed of strong territorial, linguistic, cultural and political / ideological differences, it has been in the midst of a controversy between those who maintain that it is determined by social factors and those who conceive it as an entity that develops with a relative autonomy of them. The article argues that the tension between one conception and another diminishes when conceiving the rigorousness that distinguishes scientific methodology, not only as cognitive rules but also as symbolic ways which have been created and shared socially to materialize the consubstantial ethical principles of scientific rationality.