Books by Clara Almagro Vidal
Los paisajes son reflejo de las características, actividades e intereses de las comunidades human... more Los paisajes son reflejo de las características, actividades e intereses de las comunidades humanas que los habitan. Factores medioambientales y sociales entran en juego en la organización de los territorios, en su poblamiento y en el aprovechamiento de sus recursos.
En el 1147, las tierras del "Campo de Calatrava", situadas en la meseta meridional castellana, pasaron a depender del reino de Castilla. Una década más tarde, la Orden de Calatrava se hizo cargo de ellas. Estos dos acontecimientos marcaron el inicio de una etapa en la que estos territorios experimentaron profundas transformaciones para acomodarse a las demandas de la sociedad castellana.
Este libro aborda el análisis de cómo se produjeron dichos cambios que afectaron a las comunidades que habitaban estas tierras, al medio ambiente y a los modos de interacción entre ambos.
Monographic Issues in Journals by Clara Almagro Vidal
Espacio Tiempo y Forma: Edad Media, 2024
Edited Books by Clara Almagro Vidal

Volume available at
Dependence and loss of freedom... more Volume available at
Dependence and loss of freedom – be it partial or total – go hand in hand. During the Middle Ages, people were bonded together through a wide variety of ties that limited their freedom in different ways and to variable degrees.This volume explores these forms of unfreedom. Focusing on both the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean from the eighth century until the fifteenth, the contributors focus on aspects such as transformations of terminology, implementation of different legal traditions across time and space, establishment and dissolution of bonds, and details of everyday life attached to these situations.
Looking at the “ties that bind”, that is, the obligations acquired and everyday implications of the establishment of that dependence, this volume reflects on concepts such as captivity, slavery, manumission and serfdom, among others, and their appearance in the sources.

What is a minority? How did members of minority groups in the medieval Mediterranean world intera... more What is a minority? How did members of minority groups in the medieval Mediterranean world interact with contemporaries belonging to other minorities, and with members of the ascendant majority groups? In what ways did those contacts affect their social positions and identities? The essays collected in this volume approach these questions from a variety of angles, examining polemic, social norms, economic exchange, linguistic transformations, and power dynamics.
The papers compiled here se essays recast the concept of minority — as a mutable condition rather than a fixed group designation — and explore previously-neglected collective and individual interactions between and among minorities around the medieval Mediterranean basin. Minorities are often defined as such because they were in some way excluded from access to resources or denied participation as a consequence of a group affiliation or facet of their identity. Yet, at times their distinctiveness also lay in less in their exclusion than in particular ways of relating to spheres of power, whether political or moral, and to in certain dissenting conceptions of the world. Through these contributions we seek to shed light on both the continuities that such interactions displayed across intervals of space and time, and the changes that they underwent in particular locales and historical moments.
Articles by Clara Almagro Vidal
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 34(2), 106–125, 2023
The aim of this paper is to analyse written records associated with the establishment of bonds be... more The aim of this paper is to analyse written records associated with the establishment of bonds between military orders as territorial lords and Muslims as settlers in the Christian kingdoms of medieval Iberia. These records are usually known as cartas de población or population charters and were issued in the context of the settlement of populations in a given area. Methods derived from historical semantics are applied to these texts, and the analysis explores the ways in which the existing asymmetrical power re lationships were refl ected not only in the contents of the charters but also in the grammar and expressions used to formulate them.
Historia, Instituciones, Documentos, 2021
El presente trabajo presenta nuevos datos sobre la población mudéjar de Hornachos referidos a... more El presente trabajo presenta nuevos datos sobre la población mudéjar de Hornachos referidos a los siglos XIII al XV, en base a documentación medieval hasta ahora era inédita. Dichos documentos han sido localizados en el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada y están relacionados con la actividad ganadera y los conflictos que su proyección espacial suscitó con la vecina población de Llera. Estos documentos permiten percibir nuevos aspectos sobre el desarrollo de esta población y su relación con sus señores, la Orden de Santiago.
El artículo es de acceso libre y descargable en el siguiente enlace:
HAMSA 7, Sep 2021
This introduction presents the rationale for this monographic issue. The idea of visibility and i... more This introduction presents the rationale for this monographic issue. The idea of visibility and its many aspects and implications are explored as a framework, offering suggestions for accessing this subject. Additionally, it provides an overview of the different contributions included in this issue, and links them with the overarching ideas and with each other in a comparative manner.
A introdução apresenta o justificativo desta edição monográfica. A ideia de visibilidade e seus múltiplos aspectos e implicações é explorada como um referencial, oferecendo pistas para abordagem do assunto. Além disso, fornece uma visão das diferentes contribuições incluídas nesta edição, e relaciona-as com as ideias gerais e de forma comparativa.
Archivo Hispalense, n.º 309-311 · tomo cii · pp. 43-64 · issn 0210-4067, 2019

En la España Medieval, 2018
Resumen. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar de nuevo sobre los musulmanes que vivieron b... more Resumen. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar de nuevo sobre los musulmanes que vivieron bajo el dominio de la Orden de Calatrava en la Baja Edad Media en Castilla. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en los últimos años han mostrado que la presencia islámica en estas tierras es más compleja de lo que se venía asumiendo y va más allá de las aljamas y los esclavos de la orden. En consecuencia, deben plantearse preguntas sobre cómo las comunidades rurales que hubo en estos territorios fueron encuadradas por las autoridades cristianas para recepción de rentas y otros aspectos de la vida cotidiana. Abstract. This article examines Muslims who lived under the rule of the military Order of Calatrava in Medieval Castile. Recent studies have shown that the presence of Muslims in the lands administered by this military order was more complex and varied than it had been previously suspected, and that it goes beyond slaves and aljamas. As a consequence, new questions must be posed as to how Muslim rural communities in these lands were framed by Christian authorities both to collect the revenue they created and regarding other aspects of everyday life.
Revista de las Órdenes Militares, 2014

Las ordenanzas de Mestanza de 1530: una aportación al proyecto de ordenamiento jurídico local Carlos José Riquelme Jiménez, Clara Almagro Vidal Cuadernos de estudios manchegos, 35, pp. 309-340, 2010
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presentan y analizan las ordenanzas de la villa de Mestanza (Ciudad R... more RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presentan y analizan las ordenanzas de la villa de Mestanza (Ciudad Real) realizadas en 1530. Estas ordenanzas son reflejo de cómo a lo largo del siglo XVI, la actividad concejil en un gran número de poblaciones castellano-manchegas estuvo marcada por las tensiones generadas entre el aprovechamiento agrícola y ganadero del territorio. Así, instituciones como la Mesta, amparadas por una legislación real protectora de sus privilegios, condicionaron, de manera decisiva, la aparición de un conjunto de ordenanzas locales que, si bien, en múltiples aspectos respetaron el derecho regio, en no pocas ocasiones anhelaron un régimen jurídico especial, para proteger, precisamente, a sus vecinos y a sus intereses. ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present and analyse the ordinances established in Mestanza (Ciudad Real) in 1530. These regulations are an example of how the rivalry between peasants and cattle-raisers determined the council's actions in a great number of towns in Castile-La Mancha. Institutions related to cattle-raising such as the Mesta were protected by specific legislation 300 1 PORRAS ARBOLEDAS, Pedro Andrés, "Las ordenanzas municipales. Algunas propuestas para su estudio y un ejemplo", en Espacio, Tiempo, Forma, III, 7 (1994), 49-64.

Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Historia Medieval, 2010
UNED. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma Serie III, H. a Medieval, t. 23, 2010 15 «Hombre rico, hombre pobre... more UNED. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma Serie III, H. a Medieval, t. 23, 2010 15 «Hombre rico, hombre pobre»: sobre las condiciones de la minería en el paso de la Edad Media a la Moderna en Castilla* «Rich man, poor man»: on the conditions of mining in Early Modern Castile CLARA ALMAGRO VIDAL** RESUMEN Este trabajo realiza un acercamiento a las condiciones bajo las que se desarrollaron las explotaciones mineras no férricas en Castilla a finales de la Edad Media y en la primera mitad del siglo XVI, partiendo de una serie de textos de la década de 1530 conservados en el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada. En ellos, se establecen las condiciones que debían cumplir para su actividad tanto los arrendadores de las rentas como los mineros y plomeros del Partido de Almodóvar, el cual se extendía por el término de Abenójar y el valle de Alcudia, en Ciudad Real, y Córdoba, de gran importancia especialmente a finales de la Edad Media e inicios de la Moderna para la producción de plomo y plata. Estos textos, así como otras noticias recopiladas, muestran normativas vigentes en aquellos momentos, conflictos y costumbres que afectaban a las minas y su explotación, problemas de corrupción en su administración o limitaciones intrínsecas a las propias ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to approach conditions under which non-iron mining developed in Castile during the Early Modern period. The main source used for this purpose, dating from the 1530s, established the terms to be held by the administrators and by the workers in the area called Partido de Almodovar, which included the district of Cordoba, Abenojar and the valley of Alcudia, the latter two in Ciudad Real. At the time, it was an important district for the production of lead and silver. These texts, together with other references, show aspects such as the regulations in force at that moment, common conflicts and uses that affected the mines and their operation, corruption in their administration, or the limitations intrinsic to the mining companies themselves. Many features of the mining activities described in these texts can be traced back to the Middle Ages, for which our knowledge is much more limited. 104-132, y «La minería española en la Edad Moderna: una aproximación a su estudio Fasc. 2)», Boletín Geológico Minero, XCVIII (1987), fasc. 2, pp. 118-140. A ello se uniría dos años más tarde la excelente tesis de SÁNCHEZ GÓMEZ, J., De minería, metalurgia y comercio de metales. La minería no férrica en el Reino de Castilla. 1450-1610. Salamanca: Universidad, 1989, la cual es punto de referencia obligado para el conocimiento de la minería castellana en los siglos XV-XVI.
Aproximación a la evolución de Manzanares (Ciudad Real) a partir de nuevos documentos localizados... more Aproximación a la evolución de Manzanares (Ciudad Real) a partir de nuevos documentos localizados en el Archivo de la Chancillería de Granada referentes a la delimitación de su término en el siglo XV. Se plantean diversas reflexiones sobre el origen de la población, la formación de su territorio y la relación de ambas con la encomienda calatrava que en ella se instituyó.
Historia, Instituciones, Documentos, 32, 2005
Papers published in Conference Proceedings by Clara Almagro Vidal
XIII Simposio Internacional de Mudejarismo. Teruel, 4-5 septiembre 2014, 2017
Books by Clara Almagro Vidal
En el 1147, las tierras del "Campo de Calatrava", situadas en la meseta meridional castellana, pasaron a depender del reino de Castilla. Una década más tarde, la Orden de Calatrava se hizo cargo de ellas. Estos dos acontecimientos marcaron el inicio de una etapa en la que estos territorios experimentaron profundas transformaciones para acomodarse a las demandas de la sociedad castellana.
Este libro aborda el análisis de cómo se produjeron dichos cambios que afectaron a las comunidades que habitaban estas tierras, al medio ambiente y a los modos de interacción entre ambos.
Monographic Issues in Journals by Clara Almagro Vidal
Edited Books by Clara Almagro Vidal
Dependence and loss of freedom – be it partial or total – go hand in hand. During the Middle Ages, people were bonded together through a wide variety of ties that limited their freedom in different ways and to variable degrees.This volume explores these forms of unfreedom. Focusing on both the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean from the eighth century until the fifteenth, the contributors focus on aspects such as transformations of terminology, implementation of different legal traditions across time and space, establishment and dissolution of bonds, and details of everyday life attached to these situations.
Looking at the “ties that bind”, that is, the obligations acquired and everyday implications of the establishment of that dependence, this volume reflects on concepts such as captivity, slavery, manumission and serfdom, among others, and their appearance in the sources.
The papers compiled here se essays recast the concept of minority — as a mutable condition rather than a fixed group designation — and explore previously-neglected collective and individual interactions between and among minorities around the medieval Mediterranean basin. Minorities are often defined as such because they were in some way excluded from access to resources or denied participation as a consequence of a group affiliation or facet of their identity. Yet, at times their distinctiveness also lay in less in their exclusion than in particular ways of relating to spheres of power, whether political or moral, and to in certain dissenting conceptions of the world. Through these contributions we seek to shed light on both the continuities that such interactions displayed across intervals of space and time, and the changes that they underwent in particular locales and historical moments.
Articles by Clara Almagro Vidal
El artículo es de acceso libre y descargable en el siguiente enlace:
A introdução apresenta o justificativo desta edição monográfica. A ideia de visibilidade e seus múltiplos aspectos e implicações é explorada como um referencial, oferecendo pistas para abordagem do assunto. Além disso, fornece uma visão das diferentes contribuições incluídas nesta edição, e relaciona-as com as ideias gerais e de forma comparativa.
Papers published in Conference Proceedings by Clara Almagro Vidal
En el 1147, las tierras del "Campo de Calatrava", situadas en la meseta meridional castellana, pasaron a depender del reino de Castilla. Una década más tarde, la Orden de Calatrava se hizo cargo de ellas. Estos dos acontecimientos marcaron el inicio de una etapa en la que estos territorios experimentaron profundas transformaciones para acomodarse a las demandas de la sociedad castellana.
Este libro aborda el análisis de cómo se produjeron dichos cambios que afectaron a las comunidades que habitaban estas tierras, al medio ambiente y a los modos de interacción entre ambos.
Dependence and loss of freedom – be it partial or total – go hand in hand. During the Middle Ages, people were bonded together through a wide variety of ties that limited their freedom in different ways and to variable degrees.This volume explores these forms of unfreedom. Focusing on both the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean from the eighth century until the fifteenth, the contributors focus on aspects such as transformations of terminology, implementation of different legal traditions across time and space, establishment and dissolution of bonds, and details of everyday life attached to these situations.
Looking at the “ties that bind”, that is, the obligations acquired and everyday implications of the establishment of that dependence, this volume reflects on concepts such as captivity, slavery, manumission and serfdom, among others, and their appearance in the sources.
The papers compiled here se essays recast the concept of minority — as a mutable condition rather than a fixed group designation — and explore previously-neglected collective and individual interactions between and among minorities around the medieval Mediterranean basin. Minorities are often defined as such because they were in some way excluded from access to resources or denied participation as a consequence of a group affiliation or facet of their identity. Yet, at times their distinctiveness also lay in less in their exclusion than in particular ways of relating to spheres of power, whether political or moral, and to in certain dissenting conceptions of the world. Through these contributions we seek to shed light on both the continuities that such interactions displayed across intervals of space and time, and the changes that they underwent in particular locales and historical moments.
El artículo es de acceso libre y descargable en el siguiente enlace:
A introdução apresenta o justificativo desta edição monográfica. A ideia de visibilidade e seus múltiplos aspectos e implicações é explorada como um referencial, oferecendo pistas para abordagem do assunto. Além disso, fornece uma visão das diferentes contribuições incluídas nesta edição, e relaciona-as com as ideias gerais e de forma comparativa.
Deadline is July 30th 2020.
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