Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 376., 2011
In this study, we evaluate potential cyclic sea level changes during the Cenomanian and Turonian,... more In this study, we evaluate potential cyclic sea level changes during the Cenomanian and Turonian, spanning ~6 million years of time, through a new analysis of sequence stratigraphic stacking patterns of the Levant Platform in Jordan. This Tethyan carbonate platform preserves a relatively complete stratigraphic record through the interval, as indicated by biostratigraphy and new carbon isotope data, and also provides a clear imprint of sea level fluctuation as evidenced in sedimentologic structures and geochemistry (e.g., wt. % CaCO3). Application of the Average Spectral Misfit method for astrochronologic testing (Meyers and Sageman, 2007) to wt. % CaCO3 data confirms orbital influence on sedimentation through the OAE 2 interval, where data resolution is sufficient to resolve precession, obliquity and eccentricity components. This analysis also reveals a strong 1.2 Ma rhythm in wt. % CaCO3 and δ13C data, which demarcates the "3rd-order" sequence boundaries immediately above and below the C/T boundary, and is consistent with a long-period obliquity influence on sea level and the carbon cycle. "Minimal tuning" exercises provide additional evidence to support the presence of a pervasive 1.2 Ma pacing for all five sequence boundaries present in the section, in each case coupled to a 1.2 Ma cycle in the δ13C data. In the Oligocene, a 1.2 Ma obliquity cycle has been shown to be related to carbon cycle events, 3rd-order sea level fluctuations and glacial periodicity. We consider possible drivers for this long-period linkage between orbital cycles, sea level, and the carbon cycle during the Cretaceous greenhouse, a time during which continental ice sheets are expected to be either ephemeral or non-existent. Our mineralogic assemblage data from the Levant Platform indicates systematic changes in weathering patterns that are consistent with variable freshwater transport between the ocean and land, supporting the hypothesis that freshwater storage in aquifers played an important role in modulating eustacy.
Papers by Ines Wendler
presence of larger continental ice shields is considered unlikely. Increasing evidence in the literature suggests a correlation between long-period orbital cycles and depositional cycles that reflect sea-level fluctuations, implying a globally synchronized forcing of (eustatic) sea level. Fourth-order depositional sequences seemto be related to a ~405 ka periodicity,whichmost likely represents long-period orbital eccentricity control on sea level and depositional cycles. Third-order cyclicity, expressed as time-synchronous sea level falls of ~20 to 110 m on ~0.5 to 3.0 Ma timescales in the Cretaceous, are increasingly recognized as connected to climate cycles triggered by longterm astronomical cycles that have periodicity ranging from ~1.0 to 2.4 Ma. Future perspectives of research on greenhouse sea-level changes comprise a high-precision time-scale for sequence stratigraphy and eustatic sealevel changes and high-resolution marine to non-marine stratigraphic correlation.
millions of years. These states set long-termboundary conditions that need to be considered for climate and sea level interpretations. This paper summarizes the conceptual models for hydrological cycling derived from the characteristics of these three climate states. While glacio-eustatic forcing of sea-level changes under icehouse climate conditions is fairly well understood, the drivers of eustatic sea-level fluctuations under greenhouse conditions remain enigmatic. This lack of understanding may be related to incoherencies in the current ideas about the impact of accelerated hydrological cycling on sea level under greenhouse climate conditions.
As an example for a greenhouse climate, we review evidences that link proxies for climate and sea level for the intensely studied, but controversially discussed, mid-Cretaceous sea-level history. Based on sequence stratigraphy and a recently published high-precision timescale, we demonstrate that the late Middle Turonian Pewsey δ13C isotope maximum represents a major transgression, not a regression as previously stated, which conflicts with the interpretation of a co-occurring δ18O maximum to reflect a short glacial episode. This contradiction can be solved by the concept, presented here, that dominance of aquifer-eustasy characterized sea-level forcing during the Turonian greenhouse climate, despite a possible, though contentious, sporadic presence of minor ice sheets. The effects of temperature and ice volume both lead to a pronounced δ18Ocarb maximum during glacio-eustatic regressions. In contrast, the opposing effects of temperature and groundwater volume on oxygen-isotope fractionation lead to a δ18Ocarb maximum during aquifer-eustatic transgressions. We suggest that, throughout Earth history, both aquifer-eustatic and glacio-eustatic forcing formed a combined sea-level response, with dominance of aquifer-eustasy being typical for the greenhouse climate mode. During the icehouse mode, aquifer-eustasy apparently remains active as a background process, but is outpaced by the glacio-eustatic effect.
was confused with the much smaller capacity of rivers and lakes and 2) empirical data were missing that document past variations in the hydrological cycle in relation to eustasy.
In the present study we present the first empirical evidence for changes in precipitation, continental weathering intensity and evaporation that correlate with astronomically (long obliquity) forced sea-level cycles during the warmest period of the Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian). We compare sequence-stratigraphic data with changes in the terrigenous mineral assemblage in a low-latitude marine sedimentary sequence from the equatorial humid belt at the South-Tethyan margin (Levant carbonate platform, Jordan), thereby avoiding uncertainties from land–ocean correlations. Our data indicate covariance between cycles in weathering and sea level: predominantly chemical weathering under wet climate conditions is reflected by dominance of weathering products (clays) in deposits that represent sea-level fall (aquifer charge N discharge). Conversely, preservation of weathering-sensitive minerals (feldspars, epidote and pyroxenes) in transgressive sediments reflects decreased continentalweathering due to dryer climate (aquifer discharge N charge). Based on our results
we suggest that aquifer-eustasy represents a viable alternative to glacio-eustasy as a driver of cyclic 3rd-order sea-level fluctuations during the middle Cretaceous greenhouse climate, and it may have been a pervasive process throughout Earth history.
The lowstands are characterized by increased grain size, enhanced organic carbon flux, faunal assemblage changes, and bulk δ13Corg and foraminiferal δ13Cf and δ18Of minima. Strong benthic and planktic foraminiferal turnovers above the top Middle Turonian SB TuTz3 probably reflect shallowing (from upper slope to outer shelf) and/or eutrophication.
The TDP 31 age model is refined through inter-regional comparison of planktic foraminiferal ranges and δ13C records from three other South-Tethyan localities (ODP Holes 762C and 763B, Exmouth Plateau, and the Guru section, Tibet). This age model enables correlation of the regressive events at a global scale and suggests that, within stratigraphic uncertainty, the TDP 31 depositional sequences are synchronous with the global Turonian third-order sequences and are likely driven by eustasy. These correlations, together with recent astrochronological and radiometric dating, indicate a considerably younger age (91.17 ± 0.52 Ma) for the top H. helvetica Zone than currently assumed, resulting in zonal duration of 2.35 ± 0.52 myr. Foraminiferal stableisotope data fromTDP 31 indicate slight surface- and bottom-waterwarming during the regressions and possibly a minor surface-water salinity decrease,which is inconsistentwith glacio-eustatic forcing of Turonian third-order sea-level cycles and is more in line with the model of aquifer-eustasy.
The combination of chemostratigraphy with biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy substantially increases the precision and temporal resolution of inter-regional correlations and helps overcome problems that arise from differences in biostratigraphic schemes, facies or provincialism of key fossils. By using an iterative approach to stepwise increase precision of the correlations, isochroneity of first and last occurrences of marker species versus chemostratigraphy is tested, which helps to improve biostratigraphic zonations, to assess zonal boundary ages and to identify useful criteria for defining Late Cretaceous stage boundaries, many of which are still not formally defined. The presented correlations indicate a consistent position for most planktic foraminifer zonal boundaries relative to corresponding isotope shifts during the mid-Cretaceous sea-level high, whereas diachroneity appears to be more pronounced during the Late Campanian and Maastrichtian global sea-level fall. A similar pattern is observed for trans-continental consistency in the δ13C shifts. Graphic correlation of isotopic shifts, magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic events among the compared sections is used to detect hiatuses or relative changes sediment accumulation rates and visualizes consistency or offsets of individual biostratigraphic markers relative to chemo- and magnetostratigraphy. Finally, an attempt of a global average δ13C stack is presented for the Turonian through Maastrichtian.
The wealth and consistency of data, especially for benthic taxa, permits refined conclusions. The five studied species of Epistomina have a similar isotopic signature and are inferred to form their aragonitic shells with close to equilibrium values. Small isotopic offsets are seen among species that differ in orientation of the septal foramen, but no offsets are seen that seem to co-vary with test shape or ornamentation. The conical species C. africana has δ18O values ~0.2‰ lower and δ13C values ~0.7‰ lower than species of Epistomina. The latter offset probably reflects an infaunal habitat for C. africana. Epistomina and Group II species are recommended for paleoenviromental studies. Mono-specific Lenticulina δ18O values may be used if increased by correction factors of 0.4‰ to 0.9‰, but this taxon’s low and variable δ13C values are interpreted to reflect incorporation of respiratory CO2, possibly combined with fast growth rates related to opportunism, rather than equilibrium with benthic dissolved inorganic carbon. The observed stability of inter-specific isotopic offsets suggest disequilibrium isotopic effects are relatively consistent for many taxa in this section, and correction factors are proposed that may help to generate more robust Upper Cretaceous foraminiferal isotopic records. However, δ18O / δ13C covariance in some benthic inter-specific comparisons suggest offsets might vary with changes in temperature, food supply or other factors so the appropriateness of the correction factors should be confirmed before being applied at different sites. Similarities between the observed single-species isotopic patterns from this and other studies are used to present a summarizing scheme of influences on the stable isotopic composition in foraminiferal tests. By applying the new insights from our study to data from other Cretaceous studies we demonstrate that the selection of species for isotopic analysis and understanding these signals are critical to the outcome of paleoceanographic interpretations.
of diagenetic alteration. The ratio of relative intensities of the blue CL versus orange CL can provide a semiquantitative measure with relative intensity ratios blue:orange >2 occurring in the least diagenetically altered microfossils. Comparison of unaltered specimens of separate species reveals elemental differences that potentially indicate species-specific biomineralization or habitats.
Well preserved planktic foraminifera occur over most of the Guru section and provide good biostratigraphic control for correlation of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes with data from the reference section for the boreal white chalk in northern Germany at Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor and with the English Chalk reference section, showing detailed correlation of bulk sediment carbon isotopes and comparable trends in oxygen isotopes. The Campanian and Maastrichtian carbon isotope fluctuations can be related to cyclic variations in carbonate content at Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor which are thought to be driven by long eccentricity. This indicates orbital forcing of both carbonate accumulation and carbon isotope signature, most likely mediated by global sealevel changes. The possibility of detailed δ13C correlation from boreal sections of the northern hemisphere to a low-latitude section of the southern hemisphere allows for global correlation with an accuracy not achieved by biostratigraphic methods so far. It further enables linking of microfossil and macrofossil biozones, facilitating precise comparison of shallow and deep water sections, which is essential for the improvement of our understanding of timing, causes and effects of climatic and oceanographic processes.
Coniacian (W. archaeocretacea–Dicarinella concavata Zones and nannofossil zones UC5c–UC10). Bulk organic δ13C data suggest recovery of part of Ocean Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) from these four sites. In the upper part of this interval, the lower Turonian nannofossil zones UC6a–7 are characterized by a low-diversity nannoflora that may be related to OAE2 surface-water conditions. TDP Site 22 presents a 122-m-thick, lower-middle Turonian (W. archaeocretacea - Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Zones) sequence that includes the nannofossil zones UC6a(-7?), but invariable isotopic curves. Further, a lower to upper Campanian (Globotruncana ventricosa–Radotruncana calcarata Zones and nannofossil subzones
UC15bTP–UC15dTP) succession was drilled at TDP Site 23. Lithologies of the new sites include thin units of gray, medium to coarse sandstones, separating much thicker intervals of dark claystones with organicrich laminated parts, irregular silty to fine sandstone partings, and rare inoceramid and ammonite debris. These lithofacies are interpreted to have been deposited in outer shelf and upper slope settings and indicate relatively stable sedimentary conditions during most of the Late Cretaceous on the Tanzanian margin.
increase in bottom-water aeration from the Early to the Middle Turonian is evident from the increasing dominance of red sediments.
presence of larger continental ice shields is considered unlikely. Increasing evidence in the literature suggests a correlation between long-period orbital cycles and depositional cycles that reflect sea-level fluctuations, implying a globally synchronized forcing of (eustatic) sea level. Fourth-order depositional sequences seemto be related to a ~405 ka periodicity,whichmost likely represents long-period orbital eccentricity control on sea level and depositional cycles. Third-order cyclicity, expressed as time-synchronous sea level falls of ~20 to 110 m on ~0.5 to 3.0 Ma timescales in the Cretaceous, are increasingly recognized as connected to climate cycles triggered by longterm astronomical cycles that have periodicity ranging from ~1.0 to 2.4 Ma. Future perspectives of research on greenhouse sea-level changes comprise a high-precision time-scale for sequence stratigraphy and eustatic sealevel changes and high-resolution marine to non-marine stratigraphic correlation.
millions of years. These states set long-termboundary conditions that need to be considered for climate and sea level interpretations. This paper summarizes the conceptual models for hydrological cycling derived from the characteristics of these three climate states. While glacio-eustatic forcing of sea-level changes under icehouse climate conditions is fairly well understood, the drivers of eustatic sea-level fluctuations under greenhouse conditions remain enigmatic. This lack of understanding may be related to incoherencies in the current ideas about the impact of accelerated hydrological cycling on sea level under greenhouse climate conditions.
As an example for a greenhouse climate, we review evidences that link proxies for climate and sea level for the intensely studied, but controversially discussed, mid-Cretaceous sea-level history. Based on sequence stratigraphy and a recently published high-precision timescale, we demonstrate that the late Middle Turonian Pewsey δ13C isotope maximum represents a major transgression, not a regression as previously stated, which conflicts with the interpretation of a co-occurring δ18O maximum to reflect a short glacial episode. This contradiction can be solved by the concept, presented here, that dominance of aquifer-eustasy characterized sea-level forcing during the Turonian greenhouse climate, despite a possible, though contentious, sporadic presence of minor ice sheets. The effects of temperature and ice volume both lead to a pronounced δ18Ocarb maximum during glacio-eustatic regressions. In contrast, the opposing effects of temperature and groundwater volume on oxygen-isotope fractionation lead to a δ18Ocarb maximum during aquifer-eustatic transgressions. We suggest that, throughout Earth history, both aquifer-eustatic and glacio-eustatic forcing formed a combined sea-level response, with dominance of aquifer-eustasy being typical for the greenhouse climate mode. During the icehouse mode, aquifer-eustasy apparently remains active as a background process, but is outpaced by the glacio-eustatic effect.
was confused with the much smaller capacity of rivers and lakes and 2) empirical data were missing that document past variations in the hydrological cycle in relation to eustasy.
In the present study we present the first empirical evidence for changes in precipitation, continental weathering intensity and evaporation that correlate with astronomically (long obliquity) forced sea-level cycles during the warmest period of the Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian). We compare sequence-stratigraphic data with changes in the terrigenous mineral assemblage in a low-latitude marine sedimentary sequence from the equatorial humid belt at the South-Tethyan margin (Levant carbonate platform, Jordan), thereby avoiding uncertainties from land–ocean correlations. Our data indicate covariance between cycles in weathering and sea level: predominantly chemical weathering under wet climate conditions is reflected by dominance of weathering products (clays) in deposits that represent sea-level fall (aquifer charge N discharge). Conversely, preservation of weathering-sensitive minerals (feldspars, epidote and pyroxenes) in transgressive sediments reflects decreased continentalweathering due to dryer climate (aquifer discharge N charge). Based on our results
we suggest that aquifer-eustasy represents a viable alternative to glacio-eustasy as a driver of cyclic 3rd-order sea-level fluctuations during the middle Cretaceous greenhouse climate, and it may have been a pervasive process throughout Earth history.
The lowstands are characterized by increased grain size, enhanced organic carbon flux, faunal assemblage changes, and bulk δ13Corg and foraminiferal δ13Cf and δ18Of minima. Strong benthic and planktic foraminiferal turnovers above the top Middle Turonian SB TuTz3 probably reflect shallowing (from upper slope to outer shelf) and/or eutrophication.
The TDP 31 age model is refined through inter-regional comparison of planktic foraminiferal ranges and δ13C records from three other South-Tethyan localities (ODP Holes 762C and 763B, Exmouth Plateau, and the Guru section, Tibet). This age model enables correlation of the regressive events at a global scale and suggests that, within stratigraphic uncertainty, the TDP 31 depositional sequences are synchronous with the global Turonian third-order sequences and are likely driven by eustasy. These correlations, together with recent astrochronological and radiometric dating, indicate a considerably younger age (91.17 ± 0.52 Ma) for the top H. helvetica Zone than currently assumed, resulting in zonal duration of 2.35 ± 0.52 myr. Foraminiferal stableisotope data fromTDP 31 indicate slight surface- and bottom-waterwarming during the regressions and possibly a minor surface-water salinity decrease,which is inconsistentwith glacio-eustatic forcing of Turonian third-order sea-level cycles and is more in line with the model of aquifer-eustasy.
The combination of chemostratigraphy with biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy substantially increases the precision and temporal resolution of inter-regional correlations and helps overcome problems that arise from differences in biostratigraphic schemes, facies or provincialism of key fossils. By using an iterative approach to stepwise increase precision of the correlations, isochroneity of first and last occurrences of marker species versus chemostratigraphy is tested, which helps to improve biostratigraphic zonations, to assess zonal boundary ages and to identify useful criteria for defining Late Cretaceous stage boundaries, many of which are still not formally defined. The presented correlations indicate a consistent position for most planktic foraminifer zonal boundaries relative to corresponding isotope shifts during the mid-Cretaceous sea-level high, whereas diachroneity appears to be more pronounced during the Late Campanian and Maastrichtian global sea-level fall. A similar pattern is observed for trans-continental consistency in the δ13C shifts. Graphic correlation of isotopic shifts, magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic events among the compared sections is used to detect hiatuses or relative changes sediment accumulation rates and visualizes consistency or offsets of individual biostratigraphic markers relative to chemo- and magnetostratigraphy. Finally, an attempt of a global average δ13C stack is presented for the Turonian through Maastrichtian.
The wealth and consistency of data, especially for benthic taxa, permits refined conclusions. The five studied species of Epistomina have a similar isotopic signature and are inferred to form their aragonitic shells with close to equilibrium values. Small isotopic offsets are seen among species that differ in orientation of the septal foramen, but no offsets are seen that seem to co-vary with test shape or ornamentation. The conical species C. africana has δ18O values ~0.2‰ lower and δ13C values ~0.7‰ lower than species of Epistomina. The latter offset probably reflects an infaunal habitat for C. africana. Epistomina and Group II species are recommended for paleoenviromental studies. Mono-specific Lenticulina δ18O values may be used if increased by correction factors of 0.4‰ to 0.9‰, but this taxon’s low and variable δ13C values are interpreted to reflect incorporation of respiratory CO2, possibly combined with fast growth rates related to opportunism, rather than equilibrium with benthic dissolved inorganic carbon. The observed stability of inter-specific isotopic offsets suggest disequilibrium isotopic effects are relatively consistent for many taxa in this section, and correction factors are proposed that may help to generate more robust Upper Cretaceous foraminiferal isotopic records. However, δ18O / δ13C covariance in some benthic inter-specific comparisons suggest offsets might vary with changes in temperature, food supply or other factors so the appropriateness of the correction factors should be confirmed before being applied at different sites. Similarities between the observed single-species isotopic patterns from this and other studies are used to present a summarizing scheme of influences on the stable isotopic composition in foraminiferal tests. By applying the new insights from our study to data from other Cretaceous studies we demonstrate that the selection of species for isotopic analysis and understanding these signals are critical to the outcome of paleoceanographic interpretations.
of diagenetic alteration. The ratio of relative intensities of the blue CL versus orange CL can provide a semiquantitative measure with relative intensity ratios blue:orange >2 occurring in the least diagenetically altered microfossils. Comparison of unaltered specimens of separate species reveals elemental differences that potentially indicate species-specific biomineralization or habitats.
Well preserved planktic foraminifera occur over most of the Guru section and provide good biostratigraphic control for correlation of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes with data from the reference section for the boreal white chalk in northern Germany at Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor and with the English Chalk reference section, showing detailed correlation of bulk sediment carbon isotopes and comparable trends in oxygen isotopes. The Campanian and Maastrichtian carbon isotope fluctuations can be related to cyclic variations in carbonate content at Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor which are thought to be driven by long eccentricity. This indicates orbital forcing of both carbonate accumulation and carbon isotope signature, most likely mediated by global sealevel changes. The possibility of detailed δ13C correlation from boreal sections of the northern hemisphere to a low-latitude section of the southern hemisphere allows for global correlation with an accuracy not achieved by biostratigraphic methods so far. It further enables linking of microfossil and macrofossil biozones, facilitating precise comparison of shallow and deep water sections, which is essential for the improvement of our understanding of timing, causes and effects of climatic and oceanographic processes.
Coniacian (W. archaeocretacea–Dicarinella concavata Zones and nannofossil zones UC5c–UC10). Bulk organic δ13C data suggest recovery of part of Ocean Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) from these four sites. In the upper part of this interval, the lower Turonian nannofossil zones UC6a–7 are characterized by a low-diversity nannoflora that may be related to OAE2 surface-water conditions. TDP Site 22 presents a 122-m-thick, lower-middle Turonian (W. archaeocretacea - Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Zones) sequence that includes the nannofossil zones UC6a(-7?), but invariable isotopic curves. Further, a lower to upper Campanian (Globotruncana ventricosa–Radotruncana calcarata Zones and nannofossil subzones
UC15bTP–UC15dTP) succession was drilled at TDP Site 23. Lithologies of the new sites include thin units of gray, medium to coarse sandstones, separating much thicker intervals of dark claystones with organicrich laminated parts, irregular silty to fine sandstone partings, and rare inoceramid and ammonite debris. These lithofacies are interpreted to have been deposited in outer shelf and upper slope settings and indicate relatively stable sedimentary conditions during most of the Late Cretaceous on the Tanzanian margin.
increase in bottom-water aeration from the Early to the Middle Turonian is evident from the increasing dominance of red sediments.
The studied Buchberg section is part of the Ultrahelvetic units of Upper Austria which represent sedimentation on the European passive continental margin during the Cretaceous. The 7 m long profile comprises a succession of planktonic foraminifera-rich marls and limestone with a transition from grey to red colours, and was studied at high resolution for the content on benthic foraminifera as well as the mineralogical composition. The section can be assigned to nannofossil standard zones CC10 to CC12 (UC3 – UC8a). Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica is present in the grey to red transitional interval and gives evidence for an early to middle Turonian age of the marine red beds. Strontium isotope stratigraphy also confirms a Turonian age of the succession. The red sediment colour is restricted to discrete beds pointing to a syn-depositional to early diagenetic formation. It is interesting to note that the oxic conditions which lead to the red sediment colour must have established in several steps. The Buchberg section exposes alternations between red and grey marls as well as between red and grey limestone, indicating that sedimentation rate and productivity are most probably not the only factors controlling the colour distribution and that the oxygen content of the bottom water must have changed several times during this period. This can also be inferred from the changing vertical distribution patterns of benthic foraminifera in relation to the sediment colour. Very high abundance of species which are regarded to be typical for increased organic matter flux rates to the sea floor and slightly reduced oxygen levels such as Tappanina laciniosa and Praebulimina elata (Kuhnt & Wiedmann, 1995; Friedrich & Erbacher, in press) occur just before the changes from grey to red colours and are followed by peaks of pyrite, iron-hydroxides and iron-oxides. This indicates that the sediments reflect changing conditions at the sea floor which could have led to the preservation of early diagenetic red-ox fronts in the sediments.