Papers by Dieta F Svoboda

Digital Classics Online, May 26, 2015
At the end of the 19th century, the orientalist Julius Euting traveled several times to the Middl... more At the end of the 19th century, the orientalist Julius Euting traveled several times to the Middle East to investigate and to record pre-Islamic monuments, artifacts, and inscriptions. His journals and sketchbooks are preserved in the University Library of Tübingen where they recently were completely digitized. The aim of the presented project is to connect these texts with additional sources and data in a common interface. 1 This system is based on the web-framework Neatline, developed at the University of Virginia, which is able to manage and visualize heterogeneous data in a common interface. The system was extended with a functionality to store and display XML-encoded texts according to the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Furthermore, every entry in the journals is connected to a date or a timespan displayed in a timeline which could also be used to access the text. Beyond this, it is possible to upload or to link scientific articles to monuments, artifacts or archaeological sites mentioned by Euting. All geographical information in the diary can be directly connected to different maps provided within the system. Kurzfassung Ende des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts bereiste der Orientalist Julius Euting mehrmals den Vorderen Orient, um sich der Erforschung und Aufzeichnung vorislamischer Denkmäler und Inschriften zu widmen. In seinen Tagebüchern finden sich zahllose Beschreibungen, Skizzen, Aquarelle und Karten der von ihm besuchten Orte und Monumente. Sämtliche handschriftlichen Aufzeichnungen Eutings befinden sich in der Tübinger Universitätsbibliothek und wurden anlässlich seines einhundertsten Todestages 2013 digitalisiert und der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. 2 Ziel des Projektes des Tübinger eScience-Centers ist es, sämtliche Quellen und Objekte über ein gemeinsames Portal digital erfahrbar zu machen und somit einen Beitrag zur Geschichte der Orientforschung zu leisten. Bisher wurden ausgewählte Bereiche der ersten Nordsyrien-Reise Eutings von 1889 bis 1890 entsprechend codiert und in das System überführt. 3 Als technische Basis dient das an der Universität von Virginia entwickelte Neatline, 4 welches ein komplexes Content-Management-System zur Verwaltung und Anzeige von Texten, Karten und Bildern geisteswissenschaftlicher Kontexte darstellt. Dem Nutzer ist es so möglich, parallel zum handschriftlichen Text und der Transkription, Eutings Weg auf der Karte zu verfolgen. Als Kartengrundlage steht neben den herkömmlichen Webkartendienst wie Google Maps
The excavation of the Austrian Mission on the central ridge of Velia, conducted during May and Ju... more The excavation of the Austrian Mission on the central ridge of Velia, conducted during May and July 2013, focused once again on the so-called terrace of Zeus (sacred area n. 8) and the sacred area n. 9 above it concluding thus a three-year research project. In the area of the terrace of Zeus we completed the documentation of the terrace wall by a study of the stairs on the south side. In addition we studied the west side of the terrace in its northern part where the only evidence for the course of the delimitation is given by cuts and some foundation trenches in the natural rock. The existence of two clearly diverging directions seems to confirm that the terrace was rebuilt at least once. In this area we also continued the documentation of the quarry identified here in 2012. Most probably it can be connected to the construction of the fortification walls in the 4 th c. BC.

La Parola del Passato. Rivista di studi antichi, 2015
This contribution summarizes the results of the new exploration of the huge terrace of Zeus, cult... more This contribution summarizes the results of the new exploration of the huge terrace of Zeus, cult place no. 8, on the central ridge of Velia that have been conducted by the University of Vienna in 2008-13. Such a monumental terrace, already excavated and partly rebuilt in the last century, represents the largest sanctuary of Velia and is – together with the overlying terrace of cult place no. 9 – the last of a series of sanctuaries chiefly active f rom the late 4th to the 2nd cent. b.C. An inquiry into the building technique, as well as into the typology of the complex, with parallels in the Eastern Aegean, allows to suppose that this large terrace was built in the course of the 3rd cent. b.C. on the site of an older cult place completely destroyed by the new construction. Important new insights were obtained by the study of the famous altar for which now two phases seem to be likely. The investigations included also the period prior to the building of the terrace and led to the discovery of a large quarry presumably
connected with the reconstruction of the city walls at the beginning of the 4th cent. b.C.
Akten des 15. Österreichischen Archäologentages in Innsbruck 27.Februar−1. März 2014, 2016
Remains of the earliest phase (marked red) could only be observed in the western room where a nor... more Remains of the earliest phase (marked red) could only be observed in the western room where a north-south oriented wall was excavated. Some stone slabs and remains of a wall in the southern part of middle room may also have belonged to this phase. Thus, already for this period a building in antis could be assumed.

in: Digital Classics Online (DCO), 2015
At the end of the 19th century, the orientalist Julius Euting traveled several times to the Middl... more At the end of the 19th century, the orientalist Julius Euting traveled several times to the Middle East to investigate and to record pre-Islamic monuments, artifacts, and inscriptions. His journals and sketchbooks are preserved in the University Library of Tübingen where they recently were completely digitized. The aim of the presented project is to connect these texts with additional sources and data in a common interface.
This system is based on the web-framework Neatline, developed at the University of Virginia, which is able to manage and visualize heterogeneous data in a common interface. The system was extended with a functionality to store and display XML-encoded texts according to the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Furthermore, every entry in the journals is connected to a date or a time-span displayed in a timeline which could also be used to access the text. Beyond this, it is possible to upload or to link scientific articles to monuments, artifacts or archaeological sites mentioned by Euting. All geographical information in the diary can be directly connected to different maps provided within the system.
The excavation of the Austrian Mission on the central ridge of Velia, conducted during May and Ju... more The excavation of the Austrian Mission on the central ridge of Velia, conducted during May and July 2013, focused once again on the so-called terrace of Zeus (sacred area n. 8) and the sacred area n. 9 above it concluding thus a three-year research project. In the area of the terrace of Zeus we completed the documentation of the terrace wall by a study of the stairs on the south side. In addition we studied the west side of the terrace in its northern part where the only evidence for the course of the delimitation is given by cuts and some foundation trenches in the natural rock. The existence of two clearly diverging directions seems to confirm that the terrace was rebuilt at least once. In this area we also continued the documentation of the quarry identified here in 2012. Most probably it can be connected to the construction of the fortification walls in the 4 th c. BC.
Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliog... more Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abruf bar.
Conference Presentations by Dieta F Svoboda
Remains of the earliest phase (marked red) could only be observed in the western room where a nor... more Remains of the earliest phase (marked red) could only be observed in the western room where a north-south oriented wall was excavated. Some stone slabs and remains of a wall in the southern part of middle room may also have belonged to this phase. Thus, already for this period a building in antis could be assumed.
Papers by Dieta F Svoboda
connected with the reconstruction of the city walls at the beginning of the 4th cent. b.C.
This system is based on the web-framework Neatline, developed at the University of Virginia, which is able to manage and visualize heterogeneous data in a common interface. The system was extended with a functionality to store and display XML-encoded texts according to the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Furthermore, every entry in the journals is connected to a date or a time-span displayed in a timeline which could also be used to access the text. Beyond this, it is possible to upload or to link scientific articles to monuments, artifacts or archaeological sites mentioned by Euting. All geographical information in the diary can be directly connected to different maps provided within the system.
Conference Presentations by Dieta F Svoboda
connected with the reconstruction of the city walls at the beginning of the 4th cent. b.C.
This system is based on the web-framework Neatline, developed at the University of Virginia, which is able to manage and visualize heterogeneous data in a common interface. The system was extended with a functionality to store and display XML-encoded texts according to the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Furthermore, every entry in the journals is connected to a date or a time-span displayed in a timeline which could also be used to access the text. Beyond this, it is possible to upload or to link scientific articles to monuments, artifacts or archaeological sites mentioned by Euting. All geographical information in the diary can be directly connected to different maps provided within the system.
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This system is based on the web-framework Neatline, developed at the University of Virginia (Scholar’s Lab 2015) to manage and visualize heterogeneous data within a common interface. The system was extended with a functionality to store and display XML-encoded texts according to the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI Consortium 2015a).
Furthermore, every entry in the journals is connected to a date or a time-span displayed in a timeline that could also be used to access the text. Beyond this, it is possible to upload or to link scientific articles to monuments, artefacts or archaeological sites mentioned by Euting. All geographical information in the diary can be directly connected to different maps provided within the system.
Besides the technical basics, the paper will discuss also scientific possibilities and values of digital presentations and publication in general.