Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Wydział Filologiczny
This paper examines the variety of language used by the community of Twitch.tv with the application of descriptive and corpus-based methods. Twitch.tv is one of the world's most visited websites for live broadcasting of video games; the... more
In this paper I present a corpus-based study of the interference of the verb say from English source texts into their Polish translations. I compare a sizeable corpus of native Polish fiction with corpora of English-Polish fiction... more
An analysis of a translated literary text requires a critical approach which should be as objective as possible. Even though quantitative methods (such as corpus analysis) are accurate and provide the researchers with specific data, they... more
Aim. The aim of this paper is to present and exemplify a number of basic uses of corpus-based text analysis tools that can supplement and provide additional insight for an otherwise qualitative analysis of a text. I attempt to show that... more
Aim. The aim of this paper is to present and exemplify a number of basic uses of corpus-based text analysis tools that can supplement and provide additional insight for an otherwise qualitative analysis of a text. I attempt to show that... more
Gerald Gutek (2003: 15) definiuje szkołę jako wyspecjalizowaną instytucję społeczną, której głównym zadaniem jest nauczanie młodych ludzi potrzebnych umiejętności, przekazywanie im wiedzy i wpajanie określonych wartości. Jednym z głównych... more
Mianem najważniejszego zasobu ekonomicznego współczesnej gospodarki Joseph E. Stiglitz, jeden z klasyków myśli ekonomicznej i laureat Nagrody Nobla z 2001 roku, określił i n f o r m a c j ę. Opinia taka mogła pojawić się dzięki zmianom... more
Linguistic landscape of contemporary Poland: back to the future? The situation of the Polish language, approached from the perspective of the today’s language policy, is stable. New phenomena include emancipation of dialects (particularly... more
The objective of the experiment described in the article was the evaluation of Polish digital resources searchable by the engine Europeana. Queries were created so as to represent proportional shares of common names, named entities and... more