Papers by Mariafilomena Anzalone
Patografie 1922-2022 - in "Studi Jaspersiani" , 2023
Faced with the scant interest psychiatry of his time showed in patient’s biographical histories, ... more Faced with the scant interest psychiatry of his time showed in patient’s biographical histories, Jaspers draws attention to this important resource of clinical practice and psychopathological investigation. In this context, he makes, over the years, a series of methodological observations on the writing of biographical histories of the sick, dedicating,
in General Psychopathology, a specific paragraph to what he calls the «art» of writing
Krankengeschichten. In this essay, by retracing some of the cores of Jaspers’ reflection on
biographische Krankengeschichte, we will dwell on the critical points that emerge in
its realisation and the solutions that Jaspers identifies to overcome them. We will defend
the thesis that his indications on how to draw up good and useful Krankengeschichten,
rather than aiming at constructing a rigid canon of medical-biographical narration, have
the aim of avoiding two specular risks: that of indeterminateness and that of arbitrariness.
Moral Dilemmas. Trolley problem and beyond. "Paradigmi", 2022
Agents who have experienced a moral conflict often perceive a particularly strong discrepancy bet... more Agents who have experienced a moral conflict often perceive a particularly strong discrepancy between a negative emotional state and the awareness that, if they could ever go back, they would confirm the choice made. This dissonance is seen as typical of the feeling of regret, to which Bernard Williams has drawn attention. In this essay, I will investigate his main claims in the light of some objections raised by Richard Mervyn Hare and Philippa Foot. In particular, I will explore the meaning of regret in those cases in which the agents believe they have acted for the best or at any rate according to the principles of a coherent ethical theory. To this end, I will review some cases of moral conflict in which some ethically valid reasons for subordinating one moral obligation to the other seem to be available to the agents.
RECOGNITION OF LIFE. Theoretical, Ethical and Political Perspectives, "ITINERARI", LX, 2021
In Adam Smith's ethics of sympathy, recognition is closely linked to seeking approval and esteem ... more In Adam Smith's ethics of sympathy, recognition is closely linked to seeking approval and esteem from other social actors. In the light of the undoubtedly great importance granted by Smith to social approval a series of questions arise, such as: Does the search for recognition necessarily imply the adoption by the individual of mimetic behaviours which, by replicating what is socially shared, guarantee approval and esteem? And to what extent does mimesis require a capacity for fiction? In this regard, is it not the case that individual moral evaluations risk being reduced to the conformist reverberation of those of society? The aim of this essay is first of all to understand in which terms Smith, in his Theory of Moral Sentiments, understands the link between mimesis, fiction and recognition. To this end, the role played by mimesis and fiction will be scrutinised along the various interconnected dimensions that structure the complex phenomenon of recognition: the emotional, the one linked to public success, and the moral one. Finally, in the light of the peculiar account on mimesis developed by Smith on aesthetic grounds, also the ethical implications of this link will be discussed.
The Owl's Flight, 2021
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibli... more Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at
Estetica. Studi e ricerche, 2018
La nostra incapacità di capire il punto di vista degli altri, le loro esperienze e i loro sentime... more La nostra incapacità di capire il punto di vista degli altri, le loro esperienze e i loro sentimenti sono alla base del pregiudizio, del conflitto e della disuguaglianza: l'empatia è l'antidoto di cui abbiamo bisogno» 1 . Con queste parole, il filosofo sociale Roman Krznaric, autore del volume Empathy: Why It Matters, and How to Get It 2 , fondatore dell'Empathy Museum 3 , esprime la convinzione che l'empatia, praticata a livello collettivo, possa contrastare la logica del "noi" contro "loro" su cui si basano le politiche di esclusione sociale, le forme più o meno esplicite di razzismo, così come gli attuali movimenti sovranisti.
Al centro di questo saggio c'è il confronto tra due medici e pensatori: Karl Jaspers e Viktor von... more Al centro di questo saggio c'è il confronto tra due medici e pensatori: Karl Jaspers e Viktor von Weizsäcker. I loro rapporti, a lungo caratterizzati da stima e reciproco rispetto, si interrompono negli anni Cinquanta in seguito alla durissima polemica intrapresa da Jaspers negli scritti Zur Kritik der Psychoanalyse (1950), Die Idee des Arztes (1953), Arzt und Patient (1953). Weizsäcker viene accusato di aspirare ad una «rivoluzione totale della medicina», nefasta per la scienza e pericolosa per i malati, che Jaspers intende contrastare pubblicamente. Nel saggio, prendendo le mosse da quanto Jaspers scrive sulle ricerche di Weizsäcker nella quarta edizione della Psicopatologia generale, proverò a ricostruire le ragioni di questa controversia in cui viene in primo piano l'interrogazione, sempre attuale, sull'incerto statuto epistemologico della medicina.
Hegel-Jahrbuch, 2016
Thema meines Vortrages ist die Bedeutung und Rolle Kants für Hegels erste Überlegungen über die P... more Thema meines Vortrages ist die Bedeutung und Rolle Kants für Hegels erste Überlegungen über die Psychologie und die psychologischen Strukturen des Subjekts.¹ Hegels Interesse an der Psychologie besteht seine gesamte Jugendzeit über fort und ndet im Manuskript zur Psychologie und Transzendentalphilosophie aus dem Jahr 1794 ein erstes bedeutsames Zeugnis. Dieses Manuskript steht im Mittelpunkt meines Beitrages, der sich in zwei Teile gliedert. Zunächst werde ich das Manuskript analysieren, seinen Inhalt darstellen und dabei insbesondere auf die darin enthaltenen Verweise auf Kant eingehen.² Im zweiten Teil werde ich den Sinn dieser Verweise aufzeigen und der Frage nachgehen, inwiefern Hegels Studium der kantischen Philosophie zur Entwicklung seiner Psychologie beigetragen hat.
In his works, and especially in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel often uses literary references... more In his works, and especially in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel often uses literary references. Among them, we can find also some characters that, in Hegel's view, embody a worst aspect of the modern subject, "the ethical infirmity", the inability to act, to realize themselves objectifying their inner determinations. Characters of this kind are Allwill and Woldemar, protagonists of two homonymous novels of Jacobi, that Hegel critically analyzes in Faith and Knowledge. Through the Hegelian analysis of these two literary figures, we will try to highlight the features and causes of this "ethical infirmity", showing how Hegel see it as a one of the diseases to which it is structurally exposed the modern subjectivity.
Papers by Mariafilomena Anzalone
in General Psychopathology, a specific paragraph to what he calls the «art» of writing
Krankengeschichten. In this essay, by retracing some of the cores of Jaspers’ reflection on
biographische Krankengeschichte, we will dwell on the critical points that emerge in
its realisation and the solutions that Jaspers identifies to overcome them. We will defend
the thesis that his indications on how to draw up good and useful Krankengeschichten,
rather than aiming at constructing a rigid canon of medical-biographical narration, have
the aim of avoiding two specular risks: that of indeterminateness and that of arbitrariness.
in General Psychopathology, a specific paragraph to what he calls the «art» of writing
Krankengeschichten. In this essay, by retracing some of the cores of Jaspers’ reflection on
biographische Krankengeschichte, we will dwell on the critical points that emerge in
its realisation and the solutions that Jaspers identifies to overcome them. We will defend
the thesis that his indications on how to draw up good and useful Krankengeschichten,
rather than aiming at constructing a rigid canon of medical-biographical narration, have
the aim of avoiding two specular risks: that of indeterminateness and that of arbitrariness.
razionalità: tutti questi elementi entrano in gioco quando vogliamo qualcosa. Per Hegel essi non sono semplicemente
in relazione con il nostro volere, ma lo costituiscono: sono le
forme che assume l’attività dello spirito entro se stesso quando si
fa pratico, quando intraprende il percorso di produzione del proprio mondo. Nella psicologia Hegel si arresta alle soglie della
costruzione di questo mondo: non entra nel merito di ciò che lo
spirito pratico realizza a partire dalla posizione dei suoi scopi ma
rende ragione delle spinte, delle pulsioni, dei moventi che ne
sono alla base, facendo emergere l’aspetto distintivo che caratterizza i diversi contenuti assunti come fini dalla volontà. Il libro, a partire da una ricostruzione dell’originale prospettiva della
psicologia di Hegel, analizza la sua concezione del volere e la
pone in relazione al dibattito filosofico del tempo. L’idea hegeliana di una volontà che si sviluppa lungo l’arco che va dal sentire al pensare viene letta come il tentativo di ricomporre la scissione kantiana tra sentire e volere, senza cadere in qualche forma di romantica esaltazione del sentimento.
The volume aims to analyze from a co-evolutionary perspective the relationship between human and machinic autonomy in the medical field to understand whether it, in the light of later developments in AI, can be a harbinger of descriptive innovations and normative implications, which, while considering the risks and difficulties of this paradigm shift, expand rather than restrict individual autonomy and societal autonomy.
In particular, we will only accept proposals focused on the following topics:
1. Medic decision-making autonomy and developments in Digital Medicine: ethical issues arose by the automation of diagnostic processes and the use of predictive algorithms for prognosis and treatment.
2. Personal patient autonomy and Digital Health: privacy and personal data protection; autonomous health management and new treatment paradigms.
3. Datafication and medical practice: automatic data collection and narrative information produced by patients, how does the doctor-patient relationship change?
4. The bioethical principle of autonomy in a digitalized world.
The topic is addressed from an ethical perspective and can be treated with reference to the following issues:
1. What are the possible risks of dehumanisation associated with the emergence of increasingly complex and efficient forms of artificial intelligence?
2. How can AI and the proper use of algorithms be regulated?
3. How can AI be used to promote human capabilities such as autonomy and power?
4. How do algorithms act on issues of freedom and personal identity?
5. How does the concept of responsibility change in a context of actions mediated by artificial intelligence?
6. What impact can the development of emotional AI forms have on human-machine interaction?
7. What are the disruptive effects of an unlimited use of AI?
8. How should we respond to the fact that the AI industry creates new forms of inequality in terms of monopolies and concentrations of wealth?
9. What prospects does collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence open up in areas that have long been typically human (such as the arts, engineering or health care)?
The deadline for submissions to this discussion is September 20, 2024. The contributions, between 15,000 and 30,000 characters in length, must be uploaded in anonymized form at this link:
The Prize will be awarded to an unpublished essay of a young researcher (Ph.D or Ph.D student) who is not over 32 years old.
Nominations are individual and can include self-nominations.
Allowed essays in Italian, German, English, French, Spanish (max. 40.000 characters) devoted to the analysis or to the development of an aspect of Karl Jaspers philosophy.
The submission process is open until June 5th, 2021.
Applications must be submitted filling in the following Google form: and they must contain:
• personal data and contact details;
• the title of the essay;
• the academic position (admission in the PhD, PhD Degree);
• Curriculum vitae et studiorum (pdf format);
• The text of the essay submitted for nomination (max.40.000 characters, spaces included), complete with English abstract (word format).
Incomplete or late nominations will not be taken into account.
The winning essay and, possibly contributions considered worthy of mention, will be awarded on the occasion of the annual ceremony of the Karl Jaspers Prize and published on the number IX/2021 of the “Studi Jaspersiani” Journal, in the dedicated section to Karl Jaspers Prize.
For information, write to: