Papers by Stefan Leuthold
Dieser Report umfasst Einschätzungen und Meinungen von 42 Intranet Managern aus mittleren und gro... more Dieser Report umfasst Einschätzungen und Meinungen von 42 Intranet Managern aus mittleren und grossen Schweizer Unternehmen, welche an einem Interview teilgenommen und einen detaillierten Fragebogen ausgefüllt haben. Die untersuchten Themen umfassen die Strategie des Intranets, organisatorische Fragestellungen, Budget und Budgetverwendung, operatives Management und eingesetzte Software. Daneben wurden über 900 Onlinefragebogen von Intranet-Benutzern ausgewertet.
Common literature about cosmological perturbation theory starts with the harmonic decomposition o... more Common literature about cosmological perturbation theory starts with the harmonic decomposition of perturbations and goes a long way deriving and explaining the perturbation equations.
Computers in Human …, Jan 1, 2011
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Interacting with …, Jan 1, 2009
In this study, a simple but important user interface design choice is examined: when marking requ... more In this study, a simple but important user interface design choice is examined: when marking required-fields in online forms, should GUI designers stick with the often used asterisk that many form design guidelines cite as the de-facto web standard, or should they choose a colored background as a new design solution to visually signal which input fields are required? An experiment with 24 participants was conducted to test the hypotheses that efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction ratings of colored required-fields exceed those of ...
International Journal of Human- …, Jan 1, 2008
Websites do not become usable just because their content is accessible. For people who are blind,... more Websites do not become usable just because their content is accessible. For people who are blind, the application of the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) often might not even make a significant difference in terms of efficiency, errors or satisfaction in website usage. This paper documents the development of nine guidelines to construct an enhanced text user interface (ETI) as an alternative to the graphical user interface (GUI). An experimental design with 39 blind participants executing a search and a navigation task ...
Papers by Stefan Leuthold