University of Fribourg
Dept. of Social Sciences
he maintenance of high participation rates is a crucial issue for panel surveys. Because losses of participants do not tend to be random, high initial and continuing participation rates are the best solution to ensure accurate... more
The production of social research publications presents an important moment in the professional lifespan of INSTAT. The Population and Housing Census of 2001, as well as the Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) of 2002, were used as... more
The paper explores power relations in Russia and the corresponding structures of personalized trust on the base of an analysis of three different types of distinctions and relations: state (capacity) vs. society, institutionalized power... more
Desde Seoveinte hemos organizado un concurso de Seo y a lo largo de estos días os desgranaremos todo lo necesario para participar. Pero, como ya os hemos comentado en otras ocasiones, en este tipo de concursos como en el SEO en general... more
The World Heritage cultural property “Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region” is Japan’s 22nd World Heritage (WH) property as of June 2018. The nomination of a national property for inscription on the World Heritage List is a... more
What are the visible signs of democracy?